1,120 research outputs found

    Discourse structure and information structure : interfaces and prosodic realization

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    In this paper we review the current state of research on the issue of discourse structure (DS) / information structure (IS) interface. This field has received a lot of attention from discourse semanticists and pragmatists, and has made substantial progress in recent years. In this paper we summarize the relevant studies. In addition, we look at the issue of DS/ISinteraction at a different level—that of phonetics. It is known that both information structure and discourse structure can be realized prosodically, but the issue of phonetic interaction between the prosodic devices they employ has hardly ever been discussed in this context. We think that a proper consideration of this aspect of DS/IS-interaction would enrich our understanding of the phenomenon, and hence we formulate some related research-programmatic positions

    Supervision distante pour l'apprentissage de structures discursives dans les conversations multi-locuteurs

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    L'objectif principal de cette thèse est d'améliorer l'inférence automatique pour la modélisation et la compréhension des communications humaines. En particulier, le but est de faciliter considérablement l'analyse du discours afin d'implémenter, au niveau industriel, des outils d'aide à l'exploration des conversations. Il s'agit notamment de la production de résumés automatiques, de recommandations, de la détection des actes de dialogue, de l'identification des décisions, de la planification et des relations sémantiques entre les actes de dialogue afin de comprendre les dialogues. Dans les conversations à plusieurs locuteurs, il est important de comprendre non seulement le sens de l'énoncé d'un locuteur et à qui il s'adresse, mais aussi les relations sémantiques qui le lient aux autres énoncés de la conversation et qui donnent lieu à différents fils de discussion. Une réponse doit être reconnue comme une réponse à une question particulière ; un argument, comme un argument pour ou contre une proposition en cours de discussion ; un désaccord, comme l'expression d'un point de vue contrasté par rapport à une autre idée déjà exprimée. Malheureusement, les données de discours annotées à la main et de qualités sont coûteuses et prennent du temps, et nous sommes loin d'en avoir assez pour entraîner des modèles d'apprentissage automatique traditionnels, et encore moins des modèles d'apprentissage profond. Il est donc nécessaire de trouver un moyen plus efficace d'annoter en structures discursives de grands corpus de conversations multi-locuteurs, tels que les transcriptions de réunions ou les chats. Un autre problème est qu'aucune quantité de données ne sera suffisante pour permettre aux modèles d'apprentissage automatique d'apprendre les caractéristiques sémantiques des relations discursives sans l'aide d'un expert ; les données sont tout simplement trop rares. Les relations de longue distance, dans lesquelles un énoncé est sémantiquement connecté non pas à l'énoncé qui le précède immédiatement, mais à un autre énoncé plus antérieur/tôt dans la conversation, sont particulièrement difficiles et rares, bien que souvent centrales pour la compréhension. Notre objectif dans cette thèse a donc été non seulement de concevoir un modèle qui prédit la structure du discours pour une conversation multipartite sans nécessiter de grandes quantités de données annotées manuellement, mais aussi de développer une approche qui soit transparente et explicable afin qu'elle puisse être modifiée et améliorée par des experts.The main objective of this thesis is to improve the automatic capture of semantic information with the goal of modeling and understanding human communication. We have advanced the state of the art in discourse parsing, in particular in the retrieval of discourse structure from chat, in order to implement, at the industrial level, tools to help explore conversations. These include the production of automatic summaries, recommendations, dialogue acts detection, identification of decisions, planning and semantic relations between dialogue acts in order to understand dialogues. In multi-party conversations it is important to not only understand the meaning of a participant's utterance and to whom it is addressed, but also the semantic relations that tie it to other utterances in the conversation and give rise to different conversation threads. An answer must be recognized as an answer to a particular question; an argument, as an argument for or against a proposal under discussion; a disagreement, as the expression of a point of view contrasted with another idea already expressed. Unfortunately, capturing such information using traditional supervised machine learning methods from quality hand-annotated discourse data is costly and time-consuming, and we do not have nearly enough data to train these machine learning models, much less deep learning models. Another problem is that arguably, no amount of data will be sufficient for machine learning models to learn the semantic characteristics of discourse relations without some expert guidance; the data are simply too sparse. Long distance relations, in which an utterance is semantically connected not to the immediately preceding utterance, but to another utterance from further back in the conversation, are particularly difficult and rare, though often central to comprehension. It is therefore necessary to find a more efficient way to retrieve discourse structures from large corpora of multi-party conversations, such as meeting transcripts or chats. This is one goal this thesis achieves. In addition, we not only wanted to design a model that predicts discourse structure for multi-party conversation without requiring large amounts of hand-annotated data, but also to develop an approach that is transparent and explainable so that it can be modified and improved by experts. The method detailed in this thesis achieves this goal as well

    The significance of silence. Long gaps attenuate the preference for ‘yes’ responses in conversation.

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    In conversation, negative responses to invitations, requests, offers and the like more often occur with a delay – conversation analysts talk of them as dispreferred. Here we examine the contrastive cognitive load ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses make, either when given relatively fast (300 ms) or delayed (1000 ms). Participants heard minidialogues, with turns extracted from a spoken corpus, while having their EEG recorded. We find that a fast ‘no’ evokes an N400-effect relative to a fast ‘yes’, however this contrast is not present for delayed responses. This shows that an immediate response is expected to be positive – but this expectation disappears as the response time lengthens because now in ordinary conversation the probability of a ‘no’ has increased. Additionally, however, 'No' responses elicit a late frontal positivity both when they are fast and when they are delayed. Thus, regardless of the latency of response, a ‘no’ response is associated with a late positivity, since a negative response is always dispreferred and may require an account. Together these results show that negative responses to social actions exact a higher cognitive load, but especially when least expected, as an immediate response

    Towards unification of discourse annotation frameworks

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    Funding: The author is funded by University of St Andrews-China Scholarship Council joint scholarship (NO.202008300012).Discourse information is difficult to represent and annotate. Among the major frameworks for annotating discourse information, RST, PDTB and SDRT are widely discussed and used, each having its own theoretical foundation and focus. Corpora annotated under different frameworks vary considerably. To make better use of the existing discourse corpora and achieve the possible synergy of different frameworks, it is worthwhile to investigate the systematic relations between different frameworks and devise methods of unifying the frameworks. Although the issue of framework unification has been a topic of discussion for a long time, there is currently no comprehensive approach which considers unifying both discourse structure and discourse relations and evaluates the unified framework intrinsically and extrinsically. We plan to use automatic means for the unification task and evaluate the result with structural complexity and downstream tasks. We will also explore the application of the unified framework in multi-task learning and graphical models.Publisher PD

    Automatic discourse structure generation using rhetorical structure theory

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    This thesis addresses a difficult problem in text processing: creating a System to automatically derive rhetorical structures of text. Although the rhetorical structure has proven to be useful in many fields of text processing such as text summarisation and information extraction, Systems that automatically generate rhetorical structures with high accuracy are difficult to find. This is because discourse is one of the biggest and yet least well defined areas in linguistics. An agreement amongst researchers on the best method for analysing the rhetorical structure of text has not been found. This thesis focuses on investigating a method to generate the rhetorical structures of text. By exploiting different cohesive devices, it proposes a method to recognise rhetorical relations between spans by checking for the appearance of these devices. These factors include cue phrases, noun-phrase cues, verb-phrase cues, reference words, time references, substitution words, ellipses, and syntactic information. The discourse analyser is divided into two levels: sentence-level and text-level. The former uses syntactic information and cue phrases to segment sentences into elementary discourse units and to generate a rhetorical structure for each sentence. The latter derives rhetorical relations between large spans and then replaces each sentence by its corresponding rhetorical structure to produce the rhetorical structure of text. The rhetorical structure at the text-level is derived by selecting rhetorical relations to connect adjacent and non-overlapping spans to form a discourse structure that covers the entire text. Constraints of textual organisation and textual adjacency are effectively used in a beam search to reduce the search space in generating such rhetorical structures. Experiments carried out in this research received 89.4% F-score for the discourse segmentation, 52.4% F-score for the sentence-level discourse analyser and 38.1% F-score for the final output of the System. It shows that this approach provides good performance comparison with current research in discourse