9 research outputs found

    On the Security of Hash Functions Employing Blockcipher Postprocessing

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    Analyzing desired generic properties of hash functions is an important current area in cryptography.For example, in Eurocrypt 2009, Dodis, Ristenpart and Shrimpton [7] introduced the elegant notion of “Preimage Awareness” (PrA) of a hash function HP , and they showed that a PrA hash function followed by an output transformation modeled to be a FIL (fixed input length) random oracle is PRO (pseudorandom oracle) i.e. indifferentiable from a VIL (variable input length) random oracle. We observe that for recent practices in designing hash function (e.g. SHA-3 candidates) most output transformations are based on permutation(s) or blockcipher(s), which are not PRO. Thus, a natural question is how the notion of PrA can be employed directly with these types of more prevalent output transformations? We consider the Davies-Meyer’s type output transformation OT(x) := E(x)xor x where E is an ideal permutation. We prove that OT(HP (·)) is PRO if HP is PrA, preimage resistant and computable message aware (a related but not redundant notion, needed in the analysis that we introduce in the paper). The similar result is also obtained for 12 PGV output transformations. We also observe that some popular double block length output transformations can not be employed as output transformation

    A Unified Indifferentiability Proof for Permutation- or Block Cipher-Based Hash Functions

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    In the recent years, several hash constructions have been introduced that aim at achieving enhanced security margins by strengthening the Merkle-DamgĂĄrd mode. However, their security analysis have been conducted independently and using a variety of proof methodologies. This paper unifies these results by proposing a unique indifferentiability proof that considers a broadened form of the general compression function introduced by Stam at FSE09. This general definition enables us to capture in a realistic model most of the features of the mode of operation ({\em e.g.}, message encoding, blank rounds, message insertion,...) within the pre-processing and post-processing functions. Furthermore, it relies on an inner primitive which can be instantiated either by an ideal block cipher, or by an ideal permutation. Then, most existing hash functions can be seen as the Chop-MD construction applied to some compression function which fits the broadened Stam model. Our result then gives the tightest known indifferentiability bounds for several general modes of operations, including Chop-MD, Haifa or sponges. Moreover, we show that it applies in a quite automatic way, by providing the security bounds for 7 out of the 14 second round SHA-3 candidates, which are in some cases improved over previously known ones

    Revisiting Shared Data Protection Against Key Exposure

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    This paper puts a new light on secure data storage inside distributed systems. Specifically, it revisits computational secret sharing in a situation where the encryption key is exposed to an attacker. It comes with several contributions: First, it defines a security model for encryption schemes, where we ask for additional resilience against exposure of the encryption key. Precisely we ask for (1) indistinguishability of plaintexts under full ciphertext knowledge, (2) indistinguishability for an adversary who learns: the encryption key, plus all but one share of the ciphertext. (2) relaxes the "all-or-nothing" property to a more realistic setting, where the ciphertext is transformed into a number of shares, such that the adversary can't access one of them. (1) asks that, unless the user's key is disclosed, noone else than the user can retrieve information about the plaintext. Second, it introduces a new computationally secure encryption-then-sharing scheme, that protects the data in the previously defined attacker model. It consists in data encryption followed by a linear transformation of the ciphertext, then its fragmentation into shares, along with secret sharing of the randomness used for encryption. The computational overhead in addition to data encryption is reduced by half with respect to state of the art. Third, it provides for the first time cryptographic proofs in this context of key exposure. It emphasizes that the security of our scheme relies only on a simple cryptanalysis resilience assumption for blockciphers in public key mode: indistinguishability from random, of the sequence of diferentials of a random value. Fourth, it provides an alternative scheme relying on the more theoretical random permutation model. It consists in encrypting with sponge functions in duplex mode then, as before, secret-sharing the randomness

    Design and Analysis of Multi-Block-Length Hash Functions

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    Cryptographic hash functions are used in many cryptographic applications, and the design of provably secure hash functions (relative to various security notions) is an active area of research. Most of the currently existing hash functions use the Merkle-DamgĂĄrd paradigm, where by appropriate iteration the hash function inherits its collision and preimage resistance from the underlying compression function. Compression functions can either be constructed from scratch or be built using well-known cryptographic primitives such as a blockcipher. One classic type of primitive-based compression functions is single-block-length : It contains designs that have an output size matching the output length n of the underlying primitive. The single-block-length setting is well-understood. Yet even for the optimally secure constructions, the (time) complexity of collision- and preimage-finding attacks is at most 2n/2, respectively 2n ; when n = 128 (e.g., Advanced Encryption Standard) the resulting bounds have been deemed unacceptable for current practice. As a remedy, multi-block-length primitive-based compression functions, which output more than n bits, have been proposed. This output expansion is typically achieved by calling the primitive multiple times and then combining the resulting primitive outputs in some clever way. In this thesis, we study the collision and preimage resistance of certain types of multi-call multi-block-length primitive-based compression (and the corresponding Merkle-DamgĂĄrd iterated hash) functions : Our contribution is three-fold. First, we provide a novel framework for blockcipher-based compression functions that compress 3n bits to 2n bits and that use two calls to a 2n-bit key blockcipher with block-length n. We restrict ourselves to two parallel calls and analyze the sufficient conditions to obtain close-to-optimal collision resistance, either in the compression function or in the Merkle-DamgĂĄrd iteration. Second, we present a new compression function h: {0,1}3n → {0,1}2n ; it uses two parallel calls to an ideal primitive (public random function) from 2n to n bits. This is similar to MDC-2 or the recently proposed MJH by Lee and Stam (CT-RSA'11). However, unlike these constructions, already in the compression function we achieve that an adversary limited (asymptotically in n) to O (22n(1-δ)/3) queries (for any δ > 0) has a disappearing advantage to find collisions. This is the first construction of this type offering collision resistance beyond 2n/2 queries. Our final contribution is the (re)analysis of the preimage and collision resistance of the Knudsen-Preneel compression functions in the setting of public random functions. Knudsen-Preneel compression functions utilize an [r,k,d] linear error-correcting code over 𝔽2e (for e > 1) to build a compression function from underlying blockciphers operating in the Davies-Meyer mode. Knudsen and Preneel show, in the complexity-theoretic setting, that finding collisions takes time at least 2(d-1)n2. Preimage resistance, however, is conjectured to be the square of the collision resistance. Our results show that both the collision resistance proof and the preimage resistance conjecture of Knudsen and Preneel are incorrect : With the exception of two of the proposed parameters, the Knudsen-Preneel compression functions do not achieve the security level they were designed for

    The Design and Analysis of Symmetric Cryptosystems

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    Better Than Advertised: Improved Collision-Resistance Guarantees for MD-Based Hash Functions

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    The MD transform that underlies the MD and SHA families iterates a compression function h\mathsf{h} to get a hash function H\mathsf{H}. The question we ask is, what property X of h\mathsf{h} guarantees collision resistance (CR) of H\mathsf{H}? The classical answer is that X itself be CR. We show that weaker conditions X, in particular forms of what we call constrained-CR, suffice. This reduces demands on compression functions, to the benefit of security, and also, forensically, explains why collision-finding attacks on compression functions have not, historically, lead to immediate breaks of the corresponding hash functions. We obtain our results via a definitional framework called RS security, and a parameterized treatment of MD, that also serve to unify prior work and variants of the transform

    Lift-and-Shift: Obtaining Simulation Extractable Subversion and Updatable SNARKs Generically

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    Zero-knowledge proofs and in particular succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (so called zk-SNARKs) are getting increasingly used in real-world applications, with cryptocurrencies being the prime example. Simulation extractability (SE) is a strong security notion of zk-SNARKs which informally ensures non-malleability of proofs. This property is acknowledged as being highly important by leading companies in this field such as Zcash and supported by various attacks against the malleability of cryptographic primitives in the past. Another problematic issue for the practical use of zk-SNARKs is the requirement of a fully trusted setup, as especially for large-scale decentralized applications finding a trusted party that runs the setup is practically impossible. Quite recently, the study of approaches to relax or even remove the trust in the setup procedure, and in particular subversion as well as updatable zk-SNARKs (with latter being the most promising approach), has been initiated and received considerable attention since then. Unfortunately, so far SE-SNARKs with aforementioned properties are only constructed in an ad-hoc manner and no generic techniques are available. In this paper we are interested in such generic techniques and therefore firstly revisit the only available lifting technique due to Kosba et al. (called COCO) to generically obtain SE-SNARKs. By exploring the design space of many recently proposed SNARK- and STARK-friendly symmetric-key primitives we thereby achieve significant improvements in the prover computation and proof size. Unfortunately, the COCO framework as well as our improved version (called OCOCO) is not compatible with updatable SNARKs. Consequently, we propose a novel generic lifting transformation called Lamassu. It is built using different underlying ideas compared to COCO (and OCOCO). In contrast to COCO it only requires key-homomorphic signatures (which allow to shift keys) covering well studied schemes such as Schnorr or ECDSA. This makes Lamassu highly interesting, as by using the novel concept of so called updatable signatures, which we introduce in this paper, we can prove that Lamassu preserves the subversion and in particular updatable properties of the underlying zk-SNARK. This makes Lamassu the first technique to also generically obtain SE subversion and updatable SNARKs. As its performance compares favorably to OCOCO, Lamassu is an attractive alternative that in contrast to OCOCO is only based on well established cryptographic assumptions

    Context Discovery and Commitment Attacks: How to Break CCM, EAX, SIV, and More

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    A line of recent work has highlighted the importance of context commitment security, which asks that authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) schemes will not decrypt the same adversarially-chosen ciphertext under two different, adversarially-chosen contexts (secret key, nonce, and associated data). Despite a spate of recent attacks, many open questions remain around context commitment; most obviously nothing is known about the commitment security of important schemes such as CCM, EAX, and SIV. We resolve these open questions, and more. Our approach is to, first, introduce a new framework that helps us more granularly define context commitment security in terms of what portions of a context are adversarially controlled. We go on to formulate a new notion, called context discoverability security, which can be viewed as analogous to preimage resistance from the hashing literature. We show that unrestricted context commitment security (the adversary controls all of the two contexts) implies context discoverability security for a class of schemes encompassing most schemes used in practice. Then, we show new context discovery attacks against a wide set of AEAD schemes, including CCM, EAX, SIV, GCM, and OCB3, and, by our general result, this gives new unrestricted context commitment attacks against them. Finally, we consider restricted context commitment security for the original SIV mode, for which no prior attack techniques work (including our context discovery based ones). We are nevertheless able to give a novel O(2n/3)O(2^{n/3}) attack using Wagner\u27s k-tree algorithm for the generalized birthday problem

    Revisiting the Indifferentiability of PGV Hash Functions

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    In this paper, first we point out some flaws in the existing indifferentiability simulations of the pf-MD and the NMAC constructions, and provide new differentiable attacks on the hash functions based these schemes. Afterthat, the indifferentiability of the 20 collision resistant PGV hash functions, which are padded under the pf-MD, the NMAC/HMAC and the chop-MD constructions, are reconsidered. Moreover, we disclose that there exist 4 PGV schemes can be differentiable from a random oracle with the pf-MD among 16 indifferentiable PGV schemes proven by Chang et al. Finally, new indifferentiability simulations are provided for 20 collision-resistant PGV schemes. The simulations exploit that 20 collision-resistant PGV hash functions, which implemented with the NMAC/HMAC and the chop-MD, are indifferentiable from a random oracle. Our result implies that same compression functions under MD variants might have the same security bound with respect to the collision resistance, but quite different in the view of indifferentiability.