275 research outputs found

    Halide: a language and compiler for optimizing parallelism, locality, and recomputation in image processing pipelines

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    Image processing pipelines combine the challenges of stencil computations and stream programs. They are composed of large graphs of different stencil stages, as well as complex reductions, and stages with global or data-dependent access patterns. Because of their complex structure, the performance difference between a naive implementation of a pipeline and an optimized one is often an order of magnitude. Efficient implementations require optimization of both parallelism and locality, but due to the nature of stencils, there is a fundamental tension between parallelism, locality, and introducing redundant recomputation of shared values. We present a systematic model of the tradeoff space fundamental to stencil pipelines, a schedule representation which describes concrete points in this space for each stage in an image processing pipeline, and an optimizing compiler for the Halide image processing language that synthesizes high performance implementations from a Halide algorithm and a schedule. Combining this compiler with stochastic search over the space of schedules enables terse, composable programs to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of real image processing pipelines, and across different hardware architectures, including multicores with SIMD, and heterogeneous CPU+GPU execution. From simple Halide programs written in a few hours, we demonstrate performance up to 5x faster than hand-tuned C, intrinsics, and CUDA implementations optimized by experts over weeks or months, for image processing applications beyond the reach of past automatic compilers.United States. Dept. of Energy (Award DE-SC0005288)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0964004)Intel CorporationCognex CorporationAdobe System

    Halide: a language and compiler for optimizing parallelism, locality, and recomputation in image processing pipelines

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    Image processing pipelines combine the challenges of stencil computations and stream programs. They are composed of large graphs of different stencil stages, as well as complex reductions, and stages with global or data-dependent access patterns. Because of their complex structure, the performance difference between a naive implementation of a pipeline and an optimized one is often an order of magnitude. Efficient implementations require optimization of both parallelism and locality, but due to the nature of stencils, there is a fundamental tension between parallelism, locality, and introducing redundant recomputation of shared values. We present a systematic model of the tradeoff space fundamental to stencil pipelines, a schedule representation which describes concrete points in this space for each stage in an image processing pipeline, and an optimizing compiler for the Halide image processing language that synthesizes high performance implementations from a Halide algorithm and a schedule. Combining this compiler with stochastic search over the space of schedules enables terse, composable programs to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of real image processing pipelines, and across different hardware architectures, including multicores with SIMD, and heterogeneous CPU+GPU execution. From simple Halide programs written in a few hours, we demonstrate performance up to 5x faster than hand-tuned C, intrinsics, and CUDA implementations optimized by experts over weeks or months, for image processing applications beyond the reach of past automatic compilers.United States. Dept. of Energy (Award DE-SC0005288)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0964004)Intel CorporationCognex CorporationAdobe System

    A polyhedral compilation framework for loops with dynamic data-dependent bounds

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    International audienceWe study the parallelizing compilation and loop nest optimization of an important class of programs where counted loops have a dynamic data-dependent upper bound. Such loops are amenable to a wider set of transformations than general while loops with inductively defined termination conditions: for example, the substitution of closed forms for induction variables remains applicable, removing the loop-carried data dependences induced by termination conditions. We propose an automatic compilation approach to parallelize and optimize dynamic counted loops. Our approach relies on affine relations only, as implemented in state-of-the-art polyhedral libraries. Revisiting a state-of-the-art framework to parallelize arbitrary while loops, we introduce additional control dependences on data-dependent predicates. Our method goes beyond the state of the art in fully automating the process, specializing the code generation algorithm to the case of dynamic counted loops and avoiding the introduction of spurious loop-carried dependences. We conduct experiments on representative irregular computations, from dynamic programming, computer vision and finite element methods to sparse matrix linear algebra. We validate that the method is applicable to general affine transformations for locality optimization, vectorization and parallelization

    A loop unrolling method based on machine learning

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    In order to improve the accuracy of loop unrolling factor in the compiler, we propose a loop unrolling method based on improved random decision forest. First, we improve the traditional random decision forest through adding weight value. Second, BSC algorithm based on SMOTE algorithm is proposed to solve the problem of unbalanced data sets. Nearly 1000 loops are selected from several benchmarks, and features extracted from these loops constitute the training set of the loop unrolling factor prediction model. The model has a prediction accuracy of 81 % for the unrolling factor, and the existing Open64 compiler gives 36 % only

    Distributed 3D TSDF Manifold Mapping for Multi-Robot Systems

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new method to perform collaborative real-time dense 3D mapping in a distributed way for a multi-robot system. This method associates a Truncated Signed Distance Function (TSDF) representation with a manifold structure. Each robot owns a private map which is composed of a collection of local TSDF sub-maps called patches that are locally consistent. This private map can be shared to build a public map collecting all the patches created by the robots of the fleet. In order to maintain consistency in the global map, a mechanism of patch alignment and fusion has been added. This work has been integrated in real-time into a mapping stack, which can be used for autonomous navigation in unknown and cluttered environment. Experimental results on a team of wheeled mobile robots are reported to demonstrate the practical interest of the proposed system, in particular for the exploration of unknown areas

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

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    dissertationStencil computations are operations on structured grids. They are frequently found in partial differential equation solvers, making their performance critical to a range of scientific applications. On modern architectures where data movement costs dominate computation, optimizing stencil computations is a challenging task. Typically, domain scientists must reduce and orchestrate data movement to tackle the memory bandwidth and latency bottlenecks. Furthermore, optimized code must map efficiently to ever increasing parallelism on a chip. This dissertation studies several stencils with varying arithmetic intensities, thus requiring contrasting optimization strategies. Stencils traditionally have low arithmetic intensity, making their performance limited by memory bandwidth. Contemporary higher-order stencils are designed to require smaller grids, hence less memory, but are bound by increased floating-point operations. This dissertation develops communication-avoiding optimizations to reduce data movement in memory-bound stencils. For higher-order stencils, a novel transformation, partial sums, is designed to reduce the number of floating-point operations and improve register reuse. These optimizations are implemented in a compiler framework, which is further extended to generate parallel code targeting multicores and graphics processor units (GPUs). The augmented compiler framework is then combined with autotuning to productively address stencil optimization challenges. Autotuning explores a search space of possible implementations of a computation to find the optimal code for an execution context. In this dissertation, autotuning is used to compose sequences of optimizations to drive the augmented compiler framework. This compiler-directed autotuning approach is used to optimize stencils in the context of a linear solver, Geometric Multigrid (GMG). GMG uses sequences of stencil computations, and presents greater optimization challenges than isolated stencils, as interactions between stencils must also be considered. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated by comparing the performance of generated code against manually tuned code, over commercial compiler-generated code, and against analytic performance bounds. Generated code outperforms manually optimized codes on multicores and GPUs. Against Intel's compiler on multicores, generated code achieves up to 4x speedup for stencils, and 3x for the solver. On GPUs, generated code achieves 80% of an analytically computed performance bound

    Unified Polyhedral Modeling of Temporal and Spatial Locality

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    Despite decades of work in this area, the construction of effective loop nest optimizers and parallelizers continues to be challenging due to the increasing diversity of both loop-intensive application workloads and complex memory/computation hierarchies in modern processors. The lack of a systematic approach to optimizing locality and parallelism, with a well-founded data locality model, is a major obstacle to the design of optimizing compilers coping with the variety of software and hardware. Acknowledging the conflicting demands on loop nest optimization, we propose a new unified algorithm for optimizing parallelism and locality in loop nests, that is capable of modeling temporal and spatial effects of multiprocessors and accelerators with deep memory hierarchies and multiple levels of parallelism. It orchestrates a collection of parameterizable optimization problems for locality and parallelism objectives over a polyhedral space of semantics-preserving transformations. The overall problem is not convex and is only constrained by semantics preservation. We discuss the rationale for this unified algorithm, and validate it on a collection of representative computational kernels/benchmarks.Malgré les décennies de travail dans ce domaine, la construction de compilateurs capables de paraléliser et optimiser les nids de boucle reste un problème difficile, dans le contexte d’une augmentation de la diversité des applications calculatoires et de la complexité de la hiérarchie de calcul et de stockage des processeurs modernes. L’absence d’une méthode systématique pour optimiser la localité et le parallélisme, fondée sur un modèle de localité des données pertinent, constitue un obstacle majeur pour prendre en charge la variété des besoins en optimisation de boucles issus du logiciel et du matériel. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme unifié pour l’optimisation du parallélisme et de la localité dans les nids de boucles, capable de modéliser les effets temporels et spatiaux des multiprocesseurs et accélérateurs comportant des hiérarchies profondes de parallélisme et de mémoire. Cet algorithme coordonne la résolution d’une collection de problèmes d’optimisation paramètrés, portant sur des objectifs de localité ou et de parallélisme, dans un espace polyédrique de transformations préservant la sémantique du programme. La conception de cet algorithme fait l’objet d’une discussion systématique, ainsi que d’une validation expérimentale sur des noyaux calculatoires et benchmarks représentatifs

    Explotando jerarquías de memoria distribuida/compartida con Hitmap

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    Actualmente los clústers de computadoras que se utilizan para computación de alto rendimiento se construyen interconectando máquinas de memoria compartida. Como modelo de programación común para este tipo de clústers se puede usar el paradigma del paso de mensajes, lanzando tantos procesos como núcleos disponibles tengamos entre todas las máquinas del clúster. Sin embargo, esta forma de programación no es eficiente. Para conseguir explotar eficientemente estos sistemas jerárquicos es necesario una combinación de diferentes modelos de programación y herramientas, adecuada cada una de ellas para los diferentes niveles de la plataforma de ejecución. Este trabajo presenta un método que facilita la programación para entornos que combinan memoria distribuida y compartida. La coordinación en el nivel de memoria distribuida se facilita usando la biblioteca Hitmap. Mostraremos como integrar Hitmap con modelos de programación para memoria compartida y con herramientas automáticas que paralelizan y optimizan código secuencial. Esta nueva combinación permitirá explotar las técnicas más apropiadas para cada nivel del sistema además de facilitar la generación de programas paralelos multinivel que adaptan automáticamente su estructura de comunicaciones y sincronización a la máquina donde se ejecuta. Los resultados experimentales muestran como la propuesta del trabajo mejora los mejores resultados obtenidos con programas de referencia optimizados manualmente usando MPI u OpenMP.Departamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Máster en Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicacione

    Iterative Schedule Optimization for Parallelization in the Polyhedron Model

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    In high-performance computing, one primary objective is to exploit the performance that the given target hardware can deliver to the fullest. Compilers that have the ability to automatically optimize programs for a specific target hardware can be highly useful in this context. Iterative (or search-based) compilation requires little or no prior knowledge and can adapt more easily to concrete programs and target hardware than static cost models and heuristics. Thereby, iterative compilation helps in situations in which static heuristics do not reflect the combination of input program and target hardware well. Moreover, iterative compilation may enable the derivation of more accurate cost models and heuristics for optimizing compilers. In this context, the polyhedron model is of help as it provides not only a mathematical representation of programs but, more importantly, a uniform representation of complex sequences of program transformations by schedule functions. The latter facilitates the systematic exploration of the set of legal transformations of a given program. Early approaches to purely iterative schedule optimization in the polyhedron model do not limit their search to schedules that preserve program semantics and, thereby, suffer from the need to explore numbers of illegal schedules. More recent research ensures the legality of program transformations but presumes a sequential rather than a parallel execution of the transformed program. Other approaches do not perform a purely iterative optimization. We propose an approach to iterative schedule optimization for parallelization and tiling in the polyhedron model. Our approach targets loop programs that profit from data locality optimization and coarse-grained loop parallelization. The schedule search space can be explored either randomly or by means of a genetic algorithm. To determine a schedule's profitability, we rely primarily on measuring the transformed code's execution time. While benchmarking is accurate, it increases the time and resource consumption of program optimization tremendously and can even make it impractical. We address this limitation by proposing to learn surrogate models from schedules generated and evaluated in previous runs of the iterative optimization and to replace benchmarking by performance prediction to the extent possible. Our evaluation on the PolyBench 4.1 benchmark set reveals that, in a given setting, iterative schedule optimization yields significantly higher speedups in the execution of the program to be optimized. Surrogate performance models learned from training data that was generated during previous iterative optimizations can reduce the benchmarking effort without strongly impairing the optimization result. A prerequisite for this approach is a sufficient similarity between the training programs and the program to be optimized

    Enabling New Functionally Embedded Mechanical Systems Via Cutting, Folding, and 3D Printing

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    Traditional design tools and fabrication methods implicitly prevent mechanical engineers from encapsulating full functionalities such as mobility, transformation, sensing and actuation in the early design concept prototyping stage. Therefore, designers are forced to design, fabricate and assemble individual parts similar to conventional manufacturing, and iteratively create additional functionalities. This results in relatively high design iteration times and complex assembly strategies
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