64 research outputs found

    Query Lifting: Language-integrated query for heterogeneous nested collections

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    Language-integrated query based on comprehension syntax is a powerful technique for safe database programming, and provides a basis for advanced techniques such as query shredding or query flattening that allow efficient programming with complex nested collections. However, the foundations of these techniques are lacking: although SQL, the most widely-used database query language, supports heterogeneous queries that mix set and multiset semantics, these important capabilities are not supported by known correctness results or implementations that assume homogeneous collections. In this paper we study language-integrated query for a heterogeneous query language NRCλ(Set,Bag)NRC_\lambda(Set,Bag) that combines set and multiset constructs. We show how to normalize and translate queries to SQL, and develop a novel approach to querying heterogeneous nested collections, based on the insight that ``local'' query subexpressions that calculate nested subcollections can be ``lifted'' to the top level analogously to lambda-lifting for local function definitions.Comment: Full version of ESOP 2021 conference pape

    Storage Solutions for Big Data Systems: A Qualitative Study and Comparison

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    Big data systems development is full of challenges in view of the variety of application areas and domains that this technology promises to serve. Typically, fundamental design decisions involved in big data systems design include choosing appropriate storage and computing infrastructures. In this age of heterogeneous systems that integrate different technologies for optimized solution to a specific real world problem, big data system are not an exception to any such rule. As far as the storage aspect of any big data system is concerned, the primary facet in this regard is a storage infrastructure and NoSQL seems to be the right technology that fulfills its requirements. However, every big data application has variable data characteristics and thus, the corresponding data fits into a different data model. This paper presents feature and use case analysis and comparison of the four main data models namely document oriented, key value, graph and wide column. Moreover, a feature analysis of 80 NoSQL solutions has been provided, elaborating on the criteria and points that a developer must consider while making a possible choice. Typically, big data storage needs to communicate with the execution engine and other processing and visualization technologies to create a comprehensive solution. This brings forth second facet of big data storage, big data file formats, into picture. The second half of the research paper compares the advantages, shortcomings and possible use cases of available big data file formats for Hadoop, which is the foundation for most big data computing technologies. Decentralized storage and blockchain are seen as the next generation of big data storage and its challenges and future prospects have also been discussed

    Theory and practice of the ternary relations model of information management

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    This thesis proposes a new, highly generalised and fundamental, information-modelling framework called the TRM (Ternary Relations Model). The TRM was designed to be a model for converging a number of differing paradigms of information management, some of which are quite isolated. These include areas such as: hypertext navigation; relational databases; semi-structured databases; the Semantic Web; ZigZag and workflow modelling. While many related works model linking by the connection of two ends, the TRM adds a third element to this, thereby enriching the links with associative meanings. The TRM is a formal description of a technique that establishes bi-directional and dynamic node-link structures in which each link is an ordered triple of three other nodes. The key features that makes the TRM distinct from other triple-based models (such as RDF) is the integration of bi-directionality, functional links and simplicity in the definition and elements hierarchy. There are two useful applications of the TRM. Firstly it may be used as a tool for the analysis of information models, to elucidate connections and parallels. Secondly, it may be used as a “construction kit” to build new paradigms and/or applications in information management. The TRM may be used to provide a substrate for building diverse systems, such as adaptive hypertext, schemaless database, query languages, hyperlink models and workflow management systems. It is, however, highly generalised and is by no means limited to these purposes

    Theory and practice of the ternary relations model of information management

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    This thesis proposes a new, highly generalised and fundamental, information-modelling framework called the TRM (Ternary Relations Model). The TRM was designed to be a model for converging a number of differing paradigms of information management, some of which are quite isolated. These include areas such as: hypertext navigation; relational databases; semi-structured databases; the Semantic Web; ZigZag and workflow modelling. While many related works model linking by the connection of two ends, the TRM adds a third element to this, thereby enriching the links with associative meanings. The TRM is a formal description of a technique that establishes bi-directional and dynamic node-link structures in which each link is an ordered triple of three other nodes. The key features that makes the TRM distinct from other triple-based models (such as RDF) is the integration of bi-directionality, functional links and simplicity in the definition and elements hierarchy. There are two useful applications of the TRM. Firstly it may be used as a tool for the analysis of information models, to elucidate connections and parallels. Secondly, it may be used as a “construction kit” to build new paradigms and/or applications in information management. The TRM may be used to provide a substrate for building diverse systems, such as adaptive hypertext, schemaless database, query languages, hyperlink models and workflow management systems. It is, however, highly generalised and is by no means limited to these purposes

    A geo-database for potentially polluting marine sites and associated risk index

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    The increasing availability of geospatial marine data provides an opportunity for hydrographic offices to contribute to the identification of Potentially Polluting Marine Sites (PPMS). To adequately manage these sites, a PPMS Geospatial Database (GeoDB) application was developed to collect and store relevant information suitable for site inventory and geo-spatial analysis. The benefits of structuring the data to conform to the Universal Hydrographic Data Model (IHO S-100) and to use the Geographic Mark-Up Language (GML) for encoding are presented. A storage solution is proposed using a GML-enabled spatial relational database management system (RDBMS). In addition, an example of a risk index methodology is provided based on the defined data structure. The implementation of this example was performed using scripts containing SQL statements. These procedures were implemented using a cross-platform C++ application based on open-source libraries and called PPMS GeoDB Manager

    Transformation of structure-shy programs with application to XPath queries and strategic functions

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    Various programming languages allow the construction of structure-shy programs. Such programs are defined generically for many different datatypes and only specify specific behavior for a few relevant subtypes. Typical examples are XML query languages that allow selection of subdocuments without exhaustively specifying intermediate element tags. Other examples are languages and libraries for polytypic or strategic functional programming and for adaptive object-oriented programming. In this paper, we present an algebraic approach to transformation of declarative structure-shy programs, in particular for strategic functions and XML queries. We formulate a rich set of algebraic laws, not just for transformation of structure-shy programs, but also for their conversion into structure-sensitive programs and vice versa. We show how subsets of these laws can be used to construct effective rewrite systems for specialization, generalization, and optimization of structure-shy programs. We present a type-safe encoding of these rewrite systems in Haskell which itself uses strategic functional programming techniques. We discuss the application of these rewrite systems for XPath query optimization and for query migration in the context of schema evolution

    A Two-Level Identity Model To Support Interoperability of Identity Information in Electronic Health Record Systems.

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    The sharing and retrieval of health information for an electronic health record (EHR) across distributed systems involves a range of identified entities that are possible subjects of documentation (e.g., specimen, clinical analyser). Contemporary EHR specifications limit the types of entities that can be the subject of a record to health professionals and patients, thus limiting the use of two level models in healthcare information systems that contribute information to the EHR. The literature describes several information modelling approaches for EHRs, including so called “two level models”. These models differ in the amount of structure imposed on the information to be recorded, but they generally require the health documentation process for the EHR to focus exclusively on the patient as the subject of care and this definition is often a fixed one. In this thesis, the author introduces a new identity modelling approach to create a generalised reference model for sharing archetype-constrained identity information between diverse identity domains, models and services, while permitting reuse of published standard-based archetypes. The author evaluates its use for expressing the major types of existing demographic reference models in an extensible way, and show its application for standards-compliant two-level modelling alongside heterogeneous demographics models. This thesis demonstrates how the two-level modelling approach that is used for EHRs could be adapted and reapplied to provide a highly-flexible and expressive means for representing subjects of information in allied health settings that support the healthcare process, such as the laboratory domain. By relying on the two level modelling approach for representing identity, the proposed design facilitates cross-referencing and disambiguation of certain demographics standards and information models. The work also demonstrates how it can also be used to represent additional clinical identified entities such as specimen and order as subjects of clinical documentation

    Physical database design in document stores

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotutela, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Université libre de BruxellesNoSQL is an umbrella term used to classify alternate storage systems to the traditional Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs). Among these, Document stores have gained popularity mainly due to the semi-structured data storage model and the rich query capabilities. They encourage users to use a data-first approach as opposed to a design-first one. Database design on document stores is mainly carried out in a trial-and-error or ad-hoc rule-based manner instead of a formal process such as normalization in an RDBMS. However, these approaches could easily lead to a non-optimal design resulting additional costs in the long run. This PhD thesis aims to provide a novel multi-criteria-based approach to database design in document stores. Most of such existing approaches are based on optimizing query performance. However, other factors include storage requirement and complexity of the stored documents specific to each use case. There is a large solution space of alternative designs due to the different combinations of referencing and nesting of data. Thus, we believe multi-criteria optimization is ideal to solve this problem. To achieve this, we need to address several issues that will enable us to apply multi-criteria optimization for the data design problem. First, we evaluate the impact of alternate storage representations of semi-structured data. There are multiple and equivalent ways to physically represent semi-structured data, but there is a lack of evidence about the potential impact on space and query performance. Thus, we embark on the task of quantifying that precisely for document stores. We empirically compare multiple ways of representing semi-structured data, allowing us to derive a set of guidelines for efficient physical database design considering both JSON and relational options in the same palette. Then, we need a formal canonical model that can represent alternative designs. We propose a hypergraph-based approach for representing heterogeneous datastore designs. We extend and formalize an existing common programming interface to NoSQL systems as hypergraphs. We define design constraints and query transformation rules for representative data store types. Next, we propose a simple query rewriting algorithm and provide a prototype implementation together with storage statistics estimator. Next, we require a formal query cost model to estimate and evaluate query performance on alternative document store designs. Document stores use primitive approaches to query processing, such as relying on the end-user to specify the usage of indexes instead of a formal cost model. But we require a reliable approach to compare alternative designs on how they perform on a specific query. For this, we define a generic storage and query cost model based on disk access and memory allocation. As all document stores carry out data operations in memory, we first estimate the memory usage by considering the characteristics of the stored documents, their access patterns, and memory management algorithms. Then, using this estimation and metadata storage size, we introduce a cost model for random access queries. We validate our work on two well-known document store implementations. The results show that the memory usage estimates have an average precision of 91% and predicted costs are highly correlated to the actual execution times. During this work, we also managed to suggest several improvements to document stores. Finally, we implement the automated database design solution using multi-criteria optimization. We introduce an algebra of transformations that can systematically modify a design of our canonical representation. Then, using them, we implement a local search algorithm driven by a loss function that can propose near-optimal designs with high probability. We compare our prototype against an existing document store data design solution. Our proposed designs have better performance and are more compact with less redundancy.NoSQL descriu sistemes d'emmagatzematge alternatius als tradicionals de gestió de bases de dades relacionals (RDBMS). Entre aquests, els magatzems de documents han guanyat popularitat principalment a causa del model de dades semiestructurat i les riques capacitats de consulta. Animen els usuaris a utilitzar un enfocament de dades primer, en lloc d'un enfocament de disseny primer. El disseny de dades en magatzems de documents es porta a terme principalment en forma d'assaig-error o basat en regles ad-hoc en lloc d'un procés formal i sistemàtic com ara la normalització en un RDBMS. Aquest enfocament condueix fàcilment a un disseny no òptim que generarà costos addicionals a llarg termini. La majoria dels enfocaments existents es basen en l'optimització del rendiment de les consultes. Aquesta tesi pretén, en canvi, proporcionar un nou enfocament basat en diversos criteris per al disseny de bases de dades en magatzems de documents, inclouen el requisit d'espai i la complexitat dels documents emmagatzemats específics per a cada cas d'ús. En general, hi ha un gran espai de solucions de dissenys alternatives. Per tant, creiem que l'optimització multicriteri és ideal per resoldre aquest problema. Per aconseguir-ho, hem d'abordar diversos problemes que ens permetran aplicar l'optimització multicriteri. En primer, avaluem l'impacte de les representacions alternatives de dades semiestructurades. Hi ha maneres múltiples i equivalents de representar dades semiestructurades, però hi ha una manca d'evidència sobre l'impacte potencial en l'espai i el rendiment de les consultes. Així, ens embarquem en la tasca de quantificar-ho. Comparem empíricament múltiples representacions de dades semiestructurades, cosa que ens permet derivar directrius per a un disseny eficient tenint en compte les opcions dels JSON i relacionals alhora. Aleshores, necessitem un model canònic que pugui representar dissenys alternatius i proposem un enfocament basat en hipergrafs. Estenem i formalitzem una interfície de programació comuna existent als sistemes NoSQL com a hipergrafs. Definim restriccions de disseny i regles de transformació de consultes per a tipus de magatzem de dades representatius. A continuació, proposem un algorisme de reescriptura de consultes senzill i proporcionem una implementació juntament amb un estimador d'estadístiques d'emmagatzematge. Els magatzems de documents utilitzen enfocaments primitius per al processament de consultes, com ara confiar en l'usuari final per especificar l'ús d'índexs en lloc d'un model de cost. Conseqüentment, necessitem un model de cost de consulta per estimar i avaluar el rendiment en dissenys alternatius. Per això, definim un model genèric propi basat en l'accés a disc i l'assignació de memòria. Com que tots els magatzems de documents duen a terme operacions de dades a memòria, primer estimem l'ús de la memòria tenint en compte les característiques dels documents emmagatzemats, els seus patrons d'accés i els algorismes de gestió de memòria. A continuació, utilitzant aquesta estimació i la mida d'emmagatzematge de metadades, introduïm un model de costos per a consultes d'accés aleatori. Validem el nostre treball en dues implementacions conegudes. Els resultats mostren que les estimacions d'ús de memòria tenen una precisió mitjana del 91% i els costos previstos estan altament correlacionats amb els temps d'execució reals. Finalment, implementem la solució de disseny automatitzat de bases de dades mitjançant l'optimització multicriteri. Introduïm una àlgebra de transformacions que pot modificar sistemàticament un disseny en la nostra representació canònica. A continuació, utilitzant-la, implementem un algorisme de cerca local impulsat per una funció de pèrdua que pot proposar dissenys gairebé òptims amb alta probabilitat. Comparem el nostre prototip amb una solució de disseny de dades de magatzem de documents existent. Els nostres dissenys proposats tenen un millor rendiment i són més compactes, amb menys redundànciaNoSQL est un terme générique utilisé pour classer les systèmes de stockage alternatifs aux systèmes de gestion de bases de données relationnelles (SGBDR) traditionnels. Au moment de la rédaction de cet article, il existe plus de 200 systèmes NoSQL disponibles qui peuvent être classés en quatre catégories principales sur le modèle de stockage de données : magasins de valeurs-clés, magasins de documents, magasins de familles de colonnes et magasins de graphiques. Les magasins de documents ont gagné en popularité principalement en raison du modèle de stockage de données semi-structuré et des capacités de requêtes riches par rapport aux autres systèmes NoSQL, ce qui en fait un candidat idéal pour le prototypage rapide. Les magasins de documents encouragent les utilisateurs à utiliser une approche axée sur les données plutôt que sur la conception. La conception de bases de données sur les magasins de documents est principalement effectuée par essais et erreurs ou selon des règles ad hoc plutôt que par un processus formel tel que la normalisation dans un SGBDR. Cependant, ces approches pourraient facilement conduire à une conception de base de données non optimale entraînant des coûts supplémentaires de traitement des requêtes, de stockage des données et de refonte. Cette thèse de doctorat vise à fournir une nouvelle approche multicritère de la conception de bases de données dans les magasins de documents. La plupart des approches existantes de conception de bases de données sont basées sur l’optimisation des performances des requêtes. Cependant, d’autres facteurs incluent les exigences de stockage et la complexité des documents stockés spécifique à chaque cas d’utilisation. De plus, il existe un grand espace de solution de conceptions alternatives en raison des différentes combinaisons de référencement et d’imbrication des données. Par conséquent, nous pensons que l’optimisation multicritères est idéale par l’intermédiaire d’une expérience éprouvée dans la résolution de tels problèmes dans divers domaines. Cependant, pour y parvenir, nous devons résoudre plusieurs problèmes qui nous permettront d’appliquer une optimisation multicritère pour le problème de conception de données. Premièrement, nous évaluons l’impact des représentations alternatives de stockage des données semi-structurées. Il existe plusieurs manières équivalentes de représenter physiquement des données semi-structurées, mais il y a un manque de preuves concernant l’impact potentiel sur l’espace et sur les performances des requêtes. Ainsi, nous nous lançons dans la tâche de quantifier cela précisément pour les magasins de documents. Nous comparons empiriquement plusieurs façons de représenter des données semi-structurées, ce qui nous permet de dériver un ensemble de directives pour une conception de base de données physique efficace en tenant compte à la fois des options JSON et relationnelles dans la même palette. Ensuite, nous avons besoin d’un modèle canonique formel capable de représenter des conceptions alternatives. Dans cette mesure, nous proposons une approche basée sur des hypergraphes pour représenter des conceptions de magasins de données hétérogènes. Prenant une interface de programmation commune existante aux systèmes NoSQL, nous l’étendons et la formalisons sous forme d’hypergraphes. Ensuite, nous définissons les contraintes de conception et les règles de transformation des requêtes pour trois types de magasins de données représentatifs. Ensuite, nous proposons un algorithme de réécriture de requête simple à partir d’un algorithme générique dans un magasin de données sous-jacent spécifique et fournissons une implémentation prototype. De plus, nous introduisons un estimateur de statistiques de stockage sur les magasins de données sous-jacents. Enfin, nous montrons la faisabilité de notre approche sur un cas d’utilisation d’un système polyglotte existant ainsi que son utilité dans les calculs de métadonnées et de chemins de requêtes physiques. Ensuite, nous avons besoin d’un modèle de coûts de requêtes formel pour estimer et évaluer les performances des requêtes sur des conceptions alternatives de magasin de documents. Les magasins de documents utilisent des approches primitives du traitement des requêtes, telles que l’évaluation de tous les plans de requête possibles pour trouver le plan gagnant et son utilisation dans les requêtes similaires ultérieures, ou l’appui sur l’usager final pour spécifier l’utilisation des index au lieu d’un modèle de coûts formel. Cependant, nous avons besoin d’une approche fiable pour comparer deux conceptions alternatives sur la façon dont elles fonctionnent sur une requête spécifique. Pour cela, nous définissons un modèle de coûts de stockage et de requête générique basé sur l’accès au disque et l’allocation de mémoire qui permet d’estimer l’impact des décisions de conception. Étant donné que tous les magasins de documents effectuent des opérations sur les données en mémoire, nous estimons d’abord l’utilisation de la mémoire en considérant les caractéristiques des documents stockés, leurs modèles d’accès et les algorithmes de gestion de la mémoire. Ensuite, en utilisant cette estimation et la taille de stockage des métadonnées, nous introduisons un modèle de coûts pour les requêtes à accès aléatoire. Il s’agit de la première tenta ive d’une telle approche au meilleur de notre connaissance. Enfin, nous validons notre travail sur deux implémentations de magasin de documents bien connues : MongoDB et Couchbase. Les résultats démontrent que les estimations d’utilisation de la mémoire ont une précision moyenne de 91% et que les coûts prévus sont fortement corrélés aux temps d’exécution réels. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons réussi à proposer plusieurs améliorations aux systèmes de stockage de documents. Ainsi, ce modèle de coûts contribue également à identifier les discordances entre les implémentations de stockage de documents et leurs attentes théoriques. Enfin, nous implémentons la solution de conception automatisée de bases de données en utilisant l’optimisation multicritères. Tout d’abord, nous introduisons une algèbre de transformations qui peut systématiquement modifier une conception de notre représentation canonique. Ensuite, en utilisant ces transformations, nous implémentons un algorithme de recherche locale piloté par une fonction de perte qui peut proposer des conceptions quasi optimales avec une probabilité élevée. Enfin, nous comparons notre prototype à une solution de conception de données de magasin de documents existante uniquement basée sur le coût des requêtes. Nos conceptions proposées ont de meilleures performances et sont plus compactes avec moins de redondancePostprint (published version