528 research outputs found

    Attraction comes from many sources. Attentional and comparative processes in decoy effects

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    The attraction effect emerges when adding a seemingly irrelevant option(decoy) to a binary choice shifts preference towardsa target option. This suggests that choice behaviour is dynamic, i.e., choice values are developed during deliberation, rather thanmanifesting some pre-existing preference set. Whereas several models of multialternative and multiattribute decision makingconsider dynamic choice processes as crucial to explain the attraction effect, empirically investigating the exact nature of suchprocesses requires complementing choice output with other data. In this study, we focused on asymmetrically dominateddecoys (i.e., decoys that are clearly dominated only by the target option) to examine the attentional and comparative processesresponsible for the attraction effect. Through an eye-tracker paradigm, we showed that the decoy option can affect subjects’preferences in two different and not mutually exclusive ways: by focusing the attention on the salient option and the dominanceattribute, and by increasing comparisons with the choice dominant pattern.Although conceptually and procedurally distinct,both pathways for decoy effects produce an increase in preferencesfor the target option, in line with attentional and dynamicmodels of decision making. Eye-tracking data provide further details to theverification of such models, by highlighting thecontext-dependent nature of attention and the development of similarity-driven competitive decisional processes

    Information Foraging for Perceptual Decisions

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    We tested an information foraging framework to characterize the mechanisms that drive active (visual) sampling behavior in decision problems that involve multiple sources of information. Experiments 1 through 3 involved participants making an absolute judgment about the direction of motion of a single random dot motion pattern. In Experiment 4, participants made a relative comparison between 2 motion patterns that could only be sampled sequentially. Our results show that: (a) Information (about noisy motion information) grows to an asymptotic level that depends on the quality of the information source; (b) The limited growth is attributable to unequal weighting of the incoming sensory evidence, with early samples being weighted more heavily; (c) Little information is lost once a new source of information is being sampled; and (d) The point at which the observer switches from 1 source to another is governed by online monitoring of his or her degree of (un)certainty about the sampled source. These findings demonstrate that the sampling strategy in perceptual decision-making is under some direct control by ongoing cognitive processing. More specifically, participants are able to track a measure of (un)certainty and use this information to guide their sampling behavior

    From dreaming to believing: A review of consumer engagement behaviours with brands’ social media content across the holiday travel process

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    This paper reviews social media user engagement behaviours with brands and proposes a new stage within the travel process. Specifically, the pre-trip stage is examined and investigation into a two sub-stage split is proposed; pre-purchase and post-purchase. Dubbed the Believing phase, this paper calls for research into the patterns of engagement behaviour towards hotel brands’ content at this currently under-researched stage. Current social media-focussed research examines influence on purchasing decisions of users, social media usage on-site, and post-trip evaluation. There remains a conceptual gap highlighting the behavioural patterns of users during the period between initial purchase and subsequent departure

    Role of Sirtuins in Linking Metabolic Syndrome with Depression

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    Should I stay or should I go

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    Negative consequences of anthropogenic sound on wildlife is a well-established phenomenon and have received substantial attention in scientific literature. This evokes questions of what type of sounds perceived as disturbing or aversive to animals. Further knowledge on this matter may contribute to development of acoustic tools to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts by deter animals from conflict areas. However, the use of acoustic stimuli as a deterrent agent, often lack long-term effects due to rapid habituation. The aim of my experiment is to examine how animals respond to novel acoustic stimuli and what factors that affect habituation to acute sound. I subjected free-ranging roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) to a sudden novel sound with no ecological relevance and followed individual response over time. Individuals was either subjected to low (40 dB, n=19) or high sound volume (70 dB, n=26). My results conclude that novel sound of high volume did not evoke a stronger response than a sound of lower sound volume, and that sound volume had no effect on habituation. Age, and whether individuals were alone or in a group, were factors that have the largest effect on response to sound. Fawns had lower response to the sound at their first exposure and expressed more pronounced habituation compared to older individuals. Animals in groups responded less strong compared to single animals. However, fawns were to a greater extent accompanied by other animals, compared to adults, which might contribute to their lower response. I found no difference in response to sound between males and females. Variation in response to sound were higher between individuals than within individuals, which indicate a personality aspect in sound reactivity. To determine if response to sound was linked to other traits in the tested population, I used data on response to handling during a capture event. However, no correlation between docility and sound reactivity were found. This indicate that the observed inter-individual variation in these behaviours are dependent on context rather than being part of a general personality trait. The results from my study contribute to a greater understanding on how acute sounds affect wild animals and may be of use to estimate habituation rate to sound.Ljud förknippade med mĂ€nsklig aktivitet kan i mĂ„nga fall innebĂ€ra störningar för djurlivet, men ljudsignaler kan ocksĂ„ anvĂ€ndas för att lösa vissa av de konflikter som kan uppstĂ„ mellan mĂ€nniska och djur. Det har exempelvis gjorts försök att skrĂ€mma bort skadedjur frĂ„n omrĂ„den dĂ€r de Ă€r oönskade eller för att varna vilda djur för annalkande trafik och pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt minska risken för olyckor. Ett Ă„terkommande problem i flera av de studier som gjorts Ă€r att ljudets skrĂ€mmande eller varnande effekt avtar i takt med att djuren vĂ€njer sig vid ljuden. Det finns dĂ€rför ett behov av mer kunskap om vilka ljud som upplevs som skrĂ€mmande och hur snabbt djur vĂ€njer sig vid dessa. Syftet med min studie var att undersöka hur vilda rĂ„djur upplever plötsliga och nya ljud. Jag har tittat pĂ„ hur de reagerar första gĂ„ngen de överraskas av ljudet, hur snabbt de vĂ€njer sig, samt vilka faktorer som pĂ„verkar reaktion och tillvĂ€njning. Mitt försök genomfördes pĂ„ mĂ€rkta vilda rĂ„djur, vilket gjorde det möjligt att följa individer över tid. En rörelseaktiverad högtalare placerades vid platser dĂ€r djuren matas regelbundet under vintersĂ€songen. Vid hĂ€lften av platserna spelades det upp ett högt ljud (70 dB) och vid resterande hĂ€lften ett lĂ€gre ljud (40 dB). Mina resultat bygger pĂ„ 45 mĂ€rkta individer som observerats nĂ€r de aktiverade ljudet. Vid första aktiveringen reagerade fjolĂ„rskid mindre Ă€n vuxna rĂ„djur. Yngre djur vande sig ocksĂ„ snabbare vid ljudet jĂ€mfört med Ă€ldre djur. Djur som hade sĂ€llskap av andra individer reagerade mindre pĂ„ ljudet Ă€n de djur som var ensamma. Att kid var mindre pĂ„verkade Ă€n vuxna kan delvis förklaras med att de oftare observerades i grupp med andra individer. Överraskande nog fann jag ingen skillnad i reaktion eller tillvĂ€njning mellan de djur som upplevdes det högre ljudet och de djur som upplevde det lĂ€gre ljudet. LjudnivĂ„n verkar alltsĂ„ inte ha nĂ„gon mĂ€tbar pĂ„verkan pĂ„ hur skrĂ€mmande de upplever ett överraskande nytt ljud. Det var stor variation mellan individer i hur de reagerade, vilket indikerar att det finns en personlighetsaspekt i hur rĂ„djur upplever plötsliga ljud. Tidigare studier har funnit en konsekvent variation mellan individer kring hur de reagerar pĂ„ hantering vid fĂ„ngst. Alla mĂ€rkta individer som deltog i mitt experiment har blivit fĂ„ngade vid minst ett tillfĂ€lle, men jag fann inget samband mellan reaktion pĂ„ plötsliga ljud och beteende vid fĂ„ngst. NĂ„got stöd för generella personlighetsdrag som Ă€r konsekventa i flera olika situationer hittades sĂ„ledes inte. Min förhoppning Ă€r att resultaten frĂ„n studien kan bidra till ökad kunskap om hur vilda djur reagerar pĂ„ plötsliga ljud och i vilken utstrĂ€ckning de kan förvĂ€ntas vĂ€nja sig vid dessa. Ökad kunskap inom detta omrĂ„de Ă€r anvĂ€ndbar vid utveckling av metoder som anvĂ€nder ljud för att förhindra viltolyckor pĂ„ vĂ€gar och jĂ€rnvĂ€g

    Art-thĂ©rapie et troubles alimentaires : pour un modĂšle thĂ©orique d’intervention fĂ©ministe en art-thĂ©rapie

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    Plusieurs auteurs concluent Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’élaborer de nouvelles pistes d’intervention pour contrer les rĂ©sultats insatisfaisants aux traitements actuels des troubles alimentaires. En effet, selon des Ă©tudes rĂ©centes, environ la moitiĂ© des personnes atteintes d’anorexie et de boulimie n’atteignent pas la rĂ©mission complĂšte et durable des symptĂŽmes. Si l’art-thĂ©rapie semble s’avĂ©rer une approche valable, les causes socioculturelles des troubles alimentaires ne semblent pas ĂȘtre prises en compte dans les interventions art-thĂ©rapeutiques. Afin d’explorer davantage ces causes, cette recherche propose un modĂšle thĂ©orique d’intervention art-thĂ©rapeutique reposant sur l’approche fĂ©ministe dite de la 3e vague et qui aurait comme objectif de diminuer le processus d’auto-objectivation, souvent prĂ©sent chez les personnes atteintes d’anorexie et de boulimie, par l’augmentation de «l’empowerment», terme qui peut ĂȘtre traduit par autonomisation (Office quĂ©bĂ©cois de la langue française, 2003). Le fĂ©minisme de la 3e vague promeut la reconnaissance d’une subjectivitĂ© personnelle fluide et multiple, non contrĂŽlĂ©e par le discours du pouvoir en place. Cette approche est aussi sensible aux relations de pouvoir et aux inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales. La prĂ©sente recherche entend montrer comment l’art-thĂ©rapie d’approche fĂ©ministe de la 3e vague, par le rĂŽle actif jouĂ© par les patientes en sĂ©ance, la sensibilitĂ© fĂ©ministe de l’art-thĂ©rapeute et l’aspect non-verbal de la crĂ©ation, pourrait prĂ©senter un potentiel de renforcement du locus de contrĂŽle interne et externe chez les patientes et ainsi favoriser l’empowerment rĂ©cemment identifiĂ© comme Ă©tant un facteur de protection des troubles alimentaires

    Art-thĂ©rapie et troubles alimentaires : pour un modĂšle thĂ©orique d’intervention fĂ©ministe en art-thĂ©rapie

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    Plusieurs auteurs concluent Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’élaborer de nouvelles pistes d’intervention pour contrer les rĂ©sultats insatisfaisants aux traitements actuels des troubles alimentaires. En effet, selon des Ă©tudes rĂ©centes, environ la moitiĂ© des personnes atteintes d’anorexie et de boulimie n’atteignent pas la rĂ©mission complĂšte et durable des symptĂŽmes. Si l’art-thĂ©rapie semble s’avĂ©rer une approche valable, les causes socioculturelles des troubles alimentaires ne semblent pas ĂȘtre prises en compte dans les interventions art-thĂ©rapeutiques. Afin d’explorer davantage ces causes, cette recherche propose un modĂšle thĂ©orique d’intervention art-thĂ©rapeutique reposant sur l’approche fĂ©ministe dite de la 3e vague et qui aurait comme objectif de diminuer le processus d’auto-objectivation, souvent prĂ©sent chez les personnes atteintes d’anorexie et de boulimie, par l’augmentation de «l’empowerment», terme qui peut ĂȘtre traduit par autonomisation (Office quĂ©bĂ©cois de la langue française, 2003). Le fĂ©minisme de la 3e vague promeut la reconnaissance d’une subjectivitĂ© personnelle fluide et multiple, non contrĂŽlĂ©e par le discours du pouvoir en place. Cette approche est aussi sensible aux relations de pouvoir et aux inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales. La prĂ©sente recherche entend montrer comment l’art-thĂ©rapie d’approche fĂ©ministe de la 3e vague, par le rĂŽle actif jouĂ© par les patientes en sĂ©ance, la sensibilitĂ© fĂ©ministe de l’art-thĂ©rapeute et l’aspect non-verbal de la crĂ©ation, pourrait prĂ©senter un potentiel de renforcement du locus de contrĂŽle interne et externe chez les patientes et ainsi favoriser l’empowerment rĂ©cemment identifiĂ© comme Ă©tant un facteur de protection des troubles alimentaires

    To Die Laughing and to Laugh at Dying: Revisiting The Awakening

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    Eye Movements in Risky Choice.

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    We asked participants to make simple risky choices while we recorded their eye movements. We built a complete statistical model of the eye movements and found very little systematic variation in eye movements over the time course of a choice or across the different choices. The only exceptions were finding more (of the same) eye movements when choice options were similar, and an emerging gaze bias in which people looked more at the gamble they ultimately chose. These findings are inconsistent with prospect theory, the priority heuristic, or decision field theory. However, the eye movements made during a choice have a large relationship with the final choice, and this is mostly independent from the contribution of the actual attribute values in the choice options. That is, eye movements tell us not just about the processing of attribute values but also are independently associated with choice. The pattern is simple-people choose the gamble they look at more often, independently of the actual numbers they see-and this pattern is simpler than predicted by decision field theory, decision by sampling, and the parallel constraint satisfaction model. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.This work was supported by funding from the University of Essex Research Promotion Fund, Economic and Social Research Council grants ES/K002201/1 and ES/K004948/1, and Leverhulme grant RP2012-V-022. Raw data and R code are available from the authors and will be posted on publication.This is the final version. It was first published by Wiley at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bdm.1854/pd

    When data changes pre-purchase behavior : the effects of information visualization on online information seeking

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    Online consumer information search became a crucial initial step in the purchase decision process. The objective of this dissertation is to investigate and measure the effects of different visual representations of information about products on individual’s behavior during pre-purchase online information seeking activities. More specifically, this dissertation analyze what type of information customers considered most important and pays more attention and what is the extent of the visual aspect and its impact in information seeking behavior. To do so, five experiments were conducted, three using online participants via Amazon Mechanical Turk, and two using participants in a laboratory setting, being collected biological measures in one of them. Through two studies, the first article shows how different degrees of evaluability of the same online review can influence on helpfulness, overestimation of information, and purchase intention. It also evidence individual’s involvement while browsing has a moderating role in the relation between evaluability and helpfulness as well as in the relation between evaluability and purchase intention. The second article analyze the relationship between depth-of-field and type of search on several behavioral outcomes, such as intention do revisit the website and visual appeal. It was also investigated whether or not involvement, expertise and attitude toward products moderates these relations. Drawing on the findings of the first and second articles, the third article focus on replicate the finding of the second article via biological measures using an eye-tracking device, including attention measures. The third article aims to contribute to online information seeking literature by investigating participant’s online search and browse behaviors and the resulting processing of information when viewing products presented visually differently in a webpage. These patterns of individual’s visualization studied in both three articles have important practical implications for the website design creating experiences that supports the type of information search undertaken by consumers
