14 research outputs found

    Examples and tutored problems: How can self-explanation make a difference to learning?

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    “The final publication is available at link.springer.com”.Learning from worked examples has been shown to be superior to unsupported problem solving in numerous studies. Examples reduce the cognitive load on the learner's working memory, thus helping the student to learn faster or deal with more complex questions. Only recently researchers started investigating the worked example effect in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). We conducted a study to investigate the effect of using worked examples in combination with supported problem-solving in SQL-Tutor. We had three conditions: Examples Only (EO), Problems Only (PO), and Alternating Examples/Problems (AEP). After completing a problem, students received a self-explanation prompt that focused on the concepts used in the problem, to make sure that students acquire conceptual knowledge. On the other hand, examples were followed by self-explanation prompts that focused on procedural knowledge. The study showed that the AEP and PO conditions outperformed EO in learning gain, while AEP outperformed PO in conceptual knowledge acquisition. Therefore, interleaving examples with supported problems is an optimal choice compared to using examples or supported problems only in SQL-Tutor

    An Interaction Centred Approach to the teaching of Non-technical Skills in a Virtual Environment

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    In most domains involving expert knowledge, there is a number of cognitive and social factors influencing how efficient one human being is at correctly assessing and responding to certain situations. These factors, which contribute to the efficient and safe realization of a technical activity, are known as non-technical skills, and correspond to a wide range of cognitive proficiencies such as situation awareness, decision making, stress or fatigue management, but also social skills such as communication, leadership and team working. Different studies have shown the impact such skills can have in the successful resolving of a number of critical situations, even more so in our domains of interest which are medical surgery or driving. In this paper, we take a look at the difficulties raised by the teaching of the technical and non-technical skills mobilized during a critical situation, in the context of TEL within virtual environments. We present the advantages of using a combined enactive and situated learning approach to this problematic, and then take an ill-defined perspective to raise some important designing issues in this respect. We show that some aspects of this problem have not been encompassed yet in the ill-defined domains literature, and should be further studied in any attempt at teaching behaviours inducing technical and non-technical skills in a virtual world

    Supporting students in the analysis of case studies for professional ethics education

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    Intelligent tutoring systems and computer-supported collaborative environments have been designed to enhance human learning in various domains. While a number of solid techniques have been developed in the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) field to foster human learning in fundamental science domains, there is still a lack of evidence about how to support learning in so-called ill-defined domains that are characterized by the absence of formal domain theories, uncertainty about best solution strategies and teaching practices, and learners' answers represented through text and argumentation. This dissertation investigates how to support students' learning in the ill-defined domain of professional ethics through a computer-based learning system. More specifically, it examines how to support students in the analysis of case studies, which is a common pedagogical practice in the ethics domain. This dissertation describes our design considerations and a resulting system called Umka. In Umka learners analyze case studies individually and collaboratively that pose some ethical or professional dilemmas. Umka provides various types of support to learners in the analysis task. In the individual analysis it provides various kinds of feedback to arguments of learners based on predefined system knowledge. In the collaborative analysis Umka fosters learners' interactions and self-reflection through system suggestions and a specifically designed visualization. The system suggestions offer learners the chance to consider certain helpful arguments of their peers, or to interact with certain helpful peers. The visualization highlights similarities and differences between the learners' positions, and illustrates the learners' level of acceptance of each other's positions. This dissertation reports on a series of experiments in which we evaluated the effectiveness of Umka's support features, and suggests several research contributions. Through this work, it is shown that despite the ill-definedness of the ethics domain, and the consequent complications of text processing and domain modelling, it is possible to build effective tutoring systems for supporting students' learning in this domain. Moreover, the techniques developed through this research for the ethics domain can be readily expanded to other ill-defined domains, where argument, qualitative analysis, metacognition and interaction over case studies are key pedagogical practices

    Intelligent Mentoring Systems for Making Meaning from Work Experience

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    This position paper presents a forward-looking view on addressing a long standing professional learning challenge faced by higher educational institutions, namely assisting students to make meaning from work-based experience and develop as reflexive professionals. We suggest that a synergetic approach, building on existing research in professional lifelong learning and intelligent learning environments and taking advantage of new opportunities provided by emerging technologies, will underpin a new breed of intelligent mentoring systems for professional learning. They will foster the learners’ meaning making process, as well as assist tutors in their roles as coaches/mentors

    Reflective Experiential Learning: Using Active Video Watching for Soft Skills Training

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    Learning by watching videos has become the dominant way of learning for millennials. However, watching videos is a passive form of learning which usually results in a low level of engagement. As the result, video-based learning often results in poor learning outcomes. One of the proven strategies to increase engagement is to integrate interactive activities such as quizzes and assessment problems into videos. Although this strategy increases engagement, it requires changing existing videos and therefore substantial effort from the teacher. We have developed the Active Video Watching (AVW) system that enables the teacher to use existing videos from YouTube without modifications. The teacher is required to define a set of aspects for videos, which serve as reflective scaffolds in order to increase engagement and focus learners’ thinking. AVW provides a Personal Space for individual learners to link their personal experiences while watching videos. The comments collected can be used by the individuals to reflect on their own thoughts or to be shared with other learners in the Social Space. We conducted a study with postgraduate students on presentation skills. The results show that the level of engagement with AVW was high, and that the aspects were effective as reflection prompts. We plan to conduct further studies related to other types of soft skills, and also to further extend AVW to provide individualized feedback to students

    Clustering student interaction data using Bloom's Taxonomy to find predictive reading patterns

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    In modern educational technology we have the ability to capture click-stream interaction data from a student as they work on educational problems within an online environment. This provides us with an opportunity to identify student behaviours within the data (captured by the online environment) that are predictive of student success or failure. The constraints that exist within an educational setting provide the ability to associate these student behaviours to specific educational outcomes. This information could be then used to inform environments that support student learning while improving a student’s metacognitive skills. In this dissertation, we describe how reading behaviour clusters were extracted in an experiment in which students were embedded in a learning environment where they read documents and answered questions. We tracked their keystroke level behaviour and then applied clustering techniques to find pedagogically meaningful clusters. The key to finding these clusters were categorizing the questions as to their level in Bloom’s educational taxonomy: different behaviour patterns predicted success and failure in answering questions at various levels of Bloom. The clusters found in the first experiment were confirmed through two further experiments that explored variations in the number, type, and length of documents and the kinds of questions asked. In the final experiment, we also went beyond the actual keystrokes and explored how the pauses between keystrokes as a student answers a question can be utilized in the process of determining student success. This research suggests that it should be possible to diagnose learner behaviour even in “ill-defined” domains like reading. It also suggests that Bloom’s taxonomy can be an important (even necessary) input to such diagnosis

    Un modÚle pour la génération d'indices par une plateforme de tuteurs par traçage de modÚle

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    La prĂ©sente thĂšse dĂ©crit des travaux de recherche effectuĂ©s dans le domaine des systĂšmes tutoriels intelligents (STI). Plus particuliĂšrement, elle s'intĂ©resse aux tuteurs par traçage de modĂšle (MTT). Les MTTs ont montrĂ© leur efficacitĂ© pour le tutorat de la rĂ©solution de tĂąches bien dĂ©finies. Par contre, les interventions pĂ©dagogiques qu'ils produisent doivent ĂȘtre incluses, par l'auteur du tuteur, dans le modĂšle de la tĂąche enseignĂ©e. La recherche effectuĂ©e rĂ©pond Ă  cette limite en proposant des mĂ©thodes et algorithmes permettant la gĂ©nĂ©ration automatique d'interventions pĂ©dagogiques. Une mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e afin de permettre Ă  la plateforme Astus de gĂ©nĂ©rer des indices par rapport Ă  la prochaine Ă©tape en examinant le contenu du modĂšle de la tĂąche enseignĂ©e. De plus, un algorithme a Ă©tĂ© conçu afin de diagnostiquer les erreurs des apprenants en fonction des actions hors trace qu'ils commettent. Ce diagnostic permet Ă  Astus d'offrir une rĂ©troaction par rapport aux erreurs sans que l'auteur du tuteur ait Ă  explicitement modĂ©liser les erreurs. Cinq expĂ©rimentations ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es lors de cours enseignĂ©s au dĂ©partement d'informatique de l'UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke afin de valider de façon empirique les interventions gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par Astus. Le rĂ©sultat de ces expĂ©rimentations montre que 1) il est possible de gĂ©nĂ©rer des indices par rapport Ă  la prochaine Ă©tape qui sont aussi efficaces et aussi apprĂ©ciĂ©s que ceux conçus par un enseignant et que 2) la plateforme Astus est en mesure de diagnostiquer un grand nombre d'actions hors trace des apprenants afin de fournir une rĂ©troaction par rapport aux erreurs

    Augmented Conversation and Cognitive Apprenticeship Metamodel Based Intelligent Learning Activity Builder System

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    This research focused on a formal (theory based) approach to designing Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) authoring tool involving two specific conventional pedagogical theories—Conversation Theory (CT) and Cognitive Apprenticeship (CA). The research conceptualised an Augmented Conversation and Cognitive Apprenticeship Metamodel (ACCAM) based on apriori theoretical knowledge and assumptions of its underlying theories. ACCAM was implemented in an Intelligent Learning Activity Builder System (ILABS)—an ITS authoring tool. ACCAM’s implementation aims to facilitate formally designed tutoring systems, hence, ILABS―the practical implementation of ACCAM― constructs metamodels for Intelligent Learning Activity Tools (ILATs) in a numerical problem-solving context (focusing on the construction of procedural knowledge in applied numerical disciplines). Also, an Intelligent Learning Activity Management System (ILAMS), although not the focus of this research, was developed as a launchpad for ILATs constructed and to administer learning activities. Hence, ACCAM and ILABS constitute the conceptual and practical contributions that respectively flow from this research. ACCAM’s implementation was tested through the evaluation of ILABS and ILATs within an applied numerical domain―the accounting domain. The evaluation focused on the key constructs of ACCAM―cognitive visibility and conversation, implemented through a tutoring strategy employing Process Monitoring (PM). PM augments conversation within a cognitive apprenticeship framework; it aims to improve the visibility of the cognitive process of a learner and infers intelligence in tutoring systems. PM was implemented via an interface that attempts to bring learner’s thought process to the surface. This approach contrasted with previous studies that adopted standard Artificial Intelligence (AI) based inference techniques. The interface-based PM extends the existing CT and CA work. The strategy (i.e. interface-based PM) makes available a new tutoring approach that aimed fine-grain (or step-wise) feedbacks, unlike the goal-oriented feedbacks of model-tracing. The impact of PM—as a preventive strategy (or intervention) and to aid diagnosis of learners’ cognitive process—was investigated in relation to other constructs from the literature (such as detection of misconception, feedback generation and perceived learning effectiveness). Thus, the conceptualisation and implementation of PM via an interface also contributes to knowledge and practice. The evaluation of the ACCAM-based design approach and investigation of the above mentioned constructs were undertaken through users’ reaction/perception to ILABS and ILAT. This involved, principally, quantitative approach. However, a qualitative approach was also utilised to gain deeper insight. Findings from the evaluation supports the formal (theory based) design approach—the design of ILABS through interaction with ACCAM. Empirical data revealed the presence of conversation and cognitive visibility constructs in ILATs, which were determined through its behaviour during the learning process. This research identified some other theoretical elements (e.g. motivation, reflection, remediation, evaluation, etc.) that possibly play out in a learning process. This clarifies key conceptual variables that should be considered when constructing tutoring systems for applied numerical disciplines (e.g. accounting, engineering). Also, the research revealed that PM enhances the detection of a learner’s misconception and feedback generation. Nevertheless, qualitative data revealed that frequent feedbacks due to the implementation of PM could be obstructive to thought process at advance stage of learning. Thus, PM implementations should also include delayed diagnosis, especially for advance learners who prefer to have it on request. Despite that, current implementation allows users to turn PM off, thereby using alternative learning route. Overall, the research revealed that the implementation of interface-based PM (i.e. conversation and cognitive visibility) improved the visibility of learner’s cognitive process, and this in turn enhanced learning—as perceived

    Revisiting Ill-Definedness and the Consequences for ITSs

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    ITSs for ill-defined domains have attracted a lot of attention recently, which is well-deserved, as such ITSs are hard to develop. The first step towards such ITSs is reaching a wide agreement about the terminology used in the area. In this paper, we discuss the two important dimensions of ill-definedness: the domain and the instructional task. By the domain we assume declarative domain knowledge, or the domain theory, while the instructional task is the task the student is learning, in terms of problem-solving skills. It is possible to have a well-defined domain and still have ill-defined instructional tasks in the same domain. We look deeper at the features of ill-defined tasks, which all contribute to their ill/well defined nature. The paper discusses model-tracing and constraint-based modeling, in terms of their suitability for ill-defined tasks and domains. We show that constraint-based modeling can be used in both well- and ill-defined domains, and illustrate our conclusion using several instructional tasks

    Astus, une plateforme pour créer et étudier les systÚmes tutoriels intelligents « par traçage de modÚle »

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    Cette thĂšse s’intĂ©resse aux systĂšmes tutoriels intelligents (STI), un type d’environnement informatique pour l’apprentissage humain (EIAH) qui se distingue des autres (p. ex. les exerciseurs et les hypermĂ©dias Ă©ducatifs) en offrant un mĂ©canisme d’évaluation plus sophistiquĂ©. Parmi les diffĂ©rentes familles de STI, ce sont les STI « par traçage de modĂšle » (MTT) qui ont le plus fait leurs preuves. Les MTT sont critiquĂ©s, premiĂšrement parce qu’ils Ă©valuent l’apprenant de façon serrĂ©e (c.-Ă -d. qui positionne l’action de l’apprenant par rapport Ă  une ou plusieurs mĂ©thodes pour effectuer la tĂąche), ce qui n’est possible que pour des tĂąches bien dĂ©finies. Par consĂ©quent, on leur reproche d’encourager un apprentissage superficiel. DeuxiĂšmement, parce que les efforts de crĂ©ation qu’ils requiĂšrent sont jugĂ©s prohibitifs, ce qui a menĂ© Ă  l’apparition d’autres familles de STI, comme les STI « par contraintes » et les STI « par traçage d’exemples » et ceux basĂ©s sur l’apprentissage automatique. Par cette thĂšse, nous voulons contribuer Ă  renouveler l’intĂ©rĂȘt pour les MTT en amĂ©liorant le rapport entre les efforts de crĂ©ation et l’efficacitĂ© potentielle des interventions, et en Ă©tablissant plus clairement leur rĂŽle pĂ©dagogique. Pour ce faire, nous proposons la plateforme Astus qui permet d’explorer l’espace qui existe entre les MTT crĂ©Ă©s avec les plateformes existantes, et des MTT dĂ©diĂ©s ayant recours Ă  des connaissances didactiques sophistiquĂ©es (p. ex. des dialogues) qui exigent des efforts de crĂ©ation encore plus importants. La plateforme Astus se distingue des plateformes existantes parce qu’elle gĂ©nĂšre des interventions plutĂŽt que de recourir Ă  des interventions prĂ©mĂąchĂ©es et qu’elle supporte les tĂąches s’effectuant dans des environnements qui ont une dimension physique. La gĂ©nĂ©ration des interventions dĂ©pend : d’un modĂšle de la tĂąche qui s’inscrit dans le paradigme du tuteur, c’est-Ă -dire qui reprĂ©sente une abstraction et une gĂ©nĂ©ralisation des instructions d’un tuteur humain; d’un modĂšle de l’UI qui permet des interventions riches comme une dĂ©monstration (c.-Ă -d. dĂ©placements du pointeur et simulation des clics et des saisies); de langages dĂ©diĂ©s et d’outils qui rĂ©duisent les efforts de crĂ©ation des auteurs; de mĂ©canismes d’extension qui permettent d’adapter la gĂ©nĂ©ration en fonction d’une stratĂ©gie pĂ©dagogique particuliĂšre. Le paradigme du tuteur, parce qu’il favorise une communication transparente entre le systĂšme et l’apprenant, met en Ă©vidence les avantages et les dĂ©savantages de l’approche pĂ©dagogique des MTT, essentiellement une Ă©valuation prĂ©cise (c.-Ă -d. qui permet de produire des indices sur la prochaine Ă©tape et des rĂ©troactions sur les erreurs), mais serrĂ©e. En s’inscrivant explicitement le paradigme du tuteur, entre autres en Ă©vitant de tirer profit de la nature de domaines particuliers ou de propriĂ©tĂ©s de tĂąches particuliĂšres pour assouplir l’évaluation, la plateforme Astus se dĂ©marque plus nettement des autres familles de STI que les autres MTT. Par consĂ©quent, elle Ă©tablit plus clairement le rĂŽle pĂ©dagogique des MTT. Cinq expĂ©rimentations (menĂ©es par Luc Paquette) Ă  petite Ă©chelle ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es auprĂšs d’étudiants au baccalaurĂ©at au dĂ©partement d’informatique (un laboratoire pour la manipulation d’arbres binaires de recherche et un pour la conversion de nombres en virgule flottante). Ces expĂ©rimentations indiquent que les interventions gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es sont efficaces. Au-delĂ  de ces rĂ©sultats, c’est le processus entourant ces expĂ©rimentations, parce qu’il est comparable au processus des chercheurs potentiellement intĂ©ressĂ©s par la plateforme Astus, qui montre que la version prĂ©sentĂ©e dans cette thĂšse est plus qu’un prototype et qu’elle peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e Ă  l’interne dans un contexte rĂ©el