32 research outputs found

    Dağıtık simülasyon sistemleri için yeni bir yönlendirme algoritması ve uygulaması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Kapasitif kavramak RF plazma, elektron salınım rezonans plazma, iyon elektron dağılım fonksiyonu, mikrodalga girişimmetre. Biyomedikal, uzay, uçak, tekstil, gıda ve orman sanayi gibi pek çok alanda uygulama alanı bulan plazma sistemleri, elektronikte VLSI ve ULSI ürünlerinin gerçekleştirilmesini sağlayan yegane yöntemlerdir. Dolayısı ile bu sistemlerin temel yapısının anlaşılması ve farklı uygulama alanlarında ortaya çıkabilecek muhtemel problemlerin çözümü için, plazma ve plazma parametrelerinin kontrol edilebilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, kapasitif kavramalı kapalı bir plazma düzeneğinde elektron yoğunluk dağılımının, uygulanan RF kaynakların gücü ve ortam basıncı ile olan ilişkisi incelenmiştir. İki parçadan oluşan bu çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, IEDF ve MDGM düzenekleri kullanarak sisteme ilişkin elektron yoğunluk tespiti yapmanın mümkün olduğu görülmüştür. Bunlardan IEDF plazma kılıfı içerisindeki iyon yoğunluğunu, MDGM ise plazma merkezinde oluşan elektron yoğunluğunu vermektedir. Bütün şartlar altında her iki yöntemin birbirini ayrı şekilde izlemesi beklenirken, yüksek RF kaynak gücü uygulamaları ile birbirlerinden uzaklaştıkları görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada elde edilen diğer önemli sonuç, sisteme ilave olarak uygulanan ikinci RF kaynak gücünün, birinci RF kaynak gücüne oram arttıkça hem merkezdeki elektron yoğunluğunun hem de elektron yüzeyine çarpan iyon sayısı ile iyon enerji seviyesinin düşmesidir. Bu sonuç, söz konusu oran ile, plazma yoğunluğu, iyon enerjisi ve elektron yoğunluğunun eksenel dağılımının kontrol edilebileceğini göstermiştir. Bu çalışmanın uygulama kısmında, polimer tabanlı malzeme olan silikon sondanın, mikrodalga plazma ile sterilizasyon incelenmiştir. Çalışma, farklı mikrodalga kaynak gücü ve farklı uygulama süreleri ile azot ve argon gazlan kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Uygulama, iki 2 adet sporlu, 2 adet sporsuz bakteri üzerinde denenmiştir. Her iki gaz ile yapılan uygulamada da mutlak sterilizasyon süresinin 1 saatten az ve geleneksel yöntemlere nazaran çok hızlı olduğu görülmüştür. Azot plazma, iyonlaşma sırasında ortaya çıkardığı radikaller nedeni ile daha başarılı sonuç vermiştir.DIAGNOSIS OF PLASMA BY MW INTERFEROMETER and PLASMA STERILISATION SUMMARY Key Words: Capacitively coupled RF plasma, electron cyclotron resonance plasma, ion electron distribution function, microwave inteRFerometer. Plasma systems allow us lots of technologies applicable to biomedical, space, food, textile and wood industry as well as VLSI/ULSI application in electronics industry. This is the main concern that physics and basics of these systems need to be understood clearly to solve possible problems to be seen in the future. Controlling plasma related parameters is a next step. Through out this study, an axial electron number density distribution of confined capacitively coupled plasma has been investigated to clarify its relation with applied power level and power ratio of primary and secondary frequency. Through the first part of this study, it is obtained that both IEDF and MWI allow us to measure electron number density. IEDF measures ions in plasma sheath, and MWI measures electron number density through bulk plasma. It is obtained that both method does not track each other in a good manner for high level of applied power, as expected. But they are in good agreement for low power levels. Second important outcome of this study is that while increasing the ratio of secondary RF source power to the primary RF power, electron number density through the bulk plasma, number of ions hitting to the surface of electrode and their energy levels are decreasing in control. This result shows that electron number density and its axial distribution in bulk plasma, and ion number of ions and their energy levels through the electrode surface can be controlled by this ratio. Sterilization of a silicone catheter that its structure is based on polymer by microwave discharge has been investigated as an application. Study has been carried out at various microwave source power and various treatment time by using nitrogen and argon gases. Application has been treated on 4 bacteria types that two of them has spores and others not. Absolute sterilization time for both gases has been obtained in less than a hour which much more shorter sterilization time than classical methods. In contrast, since nitrogen dissociates to yield nitrogen radicals, nitrogen discharge has better sterilization time. Xl

    A Quantised State Systems Approach Towards Declarative Autonomous Control

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    Integrating knowledge about complex adaptive systems: insights from modelling the Eastern Baltic cod

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    Currently, the Eastern Baltic cod (EBC) is in continuing decline. Supporting management efforts to assist in its recovery will require a functional understanding of the dynamics of the EBC and the Baltic ecosystem. However, aquatic environments are challenging to research as they are elusive, encompass many scientific disciplines and are complex adaptive systems. This thesis explores how modelling and simulation methods can be applied and adapted to meet the specific needs of fisheries biologies’ current challenges regarding the EBC and potentially those of other stocks in similar situations.Aktuell verschlechtert sich der Zustand des Ostdorsches anhaltend und unterstützende Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen zu identifizieren erfordert ein funktionales Verständnis des Bestands und des Ökosystems Ostsee. Die Erforschung aquatischer Systeme ist jedoch schwierig: sie sind flüchtig, umfassen eine Vielzahl an Disziplinen und sind komplexe adaptiver Systeme. Diese Arbeit untersucht, wie Modellierungs- und Simulationsmethoden angewendet und angepasst werden können, um den Anforderungen der Fischereibiologie beim Ostdorsch und potentiell bei anderer Bestände in ähnlichen Situationen zu begegnen

    An Empirical Survey on Co-simulation: Promising Standards, Challenges and Research Needs

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    Co-simulation is a promising approach for the modelling and simulation of complex systems, that makes use of mature simulation tools in the respective domains. It has been applied in wildly different domains, oftentimes without a comprehensive study of the impact to the simulation results. As a consequence, over the recent years, researchers have set out to understand the essential challenges arising from the application of this technique. This paper complements the existing surveys in that the social and empirical aspects were addressed. More than 50 experts participated in a two-stage Delphi study to determine current challenges, research needs and promising standards and tools. Furthermore, an analysis of the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of co-simulation utilizing the analytic hierarchy process resulting in a SWOT-AHP analysis is presented. The empirical results of this study show that experts consider the FMI standard to be the most promising standard for continuous time, discrete event and hybrid co-simulation. The results of the SWOT-AHP analysis indicate that factors related to strengths and opportunities predominate

    Understanding the Impact of Large-Scale Power Grid Architectures on Performance

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    Grid balancing is a critical system requirement for the power grid in matching the supply to the demand. This balancing has historically been achieved by conventional power generators. However, the increasing level of renewable penetration has brought more variability and uncertainty to the grid (Ela, Diakov et al. 2013, Bessa, Moreira et al. 2014), which has considerable impacts and implications on power system reliability and efficiency, as well as costs. Energy planners have the task of designing infrastructure power systems to provide electricity to the population, wherever and whenever needed. Deciding of the right grid architecture is no easy task, considering consumers’ economic, environmental, and security priorities, while making efficient use of existing resources. In this research, as one contribution, we explore associations between grid architectures and their performance, that is, their ability to meet consumers’ concerns. To do this, we first conduct a correlation analysis study. We propose a generative method that captures path dependency by iteratively creating grids, structurally different. The method would generate alternative grid architectures by subjecting an initial grid to a heuristic choice method for decision making over a fixed time horizon. Second, we also conduct a comparative study to evaluate differences in grid performances. We consider two balancing area operation types, presenting different structures and coordination mechanisms. Both studies are performed with the use of a grid simulation model, Spark! The aim of this model is to offer a meso-scale solution that enables the study of very large power systems over long-time horizons, with a sufficient level of fidelity to perform day-to-day grid activities and support architectural questions about the grids of the future. More importantly, the model reconciles long-term planning with short-term grid operations, enabling long-term projections validation via grid operations and response on a daily basis. This is our second contribution

    Aufgabenorientierte Multi-Robotersteuerungen auf Basis des SBC-Frameworks und DEVS: vorgelegt von Birger Freymann

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    In der Industrie sind Roboter bereits seit Jahrzehnten als leistungsfähige und flexible Werkzeuge etabliert. Mit neuen Anwendungsbereichen und Anforderungen, wie sie zum Beispiel im Rahmen der Industrie 4.0 Initiative definiert werden, kommt der effizienten Entwicklung von Robotersteuerungen eine immer größere Bedeutung zu. Diese Tendenz erfordert die Entwicklung neuer Methoden zur herstellerunabhängigen und applikationsübergreifenden Programmierung von Roboteranwendungen. Entscheidend sind hierbei systematische Vorgehensmodelle, theoriekonforme und modellbasierte Entwicklungsmethoden sowie moderne Programmiersysteme als Entwicklungswerkzeuge. Die Vielzahl der herstellerspezifischen Entwicklungsumgebungen auf dem Markt zeigt, dass sich existierende Standards im Bereich der Steuerungsentwicklung für Roboter bisher kaum durchsetzen konnten. Die methodische und softwaretechnische Diversität erschwert es, unterschiedliche Robotertypen und Roboter unterschiedlicher Hersteller in Teams zu gruppieren, um leistungsfähige, flexible und kostengünstige Multi-Robotersysteme (MRS) umzusetzen. Durchgängige Toolketten sowie Methoden der Modellbildung und Simulation spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle. In der Literatur wird in diesem Zusammenhang vom Rapid-Control-Prototyping (RCP) gesprochen. Gegenwärtig sind RCP-basierte Techniken in der industriellen Robotik fast immer herstellerspezifisch. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz zur durchgängigen, modellbasierten und herstellerunabhängigen Steuerungsentwicklung für Roboterteams mit industriellen Knickarmrobotern entwickelt. Aufbauend auf dem Simulation-Based-Control (SBC)-Ansatz und dem Task-Oriented-Control (TOC)-Ansatz werden Entwicklungsmethoden aus dem Bereich von Single-Robotersystemen (SRS) auf MRS übertragen. Es werden mögliche Interaktionen zwischen Robotern untersucht und hierauf aufbauend Interaktionsklassen definiert. Zur Umsetzung einer durchgängigen Steuerungsentwicklung wird der Discrete-Event-System-Specification (DEVS)-Formalismus diskutiert und es werden Erweiterungen zur Echtzeit- und Prozessanbindung untersucht. Hieraus abgeleitet wird ein modifizierter Formalismus entwickelt und dessen Eignung zur durchgängigen, modellbasierten Steuerungsentwicklung anhand eines Fallbeispiels demonstriert. Zur Spezifikation der entwickelten Modelle wird die DEVS-Diagramm-Notation verwendet und um zusätzliche Beschreibungsmittel erweitert. Basierend auf den zuvor definierten Interaktionsklassen werden Lösungsansätze zur TOC-basierten Umsetzung von Interaktionen mittels modularer und wiederverwendbarer Aufgaben erarbeitet. Anschließend wird deren prototypische Umsetzung anhand von Fallbeispielen mittels des neu entwickelten DEVS-Formalismus gezeigt. Die Komplexität der Interaktionen steigt mit jedem Fallbeispiel an. Zur besseren Handhabung der Komplexität wird mit dem Erweiterten System-Entity-Structure/Model-Base (SES/MB)-Ansatz eine zusätzliche modellbasierte Technik eingeführt, mit dem SBC- sowie dem TOC-Ansatz integriert und anhand eines Fallbeispiels der bisherigen Vorgehensweise gegenübergestellt.Robots have been established in industry for decades as powerful and flexible tools. With new application areas and requirements, such as those defined in the context of the Industry 4.0 initiative, the efficient development of robot controllers is becoming increasingly important. This trend requires the development of new methods for the manufacturer-independent and application-independent programming of robot applications. The decisive factors here are systematic procedural models, theory-compliant and model-based development methods, and modern programming systems as development tools. The large number of manufacturer-specific development environments on the market shows that existing standards in the area of control development for robots have hardly been able to establish themselves. The methodological and software diversity makes it difficult to group different robot types and robots from different manufacturers in teams in order to implement powerful, flexible and cost-effective multi-robot systems (MRS). Continuous tool chains as well as methods of modeling and simulation play an important role in this context. In the literature, rapid control prototyping (RCP) is spoken of in this context. Currently, RCP-based techniques in industrial robotics are almost always manufacturer-specific. In this thesis, an approach for end-to-end, model-based and vendor-independent control development for robot teams with industrial jointed-arm robots is developed. Based on the Simulation-Based-Control (SBC) approach and the Task-Oriented-Control (TOC) approach, development methods from the field of single robot systems (SRS) are transferred to MRS. Possible interactions between robots are investigated and, based on this, interaction classes are defined. For the implementation of an integrated control development the Discrete-Event-System-Specification (DEVS) formalism is discussed and extensions for real-time and process integration are investigated. Derived from this, a modified formalism is developed and its suitability for integrated, model-based control development is demonstrated by means of a case study. For the specification of the developed models the DEVS diagram notation is used and extended by additional descriptive means. Based on the previously defined interaction classes, approaches for the TOC-based implementation of interactions are developed using modular and reusable tasks. Subsequently, their prototypical implementation is shown on the basis of case studies using the newly developed DEVS formalism. The complexity of the interactions increases with each case study. For a better handling of the complexity, the Extended System-Entity-Structure/Model-Base (SES/MB) approach is introduced as an additional model-based technique, integrated with the SBC and TOC approaches, and compared with the previous approach using a case study

    Modelos de empresa para el sistema de financiación-inversión

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, 197

    Migrating to a real-time distributed parallel simulator architecture

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    The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) currently requires a system of systems simulation capability for supporting the different phases of a Ground Based Air Defence System (GBADS) acquisition program. A non-distributed, fast-as-possible simulator and its architectural predecessors developed by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) was able to provide the required capability during the concept and definition phases of the acquisition life cycle. The non-distributed simulator implements a 100Hz logical time Discrete Time System Specification (DTSS) in support of the existing models. However, real-time simulation execution has become a prioritised requirement to support the development phase of the acquisition life cycle. This dissertation is about the ongoing migration of the non-distributed simulator to a practical simulation architecture that supports the real-time requirement. The simulator simulates a synthetic environment inhabited by interacting GBAD systems and hostile airborne targets. The non-distributed simulator was parallelised across multiple Commod- ity Off the Shelf (COTS) PC nodes connected by a commercial Gigabit Eth- ernet infrastructure. Since model reuse was important for cost effectiveness, it was decided to reuse all the existing models, by retaining their 100Hz logical time DTSSs. The large scale and event-based High Level Architecture (HLA), an IEEE standard for large-scale distributed simulation interoperability, had been identified as the most suitable distribution and parallelisation technology. However, two categories of risks in directly migrating to the HLA were iden- tified. The choice was made, with motivations, to mitigate the identified risks by developing a specialised custom distributed architecture. In this dissertation, the custom discrete time, distributed, peer-to-peer, message-passing architecture that has been built by the author in support of the parallelised simulator requirements, is described and analysed. It reports on empirical studies in regard to performance and flexibility. The architecture is shown to be a suitable and cost effective distributed simulator architecture for supporting a speed-up of three to four times through parallelisation of the 100 Hz logical time DTSS. This distributed architecture is currently in use and working as expected, but results in a parallelisation speed-up ceiling irrespective of the number of distributed processors. In addition, a hybrid discrete-time/discrete-event modelling approach and simulator is proposed that lowers the distributed communication and time synchronisation overhead—to improve on the scalability of the discrete time simulator—while still economically reusing the existing models. The pro- posed hybrid architecture was implemented and its real-time performance analysed. The hybrid architecture is found to support a parallelisation speed- up that is not bounded, but linearly related to the number of distributed pro- cessors up to at least the 11 processing nodes available for experimentation.Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2009.Computer Scienceunrestricte