85 research outputs found

    Reusing Logic Masking to Facilitate Hardware Trojan Detection

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    Hardware Trojan (HT) and Integrated Circuit (IC)/ Intellectual Property (IP) piracy are important threats which may happen in untrusted fabrication foundries. Modifying structurally the ICs/IPs design to counter the HT threats has been proposed, and it is known as Design-For-Hardware-Trust (DFHT). DFHT methods are used in order to facilitate HT detection methods. In addition, logic masking methods modify the IPs/ICs design to harden them against the IP/IC piracy. These methods modify a circuit such that it does not work correctly without applying the correct key. In this paper, we propose DFHT methods leveraging logic masking approach

    Hardware security design from circuits to systems

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    The security of hardware implementations is of considerable importance, as even the most secure and carefully analyzed algorithms and protocols can be vulnerable in their hardware realization. For instance, numerous successful attacks have been presented against the Advanced Encryption Standard, which is approved for top secret information by the National Security Agency. There are numerous challenges for hardware security, ranging from critical power and resource constraints in sensor networks to scalability and automation for large Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The physically unclonable function (PUF) is a promising building block for hardware security, as it exposes a device-unique challenge-response behavior which depends on process variations in fabrication. It can be used in a variety of applications including random number generation, authentication, fingerprinting, and encryption. The primary concerns for PUF are reliability in presence of environmental variations, area and power overhead, and process-dependent randomness of the challenge-response behavior. Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNFETs) have been shown to have excellent electrical and unique physical characteristics. They are a promising candidate to replace silicon transistors in future very large scale integration (VLSI) designs. We present the Carbon Nanotube PUF (CNPUF), which is the first PUF design that takes advantage of unique CNFET characteristics. CNPUF achieves higher reliability against environmental variations and increases the resistance against modeling attacks. Furthermore, CNPUF has a considerable power and energy reduction in comparison to previous ultra-low power PUF designs of 89.6% and 98%, respectively. Moreover, CNPUF allows a power-security tradeoff in an extended design, which can greatly increase the resilience against modeling attacks. Despite increasing focus on defenses against physical attacks, consistent security oriented design of embedded systems remains a challenge, as most formalizations and security models are concerned with isolated physical components or a high-level concept. Therefore, we build on existing work on hardware security and provide four contributions to system-oriented physical defense: (i) A system-level security model to overcome the chasm between secure components and requirements of high-level protocols; this enables synergy between component-oriented security formalizations and theoretically proven protocols. (ii) An analysis of current practices in PUF protocols using the proposed system-level security model; we identify significant issues and expose assumptions that require costly security techniques. (iii) A System-of-PUF (SoP) that utilizes the large PUF design-space to achieve security requirements with minimal resource utilization; SoP requires 64% less gate-equivalent units than recently published schemes. (iv) A multilevel authentication protocol based on SoP which is validated using our system-level security model and which overcomes current vulnerabilities. Furthermore, this protocol offers breach recognition and recovery. Unpredictability and reliability are core requirements of PUFs: unpredictability implies that an adversary cannot sufficiently predict future responses from previous observations. Reliability is important as it increases the reproducibility of PUF responses and hence allows validation of expected responses. However, advanced machine-learning algorithms have been shown to be a significant threat to the practical validity of PUFs, as they can accurately model PUF behavior. The most effective technique was shown to be the XOR-based combination of multiple PUFs, but as this approach drastically reduces reliability, it does not scale well against software-based machine-learning attacks. We analyze threats to PUF security and propose PolyPUF, a scalable and secure architecture to introduce polymorphic PUF behavior. This architecture significantly increases model-building resistivity while maintaining reliability. An extensive experimental evaluation and comparison demonstrate that the PolyPUF architecture can secure various PUF configurations and is the only evaluated approach to withstand highly complex neural network machine-learning attacks. Furthermore, we show that PolyPUF consumes less energy and has less implementation overhead in comparison to lightweight reference architectures. Emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) heavily rely on hardware security for data and privacy protection. The outsourcing of integrated circuit (IC) fabrication introduces diverse threat vectors with different characteristics, such that the security of each device has unique focal points. Hardware Trojan horses (HTH) are a significant threat for IoT devices as they process security critical information with limited resources. HTH for information leakage are particularly difficult to detect as they have minimal footprint. Moreover, constantly increasing integration complexity requires automatic synthesis to maintain the pace of innovation. We introduce the first high-level synthesis (HLS) flow that produces a threat-targeted and security enhanced hardware design to prevent HTH injection by a malicious foundry. Through analysis of entropy loss and criticality decay, the presented algorithms implement highly resource-efficient targeted information dispersion. An obfuscation flow is introduced to camouflage the effects of dispersion and reduce the effectiveness of reverse engineering. A new metric for the combined security of the device is proposed, and dispersion and obfuscation are co-optimized to target user-supplied threat parameters under resource constraints. The flow is evaluated on existing HLS benchmarks and a new IoT-specific benchmark, and shows significant resource savings as well as adaptability. The IoT and cloud computing rely on strong confidence in security of confidential or highly privacy sensitive data. As (differential) power attacks can take advantage of side-channel leakage to expose device-internal secrets, side-channel leakage is a major concern with ongoing research focus. However, countermeasures typically require expert-level security knowledge for efficient application, which limits adaptation in the highly competitive and time-constrained IoT field. We address this need by presenting the first HLS flow with primary focus on side-channel leakage reduction. Minimal security annotation to the high-level C-code is sufficient to perform automatic analysis of security critical operations with corresponding insertion of countermeasures. Additionally, imbalanced branches are detected and corrected. For practicality, the flow can meet both resource and information leakage constraints. The presented flow is extensively evaluated on established HLS benchmarks and a general IoT benchmark. Under identical resource constraints, leakage is reduced between 32% and 72% compared to the baseline. Under leakage target, the constraints are achieved with 31% to 81% less resource overhead

    Remote Attacks on FPGA Hardware

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    Immer mehr Computersysteme sind weltweit miteinander verbunden und ĂŒber das Internet zugĂ€nglich, was auch die Sicherheitsanforderungen an diese erhöht. Eine neuere Technologie, die zunehmend als Rechenbeschleuniger sowohl fĂŒr eingebettete Systeme als auch in der Cloud verwendet wird, sind Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Sie sind sehr flexible Mikrochips, die per Software konfiguriert und programmiert werden können, um beliebige digitale Schaltungen zu implementieren. Wie auch andere integrierte Schaltkreise basieren FPGAs auf modernen Halbleitertechnologien, die von Fertigungstoleranzen und verschiedenen Laufzeitschwankungen betroffen sind. Es ist bereits bekannt, dass diese Variationen die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit eines Systems beeinflussen, aber ihre Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit wurden nicht umfassend untersucht. Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit einem Querschnitt dieser Themen: Sicherheitsprobleme die dadurch entstehen wenn FPGAs von mehreren Benutzern benutzt werden, oder ĂŒber das Internet zugĂ€nglich sind, in Kombination mit physikalischen Schwankungen in modernen Halbleitertechnologien. Der erste Beitrag in dieser Arbeit identifiziert transiente Spannungsschwankungen als eine der stĂ€rksten Auswirkungen auf die FPGA-Leistung und analysiert experimentell wie sich verschiedene Arbeitslasten des FPGAs darauf auswirken. In der restlichen Arbeit werden dann die Auswirkungen dieser Spannungsschwankungen auf die Sicherheit untersucht. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass verschiedene Angriffe möglich sind, von denen frĂŒher angenommen wurde, dass sie physischen Zugriff auf den Chip und die Verwendung spezieller und teurer Test- und MessgerĂ€te erfordern. Dies zeigt, dass bekannte Isolationsmaßnahmen innerhalb FPGAs von böswilligen Benutzern umgangen werden können, um andere Benutzer im selben FPGA oder sogar das gesamte System anzugreifen. Unter Verwendung von Schaltkreisen zur Beeinflussung der Spannung innerhalb eines FPGAs zeigt diese Arbeit aktive Angriffe, die Fehler (Faults) in anderen Teilen des Systems verursachen können. Auf diese Weise sind Denial-of-Service Angriffe möglich, als auch Fault-Angriffe um geheime SchlĂŒsselinformationen aus dem System zu extrahieren. DarĂŒber hinaus werden passive Angriffe gezeigt, die indirekt die Spannungsschwankungen auf dem Chip messen. Diese Messungen reichen aus, um geheime SchlĂŒsselinformationen durch Power Analysis Seitenkanalangriffe zu extrahieren. In einer weiteren Eskalationsstufe können sich diese Angriffe auch auf andere Chips auswirken die an dasselbe Netzteil angeschlossen sind wie der FPGA. Um zu beweisen, dass vergleichbare Angriffe nicht nur innerhalb FPGAs möglich sind, wird gezeigt, dass auch kleine IoT-GerĂ€te anfĂ€llig fĂŒr Angriffe sind welche die gemeinsame Spannungsversorgung innerhalb eines Chips ausnutzen. Insgesamt zeigt diese Arbeit, dass grundlegende physikalische Variationen in integrierten Schaltkreisen die Sicherheit eines gesamten Systems untergraben können, selbst wenn der Angreifer keinen direkten Zugriff auf das GerĂ€t hat. FĂŒr FPGAs in ihrer aktuellen Form mĂŒssen diese Probleme zuerst gelöst werden, bevor man sie mit mehreren Benutzern oder mit Zugriff von Drittanbietern sicher verwenden kann. In Veröffentlichungen die nicht Teil dieser Arbeit sind wurden bereits einige erste Gegenmaßnahmen untersucht

    Towards trustworthy computing on untrustworthy hardware

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    Historically, hardware was thought to be inherently secure and trusted due to its obscurity and the isolated nature of its design and manufacturing. In the last two decades, however, hardware trust and security have emerged as pressing issues. Modern day hardware is surrounded by threats manifested mainly in undesired modifications by untrusted parties in its supply chain, unauthorized and pirated selling, injected faults, and system and microarchitectural level attacks. These threats, if realized, are expected to push hardware to abnormal and unexpected behaviour causing real-life damage and significantly undermining our trust in the electronic and computing systems we use in our daily lives and in safety critical applications. A large number of detective and preventive countermeasures have been proposed in literature. It is a fact, however, that our knowledge of potential consequences to real-life threats to hardware trust is lacking given the limited number of real-life reports and the plethora of ways in which hardware trust could be undermined. With this in mind, run-time monitoring of hardware combined with active mitigation of attacks, referred to as trustworthy computing on untrustworthy hardware, is proposed as the last line of defence. This last line of defence allows us to face the issue of live hardware mistrust rather than turning a blind eye to it or being helpless once it occurs. This thesis proposes three different frameworks towards trustworthy computing on untrustworthy hardware. The presented frameworks are adaptable to different applications, independent of the design of the monitored elements, based on autonomous security elements, and are computationally lightweight. The first framework is concerned with explicit violations and breaches of trust at run-time, with an untrustworthy on-chip communication interconnect presented as a potential offender. The framework is based on the guiding principles of component guarding, data tagging, and event verification. The second framework targets hardware elements with inherently variable and unpredictable operational latency and proposes a machine-learning based characterization of these latencies to infer undesired latency extensions or denial of service attacks. The framework is implemented on a DDR3 DRAM after showing its vulnerability to obscured latency extension attacks. The third framework studies the possibility of the deployment of untrustworthy hardware elements in the analog front end, and the consequent integrity issues that might arise at the analog-digital boundary of system on chips. The framework uses machine learning methods and the unique temporal and arithmetic features of signals at this boundary to monitor their integrity and assess their trust level

    Design and Programming Methods for Reconfigurable Multi-Core Architectures using a Network-on-Chip-Centric Approach

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    A current trend in the semiconductor industry is the use of Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs) for a wide variety of applications such as image processing, automotive, multimedia, and robotic systems. Most applications gain performance advantages by executing parallel tasks on multiple processors due to the inherent parallelism. Moreover, heterogeneous structures provide high performance/energy efficiency, since application-specific processing elements (PEs) can be exploited. The increasing number of heterogeneous PEs leads to challenging communication requirements. To overcome this challenge, Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) have emerged as scalable on-chip interconnect. Nevertheless, NoCs have to deal with many design parameters such as virtual channels, routing algorithms and buffering techniques to fulfill the system requirements. This thesis highly contributes to the state-of-the-art of FPGA-based MPSoCs and NoCs. In the following, the three major contributions are introduced. As a first major contribution, a novel router concept is presented that efficiently utilizes communication times by performing sequences of arithmetic operations on the data that is transferred. The internal input buffers of the routers are exchanged with processing units that are capable of executing operations. Two different architectures of such processing units are presented. The first architecture provides multiply and accumulate operations which are often used in signal processing applications. The second architecture introduced as Application-Specific Instruction Set Routers (ASIRs) contains a processing unit capable of executing any operation and hence, it is not limited to multiply and accumulate operations. An internal processing core located in ASIRs can be developed in C/C++ using high-level synthesis. The second major contribution comprises application and performance explorations of the novel router concept. Models that approximate the achievable speedup and the end-to-end latency of ASIRs are derived and discussed to show the benefits in terms of performance. Furthermore, two applications using an ASIR-based MPSoC are implemented and evaluated on a Xilinx Zynq SoC. The first application is an image processing algorithm consisting of a Sobel filter, an RGB-to-Grayscale conversion, and a threshold operation. The second application is a system that helps visually impaired people by navigating them through unknown indoor environments. A Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensor scans the environment, while Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) measure the orientation of the user to generate an audio signal that makes the distance as well as the orientation of obstacles audible. This application consists of multiple parallel tasks that are mapped to an ASIR-based MPSoC. Both applications show the performance advantages of ASIRs compared to a conventional NoC-based MPSoC. Furthermore, dynamic partial reconfiguration in terms of relocation and security aspects are investigated. The third major contribution refers to development and programming methodologies of NoC-based MPSoCs. A software-defined approach is presented that combines the design and programming of heterogeneous MPSoCs. In addition, a Kahn-Process-Network (KPN) –based model is designed to describe parallel applications for MPSoCs using ASIRs. The KPN-based model is extended to support not only the mapping of tasks to NoC-based MPSoCs but also the mapping to ASIR-based MPSoCs. A static mapping methodology is presented that assigns tasks to ASIRs and processors for a given KPN-model. The impact of external hardware components such as sensors, actuators and accelerators connected to the processors is also discussed which makes the approach of high interest for embedded systems

    Design Automation and Application for Emerging Reconfigurable Nanotechnologies

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    In the last few decades, two major phenomena have revolutionized the electronic industry – the ever-increasing dependence on electronic circuits and the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) downscaling. These two phenomena have been complementing each other in a way that while electronics, in general, have demanded more computations per functional unit, CMOS downscaling has aptly supported such needs. However, while the computational demand is still rising exponentially, CMOS downscaling is reaching its physical limits. Hence, the need to explore viable emerging nanotechnologies is more imperative than ever. This thesis focuses on streamlining the existing design automation techniques for a class of emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies. Transistors based on this technology exhibit duality in conduction, i.e. they can be configured dynamically either as a p-type or an n-type device on the application of an external bias. Owing to this dynamic reconfiguration, these transistors are also referred to as Reconfigurable Field-Effect Transistors (RFETs). Exploring and developing new technologies just like CMOS, require tackling two main challenges – first, design automation flow has to be modified to enable tailor- made circuit designs. Second, possible application opportunities should be explored where such technologies can outsmart the existing CMOS technologies. This thesis targets the above two objectives for emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies by proposing approaches for enabling an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) flow for circuits based on RFETs and exploring hardware security as an application that exploits the transistor-level dynamic reconfiguration offered by this technology. This thesis explains the bottom-up approach adopted to propose a logic synthesis flow by identifying new logic gates and circuit design paradigms that can particularly exploit the dynamic reconfiguration offered by these novel nanotechnologies. This led to the subsequent need of finding natural Boolean logic abstraction for emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies as it is shown that the existing abstraction of negative unate logic for CMOS technologies is sub-optimal for RFETs-based circuits. In this direction, it has been shown that duality in Boolean logic is a natural abstraction for this technology and can truly represent the duality in conduction offered by individual transistors. Finding this abstraction paved the way for defining suitable primitives and proposing various algorithms for logic synthesis and technology mapping. The following step is to explore compatible physical synthesis flow for emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies. Using silicon nanowire-based RFETs, .lef and .lib files have been provided which can provide an end-to-end flow to generate .GDSII file for circuits exclusively based on RFETs. Additionally, new approaches have been explored to improve placement and routing for circuits based on reconfigurable nanotechnologies. It has been demonstrated how these approaches led to superior results as compared to the native flow meant for CMOS. Lastly, the unique property of transistor-level reconfiguration offered by RFETs is utilized to implement efficient Intellectual Property (IP) protection schemes against adversarial attacks. The ability to control the conduction of individual transistors can be argued as one of the impactful features of this technology and suitably fits into the paradigm of security measures. Prior security schemes based on CMOS technology often come with large overheads in terms of area, power, and delay. In contrast, RFETs-based hardware security measures such as logic locking, split manufacturing, etc. proposed in this thesis, demonstrate affordable security solutions with low overheads. Overall, this thesis lays a strong foundation for the two main objectives – design automation, and hardware security as an application, to push emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies for commercial integration. Additionally, contributions done in this thesis are made available under open-source licenses so as to foster new research directions and collaborations.:Abstract List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction 1.1 What are emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies? 1.2 Why does this technology look so promising? 1.3 Electronics Design Automation 1.4 The game of see-saw: key challenges vs benefits for emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies 1.4.1 Abstracting ambipolarity in logic gate designs 1.4.2 Enabling electronic design automation for RFETs 1.4.3 Enhanced functionality: a suitable fit for hardware security applications 1.5 Research questions 1.6 Entire RFET-centric EDA Flow 1.7 Key Contributions and Thesis Organization 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Reconfigurable Nanotechnology 2.1.1 1D devices 2.1.2 2D devices 2.1.3 Factors favoring circuit-flexibility 2.2 Feasibility aspects of RFET technology 2.3 Logic Synthesis Preliminaries 2.3.1 Circuit Model 2.3.2 Boolean Algebra 2.3.3 Monotone Function and the property of Unateness 2.3.4 Logic Representations 3 Exploring Circuit Design Topologies for RFETs 3.1 Contributions 3.2 Organization 3.3 Related Works 3.4 Exploring design topologies for combinational circuits: functionality-enhanced logic gates 3.4.1 List of Combinational Functionality-Enhanced Logic Gates based on RFETs 3.4.2 Estimation of gate delay using the logical effort theory 3.5 Invariable design of Inverters 3.6 Sequential Circuits 3.6.1 Dual edge-triggered TSPC-based D-flip flop 3.6.2 Exploiting RFET’s ambipolarity for metastability 3.7 Evaluations 3.7.1 Evaluation of combinational logic gates 3.7.2 Novel design of 1-bit ALU 3.7.3 Comparison of the sequential circuit with an equivalent CMOS-based design 3.8 Concluding remarks 4 Standard Cells and Technology Mapping 4.1 Contributions 4.2 Organization 4.3 Related Work 4.4 Standard cells based on RFETs 4.4.1 Interchangeable Pull-Up and Pull-Down Networks 4.4.2 Reconfigurable Truth-Table 4.5 Distilling standard cells 4.6 HOF-based Technology Mapping Flow for RFETs-based circuits 4.6.1 Area adjustments through inverter sharings 4.6.2 Technology Mapping Flow 4.6.3 Realizing Parameters For The Generic Library 4.6.4 Defining RFETs-based Genlib for HOF-based mapping 4.7 Experiments 4.7.1 Experiment 1: Distilling standard-cells from a benchmark suite 4.7.2 Experiment 2A: HOF-based mapping . 4.7.3 Experiment 2B: Using the distilled standard-cells during mapping 4.8 Concluding Remarks 5 Logic Synthesis with XOR-Majority Graphs 5.1 Contributions 5.2 Organization 5.3 Motivation 5.4 Background and Preliminaries 5.4.1 Terminologies 5.4.2 Self-duality in NPN classes 5.4.3 Majority logic synthesis 5.4.4 Earlier work on XMG 5.4.5 Classification of Boolean functions 5.5 Preserving Self-Duality 5.5.1 During logic synthesis 5.5.2 During versatile technology mapping 5.6 Advanced Logic synthesis techniques 5.6.1 XMG resubstitution 5.6.2 Exact XMG rewriting 5.7 Logic representation-agnostic Mapping 5.7.1 Versatile Mapper 5.7.2 Support of supergates 5.8 Creating Self-dual Benchmarks 5.9 Experiments 5.9.1 XMG-based Flow 5.9.2 Experimental Setup 5.9.3 Synthetic self-dual benchmarks 5.9.4 Cryptographic benchmark suite 5.10 Concluding remarks and future research directions 6 Physical synthesis flow and liberty generation 6.1 Contributions 6.2 Organization 6.3 Background and Related Work 6.3.1 Related Works 6.3.2 Motivation 6.4 Silicon Nanowire Reconfigurable Transistors 6.5 Layouts for Logic Gates 6.5.1 Layouts for Static Functional Logic Gates 6.5.2 Layout for Reconfigurable Logic Gate 6.6 Table Model for Silicon Nanowire RFETs 6.7 Exploring Approaches for Physical Synthesis 6.7.1 Using the Standard Place & Route Flow 6.7.2 Open-source Flow 6.7.3 Concept of Driver Cells 6.7.4 Native Approach 6.7.5 Island-based Approach 6.7.6 Utilization Factor 6.7.7 Placement of the Island on the Chip 6.8 Experiments 6.8.1 Preliminary comparison with CMOS technology 6.8.2 Evaluating different physical synthesis approaches 6.9 Results and discussions 6.9.1 Parameters Which Affect The Area 6.9.2 Use of Germanium Nanowires Channels 6.10 Concluding Remarks 7 Polymporphic Primitives for Hardware Security 7.1 Contributions 7.2 Organization 7.3 The Shift To Explore Emerging Technologies For Security 7.4 Background 7.4.1 IP protection schemes 7.4.2 Preliminaries 7.5 Security Promises 7.5.1 RFETs for logic locking (transistor-level locking) 7.5.2 RFETs for split manufacturing 7.6 Security Vulnerabilities 7.6.1 Realization of short-circuit and open-circuit scenarios in an RFET-based inverter 7.6.2 Circuit evaluation on sub-circuits 7.6.3 Reliability concerns: A consequence of short-circuit scenario 7.6.4 Implication of the proposed security vulnerability 7.7 Analytical Evaluation 7.7.1 Investigating the security promises 7.7.2 Investigating the security vulnerabilities 7.8 Concluding remarks and future research directions 8 Conclusion 8.1 Concluding Remarks 8.2 Directions for Future Work Appendices A Distilling standard-cells B RFETs-based Genlib C Layout Extraction File (.lef) for Silicon Nanowire-based RFET D Liberty (.lib) file for Silicon Nanowire-based RFET

    Low Power Memory/Memristor Devices and Systems

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    This reprint focusses on achieving low-power computation using memristive devices. The topic was designed as a convenient reference point: it contains a mix of techniques starting from the fundamental manufacturing of memristive devices all the way to applications such as physically unclonable functions, and also covers perspectives on, e.g., in-memory computing, which is inextricably linked with emerging memory devices such as memristors. Finally, the reprint contains a few articles representing how other communities (from typical CMOS design to photonics) are fighting on their own fronts in the quest towards low-power computation, as a comparison with the memristor literature. We hope that readers will enjoy discovering the articles within

    Reusing logic masking to facilitate path-delay-based hardware Trojan detection

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    International audienceHardware Trojan (HT), Integrated Circuit (IC) piracy, and overproduction are three important threats which may happen in untrusted foundries. Design changes against HTs, so-called Design-For-Hardware-Trust (DFHT), are used in order to facilitate the HT detection. In addition, logic masking has been proposed against IC piracy and overproduction. In this work, we propose a DFHT method reusing the circuitry dedicated to logic masking in order to improve the HT detection based on the path delay analysis

    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation
