94 research outputs found

    Modeling Faceted Browsing with Category Theory for Reuse and Interoperability

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    Faceted browsing (also called faceted search or faceted navigation) is an exploratory search model where facets assist in the interactive navigation of search results. Facets are attributes that have been assigned to describe resources being explored; a faceted taxonomy is a collection of facets provided by the interface and is often organized as sets, hierarchies, or graphs. Faceted browsing has become ubiquitous with modern digital libraries and online search engines, yet the process is still difficult to abstractly model in a manner that supports the development of interoperable and reusable interfaces. We propose category theory as a theoretical foundation for faceted browsing and demonstrate how the interactive process can be mathematically abstracted in order to support the development of reusable and interoperable faceted systems. Existing efforts in facet modeling are based upon set theory, formal concept analysis, and light-weight ontologies, but in many regards they are implementations of faceted browsing rather than a specification of the basic, underlying structures and interactions. We will demonstrate that category theory allows us to specify faceted objects and study the relationships and interactions within a faceted browsing system. Resulting implementations can then be constructed through a category-theoretic lens using these models, allowing abstract comparison and communication that naturally support interoperability and reuse. In this context, reuse and interoperability are at two levels: between discrete systems and within a single system. Our model works at both levels by leveraging category theory as a common language for representation and computation. We will establish facets and faceted taxonomies as categories and will demonstrate how the computational elements of category theory, including products, merges, pushouts, and pullbacks, extend the usefulness of our model. More specifically, we demonstrate that categorical constructions such as the pullback and pushout operations can help organize and reorganize facets; these operations in particular can produce faceted views containing relationships not found in the original source taxonomy. We show how our category-theoretic model of facets relates to database schemas and discuss how this relationship assists in implementing the abstractions presented. We give examples of interactive interfaces from the biomedical domain to help illustrate how our abstractions relate to real-world requirements while enabling systematic reuse and interoperability. We introduce DELVE (Document ExpLoration and Visualization Engine), our framework for developing interactive visualizations as modular Web-applications in order to assist researchers with exploratory literature search. We show how facets relate to and control visualizations; we give three examples of text visualizations that either contain or interact with facets. We show how each of these visualizations can be represented with our model and demonstrate how our model directly informs implementation. With our general framework for communicating consistently about facets at a high level of abstraction, we enable the construction of interoperable interfaces and enable the intelligent reuse of both existing and future efforts

    Working Notes from the 1992 AAAI Workshop on Automating Software Design. Theme: Domain Specific Software Design

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    The goal of this workshop is to identify different architectural approaches to building domain-specific software design systems and to explore issues unique to domain-specific (vs. general-purpose) software design. Some general issues that cut across the particular software design domain include: (1) knowledge representation, acquisition, and maintenance; (2) specialized software design techniques; and (3) user interaction and user interface

    Core Technologies for Native XML Database Management Systems

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    This work investigates the core technologies required to build Database Management Systems (DBMSs) for large collections of XML documents. We call such systems XML Base Management Systems (XBMSs). We identify requirements, and analyze how they can be met using a conventional DBMS. Our conclusion is that an XML support layer on top of an existing conventional DBMS does not address the requirements for XBMSs. Hence, we built a Native XBMS, called Natix. Natix has been developed completely from scratch, incorporating optimizations for high-performance XML processing in those places where they are most effective

    An Object-Oriented Heterogeneous Database Architecture

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    Many data management environments face a critical need to integrate heterogeneous data-data that are stored in varying locations using various data management systems with diverse data formats and schemas. To address this problem, the database research community has developed the concept of a heterogeneous database system (HDB) that provides users with the illusion of a single unified database. However, HDBs rely on the implicit assumption that all data to be integrated into the HDB are stored in full-fledged database management systems (DBMS). This assumption leaves environments that need to integrate non-DBMS data unserved by HDB systems. Furthermore, HDBs are complex software solutions that are not easily lmplementable by database developers wrestling with heterogeneous data. This thesis presents a new, easily implemented HDB architecture that is suitable for integrating non-DBMS data. The key to our architecture is using an object-oriented database management system (OODBMS) as an implementation tool. Rather than developing an HDB from scratch, we leverage the power and facilities of the underlying OODBMS to provide a query language, application programmer interface, interactive query interface, concurrency control, etc. Using object-oriented technology gives us an additional benefit-our HDB becomes an object-oriented HDB (OOHDB) providing users with greater data model expressivity along with a powerful behavioral component. The OOHDB architecture we present is independent of a particular OODBMS and can be implemented using a number of commercial OODBMSs for a variety of data management environments. We describe one implementation of our architecture using the GemStone OODBMS for accessing heterogeneous materials science data. This implementation demonstrates how easily the architecture can be implemented. We use this implementation to analyze the performance of the architecture and examine the effectiveness of strategies for enhancing performance. We conclude that for many environments with heterogeneous non-DBMS data, our OOHDB architecture provides a good solution that is easy to implement using commercial OODBMS technology

    Business rules based legacy system evolution towards service-oriented architecture.

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    Enterprises can be empowered to live up to the potential of becoming dynamic, agile and real-time. Service orientation is emerging from the amalgamation of a number of key business, technology and cultural developments. Three essential trends in particular are coming together to create a new revolutionary breed of enterprise, the service-oriented enterprise (SOE): (1) the continuous performance management of the enterprise; (2) the emergence of business process management; and (3) advances in the standards-based service-oriented infrastructures. This thesis focuses on this emerging three-layered architecture that builds on a service-oriented architecture framework, with a process layer that brings technology and business together, and a corporate performance layer that continually monitors and improves the performance indicators of global enterprises provides a novel framework for the business context in which to apply the important technical idea of service orientation and moves it from being an interesting tool for engineers to a vehicle for business managers to fundamentally improve their businesses

    Building blocks for semantic data organization on the desktop

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    Die Organisation von (Multimedia-) Daten auf Desktop-Systemen wird derzeit hauptsächlich durch das Einordnen von Dateien in ein hierarchisches Dateisystem bewerkstelligt. Zusätzlich werden gewisse Inhalte (z.B. Musik oder Fotos) von spezialisierter Software mit Hilfe Datei-bezogener Metadaten verwaltet. Diese Metadaten werden meist direkt im Dateikopf in einer Unzahl verschiedener, vorwiegend proprietärer Formate gespeichert. Allgemein nehmen Metadaten und Links die Schlüsselrollen in fortgeschrittenen Datenorganisationskonzepten ein, ihre eingeschränkte Unterstützung in vorherrschenden Dateisystemen macht die Einführung solcher Konzepte auf dem Desktop jedoch schwierig: Erstens müssen Anwendungen sowohl Dateiformat als auch Metadatenschema verstehen um auf Metadaten zugreifen zu können; zweitens ist ein getrennter Zugriff auf Daten und Metadaten nicht möglich und drittens kann man solche Metadaten nicht mit mehreren Dateien oder mit Dateiordnern assoziieren obgleich letztere die derzeit wichtigsten Konstrukte für die Dateiorganisation darstellen. Dies bedeutet in weiterer Folge: (i) eingeschränkte Möglichkeiten der Datenorganisation, (ii) eingeschränkte Navigationsmöglichkeiten, (iii) schlechte Auffindbarkeit der gespeicherten Daten, und (iv) Fragmentierung von Metadaten. Obschon es Versuche gab, diese Situation (zum Beispiel mit Hilfe semantischer Dateisysteme) zu verbessern, wurden die meisten dieser Probleme bisher vor allem im Web und im Speziellen im semantischen Web adressiert und gelöst. Das Anwenden dort entwickelter Lösungen auf dem Desktop, einer zentralen Plattform der Daten- und Metadatenmanipulation, wäre zweifellos von Vorteil. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neues, rückwärts-kompatibles Metadatenmodell als Lösungsversuch für die oben genannten Probleme präsentiert. Dieses Modell basiert auf stabilen Datei-Identifikatoren und externen, semantischen, Datei- bezogenen Metadatenbeschreibungen welche im RDF Graphenmodell repräsentiert werden. Diese Beschreibungen sind durch eine einheitliche Linked-Data- Schnittstelle zugänglich und können mit anderen Beschreibungen und Ressourcen verlinkt werden. Im Speziellen erlaubt dieses Modell semantische Links zwischen lokalen Dateisystemobjekten und Netzressourcen im Web sowie im entstehenden “Daten Web” und ermöglicht somit die Integration dieser Datenräume. Das Modell hängt entscheidend von der Stabilität dieser Links ab weshalb zwei Algorithmen präsentiert werden, welche deren Integrität in lokalen und vernetzten Umgebungen erhalten können. Dies bedeutet, dass Links zwischen Dateisystemobjekten, Metadatenbeschreibungen und Netzressourcen nicht brechen wenn sich deren Adressen ändern, z.B. wenn Dateien verschoben oder Linked-Data Ressourcen unter geänderten URIs publiziert werden. Schließlich wird eine prototypische Implementierung des vorgeschlagenen Metadatenmodells präsentiert, welche demonstriert wie die Summe dieser Bausteine eine Metadatenschicht bildet die als Grundlage für semantische Datenorganisation auf dem Desktop verwendet werden kann.The organization of (multimedia) data on current desktop systems is done to a large part by arranging files in hierarchical file systems, but also by specialized applications (e.g., music or photo organizing software) that make use of file-related metadata for this task. These metadata are predominantly stored in embedded file headers, using a magnitude of mainly proprietary formats. Generally, metadata and links play the key roles in advanced data organization concepts. Their limited support in prevalent file system implementations, however, hinders the adoption of such concepts on the desktop: First, non-uniform access interfaces require metadata consuming applications to understand both a file’s format and its metadata scheme; second, separate data/metadata access is not possible, and third, metadata cannot be attached to multiple files or to file folders although the latter are the primary constructs for file organization. As a consequence of this, current desktops suffer, inter alia, from (i) limited data organization possibilities, (ii) limited navigability, (iii) limited data findability, and (iv) metadata fragmentation. Although there were attempts to improve this situation, e.g., by introducing semantic file systems, most of these issues were successfully addressed and solved in the Web and in particular in the Semantic Web and reusing these solutions on the desktop, a central hub of data and metadata manipulation, is clearly desirable. In this thesis a novel, backwards-compatible metadata model that addresses the above-mentioned issues is introduced. This model is based on stable file identifiers and external, file-related, semantic metadata descriptions that are represented using the generic RDF graph model. Descriptions are accessible via a uniform Linked Data interface and can be linked with other descriptions and resources. In particular, this model enables semantic linking between local file system objects and remote resources on the Web or the emerging Web of Data, thereby enabling the integration of these data spaces. As the model crucially relies on the stability of these links, we contribute two algorithms that preserve their integrity in local and in remote environments. This means that links between file system objects, metadata descriptions and remote resources do not break even if their addresses change, e.g., when files are moved or Linked Data resources are re-published using different URIs. Finally, we contribute a prototypical implementation of the proposed metadata model that demonstrates how these building blocks sum up to constitute a metadata layer that may act as a foundation for semantic data organization on the desktop

    Robust and affordable localization and mapping for 3D reconstruction. Application to architecture and construction

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    La localización y mapeado simultáneo a partir de una sola cámara en movimiento se conoce como Monocular SLAM. En esta tesis se aborda este problema con cámaras de bajo coste cuyo principal reto consiste en ser robustos al ruido, blurring y otros artefactos que afectan a la imagen. La aproximación al problema es discreta, utilizando solo puntos de la imagen significativos para localizar la cámara y mapear el entorno. La principal contribución es una simplificación del grafo de poses que permite mejorar la precisión en las escenas más habituales, evaluada de forma exhaustiva en 4 datasets. Los resultados del mapeado permiten obtener una reconstrucción 3D de la escena que puede ser utilizada en arquitectura y construcción para Modelar la Información del Edificio (BIM). En la segunda parte de la tesis proponemos incorporar dicha información en un sistema de visualización avanzada usando WebGL que ayude a simplificar la implantación de la metodología BIM.Departamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Doctorado en Informátic

    Design revolutions: IASDR 2019 Conference Proceedings. Volume 3: People

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    In September 2019 Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University was honoured to host the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) under the unifying theme of DESIGN REVOLUTIONS. This was the first time the conference had been held in the UK. Through key research themes across nine conference tracks – Change, Learning, Living, Making, People, Technology, Thinking, Value and Voices – the conference opened up compelling, meaningful and radical dialogue of the role of design in addressing societal and organisational challenges. This Volume 3 includes papers from People track of the conference