6,145 research outputs found

    On-line Point-of-Click Web Usability Mining with PopEval_MB, WebEval_MB and the C-Assure Methodology

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    In this paper we describe a new tool for planning, creating and conducting wide-ranging usability data acquisition throughout the system life cycle from inception to replacement. This aids sub-culturally targetable, on-line mass-consultation applicable to usability studies and change management. Usability and web data intelligence mining is made possible by the system capturing data from users, asynchronously on a distributed network, with minimised annoyance and judgement distortion effects. Previous research has shown that human judgements, particularly retrospective as distinct from real-time evaluations of painful experiences, are fundamentally flawed when superseded by other experiences. In evaluation studies as in any knowledge elicitation exercise (whether for requirements specification, expert systems prototyping or IS impact analysis) it is vital that unarticulated or poorly articulated data is captured as completely as possible whilst minimising distortion bias effects and annoyance of the user. A monolithic data elicitation method often proves inadequate for requirements acquisition or usability data whereas a dynamic planning framework can provide the execution monitoring and contextually-aware control of the enquiry process, as prescribed in Llemex_rb (Badii 1986/87/88). Such meta-level reasoning needs meta-methodological knowledge of the situated applicability of methods so as to choose suitable techniques to capture user data. Such data can range from simple static IDs to highly dynamic data on underlying patterns of multi-modal user behaviour; with various life-cycle models, sub-languages, semiotics and dispositional attitudes (Badii 1986, 1999a,b,c). PopEval_MB as an unobtrusive, on-line, mass-personalisation tool replaces the traditional paper-based survey methods, which suffer from problems of usability data distortion and acquisition management. It serves an enquiry methodology, which is contextually sensitive to the capture problems of the particular data type(s) being targeted at any time thus guiding the selection of suitable elicitation techniques along the way (Badii 1986/96). The enquiry methodology itself is a sub-system within a meta-methodology of frameworks and tools for IS/IT impact analysis and IS cultural compatibility management. This meta-methodology is referred to as Cultural Accommodation Analysis with Sensitised Systems for User/Usability Relationships and Reachabilities Evaluation (C-Assure); under a research programme directed by P3i at UCN (Badii et al 1996, 1999a,b,c). This paper describes the motivation for C-Assure in researching applicable meta-models that minimise the risks in IS development and adoption. It gives an overview of the tools that C-Assure seeks to incorporate into an integrated IS Planning, Development and Diffusion Support Environment (IPDSE) of which the tools for usability evaluation, mass-personalisation and web intelligence ie PopEval_MB and Web_Eval_AB are the focus of this work. The paper explains the theoretical foundations and the hypotheses to be tested in terms of the human Judgement and Decision Making, and, the Pleasure and Pain Recall, or (J/DM)-PPR theoretic effects which also motivated the design of PopEval_MB. Our results support the recent findings from cognitive psychology studies in applying the research on Pleasure and Pain Recall (PPR) to Human Computer Interaction (HCI). In this context we have validated the influence of factors modifying J/DM; specifically the effects of \u27duration neglect\u27 and \u27peak-and-end evaluations’. Thus the empirical studies, as performed here, have provided the first supportive evidence for the J/DM and PPR results from earlier research in psychology as can be applied to the fields of software engineering; in particular to Web Mediated Systems (WMS) for on-line shopping as an exemplar. We maintain that more expressive causal models of usability are needed for the increasingly more volatile user environments of emergent interactive systems such as WMS. We propose a new definition and a process model for dynamic usability, distinguishing instantaneous and steady state usability. The results indicate that PopEval_MB and WebEval_AB deliver their intended functionality with minimal user annoyance and distortion bias. We show how PopEval_MB can be used to by-pass, interpret and exploit natural J/DM-PPR biases; to enable the elicitation of least-distorted usability data intelligence; to reveal the precise root causes of, and the routes to, perceived user (dis)satisfaction. This study also confirms the validity of our new dynamic usability process model, which exploits the natural J/DM–PPR saliencyrecency effects and is thus more relevant to the emergent click-happy WMS user environments. The results can be exploited in interpretivist-iterative approaches to IS deployment, diffusion and change management, enterprise health analysis, marketing, design of WebAds and culturally inter-operable systems generall

    A Virtual Conversational Agent for Teens with Autism: Experimental Results and Design Lessons

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    We present the design of an online social skills development interface for teenagers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The interface is intended to enable private conversation practice anywhere, anytime using a web-browser. Users converse informally with a virtual agent, receiving feedback on nonverbal cues in real-time, and summary feedback. The prototype was developed in consultation with an expert UX designer, two psychologists, and a pediatrician. Using the data from 47 individuals, feedback and dialogue generation were automated using a hidden Markov model and a schema-driven dialogue manager capable of handling multi-topic conversations. We conducted a study with nine high-functioning ASD teenagers. Through a thematic analysis of post-experiment interviews, identified several key design considerations, notably: 1) Users should be fully briefed at the outset about the purpose and limitations of the system, to avoid unrealistic expectations. 2) An interface should incorporate positive acknowledgment of behavior change. 3) Realistic appearance of a virtual agent and responsiveness are important in engaging users. 4) Conversation personalization, for instance in prompting laconic users for more input and reciprocal questions, would help the teenagers engage for longer terms and increase the system's utility

    Software Development with Scrum: A Bibliometric Analysis and Profile

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    Introduction of the Scrum approach into software engineering has changed the way software is being developed. The Scrum approach emphasizes the active end-user involvement, embracing of change, and /iterative delivery of products. Our study showed that Scrum has different variants or is used in combination with different methods. Some tools not normally used in the conventional software approaches, like gamification, content analysis and grounded theory are also employed. However, Scrum like other software development approach focuses on improvement of software process, software quality, business value, performance, usability and efficiency and at the same time to reduce cost, risk and uncertainty. Contrary to some conventional approaches it also strives to boost soft factors like agility, trust, motivation, responsibility and transparency. The bibliometric synthetic scoping study revealed seven main research themes concerned with the Scrum research

    Comprehensive Evaluation of PD-L1, BCL-2 by Next-Generation Flow Analysis and FISH Abnormalities of Aberrant Plasma Cells in Patients Affected by Smoldering Multiple Myeloma

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    Introduzione. Il mieloma multiplo fumante (SMM) occupa una posizione intermedia tra quella che viene solitamente definita una condizione premaligna, la gammapatia monoclonale a significato indeterminato (MGUS) e il mieloma multiplo sintomatico (MM). Il mieloma smoldering ha un carico di malattia maggiore rispetto alla MGUS, ma non mostra danni agli organi né i cosiddetti Myeloma Defining Events (MDE) osservati nei pazienti sintomatici. Nei pazienti affetti da SMM le plasmacellule tumorali circolanti (CTPC) sono state associate ad un aumentato rischio di progressione al mieloma multiplo (MM). Scopo dello studio. L'obiettivo è valutare mediante citometria a flusso-Next Generation Flow (NGF) le caratteristiche delle PC nel midollo osseo (BM), la presenza di CTPC, l'espressione di BCL-2 e PD-L1, correlando i risultati con l'analisi FISH per le alterazioni che configurano la cosiddetta citogenetica a rischio alto e standard [del17p, t (4; 14), gain 1q, t (11; 14), t (14; 16)]. Risultati. Da settembre 2019 a giugno 2022 abbiamo analizzato 28 pazienti (M 20; F 8) con un'età mediana di 66 anni (40-85). I pazienti sono stati monitorati secondo le attuali linee guida IMWG. Secondo il modello di rischio MAYO 5/28 erano a basso rischio, 17 a rischio intermedio e 6 ad alto rischio di progressione. Attualmente nel sangue periferico non sono state rilevate le CTPC, né allo screening né alle valutazioni successive/ultimo follow-up. I marcatori più espressi a livello midollare erano CD56 (89%), CD27 (92%), CD81 (71%), 2 marcatori erano meno espressi: CD28 (42%), CD117 (28%), CD200 (10%), CD20 (14 %), CD19 e CD45 (3,5%). CD19 era presente solo in 1 paziente di sesso femminile a rischio intermedio che è progredita in mieloma attivo, ora in trattamento, mentre CD45 è stato riscontrato in 1 paziente di sesso femminile a rischio intermedio che ha mantenuto una malattia stabile all'ultimo follow-up. La coesistenza di marcatori che di solito sono reciprocamente esclusi è stata rilevata rispettivamente in 10/28 pazienti (CD27 + CD28 +) e in 3/28 casi (CD27 + CD28 + CD81 + CD117 +). BCL-2 (MFI) era altamente espresso in 11/28 casi (mediana 13,4; ≥ 13,5 nel 33,3%) mentre PD-L1 era positivo in 7/28 casi (25%). Nessuno dei pazienti presentava caratteristiche citogenetiche ad alto rischio. All'ultimo follow-up 4/28 pazienti (2 M; 2 F) hanno avuto una progressione ad MM sintomatico: alla diagnosi 3 erano a rischio intermedio e 1 ad alto rischio, secondo il modello progressivo MAYO. La PFS è stata generalmente influenzata da FLCr (P = 0,0013). Inoltre, una percentuale più alta di plasmacitosi del midollo osseo (> 30%) può avere un impatto negativo sulla PFS con significatività statistica (P = 0,0332). La PFS è stata significativamente influenzata dall'espressione di BCL-2 (P = 0,094): nel gruppo con negatività per BCL-2 la PFS media era 61.778 rispetto alla PFS media di 90 mesi in quelli positivi. La PFS sembra essere influenzata anche dai livelli di PD-L1, anche se senza significatività statistica (P = 0,2986). I pazienti ad alto rischio MAYO sembrano avere una sopravvivenza inferiore, ma non è stata determinata una significatività statistica nelle diverse categorie (P = 0,19). La PFS non è stata influenzata statisticamente dall'entità CM e B2M. Tutti i 28 pazienti sono vivi all'ultimo follow-up. Conclusioni. L'attuale standard di cura in SMM è ancora una stretta sorveglianza clinica, al di fuori di sperimentazioni cliniche. I nostri dati necessitano di ulteriori indagini. Ciò che conferisce una tendenza positiva nella PFS nei pazienti che hanno espresso BCL-2 in eccesso deve essere ulteriormente esplorato. L'espressione diversificata dei marcatori analizzati conferma l'elevata eterogeneità e complessità anche della fase di smoldering del mieloma. Sono in corso ulteriori studi per identificare marcatori genomici, clinici, di laboratorio e/o citometrici più accurati sul PB che ci consentirebbero di assegnare il rischio individuale in modo più preciso.Introduction. Smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) occupies an intermediate position between what is usually referred to as a pre-malignant condition, monoclonal gammopathy undetermined significance (MGUS) and symptomatic multiple myeloma (MM). SMM has a higher disease burden than MGUS, but does not show end-organ damage or any of the other myeloma-defining events (MDE) observed in MM. In SMM patients tumor circulating plasma cells (CTPC) have been associated with increased risk of progression to Multiple Myeloma (MM). Aim. The aim is to evaluate by next-generation flow (NGF) the characteristics of PCs in bone marrow (BM), the presence of CTPC, the expression of BCL-2 and PD-L1, correlating the results with FISH analysis for del17p, t(4;14), gain 1q, t(11;14), t(14;16). Results. From September 2019 to June, 2022 we analyzed 28 patients (M 20; F 8) with a median age of 66 years (40-85). Patients were monitored according to current IMWG guidelines. According to MAYO risk model 5 were at low risk, 17 at intermediate and 6 at high risk of progression. Currently CPCs were not detected at screening, or at subsequent evaluations/last follow up. The most expressed markers were CD56 (89 %), CD27 (92 %), CD81 (71 %), 2 markers were less expressed: CD28 (42 %), CD117 (28 %), CD200 (10 %), CD20 (14 %), CD19 and CD45 (3,5%). CD19 was present in only 1 female patient at intermediate risk who progressed to active myeloma, now under treatment, while CD45 was found in 1 female patient at intermediate risk who maintained a stable disease at last follow-up. Coexistence of markers that are mutually excluded was detected in 10/28 patients (CD27+CD28+) and in 3/28 cases (CD27+CD28+CD81+CD117+) respectively. BCL-2 (MFI) was highly expressed in 11/28 cases (Median 13,4; ≥ 13,5 in 33.3%) while PD-L1 was positive in 7/28 cases (25%). None of the patients had high risk cytogenetic features. At last follow up 4/28 patients (2 M; 2 F) had a progression to multiple myeloma: at diagnosis 3 were at intermediate risk and 1 at high risk, according MAYO progressive model. PFS was in general affected by FLCr (P= 0,0013). Also, an higher percentage of bone marrow plasmacytosis (>30%) can negatively impact on PFS with statistical significance (P = 0,0332). PFS was significantly affected by the expression of BCL-2 (P= 0,094): in the group with BCL-2 negativity mean PFS was 61,778 vs the mean PFS of 90 months in those who were positive. PFS seems to be affected also by PD-L1 levels, even if without statistical significance (P= 0,2986). Patients at high MAYO risk seem to have an inferior survival, but a statistical significance in the different categories was not determined (P= 0,19). PFS was not statistically affected by CM entity and B2M. All 28 patients are alive at last follow up. Conclusions. Current standard of care in SMM is still close surveillance, outside of a clinical trial. Our data need further investigations. What confers a positive trend in PFS in the patients that over expressed BCL-2 needs to be further explored. The diversified expression of analyzed markers confirms the high heterogeneity and complexity of the smoldering phase in MM. Research identifying more accurate genomic, clinical, laboratory and/or cytometric markers on PB that would enable us to assign individual risk more precisely is ongoing

    Synthesis of aesthetics for ship design

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    In the search for consensus on a definition of beauty, fitting the task of appreciating a ship’s design, this research revealed that other components of visual appraisal and 3d pattern analysis are required for a systemic approach. The model process presented is built around local adaptation and Gestalt psychology and uses retrospective case studies to categorise and calculate proportions, and recognisable patterns. The number of results from each type of vessel were found to be different, due to each ship or boats various geometries and anatomy, which illuminated the importance of standardising a procedure of categorisation in the appreciative approach.The categorisation of functions around the philosophy of functional beauty and the maths of summation series, it is suggested here, will allow a library of algebraic patterns and parameters to penetrate further into the impending or emulated integrated systems of ship design. The process to derive physical parameters via the culturally focussed narrative of functional beauty, is deemed as a manageable and novel addition to the naval architect's role. However, for the results to have a decisive impact on commercial design or education, variance and validation through further case studies is required

    Post-Euphoria in Electronic Music Making

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    Engaging in a range of electronic music making techniques, this doctoral, practice-based project examines the creative interpretation of “post-euphoria”: a concept conceived here to describe a retrospective subjectivity that encapsulates reminiscing and an afterglow feeling in relation to lost euphoric experiences. The study aims to establish a musical aesthetic the responds to this concept using DAW tools, to form a body of musical work comprising a collection of recordings. Identifying a lack of available practice-based studies on music production practices that deal with memory and recollection, particularly in connection with electronic dance music and its concomitant cultural events, the research contributes insights to this underexplored area. To examine how post-euphoria can be interpreted through electronic music making, the research firstly conducts interviews with comparable electronic music practitioners whose work is informed by themes of recollection and reminiscing in the context of electronic dance music. Insights gained in the interviews then inform the main creative investigation, which is pursued by utilising the DAW Ableton Live and its built-in tools. Developed as part of the creative investigation are production and compositional strategies and a body of ten original recordings, accompanied by this critical exegesis that examines and contextualises the creative practices established. Undertaking the study enabled an understanding of ways in which elements of electronic music production can be used figuratively to embody conceptual meanings relating to reminiscing and recollection. It further demonstrates how electronic dance music tropes can be employed, alongside sampling-inspired and self-remixing techniques, to connote a sense of missing euphoria and to suggest transformations that occur in the memory of fleeting experiences. Finally, the study shows how these musical elements can be incorporated within a songwriting framework and as part of an integrated collection of corresponding recordings, to further the musical interpretation of post-euphoria

    The Impact of variable data print on usability in design

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    In a world where people see, process and remember information differently, the question arises: Is technology being used in a manner that acknowledges and addresses user differences to the fullest extent? Currently, new print technologies like Variable Data Printing (VDP) are only being used to create customized direct mailing pieces and personalized products for the purpose of marketing, sales and promotion. However, VDP introduces the ability to change data and design elements in printed documents on an individual basis, making it possible to address differences in visual and cognitive abilities, language and culture, and situational considerations. Applying this concept of customization to educational or informational documents would allow a small amount of input from a user to influence unique output (different sequences or layouts, typographic decisions and appropriate content choices) that are more relevant, usable and engaging. While using VDP as a means to explore and achieve this customization, the focus of this thesis study is not the technology, but the development of a graphic design strategy that also accommodates this customization goal to make information more accessible and usable on an individual basis

    Uncovering Customer Orientation in Product Development - A Qualitative Study based on the Software Industry

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this research project is to further advance theory on management of product development by providing insights on customer orientations. The study contributes to the literature by bringing in Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a new perspective to theorize the process of translations between customer orientation and engineering orientation within product development. RELEVANCE: Due to a mismatch in thinking between customer and development teams it is observed that it can be complicated for a product manager to help the development teams to perceive the product in terms of the customer usage. The inability of software development teams to incorporate customer perception into product development leads to unwanted delays and increased costs. METHODOLOGY: A qualitative research method was employed with an interpretive approach, using an abductive approach of reasoning. Eight face-to-face and electronic semi-structured interviews were conducted, utilizing hermeneutic analysis. FINDINGS: Our findings indicate that tensions between product development and customer orientation could be best confronted by stressing the use of technological artifacts as a medium of communication, and cross-functional management for translating customer orientation. The role of the PM as a mediator, collaborator and influencer is emphasized and crucial for negotiating a balance between a dominant engineering approach with customer orientation in product development. Knowledge visualization tools support the transfer of tacit knowledge and enable knowledge creation. CONTRIBUTIONS: Our contribution is an in depth understanding of the underlying tension that exist when incorporating customer perception in product development. We have endeavored to make sense of product management challenges in this respect