81 research outputs found

    Framework for operability assessment of production facilities: an application to a primary unit of a crude oil refinery

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    This work focuses on the development of a methodology for the optimization, control and operability of both existing and new production facilities through an integrated environment of different technologies like process simulation, optimization and control systems. Such an integrated environment not only creates opportunities for op¬erational decision making but also serves as training tool for the novice engineers. It enables them to apply engineering expertise to solve challenges unique to the process industries in a safe and virtual environment and also assist them to get familiarize with the existing control systems and to understand the fundamentals of the plant operation. The model-based methodology proposed in this work, starts with the implementation of first principle models for the process units on consideration. The process model is the core of the methodology. The state of art simulation technologies have been used to model the plant for both steady state and dynamic state conditions. The models are validated against the plant operating data to evaluate the reliability of the models. Then it is followed by rigorously posing a multi-optimization problem. In addition to the basic economic variables such as raw materials and operating costs, the so-called “triple-bottom-line” variables related with sustainable and environmental costs are incorporated into the objective function. The methodologies of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmental Damage Assessment (EDA) are applied within the optimization problem. Subsequently the controllability of the plant for the optimum state of conditions is evaluated using the dynamic state simulations. Advanced supervisory control strategies like the Model Predictive Control (MPC) are also implemented above the basic regulatory control. Finally, the methodology is extended further to develop training simulator by integrating the simulation case study to the existing Distributed Control System (DCS). To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, an industrial case study of the primary unit of the crude oil refinery and a laboratory scale packed distillation unit is thoroughly investigated. The presented methodology is a promising approach for the operability study and optimization of production facilities and can be extended further for an intelligent and fully-supportable decision making

    Energy digital twin technology for industrial energy management: Classification, challenges and future

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    Digitalisation of the process and energy industries through energy digital twin technology promises step-improvements in energy management and optimisation, better servicing and maintenance, energy-efficient design and evolution of existing sites, and integration with locally and regionally generated renewable energy. This systematic and critical review aims to accelerate the understanding, classification, and application of energy digital twin technology. It adds to the literature by developing an original multi-dimensional digital twin classification framework, summarising the applications of energy digital twins throughout a site's lifecycle, and constructing a proposal of how to apply the technology to industrial sites and local areas to enable a reduction in carbon and other environmental footprints. The review concludes by identifying key challenges that face uptake of energy digital twins and a framework to apply the energy digital twins

    Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Large Volume Organic Chemicals. Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)

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    The Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document (BREF) for the Production of Large Volume Organic Chemicals is part of series of documents presenting the results of an exchange of information between EU Member States, the industries concerned, non-governmental organisations promoting environmental protection, and the Commission, to draw up, review and – where necessary – update BAT reference documents as required by Article 13(1) of Directive 2010/78/EU on Industrial Emissions (the Directive). This document is published by the European Commission pursuant to Article 13(6) of the Directive. The BREF for the production of Large Volume Organic Chemicals concerns the production of the following organic chemicals, as specified in Section 4.1 of Annex I to Directive 2010/75/EU: a. simple hydrocarbons (linear or cyclic, saturated or unsaturated, aliphatic or aromatic); b. oxygen-containing hydrocarbons such as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters and mixtures of esters, acetates, ethers, peroxides and epoxy resins; c. sulphurous hydrocarbons; d. nitrogenous hydrocarbons such as amines, amides, nitrous compounds, nitro compounds or nitrate compounds, nitriles, cyanates, isocyanates; e. phosphorus-containing hydrocarbons; f. halogenic hydrocarbons; g. organometallic compounds; k. surface-active agents and surfactants. This document also covers the production of hydrogen peroxide as specified in Section 4.2 (e) of Annex I to Directive 2010/75/EU; and the combustion of fuels in process furnaces/heaters, where this is part of the abovementioned activities. The production of the aforementioned chemicals is covered by this document when it is done in continuous processes where the total production capacity of those chemicals exceeds 20 kt/yr. While the main aim of the LVOC BREF is to facilitate reduction of emissions from chemical processes, other environmental issues - like energy efficiency, resource efficiency, wastes and residues - are also covered. This BREF contains 14 Chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 provide general information on the Large Volume Organics industrial sector and on generic industrial production processes used in this sector. Chapters 3 to 12 provide general information , applied processes and techniques, current emission and consumption levels, techniques to consider in determination of BAT and emerging techniques for various illustrative processes: lower olefins, aromatics, ethylbenzene and styrene, formaldehyde, ethylene oxide and ethylene glycols, phenol, ethanolamines, toluene diisocyanate and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate, ethylene dichloride and vinyl chloride monomer and hydrogen peroxide. Chapter 13 presents BAT conclusions as defined in Article 3(12) of the Directive. Concluding remarks and recommendations for future work are presented in Chapter 14.JRC.B.5-Circular Economy and Industrial Leadershi

    IMPACTS Results Summary for CY 2010

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    Intelligent Energy-Savings and Process Improvement Strategies in Energy-Intensive Industries

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    S tím, jak se neustále vyvíjejí nové technologie pro energeticky náročná průmyslová odvětví, stávající zařízení postupně zaostávají v efektivitě a produktivitě. Tvrdá konkurence na trhu a legislativa v oblasti životního prostředí nutí tato tradiční zařízení k ukončení provozu a k odstavení. Zlepšování procesu a projekty modernizace jsou zásadní v udržování provozních výkonů těchto zařízení. Současné přístupy pro zlepšování procesů jsou hlavně: integrace procesů, optimalizace procesů a intenzifikace procesů. Obecně se v těchto oblastech využívá matematické optimalizace, zkušeností řešitele a provozní heuristiky. Tyto přístupy slouží jako základ pro zlepšování procesů. Avšak, jejich výkon lze dále zlepšit pomocí moderní výpočtové inteligence. Účelem této práce je tudíž aplikace pokročilých technik umělé inteligence a strojového učení za účelem zlepšování procesů v energeticky náročných průmyslových procesech. V této práci je využit přístup, který řeší tento problém simulací průmyslových systémů a přispívá následujícím: (i)Aplikace techniky strojového učení, která zahrnuje jednorázové učení a neuro-evoluci pro modelování a optimalizaci jednotlivých jednotek na základě dat. (ii) Aplikace redukce dimenze (např. Analýza hlavních komponent, autoendkodér) pro vícekriteriální optimalizaci procesu s více jednotkami. (iii) Návrh nového nástroje pro analýzu problematických částí systému za účelem jejich odstranění (bottleneck tree analysis – BOTA). Bylo také navrženo rozšíření nástroje, které umožňuje řešit vícerozměrné problémy pomocí přístupu založeného na datech. (iv) Prokázání účinnosti simulací Monte-Carlo, neuronové sítě a rozhodovacích stromů pro rozhodování při integraci nové technologie procesu do stávajících procesů. (v) Porovnání techniky HTM (Hierarchical Temporal Memory) a duální optimalizace s několika prediktivními nástroji pro podporu managementu provozu v reálném čase. (vi) Implementace umělé neuronové sítě v rámci rozhraní pro konvenční procesní graf (P-graf). (vii) Zdůraznění budoucnosti umělé inteligence a procesního inženýrství v biosystémech prostřednictvím komerčně založeného paradigmatu multi-omics.Zlepšení průmyslových procesů, Model založený na datech, Optimalizace procesu, Strojové učení, Průmyslové systémy, Energeticky náročná průmyslová odvětví, Umělá inteligence.

    A study on modelling, data reconciliation and optimal operation of hydrogen networks in oil refineries

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    Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre la gestión óptima en tiempo real de redes de hidrógeno en refinerías de petróleo, con referencia a la refinería de Petronor perteneciente al grupo Repsol y situada en Muskiz (Vizcaya). La tesis consiste en la aplicación de técnicas bien conocidas y establecidas como el modelado de procesos y la optimización a un tema interesante en la actualidad: las redes de hidrógeno en refinerías de petróleo. Los resultados obtenidos son coherentes y robustos, y las soluciones alcanzadas pueden ser directamente aplicadas en la práctica industrial. El problema abordado tiene gran relevancia industrial, con el propósito general de mejorar la operación en tiempo real, ahorrar recursos en este caso materiales relativos al hidrógeno, y aumentar el conocimiento del sistema en la medida de lo posible. Asimismo se han desarrollado librerías en el entorno de simulación EcosimPro. Los objetivos de la tesis son: i) la estimación correcta tanto de variables medidas como de variables desconocidas de la red de hidrógeno; ii) la determinación de las condiciones óptimas de operación así como de las producciones óptimas; iii) la exploración de otros enfoques dirigidos a la operación óptima como la técnica de control self-optimizing; iv) la evaluación del interés y potencial aplicabilidad de modelos simplificados de las plantas para la predicción del consumo de hidrógeno en función de la carga de hidrocarburo.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automátic


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    Energy, Science and Technology 2015. The energy conference for scientists and researchers. Book of Abstracts, EST, Energy Science Technology, International Conference & Exhibition, 20-22 May 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany

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    We are pleased to present you this Book of Abstracts, which contains the submitted contributions to the "Energy, Science and Technology Conference & Exhibition EST 2015". The EST 2015 took place from May, 20th until May, 22nd 2015 in Karlsruhe, Germany, and brought together many different stakeholders, who do research or work in the broad field of "Energy". Renewable energies have to present a relevant share in a sustainable energy system and energy efficiency has to guarantee that conventional as well as renewable energy sources are transformed and used in a reasonable way. The adaption of existing infrastructure and the establishment of new systems, storages and grids are necessary to face the challenges of a changing energy sector. Those three main topics have been the fundament of the EST 2015, which served as a platform for national and international attendees to discuss and interconnect the various disciplines within energy research and energy business. We thank the authors, who summarised their high-quality and important results and experiences within one-paged abstracts and made the conference and this book possible. The abstracts of this book have been peer-reviewed by an international Scientific Programme Committee and are ordered by type of presentation (oral or poster) and topics. You can navigate by using either the table of contents (page 3) or the conference programme (starting page 4 for oral presentations and page 21 for posters respectively)