2,721 research outputs found

    Towards memory supporting personal information management tools

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    In this article we discuss re-retrieving personal information objects and relate the task to recovering from lapse(s) in memory. We propose that fundamentally it is lapses in memory that impede users from successfully re-finding the information they need. Our hypothesis is that by learning more about memory lapses in non-computing contexts and how people cope and recover from these lapses, we can better inform the design of PIM tools and improve the user's ability to re-access and re-use objects. We describe a diary study that investigates the everyday memory problems of 25 people from a wide range of backgrounds. Based on the findings, we present a series of principles that we hypothesize will improve the design of personal information management tools. This hypothesis is validated by an evaluation of a tool for managing personal photographs, which was designed with respect to our findings. The evaluation suggests that users' performance when re-finding objects can be improved by building personal information management tools to support characteristics of human memory

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    Knowledge-rich Image Gist Understanding Beyond Literal Meaning

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    We investigate the problem of understanding the message (gist) conveyed by images and their captions as found, for instance, on websites or news articles. To this end, we propose a methodology to capture the meaning of image-caption pairs on the basis of large amounts of machine-readable knowledge that has previously been shown to be highly effective for text understanding. Our method identifies the connotation of objects beyond their denotation: where most approaches to image understanding focus on the denotation of objects, i.e., their literal meaning, our work addresses the identification of connotations, i.e., iconic meanings of objects, to understand the message of images. We view image understanding as the task of representing an image-caption pair on the basis of a wide-coverage vocabulary of concepts such as the one provided by Wikipedia, and cast gist detection as a concept-ranking problem with image-caption pairs as queries. To enable a thorough investigation of the problem of gist understanding, we produce a gold standard of over 300 image-caption pairs and over 8,000 gist annotations covering a wide variety of topics at different levels of abstraction. We use this dataset to experimentally benchmark the contribution of signals from heterogeneous sources, namely image and text. The best result with a Mean Average Precision (MAP) of 0.69 indicate that by combining both dimensions we are able to better understand the meaning of our image-caption pairs than when using language or vision information alone. We test the robustness of our gist detection approach when receiving automatically generated input, i.e., using automatically generated image tags or generated captions, and prove the feasibility of an end-to-end automated process

    Database technology and the management of multimedia data in Mirror

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    Multimedia digital libraries require an open distributed architecture instead of a monolithic database system. In the Mirror project, we use the Monet extensible database kernel to manage different representations of multimedia objects. To maintain independence between content, meta-data, and the creation of meta-data, we allow distribution of data and operations using CORBA. This open architecture introduces new problems for data access. From an end user’s perspective, the problem is how to search the available representations to fulfill an actual information need; the conceptual gap between human perceptual processes and the meta-data is too large. From a system’s perspective, several representations of the data may semantically overlap or be irrelevant. We address these problems with an iterative query process and active user participation through relevance feedback. A retrieval model based on inference networks assists the user with query formulation. The integration of this model into the database design has two advantages. First, the user can query both the logical and the content structure of multimedia objects. Second, the use of different data models in the logical and the physical database design provides data independence and allows algebraic query optimization. We illustrate query processing with a music retrieval application

    Management of Scientific Images: An approach to the extraction, annotation and retrieval of figures in the field of High Energy Physics

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    El entorno de la información en la primera década del siglo XXI no tiene precedentes. Las barreras físicas que han limitado el acceso al conocimiento están desapareciendo a medida que los métodos tradicionales de acceso a información se reemplazan o se mejoran gracias al uso de sistemas basados en computador. Los sistemas digitales son capaces de gestionar colecciones mucho más grandes de documentos, confrontando a los usuarios de información con la avalancha de documentos asociados a su tópico de interés. Esta nueva situación ha creado un incentivo para el desarrollo de técnicas de minería de datos y la creación de motores de búsqueda más eficientes y capaces de limitar los resultados de búsqueda a un subconjunto reducido de los más relevantes. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los motores de búsqueda en la actualidad trabajan con descripciones textuales. Estas descripciones se pueden extraer o bien del contenido o a través de fuentes externas. La recuperación basada en el contenido no textual de documentos es un tema de investigación continua. En particular, la recuperación de imágenes y el desentrañar la información contenida en ellas están suscitando un gran interés en la comunidad científica. Las bibliotecas digitales se sitúan en una posición especial dentro de los sistemas que facilitan el acceso al conocimiento. Actúan como repositorios de documentos que comparten algunas características comunes (por ejemplo, pertenecer a la misma área de conocimiento o ser publicados por la misma institución) y como tales contienen documentos considerados de interés para un grupo particular de usuarios. Además, facilitan funcionalidades de recuperación sobre las colecciones gestionadas. Normalmente, las publicaciones científicas son las unidades más pequeñas gestionadas por las bibliotecas digitales científicas. Sin embargo, en el proceso de creación científica hay diferentes tipos de artefactos, entre otros: figuras y conjuntos de datos. Las figuras juegan un papel particularmente importante en el proceso de publicación científica. Representan los datos en una forma gráfica que nos permite mostrar patrones sobre grandes conjuntos de datos y transmitir ideas complejas de un modo fácilmente entendible. Los sistemas existentes para bibliotecas digitales facilitan el acceso a figuras, pero solo como parte de los ficheros sobre los que se serializa la publicación entera. El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer un conjunto de métodos ytécnicas que permitan transformar las figuras en productos de primera clase dentro del proceso de publicación científica, permitiendo que los investigadores puedan obtener el máximo beneficio a la hora de realizar búsquedas y revisiones de bibliografía existente. Los métodos y técnicas propuestos están orientados a facilitar la adquisición, anotación semántica y búsqueda de figuras contenidas en publicaciones científicas. Para demostrar la completitud de la investigación se han ilustrado las teorías propuestas mediante ejemplos en el campo de la Física de Partículas (también conocido como Física de Altas Energías). Para aquellos casos en los que se han necesitadoo en las figuras que aparecen con más frecuencia en las publicaciones de Física de Partículas: los gráficos científicos denominados en inglés con el término plots. Los prototipos que propuestas más detalladas han desarrollado para esta tesis se han integrado parcialmente dentro del software Invenio (1) para bibliotecas digitales, así como dentro de INSPIRE, una de las mayores bibliotecas digitales en Física de Partículas mantenida gracias a la colaboración de grandes laboratorios y centros de investigación como son el CERN, SLAC, DESY y Fermilab. 1). http://invenio-software.org

    PubMed and beyond: a survey of web tools for searching biomedical literature

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    The past decade has witnessed the modern advances of high-throughput technology and rapid growth of research capacity in producing large-scale biological data, both of which were concomitant with an exponential growth of biomedical literature. This wealth of scholarly knowledge is of significant importance for researchers in making scientific discoveries and healthcare professionals in managing health-related matters. However, the acquisition of such information is becoming increasingly difficult due to its large volume and rapid growth. In response, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is continuously making changes to its PubMed Web service for improvement. Meanwhile, different entities have devoted themselves to developing Web tools for helping users quickly and efficiently search and retrieve relevant publications. These practices, together with maturity in the field of text mining, have led to an increase in the number and quality of various Web tools that provide comparable literature search service to PubMed. In this study, we review 28 such tools, highlight their respective innovations, compare them to the PubMed system and one another, and discuss directions for future development. Furthermore, we have built a website dedicated to tracking existing systems and future advances in the field of biomedical literature search. Taken together, our work serves information seekers in choosing tools for their needs and service providers and developers in keeping current in the field

    Information extraction from multimedia web documents: an open-source platform and testbed

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    The LivingKnowledge project aimed to enhance the current state of the art in search, retrieval and knowledge management on the web by advancing the use of sentiment and opinion analysis within multimedia applications. To achieve this aim, a diverse set of novel and complementary analysis techniques have been integrated into a single, but extensible software platform on which such applications can be built. The platform combines state-of-the-art techniques for extracting facts, opinions and sentiment from multimedia documents, and unlike earlier platforms, it exploits both visual and textual techniques to support multimedia information retrieval. Foreseeing the usefulness of this software in the wider community, the platform has been made generally available as an open-source project. This paper describes the platform design, gives an overview of the analysis algorithms integrated into the system and describes two applications that utilise the system for multimedia information retrieval

    Heterogeneous Metric Learning with Content-Based Regularization for Software Artifact Retrieval

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    The problem of software artifact retrieval has the goal to effectively locate software artifacts, such as a piece of source code, in a large code repository. This problem has been traditionally addressed through the textual query. In other words, information retrieval techniques will be exploited based on the textual similarity between queries and textual representation of software artifacts, which is generated by collecting words from comments, identifiers, and descriptions of programs. However, in addition to these semantic information, there are rich information embedded in source codes themselves. These source codes, if analyzed properly, can be a rich source for enhancing the efforts of software artifact retrieval. To this end, in this paper, we develop a feature extraction method on source codes. Specifically, this method can capture both the inherent information in the source codes and the semantic information hidden in the comments, descriptions, and identifiers of the source codes. Moreover, we design a heterogeneous metric learning approach, which allows to integrate code features and text features into the same latent semantic space. This, in turn, can help to measure the artifact similarity by exploiting the joint power of both code and text features. Finally, extensive experiments on real-world data show that the proposed method can help to improve the performances of software artifact retrieval with a significant margin