21 research outputs found

    Retrieval of maize leaf area index using hyperspectral and multispectral data

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    Field spectra acquired from a handheld spectroradiometer and Sentinel-2 images spectra were used to investigate the applicability of hyperspectral and multispectral data in retrieving the maize leaf area index in low-input crop systems, with high spatial and intra-annual variability, and low yield, in southern Mozambique, during three years. Seventeen vegetation indices, comprising two and three band indices, and nine machine learning regression algorithms (MLRA) were tested for the statistical approach while five cost functions were tested in the look-up-table (LUT) inversion approach. The three band vegetation indices were selected, specifically the modified difference index (mDId: 725; 715; 565) for the hyperspectral dataset and the modified simple ratio (mSRc: 740; 705; 865) for the multispectral dataset of field spectra and the three band spectral index (TBSIb: 665; 865; 783) for the Sentinel-2 dataset. The relevant vector machine was the selected MLRA for the two datasets of field spectra (multispectral and hyperspectral) while the support vector machine was selected for the Sentinel-2 data. When using the LUT inversion technique, the minimum contrast estimation and the Bhattacharyya divergence cost functions were the best performing. The vegetation indices outperformed the other two approaches, with the TBSIb as the most accurate index (RMSE = 0.35). At the field scale, spectral data from Sentinel-2 can accurately retrieve the maize leaf area index in the study areainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integración de datos remotos en modelos de crecimiento y estimación de cosecha de cultivos herbáceos: Aplicación a escala local sobre trigo y maiz

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    Estudios recientes muestran que la demanda total de alimentos se verá incrementada como mínimo durante los próximos 40 años debido al creciente aumento de la población mundial, que se estima alcance los 9 millones de habitantes para la mitad de este siglo. Sin embargo, se prevé una reducción de los recursos destinados a la agricultura, fundamentalmente agua destinada a riego, como consecuencia de la alta competencia entre sectores. Existe por tanto una clara necesidad de mejorar la gestión de los recursos hídricos, así como de predecir y estimar la cosecha de los cultivos, lo que permitiría a productores, gestores, cadenas comerciales y compradores tomar decisiones acerca del manejo, precios y disponibilidad en los mercados de los productos agrarios. En esta tesis se ha evaluado la utilidad de los índices de vegetación espectrales (IVs), obtenidos tanto en campo como mediante sensores a bordo de satélites, de estimar la evolución del crecimiento de los cultivos a través de cambio en parámetros biofísicos tales como la fracción de cobertura, el índice de área foliar, la fracción de radiación fotosintéticamente activa y coeficientes de cultivo. Estos parámetros proporcionan a su vez valiosa información de partida, de forma regular y distribuida espacialmente, para modelos de estimación de evapotranspiración (ET) y de cosecha. Ambos modelos han sido aplicados en los cultivos de maíz y trigo. El coeficiente de cultivo estimado a partir de medidas radiómetricas o imágenes satélite fue utilizado como variable de entrada en el modelo FAO de estimación ET y se evaluó su funcionamiento usando las medidas de ET realizadas con lisimetría (trigo) y con un sistema de covarianza de torbellinos (maíz). Los resultados han sido satisfactorios utilizado este procedimiento. Adicionalmente, las medidas radiométricas sobre parcelas experimentales de la Red de Experimentación Agraria de Andalucía de trigo y maíz, se han usado para evaluar la viabilidad de discriminar genotipos en programas de mejora genética de cultivos de regadío y de secano usando IVs. Además, estas parcelas experimentales se usaron para calibrar modelos más teóricos de estimación de biomasa y cosecha (Monteith-IC y GRAMI) y que posteriormente se usaron para realizar estimaciones a escala local y regional de ambos cultivos. Finalmente se propuso un nuevo modelo que combina las ventajas de las aproximaciones de Monteith y GRAMI, abordando además algunos aspectos nuevos relacionados con la ausencia de información clave en aplicaciones del modelo a escala regional, como la estimación de las fechas de siembra y cosecha. A modo de ejemplo, se ha realizado una aplicación a gran escala, estimando el rendimiento de las parcelas de trigo de regadío de la provincia de Córdoba y parte de Sevilla en la campaña 2008/2009

    A comprehensive review of crop yield prediction using machine learning approaches with special emphasis on palm oil yield prediction

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    An early and reliable estimation of crop yield is essential in quantitative and financial evaluation at the field level for determining strategic plans in agricultural commodities for import-export policies and doubling farmer’s incomes. Crop yield predictions are carried out to estimate higher crop yield through the use of machine learning algorithms which are one of the challenging issues in the agricultural sector. Due to this developing significance of crop yield prediction, this article provides an exhaustive review on the use of machine learning algorithms to predict crop yield with special emphasis on palm oil yield prediction. Initially, the current status of palm oil yield around the world is presented, along with a brief discussion on the overview of widely used features and prediction algorithms. Then, the critical evaluation of the state-of-the-art machine learning-based crop yield prediction, machine learning application in the palm oil industry and comparative analysis of related studies are presented. Consequently, a detailed study of the advantages and difficulties related to machine learning-based crop yield prediction and proper identification of current and future challenges to the agricultural industry is presented. The potential solutions are additionally prescribed in order to alleviate existing problems in crop yield prediction. Since one of the major objectives of this study is to explore the future perspectives of machine learning-based palm oil yield prediction, the areas including application of remote sensing, plant’s growth and disease recognition, mapping and tree counting, optimum features and algorithms have been broadly discussed. Finally, a prospective architecture of machine learning-based palm oil yield prediction has been proposed based on the critical evaluation of existing related studies. This technology will fulfill its promise by performing new research challenges in the analysis of crop yield prediction and the development

    Mapping and modeling groundnut growth and productivity in rainfed areas of Tamil Nadu

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    A research study was conducted at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during kharif and rabi 2015 to estimate groundnut area, model growth and productivity and assess the vulnerability of groundnut to drought using remote sensing techniques. Multi temporal Sentinel 1A satellite data at VV and VH polarization with 20 m spatial resolution was acquired from May, 2015 to January, 2016 at 12 days interval and processed using MAPscape-RICE software. Continuous monitoring was done for ground truth on crop parameters in twenty monitoring sites and validation exercise was done for accuracy assessment. Input files on soil, weather and management practices were generated and crop coefficients pertaining to varieties were developed to assess growth and productivity of groundnut using DSSAT CROPGRO-Peanut model. Outputs from remote sensing and DSSAT model were assimilated to generate LAI thereby groundnut yield spatially and validated against observed yields. Being a rainfed crop, vulnerability of groundnut to drought was assessed integrating different meteorological and spectral indices viz., Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI).Spectral dB curve of groundnut was generated using temporal multi date Sentinel 1A data. A detailed analysis of temporal signatures of groundnut showed a minimum at sowing and a peak at pod development stage and decreasing thereafter towards maturity. Groundnut crop expressed a significant temporal behaviour and large dynamic range (-11.74 to -5.31 in VV polarization and -20.04 to -13.05 in VH polarization) during its growth period. Groundnut area map was generated using maximum likelihood classifier integrating multi temporal features with a classification accuracy of 87.2 per cent and a kappa score of 0.74. The total classified groundnut area in the study districts was 88023 ha covering 17817 and 22582 ha in Salem and Namakkal districts during kharif 2015 while Villupuram and Tiruvannamalai districts accounted for 22722 and 24903 ha respectively during rabi 2015. Blockwise statistics on groundnut area during both seasons were also generated. To model growth and productivity of groundnut in DSSAT, weather and soil input files were generated using weatherman and ‘S’ build respectively besides deriving genetic coefficients for CO 6, TMV 7 and VRI 2 varieties of groundnut. Growth and development variables of groundnut were simulated using CROPGROPeanut model i.e., days to emergence (7-9 days) and anthesis (25-32 days), canopy height (63 to 70 cm), maximum LAI (1.12 to 3.07) and biomass (4176 to 9576 kg ha-1 across twenty monitoring locations spatially. The resultant pod yield was simulated to be 1796 to 3060 kg ha-1 with a harvest index of 0.28 to 0.43. On comparison of LAI between observed (2.01 to 4.05) and simulated values (1.12 to 3.07) the CROPGRO-Peanut model was found to under estimate the values with R2, RMSE and NRMSE of 0.82, 1.10 and 34 per cent. However, the model predicted the biomass of groundnut with an agreement of 89 per cent through the simulated values of 4176 to9576 kg ha-1 as against the observed biomass to 4620 to 9959 kg ha-1. The simulated pod yields of groundnut in the study area were 1796 to 3060 kg ha-1 as compared to the observed yields of 2115 to 2750 kg ha-1. The overall agreement between simulated and observed yields was 84 per cent with the average errors of 0.81, 342 kg ha-1 and 16 percent for R2, RMSE and NRMSE respectively. LAI values of groundnut, generated spatially through suitable regression models using dB from satellite images and LAI from DSSAT, ranged from 1.31 to 3.23 with R2, RMSE and NRMSE of 0.86, 0.78 and 24 per cent respectively on comparison with observed values. Remote sensing based spatial estimation resulted in groundnut pod yields of 1570 to 3102 kg ha-1 across the study districts of Salem, Namakkal, Tiruvannamalai and Villupuram. In the 20 monitoring locations, the pod yields were estimated to be 1912 to 2975 kg ha-1 as against the observed pod yields of 1450 to 2750 kg ha-1 with a fairly good agreement of 80 per cent. The vulnerability of groundnut was assessed using different drought indices viz., SPI, NDVI and WRSI. Considering SPI, out of the total groundnut area of 88023 ha, an area of 86607 ha was found to be under near normal condition based on deviation of rainfall received during cropping season from historical precipitation. Similarly NDVI, an indicator of vegetation condition during the cropping season, showed that 14272 ha of groundnut area were under stressed condition during 2015. An area of 40981 ha in Villupuram and Tiruvannamalai districts was found to be under chances of crop failure based on Water Requirement Satisfaction index (WRSI). Major groundnut areas of Salem district (14188 ha) was under medium risk zone. Considering overall vulnerability, whole district of Villupuram was adjudged as highly vulnerable to drought with regard to groundnut cultivation whereas four blocks of Salem, eight blocks of Namakkal and all the blocks of Tiruvannamalai were found to be moderately vulnerable to drought