481 research outputs found

    MeshAdv: Adversarial Meshes for Visual Recognition

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    Highly expressive models such as deep neural networks (DNNs) have been widely applied to various applications. However, recent studies show that DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which are carefully crafted inputs aiming to mislead the predictions. Currently, the majority of these studies have focused on perturbation added to image pixels, while such manipulation is not physically realistic. Some works have tried to overcome this limitation by attaching printable 2D patches or painting patterns onto surfaces, but can be potentially defended because 3D shape features are intact. In this paper, we propose meshAdv to generate "adversarial 3D meshes" from objects that have rich shape features but minimal textural variation. To manipulate the shape or texture of the objects, we make use of a differentiable renderer to compute accurate shading on the shape and propagate the gradient. Extensive experiments show that the generated 3D meshes are effective in attacking both classifiers and object detectors. We evaluate the attack under different viewpoints. In addition, we design a pipeline to perform black-box attack on a photorealistic renderer with unknown rendering parameters.Comment: Published in IEEE CVPR201

    Randomization for adversarial robustness: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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    Deep neural networks are known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks: A small perturbation that is imperceptible to a human can easily make a well-trained deep neural network misclassify. To defend against adversarial attacks, randomized classifiers have been proposed as a robust alternative to deterministic ones. In this work we show that in the binary classification setting, for any randomized classifier, there is always a deterministic classifier with better adversarial risk. In other words, randomization is not necessary for robustness. In many common randomization schemes, the deterministic classifiers with better risk are explicitly described: For example, we show that ensembles of classifiers are more robust than mixtures of classifiers, and randomized smoothing is more robust than input noise injection. Finally, experiments confirm our theoretical results with the two families of randomized classifiers we analyze.Comment: 8 pages + bibliography and appendix, 3 figures. Submitted to ICML 202

    SoK: Certified Robustness for Deep Neural Networks

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    Great advances in deep neural networks (DNNs) have led to state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of tasks. However, recent studies have shown that DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which have brought great concerns when deploying these models to safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving. Different defense approaches have been proposed against adversarial attacks, including: a) empirical defenses, which can usually be adaptively attacked again without providing robustness certification; and b) certifiably robust approaches, which consist of robustness verification providing the lower bound of robust accuracy against any attacks under certain conditions and corresponding robust training approaches. In this paper, we systematize certifiably robust approaches and related practical and theoretical implications and findings. We also provide the first comprehensive benchmark on existing robustness verification and training approaches on different datasets. In particular, we 1) provide a taxonomy for the robustness verification and training approaches, as well as summarize the methodologies for representative algorithms, 2) reveal the characteristics, strengths, limitations, and fundamental connections among these approaches, 3) discuss current research progresses, theoretical barriers, main challenges, and future directions for certifiably robust approaches for DNNs, and 4) provide an open-sourced unified platform to evaluate 20+ representative certifiably robust approaches.Comment: To appear at 2023 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP); 14 pages for the main text; benchmark & tool website: http://sokcertifiedrobustness.github.io

    Robustness Certificates for Sparse Adversarial Attacks by Randomized Ablation

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    Recently, techniques have been developed to provably guarantee the robustness of a classifier to adversarial perturbations of bounded L_1 and L_2 magnitudes by using randomized smoothing: the robust classification is a consensus of base classifications on randomly noised samples where the noise is additive. In this paper, we extend this technique to the L_0 threat model. We propose an efficient and certifiably robust defense against sparse adversarial attacks by randomly ablating input features, rather than using additive noise. Experimentally, on MNIST, we can certify the classifications of over 50% of images to be robust to any distortion of at most 8 pixels. This is comparable to the observed empirical robustness of unprotected classifiers on MNIST to modern L_0 attacks, demonstrating the tightness of the proposed robustness certificate. We also evaluate our certificate on ImageNet and CIFAR-10. Our certificates represent an improvement on those provided in a concurrent work (Lee et al. 2019) which uses random noise rather than ablation (median certificates of 8 pixels versus 4 pixels on MNIST; 16 pixels versus 1 pixel on ImageNet.) Additionally, we empirically demonstrate that our classifier is highly robust to modern sparse adversarial attacks on MNIST. Our classifications are robust, in median, to adversarial perturbations of up to 31 pixels, compared to 22 pixels reported as the state-of-the-art defense, at the cost of a slight decrease (around 2.3%) in the classification accuracy. Code is available at https://github.com/alevine0/randomizedAblation/
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