111 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Neurodegenerative disease Incidence in the Females of 60-96 year Age Group

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    Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia are gradually becoming more prevalent chronic diseases, characterized by the decline in cognitive and behavioral symptoms. Machine learning is revolu-tionising almost all domains of our life, including the clinical system. The application of machine learning has the potential to enormously augment the reach of neurodegenerative care thus building it more proficient. Throughout the globe, there is a massive burden of Alzheimer's and demen-tia cases; which denotes an exclusive set of difficulties. This provides us with an exceptional opportunity in terms of the impending convenience of data. Harnessing this data using machine learning tools and techniques, can put scientists and physicians in the lead research position in this area. The ob-jective of this study was to develop an efficient prognostic ML model with high-performance metrics to better identify female candidate subjects at risk of having Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The study was based on two diverse datasets. The results have been discussed employing seven perfor-mance evaluation measures i.e. accuracy, precision, recall, F-measure, Re-ceiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) area, Kappa statistic, and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Also, a comprehensive performance analysis has been carried out later in the study


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    Abstract The prevalence of dementia is growing as the world's population ages, making it a major public health issue. The key to successful management and treatment of dementia is an early and precise diagnosis. In this work, we will investigate the Dementia detection model DenseNet-169 in depth. The DenseNet-169 model has been used to classify almost 7,000 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain. Non-Dementia, Mild Dementia, Severe Dementia, and Moderate Dementia are all categorized using this Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model. The use of deep learning and image processing presents intriguing new directions for the diagnosis and treatment of dementia, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the quality of life for those with the disease

    Perbandingan Algoritma C4.5 dan Adaptive Boosting dalam Klasifikasi Penyakit Alzheimer

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    Penyakit alzheimer adalah penyakit yang menyerang sistem saraf di dalam otak. Penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan terganggunya aktivitas sehari-hari, ingatan yang tidak terorganisir, dan berkurangnya daya ingat. Deteksi dini penyakit alzheimer dapat memanfaatkan pendekatan matematis menggunakan data mining. Data mining memiliki model-model klasifikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi dini penyakit alzheimer. Beberapa algoritma yang dapat digunakan untuk klasifikasi diantaranya adalah C4.5 dan Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini untuk mengklasifikasikan penyakit alzheimer. Perbandingan kedua algoritma ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh algoritma mana yang paling tepat dalam klasifikasi penyakit alzheimer. Untuk menguji kedua algoritma ini digunakan dua teknik pengujian yaitu percentage split dan k-fold cross validation. Pada percentage split dipilih ukuran split sebesar 80% untuk data latih dan 20% sebagai data uji dan k-fold cross validation dipilih nilai k sebesar 10. Hasil penerapan dari kedua algoritma diperoleh bahwa untuk k-fold cross validation bekerja lebih baik dibandingkan dengan percentage split. Hal ini dikarenakan k-fold cross validation meningkatkan persentase nilai presisi, recall, dan akurasi dari masing-masing algoritma. Untuk kinerja masing-masing algortima, AdaBoost dalam penggunaanya bekerja lebih baik dibandingkan dengan C4.5 dengan nilai presisi, recall dan akurasi secara berturut-turut, yaitu 91.5%, 91% dan 91.15%. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa algoritma AdaBoost dengan teknik k-fold cross validation memiliki performa yang paling baik dalam melakukan klasifikasi penyakit alzheimer dibandingkan algoritma dan teknik pengujian lainnya

    An Ensemble Based Classification Approach for Medical Images

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    Ensemble classification is a classifier applied to improve the performance of the single classifiers by fusing the output of the individual classifier models. Research in ensemble methods has largely revolved around designing ensemble consisting of single classifier models. The main discovery of the ensemble classifier, constructed by ensemble machine algorithms is to perform much better accuracy than the single classifiers. The ability to perform classification accuracy in single classifier models has been increased but in single classifier accuracy of classification is less. The difficulty arises because the algorithms for single classifier algorithm have designed with less capacitance. Now-a-days more researchers are applying the ensemble learning algorithm for classification to obtain high accuracy in an effectual manner

    Toward the Automation of Diagnostic Conversation Analysis in Patients with Memory Complaints.

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    BACKGROUND: The early diagnosis of dementia is of great clinical and social importance. A recent study using the qualitative methodology of conversation analysis (CA) demonstrated that language and communication problems are evident during interactions between patients and neurologists, and that interactional observations can be used to differentiate between cognitive difficulties due to neurodegenerative disorders (ND) or functional memory disorders (FMD). OBJECTIVE: This study explores whether the differential diagnostic analysis of doctor-patient interactions in a memory clinic can be automated. METHODS: Verbatim transcripts of conversations between neurologists and patients initially presenting with memory problems to a specialist clinic were produced manually (15 with FMD, and 15 with ND). A range of automatically detectable features focusing on acoustic, lexical, semantic, and visual information contained in the transcripts were defined aiming to replicate the diagnostic qualitative observations. The features were used to train a set of five machine learning classifiers to distinguish between ND and FMD. RESULTS: The mean rate of correct classification between ND and FMD was 93% ranging from 97% by the Perceptron classifier to 90% by the Random Forest classifier.Using only the ten best features, the mean correct classification score increased to 95%. CONCLUSION: This pilot study provides proof-of-principle that a machine learning approach to analyzing transcripts of interactions between neurologists and patients describing memory problems can distinguish people with neurodegenerative dementia from people with FMD

    Early Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Medical Imaging: A Review From a Machine Learning Approach Perspective

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia in aged adults, affecting up to 70% of the dementia patients, and posing a serious public health hazard in the twenty-first century. AD is a progressive, irreversible and neuro-degenerative disease with a long pre-clinical period, affecting brain cells leading to memory loss, misperception, learning problems, and improper decisions. Given its significance, presently no treatment options are available, although disease advancement can be retarded through medication. Unfortunately, AD is diagnosed at a very later stage, after irreversible damages to the brain cells have occurred, when there is no scope to prevent further cognitive decline. The use of non-invasive neuroimaging procedures capable of detecting AD at preliminary stages is crucial for providing treatment retarding disease progression, and has stood as a promising area of research. We conducted a comprehensive assessment of papers employing machine learning to predict AD using neuroimaging data. Most of the studies employed brain images from Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) dataset, consisting of magnetic resonance image (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) images. The most widely used method, the support vector machine (SVM), has a mean accuracy of 75.4 percent, whereas convolutional neural networks(CNN) have a mean accuracy of 78.5 percent. Better classification accuracy has been achieved by combining MRI and PET, rather using single neuroimaging technique. Overall, more complicated models, like deep learning, paired with multimodal and multidimensional data (neuroimaging, cognitive, clinical, behavioral and genetic) produced superlative results. However, promising results have been achieved, still there is a room for performance improvement of the proposed methods, providing assistance to healthcare professionals and clinician