3,928 research outputs found

    On the Minimal Revision Problem of Specification Automata

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    As robots are being integrated into our daily lives, it becomes necessary to provide guarantees on the safe and provably correct operation. Such guarantees can be provided using automata theoretic task and mission planning where the requirements are expressed as temporal logic specifications. However, in real-life scenarios, it is to be expected that not all user task requirements can be realized by the robot. In such cases, the robot must provide feedback to the user on why it cannot accomplish a given task. Moreover, the robot should indicate what tasks it can accomplish which are as "close" as possible to the initial user intent. This paper establishes that the latter problem, which is referred to as the minimal specification revision problem, is NP complete. A heuristic algorithm is presented that can compute good approximations to the Minimal Revision Problem (MRP) in polynomial time. The experimental study of the algorithm demonstrates that in most problem instances the heuristic algorithm actually returns the optimal solution. Finally, some cases where the algorithm does not return the optimal solution are presented.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, 2 tables, International Joural of Robotics Research 2014 Major Revision (submitted

    Budget Feasible Mechanisms for Experimental Design

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    In the classical experimental design setting, an experimenter E has access to a population of nn potential experiment subjects i{1,...,n}i\in \{1,...,n\}, each associated with a vector of features xiRdx_i\in R^d. Conducting an experiment with subject ii reveals an unknown value yiRy_i\in R to E. E typically assumes some hypothetical relationship between xix_i's and yiy_i's, e.g., yiβxiy_i \approx \beta x_i, and estimates β\beta from experiments, e.g., through linear regression. As a proxy for various practical constraints, E may select only a subset of subjects on which to conduct the experiment. We initiate the study of budgeted mechanisms for experimental design. In this setting, E has a budget BB. Each subject ii declares an associated cost ci>0c_i >0 to be part of the experiment, and must be paid at least her cost. In particular, the Experimental Design Problem (EDP) is to find a set SS of subjects for the experiment that maximizes V(S) = \log\det(I_d+\sum_{i\in S}x_i\T{x_i}) under the constraint iSciB\sum_{i\in S}c_i\leq B; our objective function corresponds to the information gain in parameter β\beta that is learned through linear regression methods, and is related to the so-called DD-optimality criterion. Further, the subjects are strategic and may lie about their costs. We present a deterministic, polynomial time, budget feasible mechanism scheme, that is approximately truthful and yields a constant factor approximation to EDP. In particular, for any small δ>0\delta > 0 and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, we can construct a (12.98, ϵ\epsilon)-approximate mechanism that is δ\delta-truthful and runs in polynomial time in both nn and loglogBϵδ\log\log\frac{B}{\epsilon\delta}. We also establish that no truthful, budget-feasible algorithms is possible within a factor 2 approximation, and show how to generalize our approach to a wide class of learning problems, beyond linear regression

    Cleaning Denial Constraint Violations through Relaxation

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    Data cleaning is a time-consuming process that depends on the data analysis that users perform. Existing solutions treat data cleaning as a separate offline process that takes place before analysis begins. Applying data cleaning before analysis assumes a priori knowledge of the inconsistencies and the query workload, thereby requiring effort on understanding and cleaning the data that is unnecessary for the analysis. We propose an approach that performs probabilistic repair of denial constraint violations on-demand, driven by the exploratory analysis that users perform. We introduce Daisy, a system that seamlessly integrates data cleaning into the analysis by relaxing query results. Daisy executes analytical query-workloads over dirty data by weaving cleaning operators into the query plan. Our evaluation shows that Daisy adapts to the workload and outperforms traditional offline cleaning on both synthetic and real-world workloads.Comment: To appear in SIGMOD 2020 proceeding

    Sound ranking algorithms for XML search

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    Ranking algorithms for XML should reflect the actual combined content and structure constraints of queries, while at the same time producing equal rankings for queries that are semantically equal. Ranking algorithms that produce different rankings for queries that are semantically equal are easily detected by tests on large databases: We call such algorithms not sound. We report the behavior of different approaches to ranking content-and-structure queries on pairs of queries for which we expect equal ranking results from the query semantics. We show that most of these approaches are not sound. Of the remaining approaches, only 3 adhere to the W3C XQuery Full-Text standard

    Towards Intelligent Databases

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    This article is a presentation of the objectives and techniques of deductive databases. The deductive approach to databases aims at extending with intensional definitions other database paradigms that describe applications extensionaUy. We first show how constructive specifications can be expressed with deduction rules, and how normative conditions can be defined using integrity constraints. We outline the principles of bottom-up and top-down query answering procedures and present the techniques used for integrity checking. We then argue that it is often desirable to manage with a database system not only database applications, but also specifications of system components. We present such meta-level specifications and discuss their advantages over conventional approaches

    Non-monotone Submodular Maximization with Nearly Optimal Adaptivity and Query Complexity

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    Submodular maximization is a general optimization problem with a wide range of applications in machine learning (e.g., active learning, clustering, and feature selection). In large-scale optimization, the parallel running time of an algorithm is governed by its adaptivity, which measures the number of sequential rounds needed if the algorithm can execute polynomially-many independent oracle queries in parallel. While low adaptivity is ideal, it is not sufficient for an algorithm to be efficient in practice---there are many applications of distributed submodular optimization where the number of function evaluations becomes prohibitively expensive. Motivated by these applications, we study the adaptivity and query complexity of submodular maximization. In this paper, we give the first constant-factor approximation algorithm for maximizing a non-monotone submodular function subject to a cardinality constraint kk that runs in O(log(n))O(\log(n)) adaptive rounds and makes O(nlog(k))O(n \log(k)) oracle queries in expectation. In our empirical study, we use three real-world applications to compare our algorithm with several benchmarks for non-monotone submodular maximization. The results demonstrate that our algorithm finds competitive solutions using significantly fewer rounds and queries.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure