73,002 research outputs found

    On the connectivity and restricted edge-connectivity of 3-arc graphs

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    A 3−arc of a graph G is a 4-tuple (y, a, b, x) of vertices such that both (y, a, b) and (a, b, x) are paths of length two in G. Let ←→G denote the symmetric digraph of a graph G. The 3-arc graph X(G) of a given graph G is defined to have vertices the arcs of ←→G. Two vertices (ay), (bx) are adjacent in X(G) if and only if (y, a, b, x) is a 3-arc of G. The purpose of this work is to study the edge-connectivity and restricted edge-connectivity of 3-arc graphs.We prove that the 3-arc graph X(G) of every connected graph G of minimum degree δ(G) ≥ 3 has edge-connectivity λ(X(G)) ≥ (δ(G) − 1)2; and restricted edge- connectivity λ(2)(X(G)) ≥ 2(δ(G) − 1)2 − 2 if κ(G) ≥ 2. We also provide examples showing that all these bounds are sharp.Peer Reviewe

    On the existence of edge cuts leaving several large components

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    We characterize graphs of large enough order or large enough minimum degree which contain edge cuts whose deletion results in a graph with a specified number of large components. This generalizes and extends recent results due to Ou (Edge cuts leaving components of order at least m, Discrete Math. 305 (2005), 365-371) and Zhang and Yuan (A proof of an inequality concerning k-restricted edge connectivity, Discrete Math. 304 (2005), 128-134)

    A Study on Graph Coloring and Digraph Connectivity

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    This dissertation focuses on coloring problems in graphs and connectivity problems in digraphs. We obtain the following advances in both directions.;1. Results in graph coloring. For integers k,r \u3e 0, a (k,r)-coloring of a graph G is a proper coloring on the vertices of G with k colors such that every vertex v of degree d( v) is adjacent to vertices with at least min{lcub}d( v),r{rcub} different colors. The r-hued chromatic number, denoted by chir(G ), is the smallest integer k for which a graph G has a (k,r)-coloring.;For a k-list assignment L to vertices of a graph G, a linear (L,r)-coloring of a graph G is a coloring c of the vertices of G such that for every vertex v of degree d(v), c(v)∈ L(v), the number of colors used by the neighbors of v is at least min{lcub}dG(v), r{rcub}, and such that for any two distinct colors i and j, every component of G[c --1({lcub}i,j{rcub})] must be a path. The linear list r-hued chromatic number of a graph G, denoted chiℓ L,r(G), is the smallest integer k such that for every k-list L, G has a linear (L,r)-coloring. Let Mad( G) denotes the maximum subgraph average degree of a graph G. We prove the following. (i) If G is a K3,3-minor free graph, then chi2(G) ≤ 5 and chi3(G) ≤ 10. Moreover, the bound of chi2( G) ≤ 5 is best possible. (ii) If G is a P4-free graph, then chir(G) ≤q chi( G) + 2(r -- 1), and this bound is best possible. (iii) If G is a P5-free bipartite graph, then chir( G) ≤ rchi(G), and this bound is best possible. (iv) If G is a P5-free graph, then chi2(G) ≤ 2chi(G), and this bound is best possible. (v) If G is a graph with maximum degree Delta, then each of the following holds. (i) If Delta ≥ 9 and Mad(G) \u3c 7/3, then chiℓL,r( G) ≤ max{lcub}lceil Delta/2 rceil + 1, r + 1{rcub}. (ii) If Delta ≥ 7 and Mad(G)\u3c 12/5, then chiℓ L,r(G)≤ max{lcub}lceil Delta/2 rceil + 2, r + 2{rcub}. (iii) If Delta ≥ 7 and Mad(G) \u3c 5/2, then chi ℓL,r(G)≤ max{lcub}lcei Delta/2 rceil + 3, r + 3{rcub}. (vi) If G is a K 4-minor free graph, then chiℓL,r( G) ≤ max{lcub}r,lceilDelta/2\rceil{rcub} + lceilDelta/2rceil + 2. (vii) Every planar graph G with maximum degree Delta has chiℓL,r(G) ≤ Delta + 7.;2. Results in digraph connectivity. For a graph G, let kappa( G), kappa\u27(G), delta(G) and tau( G) denote the connectivity, the edge-connectivity, the minimum degree and the number of edge-disjoint spanning trees of G, respectively. Let f(G) denote kappa(G), kappa\u27( G), or Delta(G), and define f¯( G) = max{lcub}f(H): H is a subgraph of G{rcub}. An edge cut X of a graph G is restricted if X does not contain all edges incident with a vertex in G. The restricted edge-connectivity of G, denoted by lambda2(G), is the minimum size of a restricted edge-cut of G. We define lambda 2(G) = max{lcub}lambda2(H): H ⊂ G{rcub}.;For a digraph D, let kappa;(D), lambda( D), delta--(D), and delta +(D) denote the strong connectivity, arc-strong connectivity, minimum in-degree, and out-degree of D, respectively. For each f ∈ {lcub}kappa,lambda, delta--, +{rcub}, define f¯(D) = max{lcub} f(H): H is a subdigraph of D{rcub}.;Catlin et al. in [Discrete Math., 309 (2009), 1033-1040] proved a characterization of kappa\u27(G) in terms of tau(G). We proved a digraph version of this characterization by showing that a digraph D is k-arc-strong if and only if for any vertex v in D, D has k-arc-disjoint spanning arborescences rooted at v. We also prove a characterization of uniformly dense digraphs analogous to the characterization of uniformly dense undirected graphs in [Discrete Applied Math., 40 (1992) 285--302]. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    On the structure of graphs without short cycles

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    The objective of this thesis is to study cages, constructions and properties of such families of graphs. For this, the study of graphs without short cycles plays a fundamental role in order to develop some knowledge on their structure, so we can later deal with the problems on cages. Cages were introduced by Tutte in 1947. In 1963, Erdös and Sachs proved that (k, g) -cages exist for any given values of k and g. Since then, large amount of research in cages has been devoted to their construction. In this work we study structural properties such as the connectivity, diameter, and degree regularity of graphs without short cycles. In some sense, connectivity is a measure of the reliability of a network. Two graphs with the same edge-connectivity, may be considered to have different reliabilities, as a more refined index than the edge-connectivity, edge-superconnectivity is proposed together with some other parameters called restricted connectivities. By relaxing the conditions that are imposed for the graphs to be cages, we can achieve more refined connectivity properties on these families and also we have an approach to structural properties of the family of graphs with more restrictions (i.e., the cages). Our aim, by studying such structural properties of cages is to get a deeper insight into their structure so we can attack the problem of their construction. By way of example, we studied a condition on the diameter in relation to the girth pair of a graph, and as a corollary we obtained a result guaranteeing restricted connectivity of a special family of graphs arising from geometry, such as polarity graphs. Also, we obtained a result proving the edge superconnectivity of semiregular cages. Based on these studies it was possible to develop the study of cages. Therefore obtaining a relevant result with respect to the connectivity of cages, that is, cages are k/2-connected. And also arising from the previous work on girth pairs we obtained constructions for girth pair cages that proves a bound conjectured by Harary and Kovács, relating the order of girth pair cages with the one for cages. Concerning the degree and the diameter, there is the concept of a Moore graph, it was introduced by Hoffman and Singleton after Edward F. Moore, who posed the question of describing and classifying these graphs. As well as having the maximum possible number of vertices for a given combination of degree and diameter, Moore graphs have the minimum possible number of vertices for a regular graph with given degree and girth. That is, any Moore graph is a cage. The formula for the number of vertices in a Moore graph can be generalized to allow a definition of Moore graphs with even girth (bipartite Moore graphs) as well as odd girth, and again these graphs are cages. Thus, Moore graphs give a lower bound for the order of cages, but they are known to exist only for very specific values of k, therefore it is interesting to study how far a cage is from this bound, this value is called the excess of a cage. We studied the excess of graphs and give a contribution, in the sense of the work of Biggs and Ito, relating the bipartition of girth 6 cages with their orders. Entire families of cages can be obtained from finite geometries, for example, the graphs of incidence of projective planes of order q a prime power, are (q+1, 6)-cages. Also by using other incidence structures such as the generalized quadrangles or generalized hexagons, it can be obtained families of cages of girths 8 and 12. In this thesis, we present a construction of an entire family of girth 7 cages that arises from some combinatorial properties of the incidence graphs of generalized quadrangles of order (q,q)

    On the complexity of computing the kk-restricted edge-connectivity of a graph

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    The \emph{kk-restricted edge-connectivity} of a graph GG, denoted by λk(G)\lambda_k(G), is defined as the minimum size of an edge set whose removal leaves exactly two connected components each containing at least kk vertices. This graph invariant, which can be seen as a generalization of a minimum edge-cut, has been extensively studied from a combinatorial point of view. However, very little is known about the complexity of computing λk(G)\lambda_k(G). Very recently, in the parameterized complexity community the notion of \emph{good edge separation} of a graph has been defined, which happens to be essentially the same as the kk-restricted edge-connectivity. Motivated by the relevance of this invariant from both combinatorial and algorithmic points of view, in this article we initiate a systematic study of its computational complexity, with special emphasis on its parameterized complexity for several choices of the parameters. We provide a number of NP-hardness and W[1]-hardness results, as well as FPT-algorithms.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    3-Factor-criticality of vertex-transitive graphs

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    A graph of order nn is pp-factor-critical, where pp is an integer of the same parity as nn, if the removal of any set of pp vertices results in a graph with a perfect matching. 1-Factor-critical graphs and 2-factor-critical graphs are factor-critical graphs and bicritical graphs, respectively. It is well known that every connected vertex-transitive graph of odd order is factor-critical and every connected non-bipartite vertex-transitive graph of even order is bicritical. In this paper, we show that a simple connected vertex-transitive graph of odd order at least 5 is 3-factor-critical if and only if it is not a cycle.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure