1,585 research outputs found

    Data Brushes: Interactive Style Transfer for Data Art

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    Progressive surface modeling scheme from unorganised curves

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    This paper presents a novel surface modelling scheme to construct a freeform surface progressively from unorganised curves representing the boundary and interior characteristic curves. The approach can construct a base surface model from four ordinary or composite boundary curves and support incremental surface updating from interior characteristic curves, some of which may not be on the final surface. The base surface is first constructed as a regular Coons surface and upon receiving an interior curve sketch, it is then updated. With this progressive modelling scheme, a final surface with multiple sub-surfaces can be obtained from a set of unorganised curves and transferred to commercial surface modelling software for detailed modification. The approach has been tested with examples based on 3D motion sketches; it is capable of dealing with unorganised design curves for surface modelling in conceptual design. Its limitations have been discussed

    Closing the Gap Between Designers and Developers in a Low-Code Ecosystem

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    Digital systems play an important role in the strategy of companies nowadays as they are crucial to achieve their business goals as well as gain a competitive advantage. This is particularly true for systems designed for the end-users market. Not only has the number of such systems been growing steadily but the requirements and expectations of users regarding usability and performance have also increased. Developing software systems is a complex process that comprises several stages and involves multiple professionals responsible for different tasks. Two stages of the process are the design and implementation of User Interfaces. UX and UI designers produce artifacts such as mockups and prototypes using design tools describing what should be the systems behavior, interactivity and look and feel. Next, Front-end and Back-end developers implement the system according to the specifications defined by designers. Designers and developers use different methodologies, languages, and tools. This introduces a communication gap between both groups, and hence collaboration between them is not always smooth. This ends up causing less efficient processes, rework and loss of information. Developers sometimes overlook the importance of User Experience and Front-end De velopment. The corresponding project stages suffer when collaboration between groups is not optimal. Problems are particularly striking during the transition from design arti facts to front-end code. The procedures for doing this are often manual, very error-prone, and time-consuming for developers that end-up completely re-doing the designers’ work in the target web technology. The aim of this dissertation is to improve the efficiency of collaboration between de signers and front-end developers in the OutSystems ecosystem. This was carried out by developing a tool that transforms UX/UI design artefacts into low-code web-technology using model transformation and meta-modelling techniques. The approach has been evaluated in practice by a team of professional designers and front-end developers. Re sults show savings between 20 and 75% according to the project complexity in the effort invested by development teams in the above mentioned process.Os sistemas digitais têm um papel muito importante hoje em dia na estratégia das empresas, uma vez que as ajudam a atingir os seus objetivos de negócios assim como a ganhar vantagem competitiva face às demais. Isto é particularmente verdade para os sistemas destinados ao mercado dos utilizadores finais. Não só aumentou significativamente o número de tais sistemas como aumentaram também os requisitos e expectativas dos seus utilizadores. O desenvolvimento de sistemas de software é um processo complexo que envolve um número alargado de profissionais com diferentes perfis. Duas das fases são o design de interfaces e a sua implementação. Os UI e UX designers produzem um conjunto de ficheiros utilizando ferramentas de design descrevendo o comportamento, interação e aparência do sistema. Os Front-end e Back-end developers implementam as funcionalidades do sistema com base nas especificações dos designers. Designers e developers trabalham utilizando diferentes metodologias, linguagens e ferramentas. Isto introduz uma lacuna entre os grupos e dificulta a sua colaboração, originando processos menos eficientes, trabalho refeito e perda de informação. Os engenheiros de software por vezes negligenciam disciplinas tais como a Experi ência do Utilizador e o Front-end. Estas fases dos projetos são prejudicadas quando a colaboração entre os grupos não é ótima. Os problemas são particularmente evidentes durante a transição entre design e Front-end. Os procedimentos são manuais, altamente propensos a erros e demorados para os developers, que acabam por refazer o trabalho dos designers na tecnologia web desejada. O objetivo desta dissertação é melhorar a eficiência da colaboração entre designers e front-end developers no ecossistema OutSystems. Isto foi levado a cabo desenvolvendo uma ferramenta capaz de transformar artefactos de UX/UI em low-code utilizando transformações de modelos e técnicas de meta-modeling. A abordagem foi avaliada em prática por uma equipa profissional de designers e front-end developers. Os resultados obtidos mostram poupanças entre os 20 e os 75% de acordo com a complexidade do projeto no esforço investido pelas equipas de desenvolvimento no processo mencionado acima

    Conceptual free-form styling in virtual environments

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    This dissertation introduces the tools for designing complete models from scratch directly in a head-tracked, table-like virtual work environment. The models consist of free-form surfaces, and are constructed by drawing a network of curves directly in space. This is accomplished by using a tracked pen-like input device. Interactive deformation tools for curves and surfaces are proposed and are based on variational methods. By aligning the model with the left hand, editing is made possible with the right hand, corresponding to a natural distribution of tasks using both hands. Furthermore, in the emerging field of 3D interaction in virtual environments, particularly with regard to system control, this work uses novel methods to integrate system control tasks, such as selecting tools, and workflow of shape design. The aim of this work is to propose more suitable user interfaces to computersupported conceptual shape design applications. This would be beneficial since it is a field that lacks adequate support from standard desktop systems.Diese Dissertation beschreibtWerkzeuge zum Entwurf kompletter virtueller Modelle von Grund auf. Dies geschieht direkt in einer tischartigen, virtuellen Arbeitsumge-bung mit Hilfe von Tracking der Hände und der Kopfposition. Die Modelle sind aus Freiformlächen aufgebaut und werden als Netz von Kurven mit Hilfe eines getrack-ten, stiftartigen Eingabegerätes direkt im Raum gezeichnet. Es werden interaktive Deformationswerkzeuge für Kurven und Flächen vorgestellt, die auf Methoden des Variational Modeling basieren. Durch das Ausrichten des Modells mit der linken Hand wird das Editieren mit der rechten Hand erleichtert. Dies entspricht einer natürlichen Aufteilung von Aufgaben auf beide Hände. Zusätzlich stellt diese Arbeit neue Techniken für die 3D-Interaktion in virtuellen Umgebungen, insbesondere im Bereich Anwendungskontrolle, vor, die die Aufgabe der Werkzeugauswahl in den Arbeitsablauf der Formgestaltung integrieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, besser geeignete Schnittstellen für den computer-unterstützten, konzeptionellen Formentwurf zur Verfügung zu stellen; ein Gebiet, für das Standard-Desktop-Systeme wenig geeignete Unterstützung bieten

    Conceptual free-form styling in virtual environments

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    This dissertation introduces the tools for designing complete models from scratch directly in a head-tracked, table-like virtual work environment. The models consist of free-form surfaces, and are constructed by drawing a network of curves directly in space. This is accomplished by using a tracked pen-like input device. Interactive deformation tools for curves and surfaces are proposed and are based on variational methods. By aligning the model with the left hand, editing is made possible with the right hand, corresponding to a natural distribution of tasks using both hands. Furthermore, in the emerging field of 3D interaction in virtual environments, particularly with regard to system control, this work uses novel methods to integrate system control tasks, such as selecting tools, and workflow of shape design. The aim of this work is to propose more suitable user interfaces to computersupported conceptual shape design applications. This would be beneficial since it is a field that lacks adequate support from standard desktop systems.Diese Dissertation beschreibtWerkzeuge zum Entwurf kompletter virtueller Modelle von Grund auf. Dies geschieht direkt in einer tischartigen, virtuellen Arbeitsumge-bung mit Hilfe von Tracking der Hände und der Kopfposition. Die Modelle sind aus Freiformlächen aufgebaut und werden als Netz von Kurven mit Hilfe eines getrack-ten, stiftartigen Eingabegerätes direkt im Raum gezeichnet. Es werden interaktive Deformationswerkzeuge für Kurven und Flächen vorgestellt, die auf Methoden des Variational Modeling basieren. Durch das Ausrichten des Modells mit der linken Hand wird das Editieren mit der rechten Hand erleichtert. Dies entspricht einer natürlichen Aufteilung von Aufgaben auf beide Hände. Zusätzlich stellt diese Arbeit neue Techniken für die 3D-Interaktion in virtuellen Umgebungen, insbesondere im Bereich Anwendungskontrolle, vor, die die Aufgabe der Werkzeugauswahl in den Arbeitsablauf der Formgestaltung integrieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, besser geeignete Schnittstellen für den computer-unterstützten, konzeptionellen Formentwurf zur Verfügung zu stellen; ein Gebiet, für das Standard-Desktop-Systeme wenig geeignete Unterstützung bieten

    IDeS Method Applied to an Innovative Motorbike—Applying Topology Optimization and Augmented Reality

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    This study is on the conception of the DS700 HYBRID project by the application of the Industrial Design Structure method (IDeS), which applies different tools sourced from engineering and style departments, including QFD and SDE, used to create the concept of a hybrid motorbike that could reach the market in the near future. SDE is an engineering approach for the design and development of industrial design projects, and it finds important applications in the automotive sector. In addition, analysis tools such as QFD, comprising benchmarking and top-flop analysis are carried out to maximize the creative process. The key characteristics of the bike and the degree of innovation are identified and outlined, the market segment is identified, and the stylistic trends that are most suitable for a naked motorbike of the future are analyzed. In the second part the styling of each superstructure and of all the components of the vehicle is carried out. Afterwards the aesthetics and engineering perspectives are accounted for to complete the project. This is achieved with modelling and computing tools such as 3D CAD, visual renderings, and FEM simulations, and virtual prototyping thanks to augmented reality (AR), and finally physical prototyping with the use of additive manufacturing (AM). The result is a product conception able to compete in the present challenging market, with a design that is technically feasible and also reaches new lightness targets for efficiency

    Designing a small-scale design system for a multi-vendor environment

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    Abstract. For several years, a project-driven development environment has produced various web applications where different people have been working on them; no permanent designer, no standard conventions or shared knowledge of the specifics. The codebase for user interfaces has scattered, and technical debt has increased over the years. The problem is that the design and user interfaces between these applications are not coherent for mentioned reasons. The overall front-end architecture and scalability are inadequate, requiring a new solution to provide and help produce more future-proof user interfaces that would serve the overall system. The purpose of the work was to do design research on how a design system could help to improve the current development process for creating more coherent and unified user interfaces and find out could it be implemented for a multi-vendor environment on a small scale. The design system is a broad concept that affects many aspects of a software project framework. This work includes an introduction to design systems, a walkthrough of the design system, a helpful review of how it could improve UI development, and implementation of the process in a project-driven development setup. The goal is to define a design system that would improve the development process by paying attention to the design with improved technological solutions, enabling more unified and consistent user interfaces. The outcome for the work was the requirements and plans for developing a small scale design system. The work sought to explore current methods and tools adequately, to list significant factors and perspectives. It required documenting the process and rethinking it alongside technical solutions to solve the problems and overcome current obstacles. Related work implied uses of the design system on a smaller scale but showed that the scale limits and sets certain boundaries. However, the work shows the possibility of creating a design system on a small scale, but the effort and scale required cannot be thoroughly compared to large companies. The thesis provides theory and some level of understanding of the design system. The work provided an excellent basis for building the design system, and new ideas will serve well in the future.Design systemin suunnittelu pienessä mittakaavassa monitoimittajaympäristöön. Tiivistelmä. Useita vuosia käynnissä ollut projektivetoinen kehitysympäristö on tuottanut useita erilaisia sovelluksia, joissa eri ihmiset ovat työstäneet niitä; ei ole ollut pysyvää suunnittelijaa, ei ole ollut yhteisiä konventioita tai yhteistä tietoa erityispiirteistä. Käyttöliittymien koodikanta on hajallaan ja tekninen velka on kasvanut vuosien varrella. Ongelmana on, että näiden sovellusten suunnittelu ja käyttöliittymät eivät ole johdonmukaisia mainituista syistä.Yleinen frontend-arkkitehtuuri ja skaalautuvuus ovat riittämättömiä, mikä vaatii uuden ratkaisun tarjoamaan ja auttamaan tuottamaan entistä tulevaisuuden kannalta kestävämpiä käyttöliittymiä, jotka palvelisivat koko järjestelmää. Työn tarkoituksena oli tehdä design research, miten design system voisi auttaa parantamaan nykyistä kehitysprosessia johdonmukaisempien ja yhtenäisempien käyttöliittymien luomiseksi ja selvittää, olisiko se toteutettavissa monitoimittajaympäristöön pienessä mittakaavassa. Design system on laaja käsite, joka vaikuttaa moniin eri osa-alueisiin ohjelmistoprojektin viitekehyksessä. Tämä työ sisältää johdannon suunnittelujärjestelmiin, läpikäynnin siitä, mistä suunnittelujärjestelmä koostuu, käytännön katsauksen, kuinka se voisi parantaa käyttöliittymän kehitystä ja kuinka prosessi voitaisiin toteuttaa projektilähtöisessä kehitysasetuksissa. Tavoitteena on määritellä suunnittelujärjestelmä, joka tehostaisi kehitysprosessia suunnittelua paremmin huomioiden parannetuilla teknologisilla ratkaisuilla, jotka mahdollistaisivat yhtenäisempien käyttöliittymien luomisen. Työn tuloksena olivat määritellyt vaatimukset ja suunnitelmat pienimuotoisen suunnittelujärjestelmän kehittämiseksi. Työ pyrkii riittävästi tutkimaan nykyisiä menetelmiä ja työkaluja, listaamaan merkittäviä tekijöitä ja näkökulmia. Se vaati prosessin dokumentoimista ja prosessin uudelleen miettimistä teknisten ratkaisujen ohella ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi ja nykyisten esteiden ylittämiseksi. Aiheeseen liittyvät työt viittasivat siihen, että design systemillä on käyttöä pienemmässä mittakaavassa, mutta osoitti, että mittakaava rajoittaa ja asettaa tiettyjä rajoja järjestelmän rakentamiselle. Työ osoittaa kuitenkin mahdollisuuden luoda design system pienessä mittakaavassa, mutta vaadittavia ponnisteluja ja mittakaavaa ei voi täysin verrata suuriin yrityksiin. Opinnäytetyö tarjoaa teoriaa ja jonkin verran ymmärrystä siitä, mistä design system koostuu. Työ antoi erinomaisen pohjan design systemin rakentamiselle ja uudet ideat palvelevat hyvin jatkossa