330 research outputs found

    Many-Task Computing and Blue Waters

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    This report discusses many-task computing (MTC) generically and in the context of the proposed Blue Waters systems, which is planned to be the largest NSF-funded supercomputer when it begins production use in 2012. The aim of this report is to inform the BW project about MTC, including understanding aspects of MTC applications that can be used to characterize the domain and understanding the implications of these aspects to middleware and policies. Many MTC applications do not neatly fit the stereotypes of high-performance computing (HPC) or high-throughput computing (HTC) applications. Like HTC applications, by definition MTC applications are structured as graphs of discrete tasks, with explicit input and output dependencies forming the graph edges. However, MTC applications have significant features that distinguish them from typical HTC applications. In particular, different engineering constraints for hardware and software must be met in order to support these applications. HTC applications have traditionally run on platforms such as grids and clusters, through either workflow systems or parallel programming systems. MTC applications, in contrast, will often demand a short time to solution, may be communication intensive or data intensive, and may comprise very short tasks. Therefore, hardware and software for MTC must be engineered to support the additional communication and I/O and must minimize task dispatch overheads. The hardware of large-scale HPC systems, with its high degree of parallelism and support for intensive communication, is well suited for MTC applications. However, HPC systems often lack a dynamic resource-provisioning feature, are not ideal for task communication via the file system, and have an I/O system that is not optimized for MTC-style applications. Hence, additional software support is likely to be required to gain full benefit from the HPC hardware

    Comprendre et Guider la Gestion des Ressources de Calcul dans unContexte Multi-Modèles de Programmation

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    With the advent of multicore and manycore processors as buildingblocks of HPC supercomputers, many applications shift from relying solely on a distributed programming model (e.g., MPI) to mixing distributed and shared-memory models (e.g., MPI+OpenMP). This leads to a better exploitation of shared-memory communications and reduces the overall memory footprint.However, this evolution has a large impact on the software stack as applications’ developers do typically mix several programming models to scale over a largenumber of multicore nodes while coping with their hiearchical depth. Oneside effect of this programming approach is runtime stacking: mixing multiplemodels involve various runtime libraries to be alive at the same time. Dealing with different runtime systems may lead to a large number of execution flowsthat may not efficiently exploit the underlying resources.We first present a study of runtime stacking. It introduces stacking configurations and categories to describe how stacking can appear in applications.We explore runtime-stacking configurations (spatial and temporal) focusing on thread/process placement on hardware resources from different runtime libraries. We build this taxonomy based on the analysis of state-of-the-artruntime stacking and programming models.We then propose algorithms to detect the misuse of compute resources when running a hybrid parallel application. We have implemented these algorithms inside a dynamic tool, called the Overseer. This tool monitors applications,and outputs resource usage to the user with respect to the application timeline, focusing on overloading and underloading of compute resources.Finally, we propose a second external tool called Overmind, that monitors the thread/process management and (re)maps them to the underlyingcores taking into account the hardware topology and the application behavior. By capturing a global view of resource usage the Overmind adapts theprocess/thread placement, and aims at taking the best decision to enhance the use of each compute node inside a supercomputer. We demonstrate the relevance of our approach and show that our low-overhead implementation is able to achieve good performance even when running with configurations that would have ended up with bad resource usage.La simulation numérique reproduit les comportements physiquesque l’on peut observer dans la nature. Elle est utilisée pour modéliser des phénomènes complexes, impossible à prédire ou répliquer. Pour résoudre ces problèmes dans un temps raisonnable, nous avons recours au calcul haute performance (High Performance Computing ou HPC en anglais). Le HPC regroupe l’ensemble des techniques utilisées pour concevoir et utiliser les super calcula-teurs. Ces énormes machines ont pour objectifs de calculer toujours plus vite,plus précisément et plus efficacement.Pour atteindre ces objectifs, les machines sont de plus en plus complexes. La tendance actuelle est d’augmenter le nombre cœurs de calculs sur les processeurs,mais aussi d’augmenter le nombre de processeurs dans les machines. Les ma-chines deviennent de plus en hétérogènes, avec de nombreux éléments différents à utiliser en même temps pour extraire le maximum de performances. Pour pallier ces difficultés, les développeurs utilisent des modèles de programmation,dont le but est de simplifier l’utilisation de toutes ces ressources. Certains modèles, dits à mémoire distribuée (comme MPI), permettent d’abstraire l’envoi de messages entre les différents nœuds de calculs, d’autres dits à mémoire partagée, permettent de simplifier et d’optimiser l’utilisation de la mémoire partagée au sein des cœurs de calcul.Cependant, ces évolutions et cette complexification des supercalculateurs à un large impact sur la pile logicielle. Il est désormais nécessaire d’utiliser plusieurs modèles de programmation en même temps dans les applications.Ceci affecte non seulement le développement des codes de simulations, car les développeurs doivent manipuler plusieurs modèles en même temps, mais aussi les exécutions des simulations. Un effet de bord de cette approche de la programmation est l’empilement de modèles (‘Runtime Stacking’) : mélanger plusieurs modèles implique que plusieurs bibliothèques fonctionnent en même temps. Gérer plusieurs bibliothèques peut mener à un grand nombre de fils d’exécution utilisant les ressources sous-jacentes de manière non optimaleL’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier l’empilement des modèles de programmation et d’optimiser l’utilisation de ressources de calculs par ces modèles au cours de l’exécution des simulations numériques. Nous avons dans un premier temps caractérisé les différentes manières de créer des codes de calcul mélangeant plusieurs modèles. Nous avons également étudié les différentes interactions que peuvent avoir ces modèles entre eux lors de l’exécution des simulations.De ces observations nous avons conçu des algorithmes permettant de détecter des utilisations de ressources non optimales. Enfin, nous avons développé un outil permettant de diriger automatiquement l’utilisation des ressources par les différents modèles de programmation

    At the Locus of Performance: A Case Study in Enhancing CPUs with Copious 3D-Stacked Cache

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    Over the last three decades, innovations in the memory subsystem were primarily targeted at overcoming the data movement bottleneck. In this paper, we focus on a specific market trend in memory technology: 3D-stacked memory and caches. We investigate the impact of extending the on-chip memory capabilities in future HPC-focused processors, particularly by 3D-stacked SRAM. First, we propose a method oblivious to the memory subsystem to gauge the upper-bound in performance improvements when data movement costs are eliminated. Then, using the gem5 simulator, we model two variants of LARC, a processor fabricated in 1.5 nm and enriched with high-capacity 3D-stacked cache. With a volume of experiments involving a board set of proxy-applications and benchmarks, we aim to reveal where HPC CPU performance could be circa 2028, and conclude an average boost of 9.77x for cache-sensitive HPC applications, on a per-chip basis. Additionally, we exhaustively document our methodological exploration to motivate HPC centers to drive their own technological agenda through enhanced co-design

    클라우드 컴퓨팅 환경기반에서 수치 모델링과 머신러닝을 통한 지구과학 자료생성에 관한 연구

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 자연과학대학 지구환경과학부, 2022. 8. 조양기.To investigate changes and phenomena on Earth, many scientists use high-resolution-model results based on numerical models or develop and utilize machine learning-based prediction models with observed data. As information technology advances, there is a need for a practical methodology for generating local and global high-resolution numerical modeling and machine learning-based earth science data. This study recommends data generation and processing using high-resolution numerical models of earth science and machine learning-based prediction models in a cloud environment. To verify the reproducibility and portability of high-resolution numerical ocean model implementation on cloud computing, I simulated and analyzed the performance of a numerical ocean model at various resolutions in the model domain, including the Northwest Pacific Ocean, the East Sea, and the Yellow Sea. With the containerization method, it was possible to respond to changes in various infrastructure environments and achieve computational reproducibility effectively. The data augmentation of subsurface temperature data was performed using generative models to prepare large datasets for model training to predict the vertical temperature distribution in the ocean. To train the prediction model, data augmentation was performed using a generative model for observed data that is relatively insufficient compared to satellite dataset. In addition to observation data, HYCOM datasets were used for performance comparison, and the data distribution of augmented data was similar to the input data distribution. The ensemble method, which combines stand-alone predictive models, improved the performance of the predictive model compared to that of the model based on the existing observed data. Large amounts of computational resources were required for data synthesis, and the synthesis was performed in a cloud-based graphics processing unit environment. High-resolution numerical ocean model simulation, predictive model development, and the data generation method can improve predictive capabilities in the field of ocean science. The numerical modeling and generative models based on cloud computing used in this study can be broadly applied to various fields of earth science.지구의 변화와 현상을 연구하기 위해 많은 과학자들은 수치 모델을 기반으로 한 고해상도 모델 결과를 사용하거나 관측된 데이터로 머신러닝 기반 예측 모델을 개발하고 활용한다. 정보기술이 발전함에 따라 지역 및 전 지구적인 고해상도 수치 모델링과 머신러닝 기반 지구과학 데이터 생성을 위한 실용적인 방법론이 필요하다. 본 연구는 지구과학의 고해상도 수치 모델과 머신러닝 기반 예측 모델을 기반으로 한 데이터 생성 및 처리가 클라우드 환경에서 효과적으로 구현될 수 있음을 제안한다. 클라우드 컴퓨팅에서 고해상도 수치 해양 모델 구현의 재현성과 이식성을 검증하기 위해 북서태평양, 동해, 황해 등 모델 영역의 다양한 해상도에서 수치 해양 모델의 성능을 시뮬레이션하고 분석하였다. 컨테이너화 방식을 통해 다양한 인프라 환경 변화에 대응하고 계산 재현성을 효과적으로 확보할 수 있었다. 머신러닝 기반 데이터 생성의 적용을 검증하기 위해 생성 모델을 이용한 표층 이하 온도 데이터의 데이터 증강을 실행하여 해양의 수직 온도 분포를 예측하는 모델 훈련을 위한 대용량 데이터 세트를 준비했다. 예측모델 훈련을 위해 위성 데이터에 비해 상대적으로 부족한 관측 데이터에 대해서 생성 모델을 사용하여 데이터 증강을 수행하였다. 모델의 예측성능 비교에는 관측 데이터 외에도 HYCOM 데이터 세트를 사용하였으며, 증강 데이터의 데이터 분포는 입력 데이터 분포와 유사함을 확인하였다. 독립형 예측 모델을 결합한 앙상블 방식은 기존 관측 데이터를 기반으로 하는 예측 모델의 성능에 비해 향상되었다. 데이터합성을 위해 많은 양의 계산 자원이 필요했으며, 데이터 합성은 클라우드 기반 GPU 환경에서 수행되었다. 고해상도 수치 해양 모델 시뮬레이션, 예측 모델 개발, 데이터 생성 방법은 해양 과학 분야에서 예측 능력을 향상시킬 수 있다. 본 연구에서 사용된 클라우드 컴퓨팅 기반의 수치 모델링 및 생성 모델은 지구 과학의 다양한 분야에 광범위하게 적용될 수 있다.1. General Introduction 1 2. Performance of numerical ocean modeling on cloud computing 6 2.1. Introduction 6 2.2. Cloud Computing 9 2.2.1. Cloud computing overview 9 2.2.2. Commercial cloud computing services 12 2.3. Numerical model for performance analysis of commercial clouds 15 2.3.1. High Performance Linpack Benchmark 15 2.3.2. Benchmark Sustainable Memory Bandwidth and Memory Latency 16 2.3.3. Numerical Ocean Model 16 2.3.4. Deployment of Numerical Ocean Model and Benchmark Packages on Cloud Clusters 19 2.4. Simulation results 21 2.4.1. Benchmark simulation 21 2.4.2. Ocean model simulation 24 2.5. Analysis of ROMS performance on commercial clouds 26 2.5.1. Performance of ROMS according to H/W resources 26 2.5.2. Performance of ROMS according to grid size 34 2.6. Summary 41 3. Reproducibility of numerical ocean model on the cloud computing 44 3.1. Introduction 44 3.2. Containerization of numerical ocean model 47 3.2.1. Container virtualization 47 3.2.2. Container-based architecture for HPC 49 3.2.3. Container-based architecture for hybrid cloud 53 3.3. Materials and Methods 55 3.3.1. Comparison of traditional and container based HPC cluster workflows 55 3.3.2. Model domain and datasets for numerical simulation 57 3.3.3. Building the container image and registration in the repository 59 3.3.4. Configuring a numeric model execution cluster 64 3.4. Results and Discussion 74 3.4.1. Reproducibility 74 3.4.2. Portability and Performance 76 3.5. Conclusions 81 4. Generative models for the prediction of ocean temperature profile 84 4.1. Introduction 84 4.2. Materials and Methods 87 4.2.1. Model domain and datasets for predicting the subsurface temperature 87 4.2.2. Model architecture for predicting the subsurface temperature 90 4.2.3. Neural network generative models 91 4.2.4. Prediction Models 97 4.2.5. Accuracy 103 4.3. Results and Discussion 104 4.3.1. Data Generation 104 4.3.2. Ensemble Prediction 109 4.3.3. Limitations of this study and future works 111 4.4. Conclusion 111 5. Summary and conclusion 114 6. References 118 7. Abstract (in Korean) 140박

    A survey and classification of software-defined storage systems

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    The exponential growth of digital information is imposing increasing scale and efficiency demands on modern storage infrastructures. As infrastructure complexity increases, so does the difficulty in ensuring quality of service, maintainability, and resource fairness, raising unprecedented performance, scalability, and programmability challenges. Software-Defined Storage (SDS) addresses these challenges by cleanly disentangling control and data flows, easing management, and improving control functionality of conventional storage systems. Despite its momentum in the research community, many aspects of the paradigm are still unclear, undefined, and unexplored, leading to misunderstandings that hamper the research and development of novel SDS technologies. In this article, we present an in-depth study of SDS systems, providing a thorough description and categorization of each plane of functionality. Further, we propose a taxonomy and classification of existing SDS solutions according to different criteria. Finally, we provide key insights about the paradigm and discuss potential future research directions for the field.This work was financed by the Portuguese funding agency FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through national funds, the PhD grant SFRH/BD/146059/2019, the project ThreatAdapt (FCT-FNR/0002/2018), the LASIGE Research Unit (UIDB/00408/2020), and cofunded by the FEDER, where applicable

    Beyond the socket: NUMA-aware GPUs

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    GPUs achieve high throughput and power efficiency by employing many small single instruction multiple thread (SIMT) cores. To minimize scheduling logic and performance variance they utilize a uniform memory system and leverage strong data parallelism exposed via the programming model. With Moore's law slowing, for GPUs to continue scaling performance (which largely depends on SIMT core count) they are likely to embrace multi-socket designs where transistors are more readily available. However when moving to such designs, maintaining the illusion of a uniform memory system is increasingly difficult. In this work we investigate multi-socket non-uniform memory access (NUMA) GPU designs and show that significant changes are needed to both the GPU interconnect and cache architectures to achieve performance scalability. We show that application phase effects can be exploited allowing GPU sockets to dynamically optimize their individual interconnect and cache policies, minimizing the impact of NUMA effects. Our NUMA-aware GPU outperforms a single GPU by 1.5×, 2.3×, and 3.2× while achieving 89%, 84%, and 76% of theoretical application scalability in 2, 4, and 8 sockets designs respectively. Implementable today, NUMA-aware multi-socket GPUs may be a promising candidate for scaling GPU performance beyond a single socket.We would like to thank anonymous reviewers and Steve Keckler for their help in improving this paper. The first author is supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (TIN2012-34557, TIN2015-65316-P, and BES-2013-063925)Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    From Facility to Application Sensor Data: Modular, Continuous and Holistic Monitoring with DCDB

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    Today's HPC installations are highly-complex systems, and their complexity will only increase as we move to exascale and beyond. At each layer, from facilities to systems, from runtimes to applications, a wide range of tuning decisions must be made in order to achieve efficient operation. This, however, requires systematic and continuous monitoring of system and user data. While many insular solutions exist, a system for holistic and facility-wide monitoring is still lacking in the current HPC ecosystem. In this paper we introduce DCDB, a comprehensive monitoring system capable of integrating data from all system levels. It is designed as a modular and highly-scalable framework based on a plugin infrastructure. All monitored data is aggregated at a distributed noSQL data store for analysis and cross-system correlation. We demonstrate the performance and scalability of DCDB, and describe two use cases in the area of energy management and characterization.Comment: Accepted at the The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC) 201

    HI Lightcones for LADUMA using Gadget-3 : performance profiling and application of an HPC code

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    Includes bibliographical references.This project concerns the investigation, performance profiling and optimisation of the high performance cosmological code, GADGET-3. This code was used to develop a synthetic field-of-view, or lightcone, for the MeerKAT telescope to replicate what it will observe when it conducts the LADUMA ultra-deep HI survey. This lightcone will assist in the planning process of the survey. The deliverables for this project are summarised as follows: * Provide an up-to-date performance evaluation and optimisation report for the cosmological simulation code GADGET-3. * Use GADGET-3 to produce an sufficiently high resolution simulation of a region of the Universe. • Develop a Python code to produce a lightcone which represents the MeerKAT telescope's field-of-view, by post-processing simulation output snapshots. * Extract relevant metadata from the simulation snapshots to provide additional insight into the simulated observation. * Produce an efficiently written and well documented software package to enable other researchers to produce synthetic lightcones