126 research outputs found

    Analysis of the impact of DMUs on the overall efficiency in the event of a merger

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    This paper addresses several mechanisms for overall ranking Decision Making Units (DMUs) according to the contribution of DMUs to the relative efficiency score of a merger considering aggregate units The possible organization of agents outside each possible merger naturally influences the relative efficiency score, which motivates the use of games in partition function form and specific ranking indices for DMUs based on the Shapley value. Several computational problems arise in their exact computation when the number of DMUs increases. We describe two sampling alternatives to reduce these drawbacks. Finally, we apply these methods to analyse the efficiency of the hotel industry in SpainThis work has been supported by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain under grants MTM2017-87197-C3-2-P and MTM2017-87197-C3-3-P, and by the Xunta de Galicia through the European Regional Development Fund (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2017/38) and by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidades, Xunta de Galicia, Spain (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2020/03).S

    A shapley trade-off ranking method for multi-criteria decision-making with defuzzification characteristic function

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    More studies tend to hybrid the game theory technique with the MCDM method to cater to real-situation problems. This paper provides a novel hybrid Shapley value solution concept in the cooperative game with the trade-off ranking method in MCDM. The fundamental methodology of the Shapley value solution concept and trade-off ranking method are explained to make the methodology clear to the readers. A Shapley trade-off ranking (S-TOR) method has been proposed to obtain the best solution to the fuzzy conflicting MCDM in the personnel selection problem. Thus, the triangular fuzzy number is used to represent the DMs evaluation. Then, the fuzzy number be transformed into crisp values using the defuzzification process. The future suggestions are the fuzzy system may be changed to real data for more practical problems, attempt to incorporate a comprehensive method to increase sharing-profit and decrease sharing-loss in the economy or financial problems, and other types of fuzzy numbers may be used to represent an evaluation of the DMs

    A comprehensive review of hybrid game theory techniques and multi-criteria decision-making methods

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    More studies trend to hybrid the game theory technique with the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method to aid real-life problems. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the hybrid game theory technique and MCDM method. The fundamentals of game theory concepts and models are explained to make game theory principles clear to the readers. Moreover, the definitions and models are elaborated and classified to the static game, dynamic game, cooperative game and evolutionary game. Therefore, the hybrid game theory technique and MCDM method are reviewed and numerous applications studied from the past works of literature are highlighted. The result of the previous studies shows that the fundamental elements for both frameworks were studied in various ways with most of the past studies tend to integrate the static game with AHP and TOPSIS methods. Also, the integration of game theory techniques and MCDM methods was studied in various applications such as politics, economy, supply chain, engineering, water management problem, allocation problem and telecommunication network selection. The main contribution of the recent studies of employment between game theory technique and MCDM method are analyzed and discussed in detail which includes static and dynamic games in the non-cooperative game, cooperative game, both non-cooperative and cooperative games and evolutionary gam

    Multiregional sustainability at a sectoral level: Towards more effective environmental regulations

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    Aquesta tesi està dedicada al desenvolupament d'eines per ajudar als responsables polítics en la creació de normatives eficaces de manera eficient i metòdica. La tesi està organitzada en quatre seccions principals. A la secció 1, presentem la introducció, on establim les bases dels mètodes i dades utilitzades en aquest treball, així com els buits bibliogràfics que cobrim amb els nostres estudis. La secció 2 es basa en el primer treball, on estudiem l'eco-eficiència dels sectors manufacturers de la UE combinant taules MREEIO amb el mètode DEA i seguint aproximacions basades en la producció i el consum. Això permet identificar els sectors que requereixen regulacions en impactes específics. A continuació, a la secció 3, utilitzem DEA per determinar l'eficiència de sostenibilitat dels mixos elèctrics de la UE analitzant els trets socials, econòmics i ambientals de cadascun d’ells. En una segona etapa, utilitzem un model matemàtic a mida anomenat EffMixF per obtenir la nova composició elèctrica per als països que han resultat ineficients en la primera etapa. Aquests nous mixos es poden utilitzar com a full de ruta en l’elaboració de normatives específiques per al sector, indicant quines tecnologies s'han de fomentar, o bé obstaculitzar a cada país ineficient. Finalment, a la secció 4, determinem els factors clau de l'impacte ambiental a escala global. Per aconseguir-ho, primer comparem dues tècniques de descomposició, els mètodes SDA i Shapley-Sun, per tal d’establir les seves similituds i introduir una equació general simplificada que es pot utilitzar en substitució d’ambdós mètodes. Per acabar, apliquem aquests mètodes en un cas d’estudi, on considerem una selecció d’impactes ambientals en un període de 15 anys, per determinar la utilitat dels mètodes de descomposició. Les eines desenvolupades en aquesta tesis proporcionen informació valuosa respecte a les debilitats i oportunitats de millora dels sectors econòmics a nivell macroeconòmic.Esta tesis está dedicada al desarrollo de herramientas para ayudar a los responsables políticos en la creación de regulaciones efectivas de manera eficiente y metódica. La tesis contiene cuatro secciones principales. En la sección 1, presentamos la introducción, donde se establecen los métodos y datos utilizados en esta tesis, así como las lagunas bibliográficas que cubrimos con nuestros estudios. La sección 2 se basa en el primer trabajo, donde estudiamos la ecoeficiencia de los sectores manufactureros de la UE mediante la combinación de las tablas MREEIO con el método DEA y siguiendo enfoques basados en la producción y el consumo. Esto nos permite identificar los sectores que requieren regulaciones en impactos específicos. A continuación, en la sección 3 usamos DEA para determinar la eficiencia de sostenibilidad de los mixes eléctricos de la UE analizando las características sociales, económicas y medioambientales de cada uno de ellos. En una segunda etapa, utilizamos un modelo matemático a medida llamado EffMixF para obtener nuevos mixes eléctricos para los países ineficientes. Estos nuevos mixes pueden ser utilizados como plan estrategico en la elaboración de reglamentos específicos para el sector, indicando qué tecnologías deben ser fomentadas, o bien obstaculizadas, en cada país ineficiente. Finalmente, en la sección 4, determinamos los factores clave del impacto ambiental a escala global. Para conseguirlo, primero comparamos dos técnicas de descomposición, SDA y Shapley-Sun, para establecer sus similitudes e introducir una ecuación general simplificada como sustitución de ambos métodos. Posteriormente, aplicamos estos métodos en un caso de estudio donde consideramos una selección de impactos ambientales en un período de 15 años para determinar la utilidad de los métodos de descomposición. Las herramientas desarrolladas en esta tesis proporcionan información valiosa respecto a las debilidades y oportunidades de los sectores económicos a nivel macroeconómico.This thesis is dedicated to the development of tools to assist policy makers in the creation of effective regulations in an efficient and methodical way. The thesis is organized into four main sections. In section 1, we present the introduction, where we establish the background of the methods and data used in this work, as well as the literature gaps that we cover with our studies. Section 2 is based on the first work, where we study the eco-efficiency of the EU manufacturing sectors by combining MREEIO tables with the DEA method, following the production and consumption-based approaches. This allows us to identify the sectors requiring regulations in specific burdens. Then, in section 3, we use DEA to determine the sustainability efficiency of the EU electricity mixes by analyzing the social, economic and environmental features of each portfolio. In a second stage, we use a tailored mathematical model named EffMixF to obtain new electricity mixes for the countries found inefficient in the previous step. These new mixes can be used as roadmap to devise specific regulations for the sector, indicating which technologies should be boosted and which hindered in each inefficient country. Finally, in section 4, we determine the key driving factors of the environmental impact on a global scale. For this, we first compare two decomposition techniques, the SDA and the Shapley-Sun methods, establishing their similarities and introducing a simplified general equation that can be used in substitution of both methods. Then, we apply these methods in a case study, where we consider a selection of environmental impacts in a 15-year period, to determine the usefulness of the decomposition methods. The tools developed in this thesis provide valuable insight regarding the weaknesses and improvement opportunities of the economic sectors in a macroeconomic scale

    Horizontal Cooperation in Transport and Logistics.

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    This thesis deals with horizontal cooperation in transport and logistics. It contains a comprehensive discussion of the available academic literature on this topic, many practical examples, and an empirical investigation of opportunities and impediments. Furthermore, three enabling concepts for horizontal cooperation in transport and logistics are developed. The analysis is practice oriented in the sense that most of the results are based on real-life datasets. In case studies conducted, the most important goal is to learn lessons that are also applicable to other cases or industries. By contrast, in chapters that have a more theoretical point of departure, efforts are made to draw conclusions that are directly applicable in practice. Many different research techniques are used in this thesis. They include case study analysis, surveys, exploratory factor analysis, regression, game theory, vehicle routing heuristics, and facility location heuristics.

    Optimization and Allocation in Some Decision Problems with Several Agents or with Stochastic Elements

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Estatística e Investigación Operativa. 5017V01[Abstract] This dissertation addresses sorne decision problems that arise in project management, cooperative game theory and vehicle route optimization. We start with the problem of allocating the delay costs of a project. In a stochastic context in which we assume that activity durations are random variables, we propose and study an allocation rule based on the Shapley value. In addition, we present an R package that allows a comprehensive control of the project, including the new rule. We propose and characterize new egalitarian solutions in the context of cooperative games with a coalitional structure. Also, using a necessary player property we introduce a new value for cooperative games, which we later extend and characterize within the framework of cooperative games with a coalitional structure. Finally, we present a two-step algorithm for solving multi-compartment vehicle route problems with stochastic demands. This algorithm obtains an initial solution through a constructive heuristic and then uses a tabu search to improve the solution. Using real data, we evaluate the performance of the algorithm.[Resumo] Nesta memoria abórdanse diversos problemas de decisión que xorden na xestión de proxectos, na teoría de xogos cooperativos e na optimización de rutas de vehículos. Empezamos estudando o problema da repartición dos custos de demora nun proxecto. Nun contexto estocástico no que supoñemos que as duracións das actividades son variables aleatorias, propoñemos e estudamos unha regra de repartición baseada no valor de Shapley. Ademais, presentamos un paquete de R que permite un control integral do proxecto, incluíndo a nova regra de repartición. A continuación, propoñemos e caracterizamos axiomaticamente novas solucións igualitarias no contexto dos xogos cooperativos cunha estrutura coalicional. E introducimos un novo valor, utilizando unha propiedade de xogadores necesarios, para xogos cooperativos, que posteriormente estendemos e caracterizamos dentro do marco dos xogos cooperativos cunha estrutura coalicional. Por último, presentamos un algoritmo en dous pasos para resolver problemas de rutas de vehículos con multi-compartimentos e demandas estocásticas. Este algoritmo obtén unha solución inicial mediante unha heurística construtiva e, a continuación, utiliza unha búsqueda tabú para mellorar a solución. Utilizando datos reais, levamos a cabo unha análise do comportamento do algoritmo.[Resumen] En esta memoria se abordan diversos problemas de decisión que surgen en la gestión de proyectos, en la teoría de juegos cooperativos y en la optimización de rutas de vehículos. Empezamos estudiando el problema del reparto de los costes de demora en un proyecto. En un contexto estocástico en el que suponemos que las duraciones de las actividades son variables aleatorias, proponemos y estudiamos una regla de reparto basada en el valor de Shapley. Además, presentamos un paquete de R que permite un control integral del proyecto, incluyendo la nueva regla de reparto. A continuación, proponemos y caracterizamos axiomáticamente nuevas soluciones igualitarias en el contexto de los juegos cooperativos con una estructura coalicional. E introducimos un nuevo valor, utilizando una propiedad de jugadores necesarios, para juegos cooperativos, que posteriormente extendemos y caracterizamos dentro del marco de los juegos cooperativos con una estructura coalicional. Por último, presentamos un algoritmo en dos pasos para resolver problemas de rutas de vehículos con multi-compartimentos y demandas estocásticas. Este algoritmo obtiene una solución inicial mediante una heurística constructiva y, a continuación, utiliza una búsqueda tabú para mejorar la solución. Utilizando datos reales, llevamos a cabo un análisis del comportamiento del algoritmo

    Fixed cost allocation based on the principle of efficiency invariance in two-stage systems

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    Fixed cost allocation among groups of entities is a prominent issue in numerous organisations. Addressing this issue has become one of the most important topics of the data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology. In this study, we propose a fixed cost allocation approach for basic two-stage systems based on the principle of efficiency invariance and then extend it to general two-stage systems. Fixed cost allocation in cooperative and noncooperative scenarios are investigated to develop the related allocation plans for two-stage systems. The model of fixed cost allocation under the overall condition of efficiency invariance is first developed when the two stages have a cooperative relationship. Then, the model of fixed cost allocation under the divisional condition of efficiency invariance wherein the two stages have a noncooperative relationship is studied. Finally, the validation of the proposed approach is demonstrated by a real application of 24 nonlife insurance companies, in which a comparative analysis with other allocation approaches is included

    VIKOR Technique:A Systematic Review of the State of the Art Literature on Methodologies and Applications

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    The main objective of this paper is to present a systematic review of the VlseKriterijuska Optimizacija I Komoromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method in several application areas such as sustainability and renewable energy. This study reviewed a total of 176 papers, published in 2004 to 2015, from 83 high-ranking journals; most of which were related to Operational Research, Management Sciences, decision making, sustainability and renewable energy and were extracted from the “Web of Science and Scopus” databases. Papers were classified into 15 main application areas. Furthermore, papers were categorized based on the nationalities of authors, dates of publications, techniques and methods, type of studies, the names of the journals and studies purposes. The results of this study indicated that more papers on VIKOR technique were published in 2013 than in any other year. In addition, 13 papers were published about sustainability and renewable energy fields. Furthermore, VIKOR and fuzzy VIKOR methods, had the first rank in use. Additionally, the Journal of Expert Systems with Applications was the most significant journal in this study, with 27 publications on the topic. Finally, Taiwan had the first rank from 22 nationalities which used VIKOR technique