9,963 research outputs found

    Neuroeconomics: Using Neuroscience to Make Economic Predictions

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    Neuroeconomics seeks to ground economic theory in detailed neural mechanisms which are expressed mathematically and make behavioural predictions. One finding is that simple kinds of economising for life-and-death decisions (food, sex and danger) do occur in the brain as rational theories assume. Another set of findings appears to support the neural basis of constructs posited in behavioural economics, such as a preference for immediacy and nonlinear weighting of small and large probabilities. A third direction shows how understanding neural circuitry permits predictions and causal experiments which show state-dependence of revealed preference – except that states are biological and neural variables

    Enforcing International Law: Implications for an Effective Global Warming Regime

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    Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka den antibakteriella effekten hos ett polyestertyg med tunna invÀvda koppartrÄdar. FrÄgestÀllningen som skulle besvaras var ifall koppartyget hade en baktericid eller bakteristatisk effekt. Koppartyget Àr Ànnu i prototypstadie och om det visar sig ha antibakteriella egenskaper Àr det tÀnkt att anvÀndas inom klinisk verksamhet för att förhindra bakterietillvÀxt i sÄr och andra kÀnsliga lokaler. Koppar Àr ett essentiellt spÄrÀmne, men har ocksÄ antimikrobiella egenskaper som utövas genom ett brett spektra av mekanismer dÀr skador pÄ cellmembranet Àr en av de viktigare. Metoderna som anvÀndes för att inokulera bakterier pÄ tyget var absorptionsmetoden, dÀr en nÀringsbuljong innehÄllande Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 pipetterades pÄ tygproverna, och transfermetoden dÀr tygproverna trycktes mot en agar som racklats med peptonsaltlösning innehÄllande S. aureus. Totalantalet viabla bakterier per tygprov berÀknades efter kort kontakt (<1min) och inkubering (18-24 h vid 37±2°C) genom att rÀkna viable count. Resultaten efter inkubering visade signifikant skillnad i totalantal bakterier mellan koppartyget och negativ kontroll i tre av fyra försök. Kort kontakt visade tendens till viss antibakteriell effekt. Slutsatsen Àr att koppartyget skadade och dödade bakterier dÄ de fick inkubera pÄ tyget, medan fler försök behövs för att sÀkerstÀlla effekten av kort kontakt med koppartyget. The purpose of this study was to test the antibacterial effect of thin copper treads woven into a polyester fabric. The investigation was done by inoculation of Staphylococcus aureus strain ATCC 6538 to the fabric and evaluation of the number of viable cells post exposure by viable count. The issue to be answered was whether the copper fabric had a bactericide or bacteriostatic effect? The fabric is still in prototype stage, and if proven to have antibacterial properties the aim is to use it to prevent bacterial growth in wounds and other vulnerable locations in clinical care. Copper is an essential trace element, but also has antimicrobial properties through a wide range of mechanisms where cell membrane damage is one of the more important. Methods used for inoculation was the absorption method, where a nutrient broth containing S. aureus was pipetted on to the fabric specimens, and the transfer method where the fabric specimens were pressed onto an agar plate that had previously been spread with peptone salt solution containing S. aureus. Total number of bacteria per fabric specimen after short contact (<1 min) and incubation (18-24 h at 37±2°C) was calculated. Incubation showed significant difference in total number of bacteria between the copper fabric and negative control in three of four tests. Short contact showed a tendency of antibacterial effect. The conclusion was that the copper fabric harmed and killed bacteria during incubation but that more records would be needed to be sure about the effects of short contact on bacteria

    Evolutionary Games in Economics

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    The Welfare State, Redistribution and the Economy, Reciprocal Altruism, Consumer Rivalry and Second Best

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    Democratic countries with substantial inequality and where people believe that success depends on connections and luck induce political support for high tax rates and generous welfare states. Traditional wisdom is that such policies harm the economy, but there is not much evidence that countries with a large welfare state and substantial redistribution have worse economic performance and welfare. One important reason is that governments have been careful to invoke the principles of reciprocity and mutual obligations in the design of the welfare state. Unemployment benefits conditioned on work experience, no misconduct and search effort harm the economy less. Indeed, conditional benefits may even boost employment in an economy with efficiency wages. A second reason is that people care about relative incomes and become unhappy if others earn and consume much more than they do. This explains why people do not seem to get happier, even though societies grow richer and richer. With such consumer rivalry the government wishes to correct for the rat race, even if there is no need for redistribution, by taxing labour. A third reason is that in modern economies many distortions are present and removing one at a time may worsen economic performance. Conversely, increasing tax progression in economies with non-competitive labour markets induces wage moderation and boosts employment. A final reason is that countries with large welfare states typically introduce various progrowth policies as well.mutual obligations, altruism, relative incomes, happiness, redistributive taxation, demand management, second best, design of welfare state
