180 research outputs found

    Short Paper: On Deployment of DNS-based Security Enhancements

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    Although the Domain Name System (DNS) was designed as a naming system, its features have made it appealing to repurpose it for the deployment of novel systems. One important class of such systems are security enhancements, and this work sheds light on their deployment. We show the characteristics of these solutions and measure reliability of DNS in these applications. We investigate the compatibility of these solutions with the Tor network, signal necessary changes, and report on surprising drawbacks in Tor's DNS resolution.Comment: Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC) 201

    DANE Trusted Email for Supply Chain Management

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    Supply chain management is critically dependent on trusted email mechanisms that address forgery, confidentiality, and sender authenticity. The IETF protocol ‘Domain Authentication of Named Entities’ (DANE) described in this paper has been extended from its initial goal of providing TLS web site validation to also offer a foundation for globally scalable and interoperable email security. Widespread deployment of DANE will require more than raw technology standards, however. Workflow automation mechanisms will need to emerge in order to simplify the publishing and retrieval of cryptographic credentials that are applicable for general audiences. Security policy enforcement will also need to be addressed. This paper gives a descriptive tutorial of trusted email technologies, shows how DANE solves key distribution logistics, and then suggests desirable automation components that could accelerate deployment of DANE-based trusted email. Pilot deployments are briefly described

    Extended Hell(o): A Comprehensive Large-Scale Study on Email Confidentiality and Integrity Mechanisms in the Wild

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    The core specifications of electronic mail as used today date back as early as the 1970s. At that time, security did not play a significant role in developing communication protocols. These shortcomings still manifest themselves today in the prevalence of phishing and the reliance on opportunistic encryption. Besides STARTTLS, various mechanisms such as SPF, DKIM, DMARC, DANE, and MTA-STS have been proposed. However, related work has shown that not all providers support them and that misconfigurations are common. In this work, we provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of email confidentiality and integrity measures, as well as the effectiveness of their deployment. On a positive note, support for incoming TLS connections has significantly increased over the years, with over 96% of reachable MXs in the top 10 million domains allowing for explicit TLS. Notably, 30% of presented certificates are invalid, though, with the majority of issues related to the presented hostnames. In light of this, all 47 providers we tested connect to hosts with expired, self-signed, non-matching certificates, making it trivial for attackers to intercept their connections. Our analysis also shows that still only around 40% of sites specify SPF, and even high-ranked providers like t-online.de do not enforce it. Similarly, while DNS lookups are performed for both DKIM and DANE, neither mechanism is validated or enforced by all providers. In addition, we show that MTA-STS is only slowly getting traction (six providers support it) and provide the first large-scale analysis into OPENPGPKEY and SMIMEA records. All in all, this still paints a grim yet slightly improving picture for the state of email security by late 2022

    Providing public key certificate authorization and policy with DNS

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    Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) instills trust in certificates commonly used to secure email, web traffic, VPNs, file transfers, and other forms of network communication. Due to a number of successful attacks against certificate authorities, malicious parties have illegitimately acquired trusted certificates for widely used online services, government agencies, and other important organizations. These incidents, and the potential for future attacks of a similar nature, present notable risk to PKI and global security as a whole. The proposed Certificate Policy Framework (CPF) offers a mechanism for organizations to control which certificates are authorized to authenticate their services. This DNS-based protocol allows organizations to publish an access control list for any given hostname, where each entry in the ACL identifies a certificate and indicates whether the certificate should be blocked, warned upon, or permitted. Similarly, any CPF-compatible application can query DNS for CPF records to verify the integrity of the certificate from an authoritative viewpoint. In this work, we review limitations in PKI and certificate-based security and review existing work in this area. We will also discuss CPF in greater detail and demonstrate how it can be used to augment PKI to strengthen this widely adopted technology

    Adaptive Middleware for Resource-Constrained Mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks: MANETs) and wireless sensor networks: WSNs) are two recently-developed technologies that uniquely function without fixed infrastructure support, and sense at scales, resolutions, and durations previously not possible. While both offer great potential in many applications, developing software for these types of networks is extremely difficult, preventing their wide-spread use. Three primary challenges are: 1) the high level of dynamics within the network in terms of changing wireless links and node hardware configurations,: 2) the wide variety of hardware present in these networks, and: 3) the extremely limited computational and energy resources available. Until now, the burden of handling these issues was put on the software application developer. This dissertation presents three novel programming models and middleware systems that address these challenges: Limone, Agilla, and Servilla. Limone reliably handles high levels of dynamics within MANETs. It does this through lightweight coordination primitives that make minimal assumptions about network connectivity. Agilla enables self-adaptive WSN applications via the integration of mobile agent and tuple space programming models, which is critical given the continuously changing network. It is the first system to successfully demonstrate the feasibility of using mobile agents and tuple spaces within WSNs. Servilla addresses the challenges that arise from WSN hardware heterogeneity using principles of Service-Oriented Computing: SOC). It is the first system to successfully implement the entire SOC model within WSNs and uniquely tailors it to the WSN domain by making it energy-aware and adaptive. The efficacies of the above three systems are demonstrated through implementation, micro-benchmarks, and the evaluation of several real-world applications including Universal Remote, Fire Detection and Tracking, Structural Health Monitoring, and Medical Patient Monitoring

    How to Conduct Email Phishing Experiments

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    Õngitsusrünnete hulk on aasta-aastalt kasvanud ja ründed on muutunud keerumkamaks kui kunagi varem, põhjustades ettevõtetele rahalist kahju. Akadeemilistes ringkondades on kasvanud huvi simuleeritud õngitsusrünnete vastu, kuid uuringud keskenduvad peamiselt spetsiifilistele aspektidele, nagu näiteks eetilised kaalutlused ja mitte õngitsuseksperimendi läbiviimisele. Autor ei leidnud olemasolevate teadustööde hulgast konsolideeritud juhised,mis kirjeldaksid, kuidas viia läbi õngituskirjade eksperimenti. Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks on uurida, kuidas viia läbi simuleeritud õngitsuskirjade eksperimenti ja luua konsolideeritud juhiseid, mida ettevõtted saaksid lihtsalt rakendada ettevõtte X2 näitel. Lõputöö uurimisküsimused on järgnevad: mida peaksid ettevõtted arvestama õngitsuseksperimendi läbiviimsel? Mis seos on õngitsuskirja raskusastme ja klikkimise sageduse vahel? Kuidas inimesed reageerivad simuleeritud õngitsuseksperimentidele? Antud uurimistöös kasutati nii kvantitatiivseid kui ka kvalitatiivseid meetodeid. Esiteks sai loodud konsolideeritud juhised simuleeritud õngitsuseksperimentide läbiviimiseks, mis baseeruvad eelevatel uurimustöödel. Teiseks viidi läbi õngitsuseksperiment (Eksperiment I) 53 osaleja hulgas, kasutades ristuva uuringu disaini. Töötajad jaotati juhuslikult kaheks grupiks: (Grupp K) ja (Grupp L).Neile saadeti erinevatel kuupäevadel kaks e-kirja erinevate raskusastemega: (Tüüp X) ja (Tüüp Y). Esimeses kampaanias saadeti Grupile K keerulisem kiri (Tüüp X) ja Grupile L lihtsam kiri (Tüüpi Y) ja teise kampaania ajal oli see vastupidi. Raskemad (Tüüp X) e-kirjad olid sihipärased, grammatiliselt korrektsed ja relevantse sisuga. Kergemad e-kirjad (Tüüp Y) olid üldisemad ja nähtavate grammatikavigadega. Suunatud õngitsuseksperiment (Eksperiment II) viidi läbi kahe osaleja hulgas, kasutades üksikosaleja kvaasi eksperimentaalset uurimustöö disaini. Tüüp Z e-kirjad, mis saadeti välja suunatud õngitsuseksperimendi ajal, olid personaalsed ja relevantse sisuga ning baseerusid kahe osaleja taustauuringutel. Kolmandaks kavandati ja viidi läbi kvalitatiivsed intervjuud osalejatega, kes osalesid simuleeritud õngitsusrünnetes, et uurida, kuidas nad sellistele eksperimentidele reageerivad ja parandada lähtuvalt nende tagasisidest õngituskirjade eksperimendi juhiseid. Antud uurimistöö kinnitas, et väljatöötatud juhised on piisavad, et viia läbi õngituskirjade eksperimenti ettevõttetes. Uurimistöö tulemused näitasid, et 23% töötajatest klikkisid raskemini äratuntavale e-kirjale (Tüüp X) ja 11% lihtsamini ära tuntavale e-kirjale (Tüüp Y). Lisaks raporteeriti lihtsamini ära tuntavat kirja sagedamini (22,6%) kui raskemini ära tuntavat kirja(18.9%). Suunatud õngitsuseksperiment osutus edukas ja osalejad ei saanud aru simuleeritud pettusest. Käesolev lõputöö näitab, et õngitsusrünnede edukus on suurem, kui e-kirja sisu on sihitud ja relevantne. Töötajate raporteerimise teadlikkuse tase oli madal ja üks peamisi klikkimise põhjuseid oli uudishimu. Selle uuringu tulemused viitavad sellele, et inimesed reageerivad simuleeritud õngitsusrünnetele positiivselt, kui need viiakse läbi viisil, mis ei tekita osalejatele psühholoogilist kahju või stressi.Phishing attacks are on the rise and more sophisticated than ever before inflicting major financial damage on businesses. Simulated phishing attacks are of growing interest in academia, however, the studies are mainly focusing on the specific angles of the phenomenon, e.g. ethical considerations; and not on the implementation itself. Author was not able to find consolidated guidelines that would walk through the whole process of conducting email phishing experiments. The aim of this study is to explore how to conduct simulated phishing experiments and to create consolidated guidelines that companies could easily implement on the example of Company X1. The research questions postulated for this study are: What should companies consider when conducting phishing experiments? What is the correlation between the phishing email difficulty level and the click through rate? How people react to simulated email phishing experiments? Both quantitative and qualitative research methodswere applied to find answers to the research questions. Firstly, based on the existing studies, guidelines on how to conduct phishing experiments in companies were created. Secondly, phishing experiment (Experiment I) was designed and conducted among 53 participants applying a crossover research design. The employees were randomly divided into two groups (Group K) and (Group L); and they were sent in two distinct time periods two emails whichcorresponded to the different difficulty levels (Type X and Type Y). During the first campaign Group K was sent Type X email and Group L was sent Type Y email and during the second campaign it was vice versa. Type X email messages were designed to be targeted, grammatically correct and with relevant content. Type Y email messages were designed to be general and with visible grammar mistakes. Additionally, a spear phishing experiment (Experiment II) was conducted among two participants applying a single-subject quasi-experimental research design. The third type of emails (Type Z) that were sent out during thespear phishing experiment were personalized and relevant based on the pre-conducted research about the two targets. Thirdly, qualitative interviews were designed and conducted with the employees who participated in the simulated phishing experiments to investigate how they react to such experiments and to improve the guidelines based on their feedback.This research confirmed that the proposed guidelines are sufficient for conducting phishing experiments in a company setting. The results of this research show that 23% of the employees clicked on the link embedded to the more complex (Type X) phishing email and 11% of the employees clicked on the link embedded to the simpler (Type Y) email. Furthermore, Type Y emails were reported as phishing emails more frequently (22,6%), whereas Type X, emails were reported less (18,9%). The spear phishing experiment was successful,and the participants did not recognize the deceptiveness of the simulated phishing emails.This research shows that the phishing success rate is higher when the content is targeted and relevant. The employee awareness level about reporting phishing was low and the main stimuli for clicking on phishing links was curiosity. The findings of this study imply that people react positively to phishing experiments if these are conducted in a manner that it does not pose psychological damage or distress for the participants

    Addressing the challenges of modern DNS:a comprehensive tutorial

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    The Domain Name System (DNS) plays a crucial role in connecting services and users on the Internet. Since its first specification, DNS has been extended in numerous documents to keep it fit for today’s challenges and demands. And these challenges are many. Revelations of snooping on DNS traffic led to changes to guarantee confidentiality of DNS queries. Attacks to forge DNS traffic led to changes to shore up the integrity of the DNS. Finally, denial-of-service attack on DNS operations have led to new DNS operations architectures. All of these developments make DNS a highly interesting, but also highly challenging research topic. This tutorial – aimed at graduate students and early-career researchers – provides a overview of the modern DNS, its ongoing development and its open challenges. This tutorial has four major contributions. We first provide a comprehensive overview of the DNS protocol. Then, we explain how DNS is deployed in practice. This lays the foundation for the third contribution: a review of the biggest challenges the modern DNS faces today and how they can be addressed. These challenges are (i) protecting the confidentiality and (ii) guaranteeing the integrity of the information provided in the DNS, (iii) ensuring the availability of the DNS infrastructure, and (iv) detecting and preventing attacks that make use of the DNS. Last, we discuss which challenges remain open, pointing the reader towards new research areas

    Leveraging virtualization technologies for resource partitioning in mixed criticality systems

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    Multi- and many-core processors are becoming increasingly popular in embedded systems. Many of these processors now feature hardware virtualization capabilities, such as the ARM Cortex A15, and x86 processors with Intel VT-x or AMD-V support. Hardware virtualization offers opportunities to partition physical resources, including processor cores, memory and I/O devices amongst guest virtual machines. Mixed criticality systems and services can then co-exist on the same platform in separate virtual machines. However, traditional virtual machine systems are too expensive because of the costs of trapping into hypervisors to multiplex and manage machine physical resources on behalf of separate guests. For example, hypervisors are needed to schedule separate VMs on physical processor cores. Additionally, traditional hypervisors have memory footprints that are often too large for many embedded computing systems. This dissertation presents the design of the Quest-V separation kernel, which partitions services of different criticality levels across separate virtual machines, or sandboxes. Each sandbox encapsulates a subset of machine physical resources that it manages without requiring intervention of a hypervisor. In Quest-V, a hypervisor is not needed for normal operation, except to bootstrap the system and establish communication channels between sandboxes. This approach not only reduces the memory footprint of the most privileged protection domain, it removes it from the control path during normal system operation, thereby heightening security

    Phishing detection and traceback mechanism

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     Isredza Rahmi A Hamid’s thesis entitled Phishing Detection and Trackback Mechanism. The thesis investigates detection of phishing attacks through email, novel method to profile the attacker and tracking the attack back to the origin