479 research outputs found

    Enabling Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Stored Video Streaming Service with QoS Support

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    This research aims to enable a large-scale, high-volume, peer-to-peer, stored-video streaming service over the Internet, such as on-line DVD rentals. P2P allows a group of dynamically organized users to cooperatively support content discovery and distribution services without needing to employ a central server. P2P has the potential to overcome the scalability issue associated with client-server based video distribution networks; however, it brings a new set of challenges. This research addresses the following five technical challenges associated with the distribution of streaming video over the P2P network: 1) allow users with limited transmit bandwidth capacity to become contributing sources, 2) support the advertisement and discovery of time-changing and time-bounded video frame availability, 3) Minimize the impact of distribution source losses during video playback, 4) incorporate user mobility information in the selection of distribution sources, and 5) design a streaming network architecture that enables above functionalities.To meet the above requirements, we propose a video distribution network model based on a hybrid architecture between client-server and P2P. In this model, a video is divided into a sequence of small segments and each user executes a scheduling algorithm to determine the order, the timing, and the rate of segment retrievals from other users. The model also employs an advertisement and discovery scheme which incorporates parameters of the scheduling algorithm to allow users to share their life-time of video segment availability information in one advertisement and one query. An accompanying QoS scheme allows reduction in the number of video playback interruptions while one or more distribution sources depart from the service prematurely.The simulation study shows that the proposed model and associated schemes greatly alleviate the bandwidth requirement of the video distribution server, especially when the number of participating users grows large. As much as 90% of load reduction was observed in some experiments when compared to a traditional client-server based video distribution service. A significant reduction is also observed in the number of video presentation interruptions when the proposed QoS scheme is incorporated in the distribution process while certain percentages of distribution sources depart from the service unexpectedly

    Observation-based Cooperation Enforcement in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Ad hoc networks rely on the cooperation of the nodes participating in the network to forward packets for each other. A node may decide not to cooperate to save its resources while still using the network to relay its traffic. If too many nodes exhibit this behavior, network performance degrades and cooperating nodes may find themselves unfairly loaded. Most previous efforts to counter this behavior have relied on further cooperation between nodes to exchange reputation information about other nodes. If a node observes another node not participating correctly, it reports this observation to other nodes who then take action to avoid being affected and potentially punish the bad node by refusing to forward its traffic. Unfortunately, such second-hand reputation information is subject to false accusations and requires maintaining trust relationships with other nodes. The objective of OCEAN is to avoid this trust-management machinery and see how far we can get simply by using direct first-hand observations of other nodes' behavior. We find that, in many scenarios, OCEAN can do as well as, or even better than, schemes requiring second-hand reputation exchanges. This encouraging result could possibly help obviate solutions requiring trust-management for some contexts.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    UAV-Empowered Disaster-Resilient Edge Architecture for Delay-Sensitive Communication

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    The fifth-generation (5G) communication systems will enable enhanced mobile broadband, ultra-reliable low latency, and massive connectivity services. The broadband and low-latency services are indispensable to public safety (PS) communication during natural or man-made disasters. Recently, the third generation partnership project long term evolution (3GPPLTE) has emerged as a promising candidate to enable broadband PS communications. In this article, first we present six major PS-LTE enabling services and the current status of PS-LTE in 3GPP releases. Then, we discuss the spectrum bands allocated for PS-LTE in major countries by international telecommunication union (ITU). Finally, we propose a disaster resilient three-layered architecture for PS-LTE (DR-PSLTE). This architecture consists of a software-defined network (SDN) layer to provide centralized control, an unmanned air vehicle (UAV) cloudlet layer to facilitate edge computing or to enable emergency communication link, and a radio access layer. The proposed architecture is flexible and combines the benefits of SDNs and edge computing to efficiently meet the delay requirements of various PS-LTE services. Numerical results verified that under the proposed DR-PSLTE architecture, delay is reduced by 20% as compared with the conventional centralized computing architecture.Comment: 9,

    Peer-to-peer multimedia streaming monitoring system

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    On the Stability of Distribution Topologies in Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming Systems

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    ï»żPeer-to-Peer Live-Streaming-Systeme sind stĂ€ndigen Störungen ausgesetzt.Insbesondere ermöglichen unzuverlĂ€ssige Teilnehmer AusfĂ€lle und Angriffe, welche ĂŒberraschend Peers aus dem System entfernen. Die Folgen solcher VorfĂ€lle werden großteils von der Verteilungstopologie bestimmt, d.h. der Kommunikationsstruktur zwischen den Peers.In dieser Arbeit analysieren wir Optimierungsprobleme welche bei der Betrachtung von StabilitĂ€tsbegriffen fĂŒr solche Verteilungstopologien auftreten. Dabei werden sowohl Angriffe als auch unkoordinierte AusfĂ€lle berĂŒcksichtigt.ZunĂ€chst untersuchen wir die BerechnungskomplexitĂ€t und Approximierbarkeit des Problems resourcen-effiziente Angriffe zu bestimmen. Dies demonstriert BeschrĂ€nkungen in den Planungsmöglichkeiten von Angreifern und zeigt inwieweit die Topologieparameter die Schwierigkeit solcher Angriffsrobleme beeinflussen. Anschließend studieren wir Topologieformationsprobleme. Dabei sind Topologieparameter vorgegeben und es muss eine passende Verteilungstopologie gefunden werden. Ziel ist es Topologien zu erzeugen, welche den durch Angriffe mit beliebigen Parametern erzeugbaren maximalen Schaden minimieren.Wir identifizieren notwendige und hinreichende Eigenschaften solcher Verteilungstopologien. Dies fĂŒhrt zu mathematisch fundierten Zielstellungen fĂŒr das Topologie-Management von Peer-to-Peer Live-Streaming-Systemen.Wir zeigen zwei große Klassen effizient konstruierbarer Verteilungstopologien, welche den maximal möglichen, durch Angriffe verursachten Paketverlust minimieren. ZusĂ€tzlich beweisen wir, dass die Bestimmung dieser Eigenschaft fĂŒr beliebige Topologien coNP-vollstĂ€ndig ist.Soll die maximale Anzahl von Peers minimiert werden, bei denen ein Angriff zu ungenĂŒgender Stream-QualitĂ€t fĂŒhrt, Ă€ndern sich die Anforderungen an Verteilungstopologien. Wir zeigen, dass dieses Topologieformationsproblem eng mit offenen Problemen aus Design- und Kodierungstheorie verwandt ist.Schließlich analysieren wir Verteilungstopologien die den durch unkoordinierte AusfĂ€lle zu erwartetenden Paketverlust minimieren. Wir zeigen Eigenschaften und Existenzbedingungen. Außerdem bestimmen wir die BerechnungskomplexitĂ€t des Auffindens solcher Topologien. Unsere Ergebnisse liefern Richtlinien fĂŒr das Topologie-Management von Peer-to-Peer Live-Streaming-Systemen und zeigen auf, welche StabilitĂ€tsziele effizient erreicht werden können.The stability of peer-to-peer live streaming systems is constantly challenged. Especially, the unreliability and vulnerability of their participants allows for failures and attacks suddenly disabling certain sets of peers. The consequences of such events are largely determined by the distribution topology, i.e., the pattern of communication between the peers.In this thesis, we analyze a broad range of optimization problems concerning the stability of distribution topologies. For this, we discuss notions of stability against both attacks and failures.At first, we investigate the computational complexity and approximability of finding resource-efficient attacks. This allows to point out limitations of an attacker's planning capabilities and demonstrates the influence of the chosen system parameters on the hardness of such attack problems.Then, we turn to study topology formation problems. Here, a set of topology parameters is given and the task consists in finding an eligible distribution topology. In particular, it has to minimize the maximum damage achievable by attacks with arbitrary attack parameters.We identify necessary and sufficient conditions on attack-stable distribution topologies. Thereby, we give mathematically sound guidelines for the topology management of peer-to-peer live streaming systems.We find large classes of efficiently-constructable topologies minimizing the system-wide packet loss under attacks. Additionally, we show that determining this feature for arbitrary topologies is coNP-complete.Considering topologies minimizing the maximum number of peers for which an attack leads to a heavy decrease in perceived streaming quality, the requirements change. Here, we show that the corresponding topology formation problem is closely related to long-standing open problems of Design and Coding Theory.Finally, we study topologies minimizing the expected packet loss due to uncoordinated peer failures. We investigate properties and existence conditions of such topologies. Furthermore, we determine the computational complexity of constructing them.Our results provide guidelines for the topology management of peer-to-peer live streaming systems and mathematically determine which goals can be achieved efficiently

    Adoption of vehicular ad hoc networking protocols by networked robots

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    This paper focuses on the utilization of wireless networking in the robotics domain. Many researchers have already equipped their robots with wireless communication capabilities, stimulated by the observation that multi-robot systems tend to have several advantages over their single-robot counterparts. Typically, this integration of wireless communication is tackled in a quite pragmatic manner, only a few authors presented novel Robotic Ad Hoc Network (RANET) protocols that were designed specifically with robotic use cases in mind. This is in sharp contrast with the domain of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). This observation is the starting point of this paper. If the results of previous efforts focusing on VANET protocols could be reused in the RANET domain, this could lead to rapid progress in the field of networked robots. To investigate this possibility, this paper provides a thorough overview of the related work in the domain of robotic and vehicular ad hoc networks. Based on this information, an exhaustive list of requirements is defined for both types. It is concluded that the most significant difference lies in the fact that VANET protocols are oriented towards low throughput messaging, while RANET protocols have to support high throughput media streaming as well. Although not always with equal importance, all other defined requirements are valid for both protocols. This leads to the conclusion that cross-fertilization between them is an appealing approach for future RANET research. To support such developments, this paper concludes with the definition of an appropriate working plan

    Contributions to the Resilience of Peer-To-Peer Video Streaming against Denial-of-Service Attacks

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    Um die stĂ€ndig wachsenden Anforderungen zur Übertragung von Live Video Streams im Internet zu erfĂŒllen werden kosteneffektive und resourceneffiziente Lösungen benötigt. Eine adĂ€quate Lösung bietet die Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Streaming Architektur an, welche bereits heute in unterschiedlichsten Systemen zum Einsatz kommt. Solche Systeme erfordern von der Streaming Quelle nur moderate Bandbreiten, da die Nutzer (bzw. Peers) ihre eigene Bandbreite zur Verbreitung des Streams einbringen. Dazu werden die Peers oberhalb der Internetarchitektur zu einem Overlay verbunden. Das geplante Verlassen, sowie der ungewollte Absturz von Peers (genannt Churn) kann das Overlay schĂ€digen und den Empfang einiger Peers unterbrechen. Weitaus kritischer sind Angriffe auf die VerfĂŒgbarkeit des Systems indem relevante Knoten des Overlays von Angreifern attackiert werden, um die Verteilung des Streams gezielt zu stören. Um Overlays zu konstruieren, die robust gegenĂŒber Churn sind, nutzen so genannte pull-basierte P2P Streaming Systeme eine Mesh Topologie um jeden Peer ĂŒber mehrere Pfade mit der Quelle zu verbinden. Peers fordern regelmĂ€ĂŸig Teile des Videos, sog. Chunks, von ihren Partnern im Overlay an. Selbst wenn einige Partner plötzlich nicht mehr im System verfĂŒgbar sind kann ein Peer alle Chunks von den verbleibenden Nachbarn beziehen. Um dies zu ermöglichen tauschen Peers regelmĂ€ĂŸig sog. Buffer Maps aus. Diese kleinen Pakete enthalten Informationen ĂŒber die VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Chunks im Puffer eines Peers. Um dadurch entstehende Latenzen und den zusĂ€tzlichen Mehraufwand zu reduzieren wurden hybride Systeme entwickelt. Ein solches System beginnt pull-basiert und formt mit der Zeit einen Baum aus einer kleinen Untermenge aller Peers um Chunks ohne explizite Anfrage weiterzuleiten. UnglĂŒcklicherweise sind sowohl pull-basierte, als auch hybride Systeme anfĂ€llig gegenĂŒber Denial-of-Service Angriffen (DoS). Insbesondere fehlen Maßnahmen zur AbschwĂ€chung von DoS Angriffen auf die Partner der Quelle. Die genannten Angriffe werden weiterhin dadurch erleichtert, dass die IdentitĂ€t der Quelle-nahen Knoten akkurat aus den ausgetauschten Buffer Maps extrahiert werden kann. Hybride Systeme sind außerdem anfĂ€llig fĂŒr Angriffe auf den zugrundeliegenden Baum. Aufgrund der schwerwiegenden Auswirkungen von DoS Angriffen auf pull-basierte, sowie hybride Systeme stellen wir drei Gegenmaßnahmen vor. Zuerst entwickeln wir das Striping Schema zur AbschwĂ€chung von DoS Angriffen auf die Partner der Quelle. Hierbei werden Peers dazu angeregt ihre Chunk-Anfragen an unterschiedliche Partner zu senden. Als zweites entwickeln wir das SWAP Schema, welches Peers dazu bringt proaktiv ihre Partner zu wechseln um Angreifer daran zu hindern die Quellenahe zu identifizieren. Als drittes entwickeln wir RBCS, einen widerstandsfĂ€higen Baum zur AbschwĂ€chung von DoS Angriffen auf hybride Systeme. Da bisher kein Simulator fĂŒr die faire Evaluation von P2P-basierten Live Video Streaming Algorithmen verfĂŒgbar war, entwickeln wir OSSim, ein generalisiertes Simulations-Framework fĂŒr P2P-basiertes Video Streaming. Des weiteren entwickeln wir etliche Angreifermodelle sowie neuartige Resilienzmetriken on OSSim. Ausgiebige Simulationsstudien zeigen, dass die entwickelten Schemata signifikant die WiderstandsfĂ€higkeit von pull-basierten und hybriden Systemen gegenĂŒber Churn und DoS Angriffen erhöhen.The constantly growing demand to watch live videos over the Internet requires streaming systems to be cost-effective and resource-efficient. The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) streaming architecture has been a viable solution with various deployed systems to date. The system only requires a modest amount of bandwidth from the streaming source, since users (or peers) contribute their bandwidth to disseminate video streams. To enable this, the system interconnects peers into an overlay. However, churn–meaning the leaving and failing of peers–can break the overlay, making peers unable to receive the stream. More severely, an adversary aiming to sabotage the system can attack relevant nodes on the overlay, disrupting the stream delivery. To construct an overlay robust to churn, pull-based P2P streaming systems use a mesh topology to provide each peer with multiple paths to the source. Peers regularly request video chunks from their partners in the overlay. Therefore, even if some partners are suddenly absent, due to churn, a peer still can request chunks from its remaining partners. To enable this, peers periodically exchange buffer maps, small packets containing the availability information of peers’ video buffers. To reduce latency and overhead caused by the periodic buffer map exchange and chunk requests, hybrid systems have been proposed. A hybrid system bootstraps from a pull-based one and gradually forms a tree backbone consisting of a small subset of peers to deliver chunks without requests. Unfortunately, both pull-based and hybrid systems lack measures to mitigate Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks on head nodes (or the source’s partners). More critically, they can be identified accurately by inferring exchanged buffer maps. Furthermore, hybrid systems are vulnerable to DoS attacks on their backbones. Since DoS attacks can badly affect both pull-based and hybrid systems, we introduce three countermeasures. First, we develop the striping scheme to mitigate DoS attacks targeting head nodes. The scheme enforces peers to diversify their chunk requests. Second, to prevent attackers from identifying head nodes, we develop the SWAP scheme, which enforces peers to proactively change their partners. Third, we develop RBCS, a resilient backbone, to mitigate DoS attacks on hybrid systems. Since a simulator for a fair evaluation is unavailable so far, we develop OSSim, a general-purpose simulation framework for P2P video streaming. Furthermore, we develop several attacker models and novel resilience metrics in OSSim. Extensive simulation studies show that the developed schemes significantly improve the resilient of pull-based and hybrid systems to both churn and DoS attacks
