396 research outputs found

    Building an Emulation Environment for Cyber Security Analyses of Complex Networked Systems

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    Computer networks are undergoing a phenomenal growth, driven by the rapidly increasing number of nodes constituting the networks. At the same time, the number of security threats on Internet and intranet networks is constantly growing, and the testing and experimentation of cyber defense solutions requires the availability of separate, test environments that best emulate the complexity of a real system. Such environments support the deployment and monitoring of complex mission-driven network scenarios, thus enabling the study of cyber defense strategies under real and controllable traffic and attack scenarios. In this paper, we propose a methodology that makes use of a combination of techniques of network and security assessment, and the use of cloud technologies to build an emulation environment with adjustable degree of affinity with respect to actual reference networks or planned systems. As a byproduct, starting from a specific study case, we collected a dataset consisting of complete network traces comprising benign and malicious traffic, which is feature-rich and publicly available

    Firewall resistance to metaferography in network communications

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    In recent years corporations and other enterprises have seen a consolidation of security services on the network perimeter. Services that have traditionally been stand-alone, such as content filtering and antivirus scanning, are pushing their way to the edge and running on security gateways such as firewalls. As a result, firewalls have transitioned from devices that protect availability by preventing denial-of-service to devices that are also responsible for protecting the confidentiality and integrity of data. However, little, if any, practical research has been done on the ability of existing technical controls such as firewalls to detect and prevent covert channels. The experiment in this thesis has been designed to evaluate the effectiveness of firewalls—specifically application-layer firewalls—in detecting, correcting, and preventing covert channels. Several application-layer HTTP covert channel tools, including Wsh and CCTT (both storage channels), as well as Leaker/Recover (a timing channel), are tested using the 7-layer OSI Network Model as a framework for analysis. This thesis concludes that with a priori knowledge of the covert channel and proper signatures, application-layer firewalls can detect both storage and timing channels. Without a priori knowledge of the covert channel, either a heuristic-based or a behavioral-based detection technique would be required. In addition, this thesis demonstrates that application-layer firewalls inherently resist covert channels by adhering to strict type enforcement of RFC standards. This thesis also asserts that metaferography is a more appropriate term than covert channels to describe the study of “carried writing” since metaferography is consistent with the etymology and naming convention of the other main branches of information hiding—namely cryptography and steganography

    A Framework for Cyber Vulnerability Assessments of InfiniBand Networks

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    InfiniBand is a popular Input/Output interconnect technology used in High Performance Computing clusters. It is employed in over a quarter of the world’s 500 fastest computer systems. Although it was created to provide extremely low network latency with a high Quality of Service, the cybersecurity aspects of InfiniBand have yet to be thoroughly investigated. The InfiniBand Architecture was designed as a data center technology, logically separated from the Internet, so defensive mechanisms such as packet encryption were not implemented. Cyber communities do not appear to have taken an interest in InfiniBand, but that is likely to change as attackers branch out from traditional computing devices. This thesis considers the security implications of InfiniBand features and constructs a framework for conducting Cyber Vulnerability Assessments. Several attack primitives are tested and analyzed. Finally, new cyber tools and security devices for InfiniBand are proposed, and changes to existing products are recommended

    Diverse Intrusion-tolerant Systems

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    Over the past 20 years, there have been indisputable advances on the development of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant (BFT) replicated systems. These systems keep operational safety as long as at most f out of n replicas fail simultaneously. Therefore, in order to maintain correctness it is assumed that replicas do not suffer from common mode failures, or in other words that replicas fail independently. In an adversarial setting, this requires that replicas do not include similar vulnerabilities, or otherwise a single exploit could be employed to compromise a significant part of the system. The thesis investigates how this assumption can be substantiated in practice by exploring diversity when managing the configurations of replicas. The thesis begins with an analysis of a large dataset of vulnerability information to get evidence that diversity can contribute to failure independence. In particular, we used the data from a vulnerability database to devise strategies for building groups of n replicas with different Operating Systems (OS). Our results demonstrate that it is possible to create dependable configurations of OSes, which do not share vulnerabilities over reasonable periods of time (i.e., a few years). Then, the thesis proposes a new design for a firewall-like service that protects and regulates the access to critical systems, and that could benefit from our diversity management approach. The solution provides fault and intrusion tolerance by implementing an architecture based on two filtering layers, enabling efficient removal of invalid messages at early stages in order to decrease the costs associated with BFT replication in the later stages. The thesis also presents a novel solution for managing diverse replicas. It collects and processes data from several data sources to continuously compute a risk metric. Once the risk increases, the solution replaces a potentially vulnerable replica by another one, trying to maximize the failure independence of the replicated service. Then, the replaced replica is put on quarantine and updated with the available patches, to be prepared for later re-use. We devised various experiments that show the dependability gains and performance impact of our prototype, including key benchmarks and three BFT applications (a key-value store, our firewall-like service, and a blockchain).Unidade de investigação LASIGE (UID/CEC/00408/2019) e o projeto PTDC/EEI-SCR/1741/2041 (Abyss

    A Study on Security Attributes of Software-Defined Wide Area Network

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    For organizations to communicate important data across various branches, a reliable Wide Area Network (WAN) is important. With the increase of several factors such as usage of cloud services, WAN bandwidth demand, cost of leased lines, complexity in building/managing WAN and changing business needs led to need of next generation WAN. Software-defined wide area network (SD- WAN) is an emerging trend in today’s networking world as it simplifies management of network and provides seamless integration with the cloud. Compared to Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) majorly used in traditional WAN architecture, SD-WAN incurs less cost, highly secure and offers great performance. This paper will mainly focus to investigate this next-generation WAN’s security attributes as security plays a crucial role in SD-WAN implementation. The goal of the paper is to analyze SD-WAN security by applying principles of CIA triad principle. Comparison of SD-WAN products offered by three different vendors in SD-WAN market with respect to its security is another important area that will be covered in this paper

    Improving the National Cyber-security by Finding Vulnerable Industrial Control Systems from the Internet

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    Teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmiä, joita käytetään muun muassa voimantuotannon, sähkönjakelun ja jätevedenpuhdistuksen järjestelmissä, voidaan löytää julkisesta Internetistä. Tarve etähallinnalle ja keskittämiselle, sekä tuotteiden huono suunnittelu ja virheet järjestelmien käyttöönotossa, ovat altistaneet automaatiojärjestelmiä kenen tahansa ulottuville. Yhteiskunnalle tärkeiden kriittisen infrastruktuuriin kuuluvien järjestelmien turvalliseksi saattaminen on tärkeää kansalliselle kyberturvallisuudelle: ongelmat kriittisessä infrastruktuurissa voivat aiheuttaa voimakkaita häiriöitä eri puolilla yhteiskuntaa. Viime vuosina on havaittu kasvava määrä kyberhyökkäyksiä. Sekä rikolliset, että valtiolliset toimijat kehittävät kyberaseita ja myös teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmiin on kohdistettu hyökkäyksiä. Vuonna 2010 Stuxnet haittaohjelma onnistui tunkeutumaan iranilaisen ydinpolttoaineenrikastamon järjestelmiin ja aiheuttamaan mittavaa fyysistä tuhoa. Tässä työssä esitellään konsepti, jonka avulla voidaan automaattisesti löytää haavoittuvia teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmiä, ja raportoida löydökset viranomaisille jatkotoimenpiteitä varten. Työssä esitellään myös prototyyppi, jolla testattiin konseptin toimivuutta oikeilla suomalaisilla järjestelmillä Internetin yli: sormenjälkitietokannan ja porttiskannauksen avulla 2913 IP-osoitteesta löydettiin 91 mahdollista teollisuusautomaatiolaitetta. Epäiltyjä teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmiä pystytään löytämään Internetistä, mutta löydettyjen järjestelmien kriittisyyden ja tärkeyden arvionti ilman tunkeutumista kohteeseen on vaikeaa. Konseptia tehostaisi huomattavasti automaattinen tietoturva-auditointi, jolla tärkeimmät ja haavoittuvaisimmat kohteet voitaisiin paikallistaa ja poistaa näkyviltä nopeasti. Auditointi ilman järjestelmien omistajien lupaa vaatisi kuitenkin muutoksia lainsäädäntöön.Industrial control systems (ICS), which are used to control critical elements of the society's maintenance such as power generation and electricity distribution, are exposed to the Internet as a result of insecure design, and installation faults. Securing critical industrial systems is important for national cyber-security; malfunctioning elements in the critical infrastructure can quickly cascade into wide range of problems in the society. In the recent years increasing amount of cyber-attacks have been observed, and nations and criminals are developing offensive cyber-capabilities; industrial systems are also targeted as was seen with the Stuxnet-malware in 2010 causing havoc in an Iranian uranium enrichment facility. In this thesis a concept is presented to automatically find and evaluate exposed ICSs and report vulnerable devices to authorities for remediation. A prototype of the concept is built to prove the viability of the concept and to get data from port scanning real ICS devices in the Internet. With the prototype, 91 ICS devices were found out of the assigned 2913 IP addresses. Traffic volume produced by the scanner was insignificant compared to overall Finnish Internet traffic. The concept, called KATSE, is viable but not without challenges: ICS devices can definitely be identified from the Internet but analyzing the actual importance and purpose of the devices is difficult. Currently the Finnish legislation does not allow system intrusions or unauthorized security auditing even by authorities. Automated security auditing for the found devices would be useful to find the most vulnerable devices first but such auditing would require a change in legislation