124 research outputs found

    Cyber-physical Systems (CPS) Security: State of the Art and Research Opportunities for Information Systems Academics

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    Attacks on cyber-physical systems (CPS) continue to grow in frequency. However, cybersecurity academics and practitioners have so far focused primarily on computer systems and networks rather than CPS. Given the alarming frequency with which cybercriminals attack CPS and the unique cyber-physical relationship in CPS, we propose that CPS security needs go beyond what purely computer and network security requires. Thus, we require more focused research on cybersecurity based on the cyber-physical relationship between various CPS components. In this paper, we stock of the current state of CPS security and identify research opportunities for information systems (IS) academics

    IOT: Challenges in Information Security Training

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    Both consumers and businesses are rapidly adopting IoT premised on convenience and control. Industry and academic literature talk about billions of embedded IoT devices being implemented with use-cases ranging from smart speakers in the home, to autonomous trucks, and trains operating in remote industrial sites. Historically information systems supporting these disparate use-cases have been categorised as Information Technology (IT) or Operational Technology (OT), but IoT represents a fusion between these traditionally distinct information security models. This paper presents a review of IEEE and Elsevier peer reviewed papers that identifies the direction in IoT education and training around information security. It concludes that the education/training still is largely distinct and is not addressing the needs of this hybrid IT and OT model. IoT is complex as it melds embedded systems and software in support of interaction with physical systems. While literature contains implementation specific research, papers that address appropriate methodologies and content around secure design are piecemeal in nature. We conclude that in the rush to find implementation specific strategies the overarching strategy around education and training of secure IoT design is not being adequately addressed. Consequently, we propose a novel approach to how IoT education training can better incorporate the topic of secure design at a foundational level

    Managing cybersecurity risks of cyber-physical systems: The MARISMA-CPS pattern

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are smart systems that include engineered interacting networks of physical and computational components. CPSs have an increasingly presence on critical infrastructures and an impact in almost every aspect of our daily life, including transportation, healthcare, electric power, and advanced manufacturing. However, CPSs face a growing and serious security issue due to the widespread connectivity between the cyber world and the physical world. Although risk assessment methods for traditional IT systems are now very mature, these are not adequate for risk assessment of CPSs due to the different characteristics of the later. As such, there is an urgent need to define approaches that will adequately support risk assessment for CPSs. To contribute to this important challenge, we propose a novel risk analysis technique for CPSs based on MARISMA, a security management methodology, and eMARISMA, a technological environment in the cloud. Our work contributes to the state of the art through the definition of the MARISMA-CPS pattern that incorporates a set of reusable and adaptable elements that allows risks in CPSs to be managed and controlled, which is aligned with the main CPSs frameworks, such as those defined by NIST and ENISA. A case study for a smart hospital is presented, showing how the reusability and adaptability of the proposal allows the proposed MARISMA-CPS pattern to be easily adapted to any CPS environment. Such adaptability is important to ensure wide application in the domain of CPSs


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    The development of the modern world community is closely related to advances in computing resources and cyberspace. The formation and expansion of the range of services is based on the achievements of mankind in the field of high technologies. However, the rapid growth of computing resources, the emergence of a full-scale quantum computer tightens the requirements for security systems not only for information and communication systems, but also for cyber-physical systems and technologies. The methodological foundations of building security systems for critical infrastructure facilities based on modeling the processes of behavior of antagonistic agents in security systems are discussed in the first chapter. The concept of information security in social networks, based on mathematical models of data protection, taking into account the influence of specific parameters of the social network, the effects on the network are proposed in second chapter. The nonlinear relationships of the parameters of the defense system, attacks, social networks, as well as the influence of individual characteristics of users and the nature of the relationships between them, takes into account. In the third section, practical aspects of the methodology for constructing post-quantum algorithms for asymmetric McEliece and Niederreiter cryptosystems on algebraic codes (elliptic and modified elliptic codes), their mathematical models and practical algorithms are considered. Hybrid crypto-code constructions of McEliece and Niederreiter on defective codes are proposed. They can significantly reduce the energy costs for implementation, while ensuring the required level of cryptographic strength of the system as a whole. The concept of security of corporate information and educational systems based on the construction of an adaptive information security system is proposed. ISBN 978-617-7319-31-2 (on-line)ISBN 978-617-7319-32-9 (print) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to Cite: Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O., Korol, O., Milevskyi, S. et. al.; Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O. (Eds.) (2021). Synergy of building cybersecurity systems. Kharkiv: РС ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR, 188. doi: http://doi.org/10.15587/978-617-7319-31-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indexing:                    Розвиток сучасної світової спільноти тісно пов’язаний з досягненнями в області обчислювальних ресурсів і кіберпростору. Формування та розширення асортименту послуг базується на досягненнях людства у галузі високих технологій. Однак стрімке зростання обчислювальних ресурсів, поява повномасштабного квантового комп’ютера посилює вимоги до систем безпеки не тільки інформаційно-комунікаційних, але і до кіберфізичних систем і технологій. У першому розділі обговорюються методологічні основи побудови систем безпеки для об'єктів критичної інфраструктури на основі моделювання процесів поведінки антагоністичних агентів у систем безпеки. У другому розділі пропонується концепція інформаційної безпеки в соціальних мережах, яка заснована на математичних моделях захисту даних, з урахуванням впливу конкретних параметрів соціальної мережі та наслідків для неї. Враховуються нелінійні взаємозв'язки параметрів системи захисту, атак, соціальних мереж, а також вплив індивідуальних характеристик користувачів і характеру взаємовідносин між ними. У третьому розділі розглядаються практичні аспекти методології побудови постквантових алгоритмів для асиметричних криптосистем Мак-Еліса та Нідеррейтера на алгебраїчних кодах (еліптичних та модифікованих еліптичних кодах), їх математичні моделі та практичні алгоритми. Запропоновано гібридні конструкції криптокоду Мак-Еліса та Нідеррейтера на дефектних кодах. Вони дозволяють істотно знизити енергетичні витрати на реалізацію, забезпечуючи при цьому необхідний рівень криптографічної стійкості системи в цілому. Запропоновано концепцію безпеки корпоративних інформаційних та освітніх систем, які засновані на побудові адаптивної системи захисту інформації. ISBN 978-617-7319-31-2 (on-line)ISBN 978-617-7319-32-9 (print) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Як цитувати: Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O., Korol, O., Milevskyi, S. et. al.; Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O. (Eds.) (2021). Synergy of building cybersecurity systems. Kharkiv: РС ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR, 188. doi: http://doi.org/10.15587/978-617-7319-31-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Індексація:                 &nbsp

    Learning Platform for Smart City Application Development

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    With the emerging trend of the Internet of Things and Smart City environments, new trends have arisen in building applications, too. The current approach to application development, known as monolithic architecture, is not suitable for the newest appliances. Recently, the microservice-based application architecture has emerged as a potential solution that could meet the imposed challenges. In order to educate new generations of software and IT engineers to be able to develop such microservice-based applications, educators at universities should establish an efficient platform to ensure this process. This article presents the portable and lightweight platform for teaching application development based on microservices. The platform is focused on supporting lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocols, such as MQTT, and built-on open-source hardware development boards such as Arduino/Genuino. This Smart City learning platform is designed to enable the collaborative development of systems, applications and services for the cities of the future, and it should be efficient enough to support the learning of all the necessary skills that can be used for the development of complex and large-scale systems. The architecture of the proposed platform, as well as its elements are presented in this article