2,961 research outputs found

    Computational intelligent impact force modeling and monitoring in HISLO conditions for maximizing surface mining efficiency, safety, and health

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    Shovel-truck systems are the most widely employed excavation and material handling systems for surface mining operations. During this process, a high-impact shovel loading operation (HISLO) produces large forces that cause extreme whole body vibrations (WBV) that can severely affect the safety and health of haul truck operators. Previously developed solutions have failed to produce satisfactory results as the vibrations at the truck operator seat still exceed the “Extremely Uncomfortable Limits”. This study was a novel effort in developing deep learning-based solution to the HISLO problem. This research study developed a rigorous mathematical model and a 3D virtual simulation model to capture the dynamic impact force for a multi-pass shovel loading operation. The research further involved the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning for implementing the impact force detection in real time. Experimental results showed the impact force magnitudes of 571 kN and 422 kN, for the first and second shovel pass, respectively, through an accurate representation of HISLO with continuous flow modelling using FEA-DEM coupled methodology. The novel ‘DeepImpact’ model, showed an exceptional performance, giving an R2, RMSE, and MAE values of 0.9948, 10.750, and 6.33, respectively, during the model validation. This research was a pioneering effort for advancing knowledge and frontiers in addressing the WBV challenges in deploying heavy mining machinery in safe and healthy large surface mining environments. The smart and intelligent real-time monitoring system from this study, along with process optimization, minimizes the impact force on truck surface, which in turn reduces the level of vibration on the operator, thus leading to a safer and healthier working mining environments --Abstract, page iii

    Three-dimensional hydrodynamic models coupled with GIS-based neuro-fuzzy classification for assessing environmental vulnerability of marine cage aquaculture

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    There is considerable opportunity to develop new modelling techniques within a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) framework for the development of sustainable marine cage culture. However, the spatial data sets are often uncertain and incomplete, therefore new spatial models employing “soft computing” methods such as fuzzy logic may be more suitable. The aim of this study is to develop a model using Neuro-fuzzy techniques in a 3D GIS (Arc View 3.2) to predict coastal environmental vulnerability for Atlantic salmon cage aquaculture. A 3D hydrodynamic model (3DMOHID) coupled to a particle-tracking model is applied to study the circulation patterns, dispersion processes and residence time in Mulroy Bay, Co. Donegal Ireland, an Irish fjard (shallow fjordic system), an area of restricted exchange, geometrically complicated with important aquaculture activities. The hydrodynamic model was calibrated and validated by comparison with sea surface and water flow measurements. The model provided spatial and temporal information on circulation, renewal time, helping to determine the influence of winds on circulation patterns and in particular the assessment of the hydrographic conditions with a strong influence on the management of fish cage culture. The particle-tracking model was used to study the transport and flushing processes. Instantaneous massive releases of particles from key boxes are modelled to analyse the ocean-fjord exchange characteristics and, by emulating discharge from finfish cages, to show the behaviour of waste in terms of water circulation and water exchange. In this study the results from the hydrodynamic model have been incorporated into GIS to provide an easy-to-use graphical user interface for 2D (maps), 3D and temporal visualization (animations), for interrogation of results. v Data on the physical environment and aquaculture suitability were derived from a 3- dimensional hydrodynamic model and GIS for incorporation into the final model framework and included mean and maximum current velocities, current flow quiescence time, water column stratification, sediment granulometry, particulate waste dispersion distance, oxygen depletion, water depth, coastal protection zones, and slope. The Neuro-fuzzy classification model NEFCLASS–J, was used to develop learning algorithms to create the structure (rule base) and the parameters (fuzzy sets) of a fuzzy classifier from a set of classified training data. A total of 42 training sites were sampled using stratified random sampling from the GIS raster data layers, and the vulnerability categories for each were manually classified into four categories based on the opinions of experts with field experience and specific knowledge of the environmental problems investigated. The final products, GIS/based Neuro Fuzzy maps were achieved by combining modeled and real environmental parameters relevant to marine fin fish Aquaculture. Environmental vulnerability models, based on Neuro-fuzzy techniques, showed sensitivity to the membership shapes of the fuzzy sets, the nature of the weightings applied to the model rules, and validation techniques used during the learning and validation process. The accuracy of the final classifier selected was R=85.71%, (estimated error value of ±16.5% from Cross Validation, N=10) with a Kappa coefficient of agreement of 81%. Unclassified cells in the whole spatial domain (of 1623 GIS cells) ranged from 0% to 24.18 %. A statistical comparison between vulnerability scores and a significant product of aquaculture waste (nitrogen concentrations in sediment under the salmon cages) showed that the final model gave a good correlation between predicted environmental vi vulnerability and sediment nitrogen levels, highlighting a number of areas with variable sensitivity to aquaculture. Further evaluation and analysis of the quality of the classification was achieved and the applicability of separability indexes was also studied. The inter-class separability estimations were performed on two different training data sets to assess the difficulty of the class separation problem under investigation. The Neuro-fuzzy classifier for a supervised and hard classification of coastal environmental vulnerability has demonstrated an ability to derive an accurate and reliable classification into areas of different levels of environmental vulnerability using a minimal number of training sets. The output will be an environmental spatial model for application in coastal areas intended to facilitate policy decision and to allow input into wider ranging spatial modelling projects, such as coastal zone management systems and effective environmental management of fish cage aquaculture

    An Enhanced Automated Epileptic Seizure Detection Using ANFIS, FFA and EPSO Algorithms

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    Objectives: Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal   gives   a   viable perception about the neurological action of the human brain that aids the detection of epilepsy. The objective of this study is to build an accurate automated hybrid model for epileptic seizure detection. Methods: This work develops a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) machine learning model which can spontaneously classify pre-ictal and ictal EEG signals. In the proposed method two most effective nature inspired algorithms, Firefly algorithm (FFA) and Efficient Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO) are used to determine the optimum parameters of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) network. Results: Compared to the FFA and EPSO algorithm separately, the composite (ANFIS+FFA+EPSO) optimization algorithm outperforms in all respects. The proposed technique achieved accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity of 99.87%, 98.71% and 100% respectively. Conclusion: The ANFIS-FFA-EPSO method is able to enhance the seizure detection outcomes for demand forecast in hospital

    Mining Safety and Sustainability I

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    Safety and sustainability are becoming ever bigger challenges for the mining industry with the increasing depth of mining. It is of great significance to reduce the disaster risk of mining accidents, enhance the safety of mining operations, and improve the efficiency and sustainability of development of mineral resource. This book provides a platform to present new research and recent advances in the safety and sustainability of mining. More specifically, Mining Safety and Sustainability presents recent theoretical and experimental studies with a focus on safety mining, green mining, intelligent mining and mines, sustainable development, risk management of mines, ecological restoration of mines, mining methods and technologies, and damage monitoring and prediction. It will be further helpful to provide theoretical support and technical support for guiding the normative, green, safe, and sustainable development of the mining industry

    Determining Additional Modulus of Subgarde Reaction Based on Tolerable Settlement for the Nailed-slab System Resting on Soft Clay.

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    Abstract—Nailed-slab System is a proposed alternative solution for rigid pavement problem on soft soils. Equivalent modulus of subgrade reaction (k’) can be used in designing of nailed-slab system. This modular is the cumulative of modulus of subgrade reaction from plate load test (k) and additional modulus of subgrade reaction due to pile installing (∆∆∆∆k). A recent method has used reduction of pile resistance approach in determining ∆∆∆∆k. The relative displacement between pile and soils, and reduction of pile resistance has been identified. In fact, determining of reduction of pile resistance is difficult. This paper proposes an approach by considering tolerable settlement of rigid pavement. Validation is carried out with respect to a loading test of nailed-slab models. The models are presented as strip section of rigid pavement. The theory of beams on elastic foundation is used to calculate the slab deflection by using k’. Proposed approach can results in deflection prediction close to observed one. In practice, the Nailed-slab System would be constructed by multiple-row piles. Designing this system based on one-pile row analysis will give more safety design and will consume less time

    Forecasting Cryptocurrency Value by Sentiment Analysis: An HPC-Oriented Survey of the State-of-the-Art in the Cloud Era

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    This chapter surveys the state-of-the-art in forecasting cryptocurrency value by Sentiment Analysis. Key compounding perspectives of current challenges are addressed, including blockchains, data collection, annotation, and filtering, and sentiment analysis metrics using data streams and cloud platforms. We have explored the domain based on this problem-solving metric perspective, i.e., as technical analysis, forecasting, and estimation using a standardized ledger-based technology. The envisioned tools based on forecasting are then suggested, i.e., ranking Initial Coin Offering (ICO) values for incoming cryptocurrencies, trading strategies employing the new Sentiment Analysis metrics, and risk aversion in cryptocurrencies trading through a multi-objective portfolio selection. Our perspective is rationalized on the perspective on elastic demand of computational resources for cloud infrastructures

    A novel soft computing approach based on FIR to model and predict energy dynamic systems

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    Tesi en modalitat compendi de publicacionsWe are facing a global climate crisis that is demanding a change in the status quo of how we produce, distribute and consume energy. In the last decades, this is being redefined through Smart Grids(SG), an intelligent electrical network more observable, controllable, automated, fully integrated with energy services and the end-users. Most of the features and proposed SG scenarios are based on reliable, robust and fast energy predictions. For instance, for proper planning activities, such as generation, purchasing, maintenance and investment; for demand side management, like demand response programs; for energy trading, especially at local level, where productions and consumptions are more stochastics and dynamic; better forecasts also increase grid stability and thus supply security. A large variety of Artificial Intelligence(AI) techniques have been applied in the field of Short-term electricity Load Forecasting(SLF) at consumer level in low-voltage system, showing a better performance than classical techniques. Inaccuracy or failure in the SLF process may be translated not just in a non-optimal (low prediction accuracy) solution but also in frustration of end-users, especially in new services and functionalities that empower citizens. In this regard, some limitations have been observed in energy forecasting models based on AI such as robustness, reliability, accuracy and computation in the edge. This research proposes and develops a new version of Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning(FIR), called Flexible FIR, to model and predict the electricity consumption of an entity in the low-voltage grid with high uncertainties, and information missing, as well as the capacity to be deployed either in the cloud or locally in a new version of Smart Meters(SMs) based on Edge Computing(EC). FIR has been proved to be a powerful approach for model identification and system ’s prediction over dynamic and complex processes in different real world domains but not yet in the energy domain. Thus, the main goal of this thesis is to demonstrate that a new version of FIR, more robust, reliable and accurate can be a referent Soft Computing(SC) methodology to model and predict dynamic systems in the energy domain and that it is scalable to an EC integration. The core developments of Flexible FIR have been an algorithm that can cope with missing information in the input values, as well as learn from instances with Missing Values(MVs) in the knowledge-based, without compromising significantly the accuracy of the predictions. Moreover, Flexible FIR comes with new forecasting strategies that can cope better with loss of causality of a variable and dispersion of output classes than classical k nearest neighbours, making the FIR forecasting process more reliable and robust. Furthermore, Flexible FIR addresses another major challenge modelling with SC techniques, which is to select best model parameters. One of the most important parameters in FIR is the number k of nearest neighbours to be used in the forecast process. The challenge to select the optimal k, dynamically, is addressed through an algorithm, called KOS(K nearest neighbour Optimal Selection), which has been developed and tested also with real world data. It computes a membership aggregation function of all the neighbours with respect their belonging to the output classes.While with KOS the optimal parameter k is found online, with other approaches such as genetic algorithms or reinforcement learning is not, which increases the computational time.Ens trobem davant una crisis climàtica global que exigeix un canvi al status quo de la manera que produïm, distribuïm i consumim energia. En les darreres dècades, està sent redefinit gràcies a les xarxa elèctriques intel·ligents(SG: Smart Grid) amb millor observabilitat, control, automatització, integrades amb nous serveis energètics i usuaris finals. La majoria de les funcionalitats i escenaris de les SG es basen en prediccions de la càrrega elèctrica confiables, robustes i ràpides. Per les prediccions de càrregues elèctriques a curt termini(SLF: Short-term electricity Load Forecasting), a nivell de consumidors al baix voltatge, s’han aplicat una gran varietat de tècniques intel·ligència Artificial(IA) mostrant millor rendiment que tècniques estadístiques tradicionals. Un baix rendiment en SLF, pot traduir-se no només en una solució no-òptima (baixa precisió de predicció) sinó també en la frustració dels usuaris finals, especialment en nous serveis i funcionalitats que empoderarien als ciutadans. En el marc d’aquesta investigació es proposa i desenvolupa una nova versió de la metodologia del Raonament Inductiu Difús(FIR: Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning), anomenat Flexible FIR, capaç de modelar i predir el consum d’electricitat d’una entitat amb un grau d’incertesa molt elevat, inclús amb importants carències d’informació (missing values). A més, Flexible FIR té la capacitat de desplegar-se al núvol, així como localment, en el que podria ser una nova versió de Smart Meters (SM) basada en tecnologia d’Edge Computing (EC). FIR ja ha demostrat ser una metodologia molt potent per la generació de models i prediccions en processos dinàmics en diferents àmbits, però encara no en el de l’energia. Per tant, l’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesis és demostrar que una versió millorada de FIR, més robusta, fiable i precisa pot consolidar-se com una metodologia Soft Computing SC) de referencia per modelar i predir sistemes dinàmics en aplicacions per al sector de l’energia i que és escalable a una integració d’EC. Les principals millores de Flexible FIR han estat, en primer lloc, el desenvolupament i test d’un algorisme capaç de processar els valors d’entrada d’un model FIR tot i que continguin Missing Values (MV). Addicionalment, aquest algorisme també permet aprendre d’instàncies amb MV en la matriu de coneixement d’un model FIR, sense comprometre de manera significativa la precisió de les prediccions. En segon lloc, s’han desenvolupat i testat noves estratègies per a la fase de predicció, comportant-se millor que els clàssics k veïns més propers quan ens trobem amb pèrdua de causalitat d’una variable i dispersió en les classes de sortida, aconseguint un procés d’aprenentatge i predicció més confiable i robust. En tercer lloc, Flexible FIR aborda un repte molt comú en tècniques de SC: l’òptima parametrització del model. En FIR, un dels paràmetres més determinants és el número k de veïns més propers que s’utilitzaran durant la fase de predicció. La selecció del millor valor de k es planteja de manera dinàmica a través de l’algorisme KOS (K nearest neighbour Optimal Selection) que s’ha desenvolupat i testat també amb dades reals. Mentre que amb KOS el paràmetre òptim de k es calcula online, altres enfocaments mitjançant algoritmes genètics o aprenentatge per reforç el càlcul és offline, incrementant significativament el temps de resposta, sent a més a més difícil la implantació en escenaris d’EC. Aquestes millores fan que Flexible FIR es pugui adaptar molt bé en aplicacions d’EC. En aquest sentit es proposa el concepte d’un SM de segona generació basat en EC, que integra Flexible FIR com mòdul de predicció d’electricitat executant-se en el propi dispositiu i un agent EC amb capacitat per el trading d'energia produïda localment. Aquest agent executa un innovador mecanisme basat en incentius, anomenat NRG-X-Change que utilitza una nova moneda digital descentralitzada per l’intercanvi d’energia, que s’anomena NRGcoin.Estamos ante una crisis climática global que exige un cambio del status quo de la manera que producimos, distribuimos y consumimos energía. En las últimas décadas, este status quo está siendo redefinido debido a: la penetración de las energías renovables y la generación distribuida; nuevas tecnologías como baterías y paneles solares con altos rendimientos; y la forma en que se consume la energía, por ejemplo, a través de vehículos eléctricos o con la electrificación de los hogares. Estas palancas requieren una red eléctrica inteligente (SG: Smart Grid) con mayor observabilidad, control, automatización y que esté totalmente integrada con nuevos servicios energéticos, así como con sus usuarios finales. La mayoría de las funcionalidades y escenarios de las redes eléctricas inteligentes se basan en predicciones de la energía confiables, robustas y rápidas. Por ejemplo, para actividades de planificación como la generación, compra, mantenimiento e inversión; para la gestión de la demanda, como los programas de demand response; en el trading de electricidad, especialmente a nivel local, donde las producciones y los consumos son más estocásticos y dinámicos; una mejor predicción eléctrica también aumenta la estabilidad de la red y, por lo tanto, mejora la seguridad. Para las predicciones eléctricas a corto plazo (SLF: Short-term electricity Load Forecasting), a nivel de consumidores en el bajo voltaje, se han aplicado una gran variedad de técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) mostrando mejor rendimiento que técnicas estadísticas convencionales. Un bajo rendimiento en los modelos predictivos, puede traducirse no solamente en una solución no-óptima (baja precisión de predicción) sino también en frustración de los usuarios finales, especialmente en nuevos servicios y funcionalidades que empoderan a los ciudadanos. En este sentido, se han identificado limitaciones en modelos de predicción de energía basados en IA, como la robustez, fiabilidad, precisión i computación en el borde. En el marco de esta investigación se propone y desarrolla una nueva versión de la metodología de Razonamiento Inductivo Difuso (FIR: Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning), que hemos llamado Flexible FIR, capaz de modelar y predecir el consumo de electricidad de una entidad con altos grados de incertidumbre e incluso con importantes carencias de información (missing values). Además, Flexible FIR tiene la capacidad de desplegarse en la nube, así como localmente, en lo que podría ser una nueva versión de Smart Meters (SM) basada en tecnología de Edge Computing (EC). En el pasado, ya se ha demostrado que FIR es una metodología muy potente para la generación de modelos y predicciones en procesos dinámicos, sin embargo, todavía no ha sido demostrado en el campo de la energía. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es demostrar que una versión mejorada de FIR, más robusta, fiable y precisa puede consolidarse como metodología Soft Computing (SC) de referencia para modelar y predecir sistemas dinámicos en aplicaciones para el sector de la energía y que es escalable hacia una integración de EC. Las principales mejoras en Flexible FIR han sido, en primer lugar, el desarrollo y testeo de un algoritmo capaz de procesar los valores de entrada en un modelo FIR a pesar de que contengan Missing Values (MV). Además, dicho algoritmo también permite aprender de instancias con MV en la matriz de conocimiento de un modelo FIR, sin comprometer de manera significativa la precisión de las predicciones. En segundo lugar, se han desarrollado y testeado nuevas estrategias para la fase de predicción de un modelo FIR, comportándose mejor que los clásicos k vecinos más cercanos ante la pérdida de causalidad de una variable y dispersión de clases de salida, consiguiendo un proceso de aprendizaje y predicción más confiable y robusto. En tercer lugar, Flexible FIR aborda un desafío muy común en técnicas de SC: la óptima parametrización del modelo. En FIR, uno de los parámetros más determinantes es el número k de vecinos más cercanos que se utilizarán en la fase de predicción. La selección del mejor valor de k se plantea de manera dinámica a través del algoritmo KOS (K nearest neighbour Optimal Selection) que se ha desarrollado y probado también con datos reales. Dicho algoritmo calcula una función de membresía agregada, de todos los vecinos, con respecto a su pertenencia a las clases de salida. Mientras que con KOS el parámetro óptimo de k se calcula online, otros enfoques mediante algoritmos genéticos o aprendizaje por refuerzo, el cálculo es offline incrementando significativamente el tiempo de respuesta, siendo además difícil su implantación en escenarios de EC. Estas mejoras hacen que Flexible FIR se adapte muy bien en aplicaciones de EC, en las que la analítica de datos en streaming debe ser fiable, robusta y con un modelo suficientemente ligero para ser ejecutado en un IoT Gateway o dispositivos más pequeños. También, en escenarios con poca conectividad donde el uso de la computación en la nube es limitado y los parámetros del modelo se calculan localmente. Con estas premisas, en esta tesis, se propone el concepto de un SM de segunda generación basado en EC, que integra Flexible FIR como módulo de predicción de electricidad ejecutándose en el dispositivo y un agente EC con capacidad para el trading de energía producida localmente. Dicho agente ejecuta un novedoso mecanismo basado en incentivos, llamado NRG-X-Change que utiliza una nueva moneda digital descentralizada para el intercambio de energía, llamada NRGcoin.Postprint (published version

    The doctoral research abstracts. Vol:6 2014 / Institute of Graduate Studies, UiTM

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    Congratulations to Institute of Graduate Studies on the continuous efforts to publish the 6th issue of the Doctoral Research Abstracts which ranged from the discipline of science and technology, business and administration to social science and humanities. This issue captures the novelty of research from 52 PhD doctorates receiving their scrolls in the UiTM’s 81st Convocation. This convocation is very significant especially for UiTM since we are celebrating the success of 52 PhD graduands – the highest number ever conferred at any one time. To the 52 doctorates, I would like it to be known that you have most certainly done UiTM proud by journeying through the scholastic path with its endless challenges and impediments, and by persevering right till the very end. This convocation should not be regarded as the end of your highest scholarly achievement and contribution to the body of knowledge but rather as the beginning of embarking into more innovative research from knowledge gained during this academic journey, for the community and country. As alumni of UiTM, we hold you dear to our hearts. The relationship that was once between a student and supervisor has now matured into comrades, forging and exploring together beyond the frontier of knowledge. We wish you all the best in your endeavour and may I offer my congratulations to all the graduands. ‘UiTM sentiasa dihati ku’ Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof Ir Dr Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar , FASc, PEng Vice Chancellor Universiti Teknologi MAR

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    The doctoral research abstracts. Vol:11 2017 / Institute of Graduate Studies, UiTM

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    Foreword: Congratulation to IGS on the continuous effort to publish the 11th issue of the Doctoral Research Abstracts which highlights the research in various disciplines from science and technology, business and administration to social science and humanities. This research abstract issue features the abstracts from 91 PhD doctorates who will receive their scrolls in this 86th UiTM momentous convocation ceremony. This is a special year for the Institute of Graduate Studies where we are celebrating our 20th anniversary. The 20th anniversary is celebrated with pride with an increase in the number of PhD graduates. In this 86th convocation, the number of PhD graduates has increased by 30% compared to the previous convocation. Each research produces an innovation and this year, 91 research innovations have been successfully recognized to have made contributions to the body of knowledge. This is in line with this year UiTM theme that is “Inovasi Melonjak Persaingan Global (Innovation Soars Global Competition)”. Embarking on PhD research may not have been an easy decision for many of you. It often comes at a point in life when the decision to further one’s studies is challenged by the comfort of status quo. I would like it to be known that you have most certainly done UiTM proud by journeying through the scholarly world with its endless challenges and obstacles, and by persevering right till the very end. Again, congratulations to all PhD graduates. As you leave the university as alumni we hope a new relationship will be fostered between you and UiTM to ensure UiTM soars to greater heights. I wish you all the best in your future endeavor. Keep UiTM close to your heart and be our ambassadors wherever you go. / Prof Emeritus Dato’ Dr Hassan Said Vice Chancellor Universiti Teknologi MAR