866 research outputs found

    Non-destructive assessment and health monitoring of railway infrastructures

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    A continuous increase of the demand for high-speed traffic, freight tonnage as well as of the train operating frequency is worsening the decay conditions of many railway infrastructures. This occurrence affects economy-related business as well as it contributes to raise maintenance cost. It is known that a failure of a railway track may result in tremendous economic losses, law liabilities, service interruptions and, eventually, fatalities. Parallel to this, requirements to maintain acceptable operational standards are very demanding. In addition to the above, a main issue nowadays in railway engineering is a general lack of funds to allow safety and comfort of the operations as well as a proper maintenance of the infrastructures. This is mostly the result of a traditional approach that, on average, tends to invest on high-priority cost, such as safety-related cost, compromising lower-priority cost (e.g., quality and comfort of the operations). A solution to correct this trend can be to move from a reactive to a proactive action planning approach in order to limit more effectively the likelihood of progressive track decay. Within this context, this paper reports a review on the use of traditional and non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for assessment and health monitoring of railway infrastructures. State-of-the-art research on a stand-alone use of NDT methods or a combination of them for specific maintenance tasks in railways is discussed

    Symmetry in Structural Health Monitoring

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    In this Special Issue on symmetry, we mainly discuss the application of symmetry in various structural health monitoring. For example, considering the health monitoring of a known structure, by obtaining the static or dynamic response of the structure, using different signal processing methods, including some advanced filtering methods, to remove the influence of environmental noise, and extract structural feature parameters to determine the safety of the structure. These damage diagnosis methods can also be effectively applied to various types of infrastructure and mechanical equipment. For this reason, the vibration control of various structures and the knowledge of random structure dynamics should be considered, which will promote the rapid development of the structural health monitoring. Among them, signal extraction and evaluation methods are also worthy of study. The improvement of signal acquisition instruments and acquisition methods improves the accuracy of data. A good evaluation method will help to correctly understand the performance with different types of infrastructure and mechanical equipment

    A review on computer vision based defect detection and condition assessment of concrete and asphalt civil infrastructure

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    To ensure the safety and the serviceability of civil infrastructure it is essential to visually inspect and assess its physical and functional condition. This review paper presents the current state of practice of assessing the visual condition of vertical and horizontal civil infrastructure; in particular of reinforced concrete bridges, precast concrete tunnels, underground concrete pipes, and asphalt pavements. Since the rate of creation and deployment of computer vision methods for civil engineering applications has been exponentially increasing, the main part of the paper presents a comprehensive synthesis of the state of the art in computer vision based defect detection and condition assessment related to concrete and asphalt civil infrastructure. Finally, the current achievements and limitations of existing methods as well as open research challenges are outlined to assist both the civil engineering and the computer science research community in setting an agenda for future research

    Health Assessment of Large Two Dimensional Structures Using Limited Information: Recent Advances

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    Some recent advances of a recently developed structural health assessment procedure proposed by the research team at the University of Arizona, commonly known as generalized iterative least-squares extended Kalman filter with unknown input (GILS-EKF-UI) are presented. The procedure is a finite elements-based time-domain system-identification technique. It can assess structural health at the element level using only limited number of noise-contaminated responses. With the help of examples, it is demonstrated that the structure can be excited by multiple loadings simultaneously. The method can identify defects in various stages of degradation in single or multiple members and also relatively less severe defect. The defective element(s) need not be in the substructure, but the defect detection capability increases if the defect spot is close to the substructure. Two alternatives are suggested to locate defect spot more accurately within a defective element. The paper advances several areas of GILS-EKF-UI to assess health of large structural systems

    Novel Approaches for Structural Health Monitoring

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    The thirty-plus years of progress in the field of structural health monitoring (SHM) have left a paramount impact on our everyday lives. Be it for the monitoring of fixed- and rotary-wing aircrafts, for the preservation of the cultural and architectural heritage, or for the predictive maintenance of long-span bridges or wind farms, SHM has shaped the framework of many engineering fields. Given the current state of quantitative and principled methodologies, it is nowadays possible to rapidly and consistently evaluate the structural safety of industrial machines, modern concrete buildings, historical masonry complexes, etc., to test their capability and to serve their intended purpose. However, old unsolved problematics as well as new challenges exist. Furthermore, unprecedented conditions, such as stricter safety requirements and ageing civil infrastructure, pose new challenges for confrontation. Therefore, this Special Issue gathers the main contributions of academics and practitioners in civil, aerospace, and mechanical engineering to provide a common ground for structural health monitoring in dealing with old and new aspects of this ever-growing research field

    Dynamic Analysis and Fault Detection of Multi Cracked Structure Under Moving Mass Using Intelligent Methods

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    The present thesis explores an inclusive research in the era of moving load dynamic problems. The responses of vibrating structures due to the moving object and different methodologies for damaged identification process have been investigated in this analogy. The theoretical-numerical solutions of the multi-cracked structure with different end conditions subjected to transit mass have been formulated. The Runge-Kutta fourth order integration approach has been applied to determine the response of the structures numerically. The effects of parameters like mass and speed of the traversing object, crack locations, and depth on the response of the structures are investigated. The proposed numerical method has been verified using FEA and experimental investigations. The novel damage prediction processes are developed on the knowledge-based concepts of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and statistical process control (SPC) methods as inverse approaches. The Jordan’s recurrent neural networks (JRNNs), Elman’s recurrent neural network (ERNNs), the integrated approach of the JRNNs, and ERNNs, the autoregressive (AR) process in the domain of SPC and the combined hybrid neuro-autoregressive process have been developed to identify and quantify the faults in the structure. The accuracy and exactness of each approach has been verified with experiments and FEA. The proposed methods can be useful for the online condition monitoring of faulty cracks in structures

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography, supplement 122

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    This bibliography lists 303 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in April 1980

    Application of Track Geometry Deterioration Modelling and Data Mining in Railway Asset Management

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    Modernin rautatiejärjestelmän hallinnassa rahankäyttö kohdistuu valtaosin nykyisen rataverkon korjauksiin ja parannuksiin ennemmin kuin uusien ratojen rakentamiseen. Nykyisen rataverkon kunnossapitotyöt aiheuttavat suurten kustannusten lisäksi myös usein liikennerajoitteita tai yhteyksien väliaikaisia sulkemisia, jotka heikentävät rataverkon käytettävyyttä Siispä oikea-aikainen ja pitkäaikaisia parannuksia aikaansaava kunnossapito ovat edellytyksiä kilpailukykyisille ja täsmällisille rautatiekuljetuksille. Tällainen kunnossapito vaatii vankan tietopohjan radan nykyisestä kunnosta päätöksenteon tueksi. Ratainfran omistajat teettävät päätöksenteon tueksi useita erilaisia radan kuntoa kuvaavia mittauksia ja ylläpitävät kattavia omaisuustietorekistereitä. Kenties tärkein näistä datalähteistä on koneellisen radantarkastuksen tuottamat mittaustulokset, jotka kuvastavat radan geometrian kuntoa. Nämä mittaustulokset ovat tärkeitä, koska ne tuottavat luotettavaa kuntotietoa: mittaukset tehdään toistuvasti, 2–6 kertaa vuodessa Suomessa rataosasta riippuen, mittausvaunu pysyy useita vuosia samana, tulokset ovat hyvin toistettavia ja ne antavat hyvän yleiskuvan radan kunnosta. Vaikka laadukasta dataa on paljon saatavilla, käytännön omaisuudenhallinnassa on merkittäviä haasteita datan analysoinnissa, sillä vakiintuneita menetelmiä siihen on vähän. Käytännössä seurataan usein vain mittaustulosten raja-arvojen ylittymistä ja pyritään subjektiivisesti arvioimaan rakenteiden kunnon kehittymistä ja korjaustarpeita. Kehittyneen analytiikan puutteet estävät kuntotietojen laajamittaisen hyödyntämisen kunnossapidon suunnittelussa, mikä vaikeuttaa päätöksentekoa. Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen päätavoitteita olivat kehittää ratageometrian heikkenemiseen mallintamismenetelmiä, soveltaa tiedonlouhintaa saatavilla olevan omaisuusdatan analysointiin sekä jalkauttaa kyseiset tutkimustulokset käytännön rataomaisuudenhallintaan. Ratageometrian heikkenemisen mallintamismenetelmien kehittämisessä keskityttiin tuottamaan nykyisin saatavilla olevasta datasta uutta tietoa radan kunnon kehityksestä, tehdyn kunnossapidon tehokkuudesta sekä tulevaisuuden kunnossapitotarpeista. Tiedonlouhintaa sovellettiin ratageometrian heikkenemisen juurisyiden selvittämiseen rataomaisuusdatan perusteella. Lopuksi hyödynnettiin kypsyysmalleja perustana ratageometrian heikkenemisen mallinnuksen ja rataomaisuusdatan analytiikan käytäntöön viennille. Tutkimustulosten perusteella suomalainen radantarkastus- ja rataomaisuusdata olivat riittäviä tavoiteltuihin analyyseihin. Tulokset osoittivat, että robusti lineaarinen optimointi soveltuu hyvin suomalaisen rataverkon ratageometrian heikkenemisen mallinnukseen. Mallinnuksen avulla voidaan tuottaa tunnuslukuja, jotka kuvaavat rakenteen kuntoa, kunnossapidon tehokkuutta ja tulevaa kunnossapitotarvetta, sekä muodostaa havainnollistavia visualisointeja datasta. Rataomaisuusdatan eksploratiiviseen tiedonlouhintaan käytetyn GUHA-menetelmän avulla voitiin selvittää mielenkiintoisia ja vaikeasti havaittavia korrelaatioita datasta. Näiden tulosten avulla saatiin uusia havaintoja ongelmallisista ratarakennetyypeistä. Havaintojen avulla voitiin kohdentaa jatkotutkimuksia näihin rakenteisiin, mikä ei olisi ollut mahdollista, jollei tiedonlouhinnan avulla olisi ensin tunnistettu näitä rakennetyyppejä. Kypsyysmallin soveltamisen avulla luotiin puitteet ratageometrian heikkenemisen mallintamisen ja rataomaisuusdatan analytiikan kehitykselle Suomen rataomaisuuden hallinnassa. Kypsyysmalli tarjosi käytännöllisen tavan lähestyä tarvittavaa kehitystyötä, kun eteneminen voitiin jaotella neljään eri kypsyystasoon, jotka loivat selkeitä välitavoitteita. Kypsyysmallin ja asetettujen välitavoitteiden avulla kehitys on suunniteltua ja edistystä voidaan jaotella, mikä antaa edellytykset tämän laajamittaisen kehityksen onnistuneelle läpiviennille. Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, miten nykyisin saatavilla olevasta datasta saadaan täysin uutta ja merkityksellistä tietoa, kun sitä käsitellään kehittyneen analytiikan avulla. Tämä väitöskirja tarjoaa datankäsittelyratkaisujen luomisen ja soveltamisen lisäksi myös keinoja niiden käytäntöönpanolle, sillä tietopohjaisen päätöksenteon todelliset hyödyt saavutetaan vasta käytännön radanpidossa.In the management of a modern European railway system, spending is predominantly allocated to maintaining and renewing the existing rail network rather than constructing completely new lines. In addition to major costs, the maintenance and renewals of the existing rail network often cause traffic restrictions or line closures, which decrease the usability of the rail network. Therefore, timely maintenance that achieves long-lasting improvements is imperative for achieving competitive and punctual rail traffic. This kind of maintenance requires a strong knowledge base for decision making regarding the current condition of track structures. Track owners commission several different measurements that depict the condition of track structures and have comprehensive asset management data repositories. Perhaps one of the most important data sources is the track recording car measurement history, which depicts the condition of track geometry at different times. These measurement results are important because they offer a reliable condition database; the measurements are done recurrently, two to six times a year in Finland depending on the track section; the same recording car is used for many years; the results are repeatable; and they provide a good overall idea of the condition of track structures. However, although high-quality data is available, there are major challenges in analysing the data in practical asset management because there are few established methods for analytics. Practical asset management typically only monitors whether given threshold values are exceeded and subjectively assesses maintenance needs and development in the condition of track structures. The lack of advanced analytics prevents the full utilisation of the available data in maintenance planning which hinders decision making. The main goals of this dissertation study were to develop track geometry deterioration modelling methods, apply data mining in analysing currently available railway asset data, and implement the results from these studies into practical railway asset management. The development of track geometry deterioration modelling methods focused on utilising currently available data for producing novel information on the development in the condition of track structures, past maintenance effectiveness, and future maintenance needs. Data mining was applied in investigating the root causes of track geometry deterioration based on asset data. Finally, maturity models were applied as the basis for implementing track geometry deterioration modelling and track asset data analytics into practice. Based on the research findings, currently available Finnish measurement and asset data was sufficient for the desired analyses. For the Finnish track inspection data, robust linear optimisation was developed for track geometry deterioration modelling. The modelling provided key figures, which depict the condition of structures, maintenance effectiveness, and future maintenance needs. Moreover, visualisations were created from the modelling to enable the practical use of the modelling results. The applied exploratory data mining method, General Unary Hypotheses Automaton (GUHA), could find interesting and hard-to-detect correlations within asset data. With these correlations, novel observations on problematic track structure types were made. The observations could be utilised for allocating further research for problematic track structures, which would not have been possible without using data mining to identify these structures. The implementation of track geometry deterioration and asset data analytics into practice was approached by applying maturity models. The use of maturity models offered a practical way of approaching future development, as the development could be divided into four maturity levels, which created clear incremental goals for development. The maturity model and the incremental goals enabled wide-scale development planning, in which the progress can be segmented and monitored, which enhances successful project completion. The results from these studies demonstrate how currently available data can be used to provide completely new and meaningful information, when advanced analytics are used. In addition to novel solutions for data analytics, this dissertation research also provided methods for implementing the solutions, as the true benefits of knowledge-based decision making are obtained in only practical railway asset management

    Investigation of Computer Vision Concepts and Methods for Structural Health Monitoring and Identification Applications

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    This study presents a comprehensive investigation of methods and technologies for developing a computer vision-based framework for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Structural Identification (St-Id) for civil infrastructure systems, with particular emphasis on various types of bridges. SHM is implemented on various structures over the last two decades, yet, there are some issues such as considerable cost, field implementation time and excessive labor needs for the instrumentation of sensors, cable wiring work and possible interruptions during implementation. These issues make it only viable when major investments for SHM are warranted for decision making. For other cases, there needs to be a practical and effective solution, which computer-vision based framework can be a viable alternative. Computer vision based SHM has been explored over the last decade. Unlike most of the vision-based structural identification studies and practices, which focus either on structural input (vehicle location) estimation or on structural output (structural displacement and strain responses) estimation, the proposed framework combines the vision-based structural input and the structural output from non-contact sensors to overcome the limitations given above. First, this study develops a series of computer vision-based displacement measurement methods for structural response (structural output) monitoring which can be applied to different infrastructures such as grandstands, stadiums, towers, footbridges, small/medium span concrete bridges, railway bridges, and long span bridges, and under different loading cases such as human crowd, pedestrians, wind, vehicle, etc. Structural behavior, modal properties, load carrying capacities, structural serviceability and performance are investigated using vision-based methods and validated by comparing with conventional SHM approaches. In this study, some of the most famous landmark structures such as long span bridges are utilized as case studies. This study also investigated the serviceability status of structures by using computer vision-based methods. Subsequently, issues and considerations for computer vision-based measurement in field application are discussed and recommendations are provided for better results. This study also proposes a robust vision-based method for displacement measurement using spatio-temporal context learning and Taylor approximation to overcome the difficulties of vision-based monitoring under adverse environmental factors such as fog and illumination change. In addition, it is shown that the external load distribution on structures (structural input) can be estimated by using visual tracking, and afterward load rating of a bridge can be determined by using the load distribution factors extracted from computer vision-based methods. By combining the structural input and output results, the unit influence line (UIL) of structures are extracted during daily traffic just using cameras from which the external loads can be estimated by using just cameras and extracted UIL. Finally, the condition assessment at global structural level can be achieved using the structural input and output, both obtained from computer vision approaches, would give a normalized response irrespective of the type and/or load configurations of the vehicles or human loads