336 research outputs found

    Monitoring of an aquatic environment in aquaculture using a MEWMA chart

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    Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibited.[EN] Monitoring an aquatic environment in aquaculture is usually carried out by controlling its physicochemical and biological parameters. The global state of the process is evaluated though the individual conditions shown in each parameter. However, the correlation structure in the data, caused by interdependence between these parameters, provides relevant information which must be controlled. Thus, the complex structure of the data requires a multivariate control method to explore both the individual and interactive effects of the environmental parameters. To achieve this goal, this paper presents a statistical method based on a Multivariate Exponentially Moving Average (MEWMA) chart to monitor the multivariate structure of an aquatic environment in aquaculture, especially in a crop of tilapia in Mozambique. The results show that the adjusted MEWMA chart is more consistent when controlling the conformity and stability of environmental parameters. Therefore, it can be considered an efficient statistical method to monitor an aquatic environment in aquaculture.Mulema, SA.; Carrión García, A. (2019). Monitoring of an aquatic environment in aquaculture using a MEWMA chart. Aquaculture. 504:275-280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.01.019S27528050

    Intelligent Controlling System of Aquiculture Environment

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    Assessing the Feasibility of Nutrient Trading Between Point Sources and Nonpoint Sources in the Chao Lake Basin Final

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    This pilot project will determine the Feasibility of an effective point-nonpoint source nutrient trading program could be established in the Lake Chao Basin, Program's potential benefits, Framework and necessary elements for such a program

    Description and analysis of the white shrimp (Litopenaeus schmitti) fisheries in Pearl Lagoon, Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, with focus on the gear selectivity in the artesanal fleets

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    Fishing continues to be the main source of income in the Pearl Lagoon Basin in Nicaragua. Currently the fishermen in the area have expressed growing concern about the shrimps stocks. Over the past years it has become increasingly clear that the fish and shrimp stocks are being exhausted, severely over-fished and experiencing a serious decline. This thesis examines the catch compositions (shrimps and by-catch) of three mesh sizes of the Cast net gear employed in the fishery through sampling during the months of July and August, as well as analyzes the current situation of the shrimp inside the lagoon through primary (interviews) and secondary (books, journals, articles, reports, etc.) data. The data samples of the experiment with the different mesh sizes identified in the thesis were analyzed using standard software applying a trouser trawl method to determine the selectivity curve. Single factor ANOVA tests were use to distinguish significant differences between lengths. Significant differences were also tested combining the three different mesh sizes applying the SPSS turkey multi comparison computer program model. The findings were discussed and compared with a previous selectivity study accomplished in the lagoon. The thesis concludes that gears with ½ inch mesh size were vulnerable to the species during these months by retaining low weight and smaller length shrimp compositions (70% of the capture is between 5 and 8 cm total length). 1 inch and 1½ inch mesh sizes showed a general improvement in the selective performance of the gear (approximately 90% of the captured shrimps were between 11 and 14 cm). The main secondary findings show that local people are employing small gear mesh sizes in the lagoon, especially those whose sustainability livelihoods are significantly threatened with very few opportunities of survival; most obvious those who live in the more remote areas

    Effects of Urbanization and the Sustainability of Marine Artisanal Fishing: A Study on Tropical Fishing Communities in Brazil

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    Marine fishing occurs along the coast and oceanic islands within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Brazil and is practiced mainly in an industrial fashion in the southern and southeastern regions of the country as well as in an artisanal fashion in the northern and northeastern regions. Artisanal marine fishing is practiced by fishermen who use sailing rafts or mid-size motorboats in daily fishing activities or activities that surpass 20 days at sea. To face the ocean and extract sustenance and income, the majority of artisanal fishermen do not have advanced fishing technologies, but rather empirical knowledge passed from one generation to another, which has allowed fishermen to maintain their activities for hundreds of years. The shared knowledge with regard to fishing and gear as well as fishing territories and the discovery of new territories allows artisanal fishermen to maintain catches while resources have become scarce. However, different factors in urban areas have been contributing to changes in artisanal marine fishing, such as the facility to education and jobs in other sectors of the economy. The aim of the present study was to investigate the experiences of artisanal fishermen in traditional communities of northeastern Brazil in the occurrence of urbanization. Traditionally in artisanal fishing, the transmission of knowledge occurs in the family, generally from father to son. However, this traditional transmission of knowledge is being lost in urban fishing communities. The urban environment facilitates access to formal education and provides opportunities for both formal and informal jobs, leading to income in more attractive sectors to the sons of fishermen than the activity of fishing. This is caused by changes in schooling and has triggered the avoidance of youths with regard to fishing activities. Moreover, urban pressures, such as the loss of areas of embarkation and landing, further hinder the maintenance of fishing in such areas. Thus, issues related to urbanization have been changing the structure of fishing communities and compromising the maintenance and sustainability of marine artisanal fishing activities in urban areas

    Determinação da melhor localização para implementação de jaulas oceânicas ao largo de Portugal Continental com recurso a Análise Multi-critério Geo-espacial

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    Tese de mestrado, Biologia (Pescas e Aquacultura), 2008, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasA selecção de um local ideal de exploração offshore no sector da aquicultura é uma decisão de elevada importância na redução de conflitos de ocupação de espaços que possam provir da ascensão de diversas actividades económicas da actualidade, como sejam, aquicultura de bivalves, conversão da energia das ondas, extracção de inertes, entre outros. As diversas condições associadas à selecção de um local ideal estão intimamente ligadas ao factor-chave do conceito de aquicultura sustentável e dependem de factores que influenciam os processos de tomada de decisão da escolha de localizações preferenciais. Os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) permitem a modelação e a análise de diversos fenómenos, abstraídos sob a forma de camadas de informação sobrepostas, onde cada camada possui dados sobre um determinado tipo de recurso associados a uma posição geográfica num mapa. A utilização de SIG na aquicultura apresenta, entre outras, vantagens ao nível da identificação de áreas com condições físicas que promovam uma determinada cultura de espécies, da integração de critérios bio-económicos que favoreçam o crescimento e a sobrevivência de organismos cultivados e, ainda, da avaliação de condições de espaço que possam ser consideradas potenciais áreas de desenvolvimento de aquicultura marinha. Neste estudo propõe-se assim como ferramenta de trabalho a utilização de um SIG com recurso a técnicas de análise multi-critério geo-espacial, para a determinação da melhor localização para implementar unidades de aquicultura para as espécies Sparus aurata, Dicentrarchus labrax e Salmo salar ao largo de Portugal continental. Seguidamente o objectivo é a aplicação da metodologia da análise multi-critério geo-espacial na determinação da melhor localização para implementar jaulas oceânicas ao largo de Portugal continental. Assim, no presente trabalho foi pela primeira vez proposto o emprego da análise multi-critério como técnica fundamental aplicada no ordenamento do espaço costeiro em Portugal, o que será útil tanto para a expansão do sector da aquicultura como também para a gestão do espaço marítimo relativamente aos impactos que advém das enumeras actividades económicas que utilizem recursos naturais marinhosThe selection of the better place in the aquiculture sector is crucial in order to reduce conflicts related with other current economic activities like: bivalve's aquiculture, wave energy, marine sand and gravel extraction and others. The conditions for the better place selection are strongly connected to the key-factor that is the aquiculture sustainable concept and also depends on factors that influence holder's decisions for preferential locations. The use of GIS in aquiculture presents several advantages like the identification of areas with specific physical conditions for the development of the culture for certain species and to evaluate spatial conditions to be considered as potential areas for the marine aquiculture development. In this study a GIS is proposed to develop a multi-criteria geo-spatial analysis technique to obtain the best aquiculture unities location for Sparus aurata, Dicentrarchus labrax e Salmo salar species, in Portuguese continental area. The other scope in study is the application of the multi-criteria geospatial analysis methodology to define the best location for oceanic cages implementation in offshore coastal areas. In the present work, for the first time, it is proposed the use of the multi-criteria analysis as the fundamental technique applied to the Portuguese coastal management. This technique intent to will be useful to the expansion of the aquaculture sector and to the maritime management, considering the impacts resulting from the economics activities and the inherent natural resources exploitation

    mWater Prototype 3

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    This report concerns the application of a regulated open Multi-Agent System (MAS), mWater, that uses intelligent agents to simulate a flexible water-right market. Our simulator focuses on demands and, in particular, on the type of regulatory (in terms of norms selection and agents behaviour), and market mechanisms that foster an efficient use of water while also trying to prevent conflicts among parties. In this scenario, a MAS plays a vital role as it allows us to define different norms, agents behaviour and roles, and assess their impact in the market, thus enhancing the quality and applicability of its results as a decision support tool.Botti Navarro, VJ.; Garrido Tejero, A.; Giret Boggino, AS.; Noriega, P.; Gimeno, J. (2013). mWater Prototype 3. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/3212

    An internet of things framework for real-time aquatic environment monitoring using an Arduino and sensors

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    Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms in natural, controlled marine and freshwater environments. The real-time monitoring of aquatic environmental parameters is very important in fish farming. Internet of things (IoT) can play a vital role in the real-time monitoring. This paper presents an IoT framework for the efficient monitoring and effective control of different aquatic environmental parameters related to the water. The proposed system is implemented as an embedded system using sensors and an Arduino. Different sensors including pH, temperature, and turbidity, ultrasonic are placed in cultivating pond water and each of them is connected to a common microcontroller board built on an Arduino Uno. The sensors read the data from the water and store it as a comma-separated values (CSV) file in an IoT cloud named ThingSpeak through the Arduino microcontroller. To validate the experiment, we collected data from 5 ponds of various sizes and environments. After experimental evaluation, it was observed among 5 ponds, only three ponds were perfect for fish farming, where these 3 ponds only satisfied the standard reference values of pH (6.5-8.5), temperature (16-24 °C), turbidity (below 10 ntu), conductivity (970-1825 μS/cm), and depth (1-4) meter. At the end of this paper, a complete hardware implementation of this proposed IoT framework for a real-time aquatic environment monitoring system is presented

    Growth and Reproduction in Gulf of Mexico Black Corals (Antipatharians) in Field and Laboratory Studies

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    Black corals provide an important ecosystem of marine life and are found throughout all the oceans of the world at depths between 2 and 8,600 m. However, little is understood about their life history and the factors that control the distribution of black corals, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). Given the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on soft corals (e.g., black corals and octocorals) in the GoM, studies of their growth and reproductive biology in both natural and aquaculture environments are crucial for restoration efforts. The objectives of this study were to examine reproductive processes, compare growth rates in situ and in aquaculture, and provide an aquaculture guide for two species of black corals (Stichopathes luetkeni and Antipathes atlantica) in the GoM. The data collected during this study will provide vital information for the protection and management of black corals at mesophotic depths in the GoM