249,532 research outputs found


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    Developing a reading learning media can be an effort to increase students’ reading comprehension, but there are many teachers who do not put much attention into it. This research aimed at developing a parenting colouring book as a learning media to enhance elementary students' reading comprehension ability and creativity. The method employed was research and development as modelled by Akker. The method consists of three stages, namely analysis, design, evaluation, and revision. The parenting colouring book was firstly validated by experts on the product, which was tested in one-to-one, small groups, and field trial with third graders in one of the elementary schools in Palembang participated in this study. Data collection techniques employed were interviews, questionnaires, and tests. Finally, the study results demonstrate that the parenting-themed coloring book media are categorized as valid, practical, and having potential effect

    English Syllabus Redesigning for Information System Class: Creating Literacy-based Learning Activities of STMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan masalah serta kebutuhan mahasiswa Sistem Informasi STMIK Amikom Purwokerto dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini juga memiliki tujuan untuk membuat ulang silabus Bahasa Inggris untuk mereka serta mengetahui keakuratan silabus berdasarkan saran dari para ahli. Penelitian ini mengacu pada penelitian kualitatif atau khususnya penelitian studi kasus. Ada enam langkah penelitian. Langkah pertama adalah dengan metode studi pustakayaitu mengumpulkan, mengobservasi, menganalisa kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto. Hasilnya penulis menemukan kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto adalah kurikulum yang bertujuan pada pemahaman pengetahuan dan keahlian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup mahasiswa sehari-hari.Langkah yang kedua adalah dengan metode yang sama studi pustaka yaitu mengumpulkan, mengobservasi, menganalisa silabus Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto. Ada dua bagian yang dianalisis yaitu analisis format dan analisis isi. Langkah yang ketiga adalah melakukan analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yaitu untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang kesulitan serta kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Langkah yang keempat adalah membuat ulang silabus. Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperbaiki yaitu; (a) merumuskan ulang kompetensi dasar yang ingin dicapai, (b) merumuskan ulang standar kompetensi yang ingin dicapai, (c) menyusun topik dan material berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan, (d) merumuskan aktifitas belajar, (e) menciptakan indikator, alat evaluasi dan alokasi waktu. Langkah yang kelima adalah mengadakan validasi isi berdasarkan penilaian para ahli

    Key stage 3 English : roots and research

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    Developing Speaking Materials Based on the Common European Framework of Reference (Cefr) for Increasing the Students\u27 Speaking Skill

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    This study was aimed to describe the steps of developing speaking materials based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for increasing the students\u27 speaking skill of the A2 students of IDeA Indonesia, Metro, Lampung. This research included in research and development (R&D). The mixed-method was used in this research. The combinations of qualitative and quantitative techniques were used for analysing the data. The qualitative data were collected by conducting interviews, field notes, the teacher\u27s feedback, observations and experts\u27 comments. Interviews were conducted for gaining the students\u27 needs analysis and evaluation of the materials. The quantitative data were collected by conducting questionnaires for needs analysis, trying out the materials and evaluating the materials. The data were analysed by using descriptive analysis with percentage. Based on the needs analysis, it was found out that the students need specific materials for speaking. In designing syllabus, the old syllabus must be improved and added with some practical speaking materials. There were eleven units in the handout. Each unit consisted of speaking materials, writing activities, spoken activities, notes and let\u27s make summary. The students said that the developed materials was challenging and interesting. Two experts said that the materials were very good. The results of the materials implementation showed the improvements of the speaking score. The improvement of students\u27 speaking score after implementing the handout was 38 scores for 15 students and the average of the score improvement was 2.53. The highest improvement score was 2 or 33.33%. This improvement indicated that the product or the designed materials for A2 students based on CEFR was effective to improve the students\u27 speaking skill. &nbsp

    Investigating literacy practices within the secondary English classroom, or where is the text in this class?

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    The Vygotskian concept of the zone of proximal development has been interpreted in such a way as to provide theoretical support for particular, government-sponsored, models of both pedagogy and literacy. This article proposes a radically different interpretation of the ZPD, informed by Bakhtinian understandings of heteroglossia. This alternative model is then used to describe and interpret the pedagogic and literacy practices that are observed in a secondary English lesson, in which students deploy a wide range of cultural and multimodal resources to make sense of a complex text

    An Intelligent Tutoring System for Learning TOEFL

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    An e-learning system is increasingly gaining popularity in the academic community because of several benefits of learning anywhere anyplace and anytime. An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is a computer system that aims to provide immediate and customized instruction or feedback to learners, usually without requiring intervention from a human teacher.(ITSB) is the tutoring system Builder Which designed and improved to help teachers in building intelligent tutoring system in many fields. In this paper, we have an example and an evaluating are presented of building an intelligent tutoring system for teaching TOEFL using ITSB tool
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