51 research outputs found

    Eletrodo de aterramento HVDC do Rio Madeira - Bipolo 1 : modelagem geoelétrica da crosta terrestre para projeto do eletrodo

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    Orientador: Sueli Yoshinaga PereiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeociênciasResumo: Um sistema de transmissão HVDC é composto por duas Subestações Conversoras, interligadas pela linha HVDC, cada uma com um eletrodo de aterramento separado do seu pátio CC, geralmente localizado de 15 km a 150 km de distância e conectado por meio da linha do eletrodo. Os eletrodos HVDC proporcionam redução de custos e agregam confiabilidade ao sistema de transmissão de energia. Os eletrodos geralmente dissipam na terra a corrente de desequilíbrio do bipolo, entre 20 A a 40 A. No caso de perda de um polo da linha HVDC, a energia pode ser transmitida pelo polo remanescente com retorno pela terra, utilizando os eletrodos de aterramento para a injeção de correntes que chegar a quase 4 kA, o que pode resultar em interferências em uma área ampla, dependendo da estrutura geológica. A seleção dos locais de construção dos eletrodos deve ser realizada dentro de um raio de algumas dezenas de quilômetros ao redor das subestações, nas duas extremidades da linha HVDC. O melhor local em cada extremidade é aquele que apresenta a estrutura geoelétrica com resistividades mais baixas, desde a superfície do solo até pelo menos o meio da crosta. Esta tese apresenta o desenvolvimento do modelo geoelétrico 1D para o eletrodo sul do sistema HVDC do Rio Madeira, bipolo 1, localizado em Araraquara, na Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná, sul do Brasil. O eletrodo é constituído por um anel aproximadamente retangular de poços (cerca de 820 m x 560 m), cada um revestido por tubos de aço com profundidades variáveis, entre 20 m e 40 m de profundidade. O modelo geoelétrico deve ser representativo da média do solo raso, até a profundidade dos poços, combinada com um modelo profundo. A modelagem do solo raso foi desenvolvida a partir de uma campanha de sondagens Schlumberger e da perfilagem por indução de poços de monitoramento perfurados no local. O modelo profundo foi construído a partir de uma campanha magnetotelúrica (MT). Os modelos geoelétricos são aprimorados ao longo do projeto, à medida que mais dados geofísicos e geotécnicos são levantados. O modelo de projeto tem um ajuste final após o comissionamento do eletrodo, pois o desempenho elétrico medido permite um ajuste complementar do desvio estático da curva de resistividades aparentes MT. Uma medição independente do potencial tubo-solo foi feita no gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil, a 26 km do eletrodo, sendo o valor medido comparado com o potencial calculado a partir da simulação do eletrodo com o modelo geoelétrico final, com ambos os valores apresentando boa compatibilidadeAbstract: A HVDC transmission system comprises two Converter Substations, interconnected by the HVDC line, each one requiring a separate grounding electrode for its DC switchyard, which usually is located from 15 km to 150 km away and connected by means of the electrode line. HVDC electrodes allow for cost reduction and add reliability to the energy transmission system. The electrodes usually dissipate into the ground the unbalance current of the bipole, about 20 A to 40 A. In case of the loss of one pole of the HVDC line, the energy can be transmitted by the remaining pole with ground return, using grounding electrodes for the injection into the ground currents that may reach almost 4 kA, which may produce interferences within a wide area, depending on the tectonic setting. The electrodes Site Selection shall be carried up within a radius of some tens of kilometers around the substations at the two ends of the HVDC line. The best site at each end is the one with the geoelectric structure that presents lower resistivities, from soil surface down to at least mid-crust. This thesis presents the development of the 1D geoelectric model for the South electrode of Rio Madeira HVDC system, bipole 1, located at Araraquara, in the Paraná Sedimentary Basin, South of Brazil. The electrode is constituted by an approximately rectangular ring of wells (about 820 m x 560 m), each one lined with steel pipes with varying depths, between 20 m to 40 m deep. The geoelectric model shall represent the average of the shallow ground, down to the depth of the wells, combined with a deep model, down to the mid-crust. The modeling of the shallow ground was developed from a Schlumberger survey and from the induction profiling of monitoring wells drilled in the site. The deep model was built from a magnetotelluric (MT) survey. The models are improved along the project, as more geophysical and geotechnical data are surveyed. The design model has a final adjustment after the electrode commissioning, because the measured electrical performance allows for a complementary adjustment of the MT static deviation. An independent measurement of pipe-to-ground potential was done at the Bolivia-Brazil pipeline, 26 km away from the electrode, which was compared with the potential calculated from the electrode simulation using the final geoelectric model, with both values presenting good compatibilityDoutoradoGeologia e Recursos NaturaisDoutor em Geociência

    HVDC power transmission electrode siting and design

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    Utilisation of line surge arrestors to improve overhead HVAC and EHVDC line performance under lightning conditions.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.In high lightning areas, lightning strokes play an important role in the performance of overhead EHV AC and DC lines. A single lightning stroke, that terminate on the earth wire and/or tower can lead to back flashovers. This flashover depends on factors such as conductor type, tower, soil resistivity and magnitude of the stroke. The flashover across the insulator and the resultant fault current surge will propagate along the line, until it is extinguished or the breaker operates. This movement of the surge currents tend to damage and reduce the life span of associated equipment such and circuits breakers, insulators, transformers and impact network performance adversely. Furthermore, this operation of the protective devices leads to power interruption to consumers on that network, and loss of production, thus negatively impacting the economy. This thesis investigates the incidences of network failure due to lightining strokes occuring on Eskom HVAC network as well as HVDC networks, considering soil resistivity, tower footing resistance and factors that influence the earthing resistances. Tower footing resistance needs to be kept uniform and as low as possible to extinguish the surge across the tower and hence reducing the back flashovers across the insulator under lightning conditions. Theoretical simulations were conducted on the different methods that are available to improve the tower footing resistance values. A case study was undertaken to ascertain the tower footing resistance of an 88kV Eskom line. The crows earthing configuration was then utilized to reduce the footing resistance to a value less than 30 ohms, using line surge arrestors (LSA) which are devices that can drain power surges to ground, if placed adequately and in sufficient numbers. Furthermore the thesis determines the relationship between the magnitude of the lightning stroke, the tower top voltage, tower footing resistance and hence the back flashover voltage that would appear on the line, which would lead to power interruptions. Surge arrestors were modelled using MATLAB software. The required number of surge arrestors per phase is thus determined that is required to drain the surge current down to earth., thus preventing power interruptions. EHV AC and DC cases studies are simulated and results are presented snd discussed.Publications listed on page iii

    Selected Papers from 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering (ICHVE 2020)

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    The 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering (ICHVE 2020) was held on 6–10 September 2020 in Beijing, China. The conference was organized by the Tsinghua University, China, and endorsed by the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society. This conference has attracted a great deal of attention from researchers around the world in the field of high voltage engineering. The forum offered the opportunity to present the latest developments and different emerging challenges in high voltage engineering, including the topics of ultra-high voltage, smart grids, and insulating materials

    Contribuciones a la verificación y mejora de la compatibilidad electromagnética de los telescopios de gran tamaño del observatorio Cherenkov Telescope Array Norte

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    En esta tesis se presentan distintas aportaciones realizadas con el objetivo de analizar y mejorarla compatibilidad electromagnética de los Telescopios Cherenkov Large Size Telescopes (LST) del Observatorio Cherenkov Telescope Array Norte (CTA-N), situado en el Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (ORM) en la isla de La Palma en España. Este observatorio cuenta en la actualidad con un LST ya construido, el LST1.A esta labor, se ha contribuido elaborando protocolos de compatibilidad electromagnética y realizando diversas tareas y estudios experimentales en coordinación con el resto de los grupos de la Colaboración CTA. Se han realizado simulaciones por el método de elementos finitos y verificaciones experimentales de las mejoras al sistema de tierras del LST1, propuestas por empresas locales en base a la norma UNE 21186, como fue la instalación de una estructura de pata de ganso que pretendía disminuir la resistencia de puesta a tierra..

    Study of oil/pressboard progressive creeping discharge under highly divergent electric field

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    As one of the most dangerous failure modes of transformers, the oil/pressboard progressive creeping discharge, as well as the corresponding insulation failure mechanisms, have thus far not been fully understood. The present thesis aims to gain a sound fundamental knowledge of the progressive creeping discharge, their influential factors, and the relevant failure mechanisms, as well as to contribute to an effective monitoring and diagnostic methodology. This study explored the progressive creeping discharges under highly divergent AC and DC voltages, respectively. The tests conditions were configured to investigate the impacts of critical influential factors, including ageing, voltage level, temperature, stress waveform, and oil flowing, on creeping discharges. The discharge processes were systematically evaluated using tools such as partial discharge, gas analysis, temperature monitoring, and finite-element simulation. Comparative analyses and theoretical examinations were made to the insulation faults as well as their correlated physicochemical phenomena. A conventional techniques-based monitoring framework was proposed for the dangerous creeping discharges, and the applicability of a new detection technique based on synchronous PD and dielectric measurements was tested as well. The characteristics of damage-free AC progressive creeping discharge, as well as the influences of pressboard ageing and field intensity, were investigated. It was found the progressive creeping discharge is a compound discharge that comprises mainly oil corona discharge and surface discharge. Pressboard ageing affected the discharge inception but had no influence on the interface breakdown strength. The damage-free discharge exhibited a constant PRPD pattern but had a diminishing PD intensity, where the pressboard ageing and voltage level jointly determine whether the discharges can be sustained or not. The damage-free discharge generated hydrogen principally and was located between D1/ D2 fault zones in the classical Duval’s Triangle. The insulation failures due to dangerous creeping discharges were comparatively studied. It was found the AC progressive creeping discharge could generate two faults to the pressboard, i.e., internal treeing (internal treeing) and surface tracking (surface tracking). The faults exhibited distinct electrical as well as physicochemical characteristics, and their occurrences were subject to pressboard ageing, voltage level, and pressboard density. A four-staged model was proposed to illustrate the development of internal treeing. The model highlighted the central role of the filament-like carbonization tracks in the pressboard interior, of which the onset and growth were theoretically expounded as well. A detection methodology was proposed for internal treeing, which was mainly based on continuous PD measurement, online temperature monitoring, and gas analysis. However, it was found still hard to detect a severe surface tracking fault due to the PD disappearance. The influences of temperature and voltage waveforms on AC progressive creeping discharge were studied. Temperature affected the short-time electric strength of either interface or oil gap and could form a synergistic effect with a strong field in exacerbating the dissipation factor of pressboard. Moreover, it was found temperature can determine the fault types and discharge severity under either constant or step-wise stress, whereas the stress waveform had an obvious effect on the fault type only at high temperatures. Depending on the test temperature and stress waveforms, the test specimens failed due to tracking-free interface flashover, surface tracking, and internal treeing, respectively. Their PD quantities were comparatively evaluated. Moreover, it was found the synchronous PD and dielectric measurement is highly indicative of the internal treeing process, and it exhibited both high detection sensitivity and discharge identification capability. The DC progressive creeping discharge was evaluated against temperatures and forced oil flows. Temperature affected the DC conductivity of both oil and pressboard, the resistivity ratio of pressboard to oil, and the oil/pressboard interface charge relaxation time. Accordingly, the interface field distributions were evaluated against temperatures using the finite-element method. Moreover, both oil flow speed and temperatures affected the short-time DC interface electric strength as well as the progressive creeping discharge. Two types of discharges were found under static oil condition. They exhibited distinct PD characteristics and showed different responses to temperature changes. They were presumably associated with discharges in oil and pressboard, respectively. Furthermore, it was found that forced oil flows can alter the behaviors of DC creeping discharges drastically and generated a peculiar PD type (Pulse Train). The occurrence of the pulse train was subject to applied voltage level, temperature, and oil flowing velocity. A theoretical model was proposed to elucidate the pulse train, in which the interactions between space charges from different sources were discussed against voltage levels, oil flows, and temperatures. The present thesis extends the knowledge of the oil/pressboard progressive creeping discharges. The research results are expected to serve as a base for future scientific studies and a piece of reference information for practical applications pertinent to progressive creeping discharges.Eine der gefährlichsten Fehlerarten in Transformatoren, die fortschreitende Kriechentladung in Öl/Feststoff Anordnungen sowie der dazugehörige Mechanismus des Isolationsfehlers sind noch nicht völlig geklärt. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt auf die Erreichung einer soliden fundamentalen Kenntnis der fortschreitenden Kriechentladung, ihrer Einflussfaktoren und der entsprechenden Fehlermechanismen ab. Weiterhin soll sie einen Beitrag zur effektiven Überwachung und diagnostischen Methoden liefern. Die Untersuchungen beinhalten die fortschreitenden Kriechentladungen bei stark inhomogenen elektrischen Feldern unter Wechsel- und Gleichspannung. Die Versuchsbedingungen wurden so konfiguriert, dass die Wirkung der kritischen Einflussfaktoren auf die Kriechentladungen wie Alterung, Höhe der Spannung, Temperatur, Beanspruchungsform und Ölfluss, untersucht werden konnte. Die Entladungsvorgänge wurden systematisch ausgewertet unter Verwendung von Methoden wie Teilentladung, Gasanalyse, Temperaturerfassung und Simulation mit Finiten Elementen. Vergleichende Analysen und theoretische Prüfungen wurden im Hinblick auf Isolierungsfehler und der dazugehörigen physio-chemischen Erscheinungen durchgeführt. Ein auf konventioneller Technik basierendes Monitoring Konzept wurde für die gefährlichen Kriechentladungen vorgeschlagen und die Anwendung neuer Detektionstechniken basierend auf synchroner Teilentladungserfassung und dielektrischen Messungen geprüft. Die Eigenschaften von beschädigungsfreien fortschreitenden Kriechentladungen bei Wechsel-spannung und der Einfluss der Alterung des Pressspan sowie der Feldstärke wurden untersucht. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass die fortschreitende Kriechentladung eine zusammengesetzte Entladung ist, bestehend aus Korona-Entladungen in Öl und Oberflächenentladungen. Die Alterung von Pressspan beeinflusst den Einsatz der Entladung aber hat keinen Einfluss auf die Durchschlagsfestigkeit der Grenzfläche. Die beschädigungsfreie Entladung zeigt ein konstantes PRPD Muster aber mit abnehmender Teilentladungs-Aktivität, wobei die Alterung des Pressspans und die Spannungshöhe gemeinsam bestimmen, ob die die Entladungen unterbrochen werden oder nicht. Die beschädigungsfreie Entladung erzeugt grundsätzlich Wasserstoff und ist den Fehlerzonen D1/D2 des klassischen Duval Dreiecks zugeordnet. Die Fehler der Isolierung infolge der gefährlichen Kriechentladungen wurden vergleichend untersucht. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass die fortschreitende Kriechentladung bei Wechselspannung zwei Fehlerarten im Pressspan erzeugen kann, die schnelle Kriechwegbildung (internes Treeing) und die langsame Kriechwegbildung (Oberflächen Kriechweg). Die Fehler weisen deutlich elektrische als auch physio-chemische Eigenschaften auf und ihr Erscheinen war abhängig vom Alterungszustand des Pressspans, Spannungshöhe und Dichte des Pressspans. Ein vierstufiges Modell wurde vorgeschlagen um die Entwicklung der schnellen Kriechwegbildung darzustellen. Das Modell betont die zentrale Rolle der faserähnlichen karbonisierten Kriechwege im Inneren des Pressspans, wobei Einsatz und Wachstum theoretisch erklärt werden. Eine Erkennungsmethode für die Schnelle Kriechwegbildung wurde vorgeschlagen, die im Wesentlichen auf Teilentladungsmessungen, online Temperaturerfassung und Gas Analyse basiert. Es war dennoch schwierig eine langsame Kriechwegbildung zu erfassen, da Teilentladungen verschwanden. Die Einflüsse von Temperatur und Spannungsform auf fortschreitende Kriechwegentladungen wurden untersucht. Die Temperatur beeinflusste die kurzzeitige elektrische Feldstärke der Grenzschicht und der Ölstrecke und kann eine synergetische Auswirkung mit einem starken Feld auslösen, indem sich der Verlustfaktor des Pressspans erhöht. Es wurde weiterhin herausgefunden, dass die Temperatur die Fehlertypen und Entladungsstärke unter konstanter oder stufenweise Beanspruchung beeinflussen kann, wobei die Art der Beanspruchung einen klar erkennbaren Einfluss auf die Fehlerart nur bei hohen Temperaturen hat. Abhängig von der Prüftemperatur und der Beanspruchungsforme versagten die Prüflinge durch Grenzschichtüberschlag ohne Kriechwegspuren, langsame Kriechwegbildung und schnelle Kriechwegbildung. Ihre Teilentladungsgrößen wurden vergleichend ausgewertet. Darüber hinaus wurde herausgefunden, dass synchrone Teilentladungen und dielektrische Messungen eine gute Kennzeichnung für schnelle Kriechwegbildungsprozesse sind und es zeigt die Fähigkeit einer hohen Erkennungsempfindlichkeit und Entladungserkennung. Die fortschreitenden Kriechentladungen bei Gleichspannung wurden in Abhängigkeit der Temperatur und der Ölflussstärke ermittelt. Die Temperatur beeinflusst die Gleichspannungsleitfähigkeit von beiden, Öl und Pressspan, das Widerstandsverhältnis von Pressspan und Öl, und die Relaxationszeit der Grenzschichtladungen Öl/Pressspan. Dementsprechend wurde die Grenzschichtfeldverteilung in Abhängigkeit der Temperatur mit Hilfe der Finite-Elemente Methode ausgewertet. Außerdem beeinflussten die Geschwindigkeit des Ölflusses und die Temperaturen die kurzzeitige Grenzflächenfeldstärke bei Gleichspannung und fortschreitenden Kriechwegentladung. Zwei Arten von Entladungen wurde bei ruhendem Öl gefunden. Sie zeigen deutliche Teilentladungsmerkmale und unterschiedliches Verhalten bei Temperaturänderungen. Sie waren vermutlich verbunden mit Entladungen im Öl und Pressspan. Es wurde weiterhin herausgefunden, dass forcierte Ölströmung das Verhalten der Kriechentladungen bei Gleichspannung drastisch verändert und einen besonderen Typ von Teilentladungen erzeugt (Pulsfolge). Die Erscheinung dieser Pulsfolge war abhängig von der Höhe der angelegten Spannung, der Temperatur und der Geschwindigkeit des Ölflusses. Es wurde ein theoretisches Modell zur Verdeutlichung der Pulsfolge vorgeschlagen, bei dem die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Raumladungen von verschiedenen Quellen behandelt wurden in Abhängigkeit der Spannungshöhe, des Ölflusses und der Temperatur. Die vorliegende Arbeit erweitert die Kenntnis der fortschreitenden Kriechentladungen in der Anordnung Öl/Pressspan. Es wird erwartet, dass die Untersuchungsergebnisse als Basis für zukünftige wissenschaftliche Studien dienen und einen Beitrag mit hinweisenden Informationen für die praktische Anwendung zur Thematik fortschreitender Kriechentladungen liefern

    Outdoor Insulation and Gas Insulated Switchgears

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    This book focuses on theoretical and practical developments in the performance of high-voltage transmission line against atmospheric pollution and icing. Modifications using suitable fillers are also pinpointed to improve silicone rubber insulation materials. Very fast transient overvoltage (VFTO) mitigation techniques, along with some suggestions for reliable partial discharge measurements under DC voltage stresses inside gas-insulated switchgears, are addressed. The application of an inductor-based filter for the protective performance of surge arresters against indirect lightning strikes is also discussed

    Characterisation of earthing systems and materials under DC, variable frequency and impulse conditions

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    This thesis is primarily concerned with experimental tests and computer simulations to evaluate the performance and behaviour of earth electrode systems subjected to DC, AC variable frequency and impulse currents. The performance of the earth electrode systems at the power frequency is now well understood. However, the response of the system under high frequency and transient conditions still need more clarification. Therefore, simulations and experimental investigations in both laboratory and full-scale field site have been performed and reported in this thesis. The results contribute to better understanding of complex earthing systems under high frequency and transient conditions. The response of the earthing system of different configurations (vertical and horizontal electrode) was conducted for soil resistivity ranged from 10Ωm to 10kΩm using numerical computational model. The effect of soil resistivity, permittivity, and the electrode length on the performance of the earthing system was investigated. Particular emphasis applied to study the effect of segmentation on the evaluation of earthing electrode response. The investigations result in some recommendations contribute to the better evaluation of the performance and the behaviour of simulated earth electrodes. New earthing system facilities were prepared. The first stage was soil resistivity survey, which resulted in 2D soil models construction showed both horizontal and vertical soil resistivity variation. In addition, step voltages and touch voltages were computed to ensure the safety of the workers. Then, high frequency and impulse characteristics of vertical test rod and horizontal electrode buried in non-uniform soil at Llanrumney were tested. DC, AC and impulse tests results show that the measured earth impedance is constant over a low-frequency range, while higher impedance values are observed in the high-frequency range due to the inductive effects. To validate the analytical approaches and computational models, a new earthing system facility was prepared at Dinorwig substation at North Wales, UK. High frequency and impulse characteristics of 5m × 5m earth grid electrodes immersed in fresh water (close to uniform medium) were tested. DC, AC and impulse test results show that the resistive behaviour dominates the performance of the earthing grid. In addition, the measured impulse resistance exhibits constant values with the increase of the injected currents. Experiments were carried out at new high voltage laboratory to investigate the frequency dependence of electrical soil parameters. The soil was prepared and mixed with a different percentage of water contents according to weight. The results showed that both the resistivity and the permittivity decreased with increasing water contents. In addition, the results compared with the developed models available in literature and exhibited close agreements with them. Moreover, experimental investigations carried out at the laboratory on high resistivity material (gravel and concrete) which are used to increase the contact resistance between the earth and workers. The resistance showed a decrease in its value with increasing the water contents