31 research outputs found

    Launching a Robust Backdoor Attack under Capability Constrained Scenarios

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    As deep neural networks continue to be used in critical domains, concerns over their security have emerged. Deep learning models are vulnerable to backdoor attacks due to the lack of transparency. A poisoned backdoor model may perform normally in routine environments, but exhibit malicious behavior when the input contains a trigger. Current research on backdoor attacks focuses on improving the stealthiness of triggers, and most approaches require strong attacker capabilities, such as knowledge of the model structure or control over the training process. These attacks are impractical since in most cases the attacker's capabilities are limited. Additionally, the issue of model robustness has not received adequate attention. For instance, model distillation is commonly used to streamline model size as the number of parameters grows exponentially, and most of previous backdoor attacks failed after model distillation; the image augmentation operations can destroy the trigger and thus disable the backdoor. This study explores the implementation of black-box backdoor attacks within capability constraints. An attacker can carry out such attacks by acting as either an image annotator or an image provider, without involvement in the training process or knowledge of the target model's structure. Through the design of a backdoor trigger, our attack remains effective after model distillation and image augmentation, making it more threatening and practical. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves a high attack success rate in black-box scenarios and evades state-of-the-art backdoor defenses.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Technical Analysis of Thanos Ransomware

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    Ransomware is a developing menace that encrypts users’ files and holds the decryption key hostage until the victim pays a ransom. This particular class of malware has been in charge of extortion hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Adding to the problem, generating new variations is cheap. Therefore, new malware can detect antivirus and intrusion detection systems and evade them or manifest in ways to make themselves undetectable. We must first understand the characteristics and behavior of various varieties of ransomware to create and construct effective security mechanisms to combat them. This research presents a novel dynamic and behavioral analysis of a newly discovered ransomware called Thanos. It was founded in 2020 and is building up to be the leading malware used by low-to-medium-level attackers. It is part of a new ransomware class known as RaaS (Ransomware as a Service), where attackers can customize it for their desired target audience. So far, it is more prevalent in the middle east and North Africa and has over 130 unique samples already. As part of this investigation, the Thanos ransomware is carefully being analyzed. A testbed is created in the virtual artificial environment that mimics a regular operating system and identifies malware interactions with user data. Using this testbed, we can study how ransomware generally affects our system, how it spreads, and how it continually persists to access the user’s information. We can design a new security mechanism to detect and mitigate Thanos and similar ransomware based on behavior examination results

    Neural Polarizer: A Lightweight and Effective Backdoor Defense via Purifying Poisoned Features

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    Recent studies have demonstrated the susceptibility of deep neural networks to backdoor attacks. Given a backdoored model, its prediction of a poisoned sample with trigger will be dominated by the trigger information, though trigger information and benign information coexist. Inspired by the mechanism of the optical polarizer that a polarizer could pass light waves with particular polarizations while filtering light waves with other polarizations, we propose a novel backdoor defense method by inserting a learnable neural polarizer into the backdoored model as an intermediate layer, in order to purify the poisoned sample via filtering trigger information while maintaining benign information. The neural polarizer is instantiated as one lightweight linear transformation layer, which is learned through solving a well designed bi-level optimization problem, based on a limited clean dataset. Compared to other fine-tuning-based defense methods which often adjust all parameters of the backdoored model, the proposed method only needs to learn one additional layer, such that it is more efficient and requires less clean data. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method in removing backdoors across various neural network architectures and datasets, especially in the case of very limited clean data

    Physical Invisible Backdoor Based on Camera Imaging

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    Backdoor attack aims to compromise a model, which returns an adversary-wanted output when a specific trigger pattern appears yet behaves normally for clean inputs. Current backdoor attacks require changing pixels of clean images, which results in poor stealthiness of attacks and increases the difficulty of the physical implementation. This paper proposes a novel physical invisible backdoor based on camera imaging without changing nature image pixels. Specifically, a compromised model returns a target label for images taken by a particular camera, while it returns correct results for other images. To implement and evaluate the proposed backdoor, we take shots of different objects from multi-angles using multiple smartphones to build a new dataset of 21,500 images. Conventional backdoor attacks work ineffectively with some classical models, such as ResNet18, over the above-mentioned dataset. Therefore, we propose a three-step training strategy to mount the backdoor attack. First, we design and train a camera identification model with the phone IDs to extract the camera fingerprint feature. Subsequently, we elaborate a special network architecture, which is easily compromised by our backdoor attack, by leveraging the attributes of the CFA interpolation algorithm and combining it with the feature extraction block in the camera identification model. Finally, we transfer the backdoor from the elaborated special network architecture to the classical architecture model via teacher-student distillation learning. Since the trigger of our method is related to the specific phone, our attack works effectively in the physical world. Experiment results demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed approach and robustness against various backdoor defenses

    PECAN: A Deterministic Certified Defense Against Backdoor Attacks

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    Neural networks are vulnerable to backdoor poisoning attacks, where the attackers maliciously poison the training set and insert triggers into the test input to change the prediction of the victim model. Existing defenses for backdoor attacks either provide no formal guarantees or come with expensive-to-compute and ineffective probabilistic guarantees. We present PECAN, an efficient and certified approach for defending against backdoor attacks. The key insight powering PECAN is to apply off-the-shelf test-time evasion certification techniques on a set of neural networks trained on disjoint partitions of the data. We evaluate PECAN on image classification and malware detection datasets. Our results demonstrate that PECAN can (1) significantly outperform the state-of-the-art certified backdoor defense, both in defense strength and efficiency, and (2) on real back-door attacks, PECAN can reduce attack success rate by order of magnitude when compared to a range of baselines from the literature

    Demystifying Poisoning Backdoor Attacks from a Statistical Perspective

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    The growing dependence on machine learning in real-world applications emphasizes the importance of understanding and ensuring its safety. Backdoor attacks pose a significant security risk due to their stealthy nature and potentially serious consequences. Such attacks involve embedding triggers within a learning model with the intention of causing malicious behavior when an active trigger is present while maintaining regular functionality without it. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of any backdoor attack incorporating a constant trigger, by establishing tight lower and upper boundaries for the performance of the compromised model on both clean and backdoor test data. The developed theory answers a series of fundamental but previously underexplored problems, including (1) what are the determining factors for a backdoor attack's success, (2) what is the direction of the most effective backdoor attack, and (3) when will a human-imperceptible trigger succeed. Our derived understanding applies to both discriminative and generative models. We also demonstrate the theory by conducting experiments using benchmark datasets and state-of-the-art backdoor attack scenarios

    From Shortcuts to Triggers: Backdoor Defense with Denoised PoE

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    Language models are often at risk of diverse backdoor attacks, especially data poisoning. Thus, it is important to investigate defense solutions for addressing them. Existing backdoor defense methods mainly focus on backdoor attacks with explicit triggers, leaving a universal defense against various backdoor attacks with diverse triggers largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end ensemble-based backdoor defense framework, DPoE (Denoised Product-of-Experts), which is inspired by the shortcut nature of backdoor attacks, to defend various backdoor attacks. DPoE consists of two models: a shallow model that captures the backdoor shortcuts and a main model that is prevented from learning the backdoor shortcuts. To address the label flip caused by backdoor attackers, DPoE incorporates a denoising design. Experiments on SST-2 dataset show that DPoE significantly improves the defense performance against various types of backdoor triggers including word-level, sentence-level, and syntactic triggers. Furthermore, DPoE is also effective under a more challenging but practical setting that mixes multiple types of trigger.Comment: Work in Progres

    Malware Finances and Operations: a Data-Driven Study of the Value Chain for Infections and Compromised Access

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    We investigate the criminal market dynamics of infostealer malware and publish three evidence datasets on malware infections and trade. We justify the value chain between illicit enterprises using the datasets, compare the prices and added value, and use the value chain to identify the most effective countermeasures. We begin by examining infostealer malware victim logs shared by actors on hacking forums, and extract victim information and mask sensitive data to protect privacy. We find access to these same victims for sale at Genesis Market. This technically sophisticated marketplace provides its own browser to access victim's online accounts. We collect a second dataset and discover that 91% of prices fall between 1--20 US dollars, with a median of 5 US dollars. Database Market sells access to compromised online accounts. We produce yet another dataset, finding 91% of prices fall between 1--30 US dollars, with a median of 7 US dollars.Comment: In The 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2023), August 29 -- September 1, 2023, Benevento, Ital

    Protect Federated Learning Against Backdoor Attacks via Data-Free Trigger Generation

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    As a distributed machine learning paradigm, Federated Learning (FL) enables large-scale clients to collaboratively train a model without sharing their raw data. However, due to the lack of data auditing for untrusted clients, FL is vulnerable to poisoning attacks, especially backdoor attacks. By using poisoned data for local training or directly changing the model parameters, attackers can easily inject backdoors into the model, which can trigger the model to make misclassification of targeted patterns in images. To address these issues, we propose a novel data-free trigger-generation-based defense approach based on the two characteristics of backdoor attacks: i) triggers are learned faster than normal knowledge, and ii) trigger patterns have a greater effect on image classification than normal class patterns. Our approach generates the images with newly learned knowledge by identifying the differences between the old and new global models, and filters trigger images by evaluating the effect of these generated images. By using these trigger images, our approach eliminates poisoned models to ensure the updated global model is benign. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our approach can defend against almost all the existing types of backdoor attacks and outperform all the seven state-of-the-art defense methods with both IID and non-IID scenarios. Especially, our approach can successfully defend against the backdoor attack even when 80\% of the clients are malicious