201 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of City Community Grid Management Platform

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    不可否认,近年来社会问题明显增多,主要因为人口流动日益加剧,社会群体贫富差距大,社会资源分配不均等。因此,社会网格化管理的需求强烈,城市网格化管理是基于信息技术,应用整合多项数字城市技术,采用并结合万米单元网格管理法和城市部件管理法,创新信息采集实时传输手段,再造城市管理流程,最终实现精确、高效、全时段监控、全方位覆盖的城市管理新模式。网格化城市管理模式是被实践证实了的有效的城市管理模式,是我国数字城市技术应用领域的重大突破,在国际上处于领先地位。厦门市某区基于当前存在的问题,应用先进的管理理念和方法,并在此基础上搭建技术平台,对于安全社区的建设有着重要的借鉴意义。 该区立足以房管人、以房管...It is undeniable that in recent years, social problems have increased significantly, mainly because of the increasing population mobility, social groups, the gap between the rich and the poor, the distribution of social resources is not equal. Therefore, the demand of social grid management is strong, urban grid management is based on information technology, the application of integrated digital c...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323080

    Specification of Data Access Objects and persistence layer for problem-specific mobility information system

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    Transportation systems are indispensable part of our day to day life. As many people are dependent on transportation systems there are several challenges to be solved. One such challenge is the growing need for making public and private mobility system environment friendly. This increases the need to structure an energy efficient mobility architecture. The main goal of this thesis work is to design and develop a mobility architecture by integrating with prevailing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) which provides journey options with minimum energy consumption for different types of users. In order to achieve the goal, a multi-modal intelligent transportation architecture is proposed in which the different source of informations are used to improve methods of generating energy efficient journey options. The modeled system considers dynamic traffic information from local traffic management system for calculating the mobility and routing options with minimum energy consumption. Some of the other information’s are traffic light details, road weather forecast, location of public bus at real time and parking information. In addition to this, to motivate the users the proposed architecture also contains an incentive-based visualization service which provides incentives for the users who opts for mobility and routing options which consumes less energy or lowers the cost of CO2. In this work, the architecture is modeled using object oriented process and Unified Modeling Language (UML) approach. The services are described using use case and sequence diagrams. Data access object and persistence layer is designed for the proposed architecture using Java language and hibernate framework and finally, the persistence is tested using Junit framework

    Telehealth Support System Using Wireless Technologies: The Case of Ethiopia

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    Telehealth is an inter-disciplinary area and is basically the delivery of health and medical information and services over large and small distances using electronic information and communication technologies. Broadband wireless services available today, along with more powerful and convenient handheld devices, will enable a transformational change in health management and healthcare with the introduction of real-time monitoring and timely responses to a wide array of patient needs. Further, a network of low-cost sensors and wireless systems help in creating constantly vigilant and pervasive monitoring capability at home and at work. This paper addresses recent efforts in this growing field, including standards, system architectures, and lower layer protocols for body area networks. The paper also suggests the use of cooperative transmission-based strategies for such wireless topologies. Keywords: Telehealth, Telemedicine, Telecare, Wireless Technology. DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/12-2-01 Publication date: November 30th 202

    WIPER: The Integrated Wireless Phone Based Emergency Response System

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    Abstract. We describe a prototype emergency response system. This dynamic data driven application system (DDDAS) uses wireless call data, including call volume, who calls whom, call duration, services in use, and cell phone location information. Since all cell phones (that are powered on) maintain contact with one or more local cell towers, location data about each phone is updated peri-odically and available throughout the cellular phone network. This permits the cell phones of a city to serve as an ad hoc mobile sensor net, measuring the movement and calling patterns of the population. Social network theory and sta-tistical analysis on normal call activity and call locations establish a baseline. A detection and alert system monitors streaming summary cell phone call data. Abnormal call patterns or population movements trigger a simulation and pre-diction system. Hypotheses about the anomaly are generated by a rule-based system, each initiating an agent-based simulation. Automated dynamic valida-tion of the simulations against incoming streaming data is used to test each hy-pothesis. A validated simulation is used to predict the evolution of the anomaly and made available to an emergency response decision support system.

    A Web-based flood forecasting system for Shuangpai region

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    Author name used in this publication: K. W. ChauAuthor name used in this publication: Chun-Tian Cheng2005-2006 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    A novel framework to promote eco-driving through smartphone-vehicle integration

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    Tesis por compendioIt was not that long ago, just in the first half on the 1990s, when mobile phones were first introduced, being big and expensive. All you could do with them was to make phone calls. Since then mobile devices have experienced a great technological advance: we carry smartphones in our pockets that provide Internet access, having accelerometers that can measure acceleration, a gyroscope that can provide orientation information, different wireless interfaces such as Bluetooth connections, and above all, great computing power. On the other hand, the automobile industry has evolved significantly during the last 10 years. One of the most exciting advances in vehicle development is vehicle-to-vehicle V2V communication, which allows cars to communicate with each other over a dedicated Wi-Fi band, and share information about vehicle speed, route direction, traffic flow, and road and weather conditions. An example of such a system is GM's (General Motors) OnStar, introduced in 1996, and that provides automatic response in case of an accident, stolen-vehicle recovery, remote door unlock, and vehicle diagnostics. Also, the standard On Board Diagnosis (OBD-II), available for several years, allows us to connect to the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) via a Bluetooth OBD-II connector. This connection interface allows connectivity between the smartphone and the vehicle, and can be purchased for just over 15 euros. The spectrum of possibilities that arise when combining the car and the smartphone is unlimited, such as performing the diagnosis of the car by assuming the tasks performed by the car's On Board Unit (OBU), or sending the collected data to a platform where the diagnosis or maintenance of the system can be realized in order to detect possible faults, help you to save gas and reduce environment pollution, and notify you of your car's problems, among other features. The general objective pursued with this doctoral thesis is to help drivers to correct bad habits in their driving. To achieve this we promote the combination between smartphones and vehicular networks to design and develop a platform able to offer useful tips to achieve safer driving and greater fuel economy. It is well-known that intelligent driving can lead to lower fuel consumption, with the consequent positive impact on the environment. The proposal that has been carried out in this doctoral thesis begins with the data capture from the vehicles' OBD-II port and data analysis through the use of graphs, maps, and statistics, both, on the server itself and in the smartphone's application developed. We applied data mining techniques and neural networks to analyze, study and generate a classiffication on driving styles based on the analysis of the characteristics of each specific route used for testing. In a second phase, we demostrate the relationship between fuel consumption and driving style. To achieve that goal, the first thing that we had to realize was how to apply different algorithms for the instantaneous consumption calculation (this parameter cannot be obtained directly from the vehicle ECU). Later, we studied and analyzed all data that was collected from the drivers who shared their monitored data with the server. Although drivers do not recognize themselves as being in a state of anxiety while driving, they are more stressed than in any other daily activity, for example, when trying to stay in the right lane, keeping the car at a certain speed, and starting and stopping the vehicle. In general, drivers are more concentrated than they think, which causes an increase in the heart rate. Many factors influence heart rate while at rest, e.g. stress, medications, medical conditions, even genes play a role. In our study we also investigate how stress and the driving behavior influence the heart rate. So, in the last phase, we demostrate the correlation between heart rate and driving style, showing how the driving style can make the heart rate vary by 3 %.No hace mucho tiempo, tan sólo en la primera mitad en la década de los 90, cuando los teléfonos móviles aparecieron, eran grandes y caros, todo lo que se podía hacer con ellos era realizar llamadas telefónicas. Desde entonces los dispositivos móviles han experimentado un gran avance tecnológico, llevamos teléfonos inteligentes en el bolsillo con acceso a Internet, acelerómetros que calculan la aceleración instantánea, giroscopios que proporcionan información de orientación, diferentes conexiones inalámbricas como Bluetooth, y sobre todo, gran capacidad de computación. Por otro lado, la industria del automóvil ha evolucionado mucho durante los últimos 10 años. Uno de los avances más interesantes en el desarrollo de vehículos ha sido la conectividad, V2V, o comunicación vehículo a vehículo, permite a los automóviles comunicarse mediante Wi-Fi y compartir información sobre la velocidad del vehículo, la dirección de la ruta actual, el tráfico, así como las condiciones de la carretera y las condiciones ambientales. Por otra parte, el estándar On Board Diagnosis (OBD-II), disponible desde hace varios años, permite conectarnos de forma sencilla a la ECU (Electronic Control Unit) mediante un conector Bluetooth OBD-II. Este interfaz de conexión permite la conectividad entre el dispositivo móvil y el vehículo, se puede adquirir por poco más de 15 euros. El espectro de posibilidades que surgen al combinar el automóvil y el Smartphone es amplísimo, como por ejemplo realizar el diagnóstico del coche a través del móvil asumiendo las tareas que hace la unidad On Board Unit (OBU) del coche, o bien enviar los datos recogidos a una plataforma donde se pueda realizar el diagnóstico o mantenimiento del sistema, detectando posibles fallos puede ayudar a ahorrar en el consumo de combustible, notificar los problemas del coche en tiempo real, entre otras características. El objetivo general que se persigue con esta tesis doctoral es ayudar al conductor a corregir malos hábitos en su forma de conducción. Conseguimos esto mediante la combinación entre smartphones y las redes vehiculares, diseñamos y desarrollamos una plataforma capaz de ofrecer consejos útiles para conseguir una conducción más segura y un mayor ahorro de combustible. Es conocido que una conducción inteligente puede llevarnos a un menor consumo de combustible, con el consiguiente impacto positivo que ello conlleva sobre el medio ambiente. La propuesta que se ha llevado a cabo en esta tesis doctoral comienza con la obtención de los datos desde el OBD-II del coche y su presentación y análisis mediante el uso de gráficas, mapas, estadísticas, tanto en el propio servidor como en la aplicación móvil desarrollada para la obtención de datos recibidos desde la ECU. Se aplicaron técnicas de minería de datos y redes neuronales para analizar, estudiar y generar una clasificación sobre los estilos de conducción en base al análisis de las características de la vía sobre la que ha realizado la ruta. En una segunda fase se demostró la relación entre el consumo de combustible con el estilo de conducción, para ello lo primero que tuvimos que realizar fue aplicar diversos algoritmos para el cálculo del consumo instantáneo, este parámetro no es posible obtenerlo directamente de la ECU del vehículo. Posteriormente se realizó el estudio y el análisis de todos los datos que se recogieron de los conductores que se prestaron a la realización del estudio enviando los datos al servidor. Muchos factores influyen en la frecuencia cardíaca en reposo, por ejemplo, el estrés, los medicamentos, las condiciones médicas, incluso los genes tienen su influencia, el envejecimiento tiende a acelerarlo, y el ejercicio regular tiende a ralentizarlo. En nuestro estudio también investigamos cómo el estrés y el comportamiento en la conducción influyen en la frecuencia cardíaca. En la última fase vemos la correlación existente entre el riNo fa molt de temps, tan sols en la primera mitat en la dècada dels 90, quan els telèfons mòbils van aparéixer, eren grans i cars, tot el que es podia fer amb ells era realitzar telefonades. Des de llavors els dispositius mòbils han experimentat un gran avanç tecnològic, portem telèfons intel_ligents en la butxaca amb accés a Internet, acceleròmetres que calculen l'acceleració instantània, giroscopis que proporcionen informació d'orientació, diferents connexions sense _ls com Bluetooth, i sobretot gran capacitat de computació. D'altra banda, la indústria de l'automòbil ha evolucionat molt durant els últims 10 anys. Un dels avanços més interessants en el desenrotllament de vehicles ha sigut la connectivitat, V2V, o comunicació vehicle a vehicle, permet als automòbils comunicar-se per mitjà de la banda de Wi-Fi i compartir información sobre la velocitat del vehicle, la direcció de la ruta actual, les condicions del trà_c, així com l'estat de la carretera i les condicions ambientals. D'altra banda l'estàndard On Board Diagnosi (OBD-II), disponible des de fa diversos anys, permet connectar-nos de forma senzilla a l'ECU (Electronic Control Unit) per mitjà d'un connector Bluetooth OBD-II. Esta interfície de connexió permet la connectivitat entre el dispositiu mòbil i el vehicle, es pot adquirir per poc més de 15 euros. L'espectre de possibilitats que sorgixen al combinar l'automòbil i el Smartphone és il_limitat, com per exemple realitzar el diagnòstic del cotxe a través del móvil assumint les tasques que fa la unitat On Board Unit (OBU) del cotxe, o bé enviar les dades arreplegades a una plataforma on es puga realitzar el diagnòstic o manteniment del sistema, detectant possibles fallades, ajuda a estalviar en el consum de combustible, noti_car els problemes del cotxe en temps real, entre altres característiques. L'objectiu general que es perseguix amb esta tesi doctoral és ajudar al conductor a corregir mals hàbits en la seua forma de conducció. Aconseguim açò mitjançant de la combinació entre smartphones i les xarxes vehiculares, dissenyem i desenrotllem una plataforma capaç d'oferir consells útils per a aconseguir una conducció més segura i un major estalvi de combustible. És conegut que una conducció intel_ligent pot emportar-nos a un menor consum de combustible, amb el consegüent impacte positiu que això comporta sobre el medi ambient. La proposta que s'ha dut a terme en esta tesi doctoral comença amb l'obtenció de les dades des de l'OBD-II del cotxe i la seua presentació i anàlisi per mitjà de l'ús de grà_ques, mapes, estadístiques, tant en el propi servidor, com en l'aplicació mòbil desenrotllada per a l'obtenció de dades rebudes des de l'ECU. S'apliquen tècniques de mineria de dades i xarxes neuronals per a analitzar, estudiar i generar una classi_cació sobre els estils de conducció basant-se en l'anàlisi de les característiques de la via sobre la qual ha realitzat la ruta. En una segona fase es va a demostrar la relació entre el consum de combustible amb l'estil de conducció, per a això la primera cosa que vam haver de realizar va ser aplicar diversos algorismes per al càlcul del consum instantani, este paràmetre no és possible obtindre-ho directament de l'ECU del vehicle. Posteriorment es va realitzar l'estudi i l'anàlisi de totes les dades que es van arreplegar dels conductors que es van prestar a la realització de l'estudi enviant les dades al servidor. Molts factors in_ueixen en la freqüència cardíaca en repòs, per exemple, l'estrès, els medicaments, les condicions mèdiques, _ns i tot els gens tenen la seua in_uència, l'envelliment tendeix a accelerar-ho, i l'exercici regular tendeix a ralentir-ho. En el nostre estudi només estem interessats en com l'estrès i el comportament en la conducció in_ueixen en la freqüència cardíaca. En l'última fase vam veure la correlació existent entre el ritme cardíac i l'estil de conducciMeseguer Anastasio, JE. (2017). A novel framework to promote eco-driving through smartphone-vehicle integration [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/84287TESISCompendi

    DesignWorld : a tool for team collaboration in high band virtual environments

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    Current software tools for documenting and developing models of buildings focus on supporting a single user who is a specialist in the specific software used within their own discipline. Extensions to these tools for use by teams maintain the single discipline view and focus on version and file management. There is a perceived need in industry to have tools that specifically support collaboration among individuals from multiple disciplines with both a graphical representation of the design and a persistent data model. This project involves the development of a prototype of such a software tool. We have identified multi-user 3D virtual worlds as an appropriate software base for the development of a collaborative design tool. These worlds are inherently multi-user and therefore directly support collaboration through a sense of awareness of others in the virtual world, their location within the world, and provide various channels for direct and indirect communication. Such software platforms also provide a 3D building and modelling environment that can be adapted to the needs of the building and construction industry. DesignWorld is a prototype system for collaborative design developed by augmenting the Second Life (SL) commercial software platform1 with a collection web-based tools for communication and design. Agents manage communication between the 3D virtual world and the web-based tools. In addition, agents maintain a persistent external model of designs in the 3D world which can be augmented with data such as relationships, disciplines and versions not usually associated with 3D virtual worlds but required in design scenarios