72 research outputs found

    A Semantic Wiki-based Platform for IT Service Management

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    The book researches the use of a semantic wiki in the area of IT Service Management within the IT department of an SME. An emphasis of the book lies in the design and prototypical implementation of tools for the integration of ITSM-relevant information into the semantic wiki, as well as tools for interactions between the wiki and external programs. The result of the book is a platform for agile, semantic wiki-based ITSM for IT administration teams of SMEs

    Review of IT Service Management Tools Currently in Use in Finland : ITIL®, Implementation and Functionality

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    This thesis was carried out for itSMF Finland, an IT Service Management (ITSM) cooperation forum. The itSMF Finland is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of best practice ITSM. ITSM is about providing a framework to structure IT-related activities and the interaction of IT technical personnel with business customers and users. ITSM practices have existed for some time already, but the technology to support it has only recently become more advanced and comprehensive. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the requirements for ITSM tools and to create a “snapshot” of the current situation of the ITSM tool market in Finland. IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) was chosen as a framework for this thesis, which is considered as de-facto best practice model in ITSM. This research investigates the requirements stated in ITIL® for the ITSM technologies. Nine tools were chosen for interviews. The object of the interviews was to gain information about what functionalities are included in the tools, how the vendor supports the customer in the implementation project, and what the customer experiences are regarding the implementation and use of the tool. These results were then compared to the ITIL® framework. ITIL® recommends the tools to be utilized in the organization to provide data for analysis and improvement of the service provision and also to support the service lifecycle. All tools in this study were ITSM suites that have functionalities to support the service lifecycle widely. Based on the interviews the study shows that the tools are important for the organizations, but are not as widely used as they could be. The implementation projects varied greatly, but were relatively successful in all cases. All in all, the tools were considered beneficial for the organizations in all cases. This thesis provides important key-points to be kept in mind when selecting, implementing and using an ITSM tool. When selecting an ITSM tool it is extremely important to identify the benefits that it will bring to the organization. In the implementation phase it is essential to have clear goals, good design work and sufficient training. This ensures that the tool will be used as it was designed and opposition in the organization toward this change will be minimal.Tutkimus tehtiin itSMF Finlandille, IT-palveluhallinnan yhteistyöfoorumille, joka pyrkii parantamaan IT-palvelunhallinnan toimintatapoja Suomessa ja maailmalla. IT-palvelunhallintaan kuuluu muun muassa loppukäyttäjille tarkoitetut tukipalvelut, tietojärjestelmien vikatilojen selvittäminen ja yhteydenpito tietojärjestelmien toimittajiin. IT-palvelunhallinnan käytännöt ovat olleet käytössä jo kauan, mutta käytäntöjä tukeva teknologia on kehittynyt ja tullut entistä monipuolisemmaksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää IT-palveluhallinnan työkalujen vaatimuksia sekä tutkia Suomen markkinoilla käytössä olevien IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalujen toiminnallisuuksia sekä niiden käyttökokemuksia. Tutkimuksen viitekehykseksi valittiin IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) -malli, josta on muodostunut parhaiden käytäntöjen ohjeistus IT-palvelunhallinnalle. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ITIL®:n suosituksia IT-palvelunhallinan teknologioiden osalta. Tämän lisäksi tutkimukseen valittiin yhdeksän työkalua. Kaikkien työkalujen käytöstä haastateltiin sekä toimittajaa että yhtä heidän asiakastaan. Haastattelujen perusteella selvitettiin työkalujen toiminnallisuuksia ja kuinka implementaatioprojektia tuetaan toimittajan puolelta sekä käyttäjäkokemuksia työkalun käytöstä ja implementointivaiheesta asiakkaan puolelta. ITIL® suosittelee IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalua organisaatioille tukemaan jokapäiväisiä toimintoja ja tuottamalla tietoa organisaation palveluista sekä tukemaan yrityksen koko elinkaarimallia. Tutkimuksessa mukana olleet työkalut olivat IT-palvelunhallinnan-ohjelmistoja eli työkaluja, jotka tukevat elinkaarimallin monta osaa. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että työkalut ovat tärkeitä yrityksille, mutta niitä ei kuitenkaan käytetä koko laajuudessaan. Käyttöönottoprojektit työkaluille olivat hyvin erilaisia, mutta usein hyvin menestyneitä. Jokaisessa tapauksessa työkalu auttoi organisaatiota toimimaan paremmin. Tämä tutkimus esittää asioita, jotka on hyvä pitää mielessään IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalua valitessa, implementoitaessa ja käytettäessä. Työkalua valitessa on tärkeää ymmärtää, mitä työkalun tulee tuoda yritykseen. Työkalun käyttöönotossa tärkeitä asioita ovat selkeät tavoitteet, hyvä suunnittelu sekä onnistunut koulutus. Nämä edesauttavat työkalun omaksumista yrityksessä sekä vähentävät mahdollista muutosvastarintaa

    GUARDIANS final report

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    Emergencies in industrial warehouses are a major concern for firefghters. The large dimensions together with the development of dense smoke that drastically reduces visibility, represent major challenges. The Guardians robot swarm is designed to assist fire fighters in searching a large warehouse. In this report we discuss the technology developed for a swarm of robots searching and assisting fire fighters. We explain the swarming algorithms which provide the functionality by which the robots react to and follow humans while no communication is required. Next we discuss the wireless communication system, which is a so-called mobile ad-hoc network. The communication network provides also one of the means to locate the robots and humans. Thus the robot swarm is able to locate itself and provide guidance information to the humans. Together with the re ghters we explored how the robot swarm should feed information back to the human fire fighter. We have designed and experimented with interfaces for presenting swarm based information to human beings

    AI for IT Operations (AIOps) on Cloud Platforms: Reviews, Opportunities and Challenges

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    Artificial Intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) aims to combine the power of AI with the big data generated by IT Operations processes, particularly in cloud infrastructures, to provide actionable insights with the primary goal of maximizing availability. There are a wide variety of problems to address, and multiple use-cases, where AI capabilities can be leveraged to enhance operational efficiency. Here we provide a review of the AIOps vision, trends challenges and opportunities, specifically focusing on the underlying AI techniques. We discuss in depth the key types of data emitted by IT Operations activities, the scale and challenges in analyzing them, and where they can be helpful. We categorize the key AIOps tasks as - incident detection, failure prediction, root cause analysis and automated actions. We discuss the problem formulation for each task, and then present a taxonomy of techniques to solve these problems. We also identify relatively under explored topics, especially those that could significantly benefit from advances in AI literature. We also provide insights into the trends in this field, and what are the key investment opportunities

    Report from GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 16394: Software Performance Engineering in the DevOps World

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    This report documents the program and the outcomes of GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 16394 "Software Performance Engineering in the DevOps World". The seminar addressed the problem of performance-aware DevOps. Both, DevOps and performance engineering have been growing trends over the past one to two years, in no small part due to the rise in importance of identifying performance anomalies in the operations (Ops) of cloud and big data systems and feeding these back to the development (Dev). However, so far, the research community has treated software engineering, performance engineering, and cloud computing mostly as individual research areas. We aimed to identify cross-community collaboration, and to set the path for long-lasting collaborations towards performance-aware DevOps. The main goal of the seminar was to bring together young researchers (PhD students in a later stage of their PhD, as well as PostDocs or Junior Professors) in the areas of (i) software engineering, (ii) performance engineering, and (iii) cloud computing and big data to present their current research projects, to exchange experience and expertise, to discuss research challenges, and to develop ideas for future collaborations

    Acquisition Data Analytics for Supply Chain Cybersecurity

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    Acquisition Research Program Sponsored Report SeriesSponsored Acquisition Research & Technical ReportsCybersecurity is a national priority, but the analysis required for acquisition personnel to objectively assess the integrity of the supply chain for cyber compromise is highly complex. This paper presents a process for supply chain data analytics for acquisition decision makers, addressing data collection, assessment, and reporting. The method includes workflows from initial purchase request through vendor selection and maintenance to audits across the lifecycle of an asset. Artificial intelligence can help acquisition decision makers automate the complexity of supply chain information assurance.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Securing critical utility systems & network infrastructures

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    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009As infra-estruturas críticas de TI para serviços públicos são apoiadas por inúmeros sistemas complexos. Estes sistemas permitem a gestão e recolha de informação em tempo-real, constituindo a base para a gestão eficiente das operações. A utilização, cada vez mais frequente, de software e hardware (Commercial Off-The-Shelf, COTS) em sistemas SCADA permitiu grandes beneficios financeiros na aquisição e desenvolvimento de soluções técnicas que suportam os serviços públicos. O uso de hardware e software COTS em sistemas SCADA transferiu para as infra-estruturas críticas os problemas de segurança de uma infraestrutura de TI empresarial. Neste contexto, um desafio para as equipas de gestão operacional dos sistemas de TI é a gestão eficaz dos sistemas e redes que compõem as infra-estruturas críticas dos serviços públicos. Apesar de estas organizações adoptarem, cada vez mais, normas e melhores práticas que visam melhorar a gestão, operações e processos de configuração. Este projecto de investigação propõe-se a desenvolver um estudo comparativo de plataformas de gestão integrada no contexto dos sistemas SCADA que suportam serviços públicos. Adicionalmente, este projecto de investigação irá desenvolver estudos acerca de perfis operacionais dos Sistemas Operativos que suportam a infra-estrutura IT dos serviços públicos críticos. Este projecto de investigação irá descrever como as decisões estratégicas de gestão têm impacto nas operações de gestão de uma infra-estrutura TI.Modern critical utility IT infrastructures are supported by numerous complex systems. These systems allow real-time management and information collection, which is the basis of efficient service management operations. The usage of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software in SCADA systems allowed for major financial advantages in purchasing and developing technical solutions. On the other hand, this COTS hardware and software generalized usage in SCADA systems, exposed critical infrastructures to the security problems of a corporate IT infrastructure. A significant challenge for IT teams is managing critical utility IT infrastructures even upon adopting security best practices that help management, operations and configuration of the systems and network components that comprise those infrastructures. This research project proposes to survey integrated management software that can address the specific security constraints of a SCADA infrastructure supported by COTS software. Additionally, this research project proposes to investigate techniques that will allow the creation of operational profiles of Operating Systems supporting critical utility IT infrastructures. This research project will describe how the strategic management decisions impact tactical operations management of an IT environment. We will investigate desirable technical management elements in support of the operational management

    A Lightweight Service Placement Approach for Community Network Micro-Clouds

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    Community networks (CNs) have gained momentum in the last few years with the increasing number of spontaneously deployed WiFi hotspots and home networks. These networks, owned and managed by volunteers, offer various services to their members and to the public. While Internet access is the most popular service, the provision of services of local interest within the network is enabled by the emerging technology of CN micro-clouds. By putting services closer to users, micro-clouds pursue not only a better service performance, but also a low entry barrier for the deployment of mainstream Internet services within the CN. Unfortunately, the provisioning of these services is not so simple. Due to the large and irregular topology, high software and hardware diversity of CNs, a "careful" placement of micro-clouds services over the network is required to optimize service performance. This paper proposes to leverage state information about the network to inform service placement decisions, and to do so through a fast heuristic algorithm, which is critical to quickly react to changing conditions. To evaluate its performance, we compare our heuristic with one based on random placement in Guifi.net, the biggest CN worldwide. Our experimental results show that our heuristic consistently outperforms random placement by 2x in bandwidth gain. We quantify the benefits of our heuristic on a real live video-streaming service, and demonstrate that video chunk losses decrease significantly, attaining a 37% decrease in the packet loss rate. Further, using a popular Web 2.0 service, we demonstrate that the client response times decrease up to an order of magnitude when using our heuristic. Since these improvements translate in the QoE (Quality of Experience) perceived by the user, our results are relevant for contributing to higher QoE, a crucial parameter for using services from volunteer-based systems and adapting CN micro-clouds as an eco-system for service deployment

    Fusing Information from Tickets and Alerts to Improve the Incident Resolution Process

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    In the context of network incident monitoring, alerts are useful notifications that provide IT management staff with information about incidents. They are usually triggered in an automatic manner by network equipment and monitoring systems, thus containing only technical information available to the systems that are generating them. On the other hand, ticketing systems play a different role in this context. Tickets represent the business point of view of incidents. They are usually generated by human intervention and contain enriched semantic information about ongoing and past incidents. In this article, our main hypothesis is that incorporating tickets information into the alert correlation process will be beneficial to the incident resolution life-cycle in terms of accuracy, timing, and overall incident’s description. We propose a methodology to validate this hypothesis and suggest a solution to the main challenges that appear. The proposed correlation approach is based on the time alignment of the events (alerts and tickets) that affect common elements in the network. For this we use real alert and ticket datasets obtained from a large telecommunications network. The results have shown that using ticket information enhances the incident resolution process, mainly by reducing and aggregating a higher percentage of alerts compared with standard alert correlation systems that only use alerts as the main source of information. Finally, we also show the applicability and usability of this model by applying it to a case study where we analyze the performance of the management staff