263,034 research outputs found

    Industrial development guidelines of Latvia (2004-2013)

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    Exploring key economic sectors and groups of sectors in Scotland; 1998, 2004, 2007

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    Different methods and criteria exist for determining ‘key’ economic sectors. The Scottish Government identifies a number of ‘key’ sectors, although it is not clear which metrics it used to choose these. It is likely that these sectors are considered to be ‘key’ in delivering the Scottish Government’s policy priorities. This differs from a more formally defined economic approach to determining key sectors. However, even within the economics literature, there are different ways of thinking about which sectors are ‘key’. This short paper presents one approach to determining individual and groups of ‘key’ sectors. We will explain why these approaches are not necessarily equivalent, and what value is added in moving from considering sectors individually to analysing the impact of sectors in groups. We begin with a non-technical overview of the methods we employ, before discussing the database used in this analysis. We then present the results of applying this method for Scotland for three time periods: 1998, 2004, and 2007. We mainly focus on sectoral output, but we also include one set of results which look at key employment sectors. In the discussion of our results we concentrate on two things. First, we are interested in which sectors are identified as important in Scotland in each time period. Second, we investigate how those sectors have changed between 1998, 2004 and 2007


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    Subject of the research is open-pit mining concerning a full- field industrial development of a number of lignite deposits; feasibility study has been performed for them as for the efficient environmental friendly processing of coal and associated minerals. Objective of the research is to develop both methodology and conceptual approaches to high-productive, economically viable, and environmental friendly methods for open-pit lignite mining in the context of suprasalt depressive basins. Task of the research is to analyze the current state of lignite mining in Ukraine; to characterize a new genetic Ukrainian coal type from geological and industrial viewpoint; to substantiate parameters of lignite open-pit mining on the basis of Novo-Dmytrivka mining and industrial district; to expand the capacities of lignite mining on the basis of Novo-Dmytrivka, Bantysh, Stepkivka, and Bereka deposits; to substantiate the integrated use of diverse rock masses in the context of the national economy; to use lignite in terms of its power; to produce montan wax; to apply sodium humite in the context of agriculture; to use overburden rocks for the construction of bordering dams of powerful water storages; and to develop recommendations concerning the design of Novo-Dmytrivka mining and industrial system with the integrated development of lignite and associated minerals. Methods of the research are: analytical estimation of resources of lignite deposits; geological and engineering-technical analysis; and integrated and feasibility studies of indices of mining and opening operations. Optimization of the process solutions relies upon the analysis of changes in rock mass coefficient use within the open-pit area in the context of complete land reclamation of the disturbed land and the development of new productive land instead of the littered territories. The updated research method is to determine the basic technological parameters of equipment taking into consideration significant water inflow in terms of working areas as well as the inflows effect on the output of the lignite open pit depending upon changes in the depth of mine workings. The carried out research helped study more thoroughly the geological and engineering-technical features of lignite deposits in Ukraine. Their geological structures, coal-bearing capacity and the coal grades, total reserves, and their commercial significance have been determined. Parameters of benches and working sites have been substantiated. The parameters make it possible to decrease the current volume of overburden rock mining and to transfer their maximum values to the final stage of the open pit operation. Rational systems of mining and transportation equipment for the development of the open-pit field in terms of criteria of capacity, efficiency, and power consumption have been substantiated involving different traffic flows of rock mass movement in open pits and at the surface. There were issued recommendations to design the development of Novo-Dmytrivka lignite deposit. Relying upon the analyzed deposits of north-west Donbas, it is expedient to develop the unified coal-mining complex for the processing of lignite and associated minerals to be used by plants of building materials and structures as well as chemical and metallurgical plants as the basic raw material. There has been substantiated a possibility of commercial development of a number of lignite deposits in Ukraine to develop mining and preproduction complex with coal output at the level of 9-10 min t/y and 23-24 min t/y of coaly mass as well as their processing by thermal power station which capacity is 1800-2400 MW; a plant to produce 15 thousand tons of montan wax a year; briquetting factory which capacity is 2 min t/y; and a concrete product plant to manufacture building structures with a capacity of 1 min of m2/y

    An information technology competency model and curriculum

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    This paper addresses the progress made by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) in developing a competency model and curricular guidelines for four-year degree programs in information technology. The authors are members of an international task group representative of academic institutions, industry, and professional organizations. The task group is to develop a competency model, called IT2017, for information technology education within two years based on earlier guidelines and other perspectives. This paper provides a brief background of the project, some activities undertaken, the progress made, and expectations for future developments. IT2017 seeks to produce a futuristic model of academic excellence so information technology graduates will be prepared for new technological challenges in a global economy

    A practical experience with independent verification and validation

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    One approach to reducing software cost and increasing reliability is the use of an independent verification and validation (IV & V) methodology. The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) applied the IV & V methodology to two medium-size flight dynamics software development projects. Then, to measure the effectiveness of the IV & V approach, the SEL compared these two projects with two similar past projects, using measures like productivity, reliability, and maintain ablilty. Results indicated that the use of the IV & V methodology did not help the overall process nor improve the product in these cases

    Topical problems concerning both methods and economy to develop mineral deposits

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    Purpose. Development of mining enterprises adaptation to changes in conjuncture of a product market relying upon its competitiveness while reducing expenditures connected with mineral stock extraction at the expense of mining operation schedule reorganization in accordance with market demand for their products. Methods. Methodological approach to provide output competitiveness in the context of its adaptation to market demand has been substantiated with the use of correlation analysis technique taking into consideration variability of outgoing data and their uncertainty. A technique to support competitive product advantages has been identified on the basis of operations function of mining complex since the advantages depend heavily on the expenses connected with crude ore. Cost changes effected by a market demand have been estimated basing upon feasibility analysis of operations of open pits selected to be considered. Findings. Relations between crude ore mining, prime cost of ore mining and processing enterprise product of Ukraine and market demand for their output have been determined. The current open pit expenditures, connected with ore bed mining, have been specified; process solutions, concerning the operating mining complex modernization, has been substantiated basing upon them. Extraction system effect on the mining complex technological adaptation to lower demand for manganese ore has been stated. Originality. Scientific and application foundations to obtain competitive advantages for the product manufactured by mining and processing enterprises by means of technological adaptation of mining complexes to market demand have been developed. Adaptation instruments of the complexes have been estimated with the help of the production function. Methodological approach to plan crude ore prime cost, basing upon expenditures, connected with overburden operations, has been improved. Practical implications. In the context of Pivnichnyi and Zaporizkyi open pits, the effect of extraction volumes on the mined ore prime cost has been determined; the effect has been involved to substantiate economically the expedient system for ore bench mining. Production function of Pivnichnyi open pit has been defined. Its analysis results helped formulate recommendations concerning labour shedding and production increase.Мета. Розробка адаптації гірничих підприємств до зміни кон’юнктури ринку їхньої продукції на основі забезпечення її конкурентоспроможності шляхом зниження витрат на видобування мінеральної сировини за рахунок реконструкції технологічної схеми гірничих робіт згідно з ринковим попитом на продукцію. Методика. З використанням методу кореляційного аналізу, враховуючи мінливість та невизначеність вихідних даних, обґрунтовано методичний підхід до забезпечення конкурентоспроможності виробленої продукції в аспекті її адаптації до ринкового попиту. Спосіб підтримки конкурентних переваг продукції визначений на підставі виробничої функції гірничодобувного комплексу, оскільки ці переваги значною мірою обумовлені витратами на рудну сировину. Зміна витрат під впливом ринкового попиту оцінена на основі техніко-економічного аналізу досвіду роботи обраних до розгляду кар’єрів. Результати. Встановлений взаємозв’язок між технологією видобування рудної сировини, собівартістю продукції гірничо-збагачувальних комбінатів України та ринковим попитом на їхню продукцію. Для підвищення її конкурентоспроможності визначено теперішні витрати кар’єру на розробку рудного пласта та обґрунтовано на їх підставі технологічні рішення щодо реконструкції діючого гірничодобувного комплексу. Наведений вплив системи розробки на технологічну адаптацію комплексу гірничих робіт до зниженого попиту на марганцеву руду. Наукова новизна. Розроблено науково-прикладні засади підтримання конкурентних переваг продукції гірничо-збагачувальних комбінатів шляхом технологічної адаптації гірничодобувних комплексів до ринкового попиту. Важелі адаптації комплексів оцінені за допомогою виробничої функції. Вдосконалено методичний підхід до планування собівартості рудної сировини, що ґрунтується на структурі витрат на розкривні роботи. Практична значимість. Стосовно Північного й Запорізького кар’єрів визначений вплив обсягу гірничих робіт на собівартість видобутої руди, з урахуванням цього впливу економічно обґрунтована доцільна система розробки рудного уступу. Встановлена виробнича функція Північного кар’єру. За результатами її аналізу сформульовані рекомендації щодо скорочення робочої сили й підвищення обсягу виробництва.Цель. Разработка адаптации горных предприятий к изменению конъюнктуры рынка их продукции на основе обеспечения ее конкурентоспособности путем снижения затрат на добычу минерального сырья за счет реконструкции технологической схемы горных работ в соответствии с рыночным спросом на продукцию. Методика. С использованием метода корреляционного анализа, учитывая изменчивость и неопределенность исходных данных, обоснован методический подход к обеспечению конкурентоспособности произведенной продукции в аспекте ее адаптации к рыночному спросу. Способ поддержания конкурентных преимуществ продукции определен на основании производственной функции горнодобывающего комплекса, поскольку эти преимущества в значительной степени обусловлены затратами на рудное сырье. Изменение затрат под влия-нием рыночного спроса оценена на основе технико-экономического анализа опыта работы избранных к рассмотрению карьеров. Результаты. Установлена взаимосвязь между технологией добычи рудного сырья, себестоимостью продукции горно-обогатительных комбинатов Украины и рыночным спросом на их продукцию. Для повышения ее конкурентоспособности определены нынешние затраты карьера на разработку рудного пласта и обоснованы на их основании технологические решения по реконструкции действующего горнодобывающего комплекса. Приведено влияние системы разработки на технологическую адаптацию комплекса горных работ к пониженному спросу на марганцевую руду. Научная новизна. Разработаны научно-прикладные основы поддержания конкурентных преимуществ продукции горно-обогатительных комбинатов путем технологической адаптации горнодобывающих комплексов с рыночным спросом. Рычаги адаптации комплексов оценены с помощью производственной функции. Усовершенствован методический подход к планированию себестоимости рудного сырья, базирующийся на структуре затрат на вскрышные работы. Практическая значимость. Относительно Северного и Запорожского карьеров определено влияние объема горных работ на себестоимость добытой руды, с учетом этого влияния экономически обоснована целесообразная система разработки рудного уступа. Установлена производственная функция Северного карьера. По результатам ее анализа сформулированы рекомендации по сокращению рабочей силы и повышению объема производства.The authors express gratitude to everyone who favoured (directly or indirectly) the origination of the methodological approach being essentially innovative technological model to support competitiveness of mining enterprises. In particular, cooperation of the authors with the Department of Open-Pit Mining of the Dnipro University of Technology especially with Professor B.Yu. Sobko turned out to be determinative. The authors express kindly their thanks to Professor O.A. Temchenko from Kryvy Rih Economic Institute for his effective help rendered at the stage when scientific background of the general approach was being developed

    Viking planetary quarantine procedures and implementation

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    Some of the techniques and methodology that were used on Viking to implement planetary quarantine requirements are reported. Special attention was given to techniques and approaches used to implement sterilization of the Viking probe. Quarantine procedures for unmanned planetary missions and procedures for microbiological contamination of space hardware are included. A probability of contamination of the biological instruments onboard by terrestrial organisms was examined

    Ion propulsion cost effectivity

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    Ion propulsion modules employing 8-cm thrusters and 30-cm thrusters were studied for Multimission Modular Spacecraft (MMS) applications. Recurring and nonrecurring cost elements were generated for these modules. As a result, ion propulsion cost drivers were identified to be Shuttle charges, solar array, power processing, and thruster costs. Cost effective design approaches included short length module configurations, array power sharing, operation at reduced thruster input power, simplified power processing units, and power processor output switching. The MMS mission model employed indicated that nonrecurring costs have to be shared with other programs unless the mission model grows. Extended performance missions exhibited the greatest benefits when compared with monopropellant hydrazine propulsion