155 research outputs found

    New dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm analysis: DDSPON for ethernet passive optical networks

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    This project aims to present the state of the art in Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) solutions, as well as the study and evaluation of one proposal of DBA algorithm: the Distributed Dynamic Scheduling for EPON (DDSPON), which is the UPC contribution to the research in scheduling algorithms for EPON

    CSMA/CA using pilot tone on PON

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    Jorden Yeong-Tswen, Tse.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 76-76).Abstracts in English and Chinese.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.2ABSTRACT --- p.3摘要 --- p.4CONTENTS --- p.5Chapter CHAPTER 1: --- INTRODUCTION --- p.8Chapter 1.1. --- First Mile Evolution --- p.8Chapter 1.2. --- Access: Passive Optical Network (PON) --- p.10Chapter 1.2.1. --- ATM-PON (APON) --- p.13Chapter 1.2.2. --- Ethernet PON (EPON) --- p.14Chapter 1.3. --- Problem Definition and Possible Solutions --- p.16Chapter 1.3.1. --- Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) --- p.17Chapter 1.3.2. --- Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) --- p.18Chapter 1.3.3. --- Sub-carrier Multiplexing (SCM) & Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) --- p.20Chapter 1.3.4. --- Code Division Multi Access (CDMA) --- p.20Chapter 1.4. --- Thesis Organization --- p.20Chapter CHAPTER 2: --- BACKGROUND --- p.22Chapter 2.1. --- EPON Solution:- MPCP --- p.22Chapter 2.2. --- CSMA/CD on PON --- p.26Chapter 2.3. --- Motivation --- p.28Chapter CHAPTER 3: --- CSMA/CA PROTOCOL USING PILOT TONE ON PON --- p.29Chapter 3.1. --- Basic Protocol Description --- p.29Chapter 3.1.1. --- With No Contention --- p.31Chapter 3.1.2. --- With Contention --- p.32Chapter 3.1.3. --- With Contention and Winner --- p.33Chapter 3.2. --- Simulation --- p.35Chapter 3.2.1. --- Effect of Loading on Network Utilization --- p.37Chapter 3.2.2. --- Effect of Network Size on Utilization --- p.39Chapter 3.2.3. --- Delay Performance --- p.41Chapter 3.2.4. --- Effect of Distance from Remote Node --- p.44Chapter 3.2.5. --- Effect of Maximum Packet Duration on Utilization and Delay --- p.45Chapter 3.3. --- Conclusions --- p.47Chapter CHAPTER 4: --- PROTOCOL ENHANCEMENT ON VARIOUS ASPECTS --- p.48Chapter 4.1. --- Utilization Enhancement --- p.48Chapter 4.1.1. --- Improvement on Network Utilization --- p.50Chapter 4.1.2. --- Network Delay Performance --- p.52Chapter 4.1.3. --- Conclusions --- p.53Chapter 4.2. --- Capture Effect --- p.53Chapter 4.2.1. --- Solution by Varying Ts --- p.54Chapter 4.2.2. --- Simulations --- p.55Chapter 4.2.3. --- Conclusions --- p.58Chapter 4.3. --- Introducing Cos to existing network --- p.59Chapter 4.3.1. --- Principle --- p.59Chapter 4.3.2. --- Simulation Model --- p.60Chapter 4.3.3. --- Utilization Performance --- p.61Chapter 4.3.4. --- Delay Performance --- p.64Chapter 4.3.5. --- Conclusions --- p.68Chapter CHAPTER 5: --- CONCLUSIONS --- p.69Chapter 5.1. --- Thesis Summary --- p.69Chapter 5.2. --- Future Work --- p.71REFERENCES --- p.7

    Design and Performance Analysis of Functional Split in Virtualized Access Networks

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    abstract: Emerging modular cable network architectures distribute some cable headend functions to remote nodes that are located close to the broadcast cable links reaching the cable modems (CMs) in the subscriber homes and businesses. In the Remote- PHY (R-PHY) architecture, a Remote PHY Device (RPD) conducts the physical layer processing for the analog cable transmissions, while the headend runs the DOCSIS medium access control (MAC) for the upstream transmissions of the distributed CMs over the shared cable link. In contrast, in the Remote MACPHY (R-MACPHY) ar- chitecture, a Remote MACPHY Device (RMD) conducts both the physical and MAC layer processing. The dissertation objective is to conduct a comprehensive perfor- mance comparison of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures. Also, development of analytical delay models for the polling-based MAC with Gated bandwidth alloca- tion of Poisson traffic in the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures and conducting extensive simulations to assess the accuracy of the analytical model and to evaluate the delay-throughput performance of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures for a wide range of deployment and operating scenarios. Performance evaluations ex- tend to the use of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) as transport network between remote nodes and headend. The results show that for long CIN distances above 100 miles, the R-MACPHY architecture achieves significantly shorter mean up- stream packet delays than the R-PHY architecture, especially for bursty traffic. The extensive comparative R-PHY and R-MACPHY comparative evaluation can serve as a basis for the planning of modular broadcast cable based access networks.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Resource management in cable access networks

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    Een kabelnetwerk is tegenwoordig niet meer alleen een medium waarover analoge TV-signalen vanuit een centraal punt, kopstation genaamd, naar de aangesloten huizen worden gestuurd. Sinds enkele jaren is het mogelijk om thuis data digitaal te versturen en te ontvangen. Deze data gaat via een kabelmodem thuis en het kopstation, dat in verbinding staat met andere netwerken. Op deze wijze zijn kabelnetwerken onderdeel geworden van het wereldwijde Internet en kunnen computers thuis hier mee verbonden worden. Door aan zo’n kopstation een digitaal videosysteem met duizenden films te koppelen, ontstaat er de mogelijkheid een video-op-verzoek dienst aan te bieden: Via de computer of zelfs de TV thuis kunnen films worden besteld en direct bekeken, of worden opgeslagen in de computer. Om dit te bewerkstelligen is meer nodig dan alleen een netwerk: Voor de transmissie van video data dient er zorg voor te worden gedragen dat deze zonder hinderende interrupties kan geschieden, omdat dergelijke gebeurtenissen door de gebruiker direct te zien zijn in de vorm van een stilstaand of zwart beeld. Verder is ook de reactiesnelheid van het systeem van belang voor het ondersteunen van operaties door de gebruiker, zoals het bestellen van een film, maar ook het vooruit- of terugspoelen, pauzeren, enzovoorts. Binnen deze context beschrijven en analyseren we in dit proefschrift zes problemen. Vier daarvan houden verband met de transmissie van data over het kabelnetwerk en de overige twee houden verband met het opslaan van video data op een harde schijf. In twee van de vier problemen uit de eerste categorie analyseren we de vertraging die data ondervindt wanneer die vanuit een modem wordt gestuurd naar het kopstation. Deze vertraging bepaalt met name de reactiesnelheid van het systeem. Karakteristiek voor dataverkeer in deze richting is dat pakketten van verschillende modems tegelijkertijd mogen worden verstuurd en daardoor verloren gaan. Met name de vereiste hertransmissies zorgen voor vertraging. Meer concreet beschouwen we een variant op het bekende ALOHA protocol, waarbij we uitgaan van een kanaalmodel dat afwijkt van het conventionele model. Het afwijkende model is van toepassing wanneer een modem een eerste contact probeert te leggen met het kopstation na te zijn opgestart. Met name na een stroomuitval, wanneer een groot aantal modems tegelijkertijd opnieuw opstart, kunnen de vertragingen aanzienlijk zijn. Daarnaast beschouwen we modems tijdens normale operatie en analyseren wij de verbetering in vertraging wanneer pakketten die vanuit ´e´en modem moeten worden verstuurd, worden verpakt in een groter pakket. In beide studies worden wiskundige resultaten vergeleken met simulaties die re¨ele situaties nabootsen. In de andere twee van de vier problemen richten wij ons op de transmissie van video data in de andere richting, namelijk van het kopstation naar de modems. Hierbij spelen stringente tijdsrestricties een voorname rol, zoals hierboven reeds is beschreven. Meer specifiek presenteren we een planningsalgoritme dat pakketten voor een aantal gebruikers op een kanaal zodanig na elkaar verstuurt dat de variatie in de vertraging die de verschillende pakketten ondervinden, minimaal is. Op deze wijze wordt zo goed mogelijk een continue stroom van data gerealiseerd die van belang is voor het probleemloos kunnen bekijken van een film. Daarnaast analyseren we een bestaand algoritme om een film via een aantal kanalen periodiek naar de aangesloten huizen te versturen. In dit geval ligt de nadruk op de wachttijd die een gebruiker ondervindt na het bestellen van een film. In deze analyse onderbouwen we een in het algoritme gebruikte heuristiek en brengen hierin verdere verbeteringen aan. Daarnaast bewijzen we dat het algoritme asymptotisch optimaal is, iets dat reeds langer werd aangenomen, maar nooit rigoreus bewezen was. Bij de laatste twee problemen, die verband houden met het opslaan van video data op een harde schijf, analyseren we hoe deze data zodanig kan worden opgeslagen dat die er nadien efficient van kan worden teruggelezen. In het ene probleem beschouwen we een bestaand planningsalgoritme om pakketten van verschillende videostromen naar een harde schijf te schrijven en passen dit aan om ervoor te zorgen dat het teruglezen van de stroom met bijvoorbeeld een andere pakketgrootte mogelijk wordt zonder daarbij de schijf onnodig te belasten. In het andere probleem analyseren we hoe we effectief gebruik kunnen maken van het gegeven dat data aan de buitenkant van de schijf sneller gelezen kan worden dan aan de binnenkant. We bewijzen dat het probleem van het zo efficient mogelijk opslaan van een gegeven aantal video files NPlastig is en presenteren een eenvoudige heuristiek die, hoewel voor bijzondere instanties een bewijsbaar slechte prestatie levert, in de praktijk in het algemeen goede prestaties levert. Hierbij maken we met name gebruik van het verschil in populariteit van de verschillende films

    Internet Access and QoS in Ad Hoc Networks

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    It is likely that the increased popularity of wireless local area networks (WLANs) together with the continuous technological advances in wireless communication, also increase the interest for ad hoc networks. An ad hoc network is a wireless, autonomous, infrastructure-less network composed of stations that communicate with each other directly in a peer-to-peer fashion. When discussing mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), we often refer to an ad hoc network where the stations cooperate in forwarding packets on behalf of each other to allow communication beyond their transmission range over multi-hop paths. In order to realize the practical benefits of ad hoc networks, two challenges (among others) need to be considered: distributed quality of service (QoS) guarantees and multi-hop Internet access. This thesis presents conceivable solutions to both of these problems. The first two papers focus on the network layer and consider the provisioning of Internet access to ad hoc networks whereas the last two papers focus on the data link layer and investigate the provisioning of QoS to ad hoc networks. The first paper studies the interconnection between a MANET and the Internet. In addition, it evaluates three approaches for gateway discovery, which can be initiated by the gateway (proactive method), by the mobile station (reactive method) or by mixing these two approaches (hybrid method). The second paper also studies Internet access for MANETs, but with focus on micro mobility, i.e. mobile stations moving from one gateway to another. In particular, it evaluates a solution that allows mobile stations to access the Internet and roam from gateway to gateway. The third paper, gives an overview of the medium access mechanisms in IEEE 802.11 and their QoS limitations. Moreover, it proposes an enhancement to the contention-free medium access mechanism of IEEE 802.11e to provide QoS guarantees in WLANs operating in ad hoc network configuration. The fourth paper continues the work from the third paper by enhancing the scheme and dealing with the problems that occur due to hidden stations. Furthermore, it discusses how to deal with the problems that occur when moving from single-hop ad hoc networks (i.e. WLANs in ad hoc network configuration) to multi-hop ad hoc networks

    Design and Analysis of Green Mission-Critical Fiber-Wireless Broadband Access Networks

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    In recent years, the ever-increasing environmental friendliness concern has made energy efficiency in telecom networks as an important theme in their operations. Meanwhile, mission-critical (MC) services and systems (such as healthcare, police, and firefighting) have been acquiring special attention from telecom designers and operators. The currently deployed MC network technologies are indigent in terms of bandwidth capacity, and thus they are not able to support the emerging MC multimedia applications. Therefore in this thesis, we first explore the possibility of provisioning the MC services over the integration of fiber-wireless (FiWi) technologies, which has been considered as a promising candidate for the deployment of high-speed and mobile broadband access networks. We then investigate the energy efficiency problem in the FiWi integration, which consists of WiMAX in the wireless plane, and of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) - the most popular variant of the next-generation PON (NG-PON) technology, in the optical plane. In WiMAX, the energy saving protocol has been extensively investigated and standardized. Conversely, it has been recently studied in NG-PON, which currently consumes the least power among all the high-speed access networks. However, NG-PON has notably matured in the past few years and is envisioned to massively evolve in the near future. This trend will increase the power requirements of NG-PON and make it no longer coveted. Therefore we address the energy efficiency problem in NG-PON. For each of our contributions, we conduct extensive simulations to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed solutions

    Quality of service in WiMAX networks

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesO acesso à banda larga é um requisito importante na actualidade para satisfazer os utilizadores em termos de novas aplicações e serviços em tempo real. O WiMAX, como tecnologia sem fios para áreas metropolitanas, prometendo cobrir uma maior superfície e com maior débito, é uma tecnologia promissora para as redes de próxima geração. No entanto um requisito importante para a instalação e massificação desta tecnologia é o seu comportamento a nível de qualidade de serviços e garantia aos utilizadores do cumprimento eficiente dos requisitos de QoS. Esta tese aborda e estuda o suporte de qualidade de serviços para redes WiMAX presente em diferentes modelos de simulação, implementados na ferramenta de simulação ns-2. Para além da validação e comparação entre os modelos existentes, também é efectuada a especificação e implementação de uma solução de QoS composta por um classificador e escalonador, e é proposto e avaliado um algoritmo de escalonamento que utiliza prioritização de classes de serviço e informação física dinâmica “cross layer” para decisões de escalonamento no simulador. Para validar e avaliar as soluções propostas e desenvolvidas, um conjunto de cenários orientados para a utilização de vários serviços e aferição de métricas de QoS foram simulados. Os resultados obtidos mostram a diferenciação entre distintas classes de tráfego. O mecanismo proposto apresenta um pequeno ganho em débito e latência comparativamente às soluções previamente analisadas/implementadas. ABSTRACT: Broadband access is an important requirement to satisfy user demands and support a new set of real time services and applications. WiMAX, as a Broadband Wireless Access solution for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks, covering large distances with high throughputs, is a promising technology for Next Generation Networks. Nevertheless, for the successful deployment and massification of WiMAX based solutions, Quality of Service (QoS) is a mandatory feature that must be supported. In this thesis , the QoS support for WiMAX in ns-2 simulation software is addressed. A QoS framework, composed by a packet classification mechanism and a scheduler, has been specified and implemented on the simulator, providing service differentiation over WiMAX networks. Furthermore, validation and comparison of different IEEE 802.16 simulation models is provided. Finally a scheduling solution is proposed and evaluated that uses prioritization and dynamic cross layer information for schedulling decisions in WiMAX networks. In order to validate the developed solutions, a set of QoS oriented scenarios have been simulated and the obtained results show that the implemented schedullers are able to efficiently differentiate between the different traffic classes and achieve gains in throughput and delay

    A MAC protocol for IP-based CDMA wireless networks.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2005.The evolution of the intemet protocol (IP) to offer quality of service (QoS) makes it a suitable core network protocol for next generation networks (NGN). The QoS features incorporated to IP will enable future lP-based wireless networks to meet QoS requirements of various multimedia traffic. The Differentiated Service (Diffserv) Architecture is a promising QoS technology due to its scalability which arises from traffic flow aggregates. For this reason, in this dissertation a network infrastructure based on DiffServ is assumed. This architecture provides assured service (AS) and premium service (PrS) classes in addition to best-effort service (BE). The medium access control (MAC) protocol is one of the important design issues in wireless networks. In a wireless network carrying multimedia traffic, the MAC protocol is required to provide simultaneous support for a wide variety of traffic types, support traffic with delay and jitter bounds, and assign bandwidth in an efficient and fair manner among traffic classes. Several MAC protocols capable of supporting multimedia services have been proposed in the literature, the majority of which were designed for wireless A1M (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). The focus of this dissertation is on time division multiple access and code division multiple access (TDMAlCDMA) based MAC protocols that support QoS in lP-based wireless networks. This dissertation begins by giving a survey of wireless MAC protocols. The survey considers MAC protocols for centralised wireless networks and classifies them according to their multiple access technology and as well as their method of resource sharing. A novel TDMAlCDMA based MAC protocol incorporating techniques from existing protocols is then proposed. To provide the above-mentioned services, the bandwidth is partitioned amongst AS and PrS classes. The BE class utilizes the remaining bandwidth from the two classes because it does not have QoS requirements. The protocol employs a demand assignment (DA) scheme to support traffic from PrS and AS classes. BE traffic is supported by a random reservation access scheme with dual multiple access interference (MAl) admission thresholds. The performance of the protocol, i.e. the AS or PrS call blocking probability, and BE throughput are evaluated through Markov analytical models and Monte-Carlo simulations. Furthermore, the protocol is modified and incorporated into IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless access (BWA) network