5 research outputs found

    Risk Mitigation Framework Considering Low Frequency Events Involving Mobile Entities

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    The focus of this thesis is to develop a risk mitigation methodology for events which are less frequent. This will help to prevent accidents between personnel and material handling equipment inside a manufacturing environment. The emphasis is on mitigating risk associated with leading indicators of an incident so that the methodology is proactive in nature. While there are various risk prevention techniques available in the literature, the low frequency events are overlooked very easily. Following a failure to apply regular Risk Prioritization Number (RPN) a new Risk Prioritization Number is developed and validated. We call the new risk assessment method as Low Frequency(LF) technique and it uses the term ’Controllability’ as an alternative to ’Probability of occurrence’. The LF technique with its emphasis on scheduling and routing flexibility addresses this need. The four-phase methodology is presented to enhance the risk mitigation framework. The first phase defines the scope by estimating near miss and events pertained to a particular area. It also demarcates the region into nodes based on each and every entry and exit point to the region. The second phase involves data collection utilizing the historical data and expert’s opinion. The third phase maps the assessment of the collected data using analysis tool in MATLAB and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to prioritize the risks. The fourth phase addresses the solution based on the prioritized risks from the previous phase. The developed framework was tested in a large manufacturing plant and the results prove that this framework identified 10% more risk which the company had not identified which had the possibility to cause accident which are less frequent


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    Dans le contexte économique et compétitif actuel, les approches d’ingénierie intégrée ont apparu pour une meilleure gestion et organisation du cycle de vie des produits. Dans ce contexte la prise en compte des variabilités et leurs interdépendances a été démontré comme étant indispensable à l’amélioration de performance (coût, risque, qualité, …). Bien que l’amélioration de la conception, et la maîtrise de leurs variations soient souvent au coeur de ces travaux de recherche, il est impératif de poursuivre l’effet de ces variations redoutées au cours de la production. Pour cela le meilleur moyen reste l’inspection, par le contrôle de conformité du produit, et le suivi du processus de fabrication. Pour l’élaboration d’un plan d’inspection optimal, un cadre méthodologique est proposé qui permet une prise de décision opérationnelle par l’intervention des outils opérationnels et assure la satisfaction des objectifs stratégiques (réduction des coûts, amélioration de la qualité, augmentation de la productivité, …). Première activité de ce cadre est l’identification des caractéristiques clés à contrôler/suivre. Pour intégrer cette activité, les outils AMDEC, KC flowdown, sont retenus suite à une synthèse approfondie de la littérature. Cependant ces outils représentent certains manques à compenser et font l’objet de certaines modifications (adaptations) pour convenir au mieux aux besoins de cadre méthodologique proposé. L’intégration d’AMDEC et de KC flowdown aboutit à un nouvel outil présenté en détail nommé ACDE (Analyse de la Causalité, des Défaillance, et leurs Effets) dans le cadre de la planification d’inspection « au juste nécessaire »

    Análise e avaliação de riscos para a segurança e saúde no trabalho do processo frutícola pós-colheita

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    A presente dissertação propõe a realização de uma Análise e Avaliação de Risco para a Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho do processo frutícola pós-colheita. Este trabalho visa analisar e avaliar todos os perigos e riscos a que os trabalhadores estão sujeitos aquando da execução das seis atividades que constituem o processo. As atividades estudadas foram: a receção e pesagem da fruta vinda do campo, tratamento pós-colheita, armazenagem da fruta em câmaras de refrigeração de frio normal e atmosfera controlada, calibragem da fruta, embalamento da fruta e expedição da fruta. Neste estudo, a Análise e Avaliação de Risco foi realizada recorrendo à metodologia FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) abrangendo as diferentes atividades que fazem parte do processo frutícola pós-colheita, de modo a identificar os modos de falha, os efeitos e as suas causas. Foram detetados 14 modos de falha. Para auxiliar a deteção dos modos de falha mais críticos foi utilizado o Diagrama de Pareto. Após a análise do Diagrama de Pareto foram identificados os 6 modos de falha que necessitam de uma intervenção prioritária. Por fim, foram sugeridas ações de melhoria para todos os 14 modos de falha

    A BIM-based Approach for Predictive Safety Planning in the Construction Industry

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    The number of safety incidents in the construction industry is higher than that in most of the other industries. These safety incidents can be attributed to a lack of information and training. The new line of thinking in management has been moving toward predictive decision-making methods with the aid of artificial intelligence (AI). In this regard, the construction industry has been lagging on embracing modern management concepts. Hence, it is vital to re-engineer construction management to be on par with industries such as manufacturing. Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be recognized as the most promising technology that is introduced to the construction sector in the recent past. The information contained in a BIM model can be manipulated to aid construction safety management. This research presents BIM-based methods for predictive safety planning in the construction industry. At first, a comprehensive review of construction management challenges was conducted. This review revealed that although there are some studies regarding BIM-based predictive decision-making, still some knowledge gaps can be mentioned in the safety management of construction workers and building residents. To address the mentioned challenges, at first, this study integrates BIM with fuzzy logic to improve predictive safety planning to reduce the safety incidents in the construction projects. A Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) was developed based on the causality of safety incidents. The FIS extracts construction project data from BIM models while automatically assessing the risk of each potential hazard and also the total risk of a project. The proposed method enables construction managers to prevent construction incidents and enhance the health and safety of construction workers. Furthermore, this study develops a methodological framework for rule checking and the safety-focused ruleset for BIM-enabled building construction projects in Ontario, Canada. Identified safety standards were defined in Solibri Model checker software as a ruleset. The outcomes of this section will ensure the occupant’s safety through a proper design. Moreover, the findings of this will support promoting BIM in the Canadian construction industry

    Planeamento da manutenção após Phase-Out das aeronaves Alpha Jet da Força Aérea Portuguesa

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    Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Mecânica, perfil de Manutenção e ProduçãoO Phase-Out de um bem, ou ativo, compreende a sua descontinuação e final de operação, podendo, no entanto, esse marco não ter um destino final definido. Por isso, esta tomada de decisão passará pelos vários critérios e cenários, confrontando-se com o dilema de viabilizar a extensão do período de exploração ou encontrar cenários alternativos para a sua utilização, baseados no elevado custo de certos bens e das ações a executar. Baseado neste contexto, importa saber a viabilidade do prolongamento de operação do bem? Quais as variáveis comprometedoras desse prolongamento? Que ferramentas de análise a utilizar? Quais os cenários a serem considerados? O presente trabalho tem como propósito desenvolver um modelo de suporte à decisão utilizando uma abordagem multicritério para criação de valor, em termos de planeamento de manutenção, que ajude a responder às questões já referidas, permitindo assim avaliar a viabilidade do prolongamento da operacionalidade de uma frota de aeronaves e. O modelo proposto baseia-se em três pilares: Identificação do Problema, Análise de Risco e Estratégia de Resposta, que permitem identificar o que compromete a continuidade de operação da frota e analisar as várias alternativas possíveis ao seu destino final, de maneira a criar valor. O modelo proposto será aplicado à frota Alpha Jet da Força Aérea Portuguesa, que está em período Phase-Out e deixará de operar em Janeiro de 2018, não tendo, no entanto, uma solução definida para o final da frota. Como forma de enquadramento são apresentados os elementos que influenciam a disponibilidade operacional dos bens. É caraterizada a metodologia RCM, e a sua importância na indústria da manutenção aeronáutica, metodologia de seleção da estratégia de manutenção baseada no comportamento das falhas dos bens, através da ferramenta FMEA. São também caraterizadas as ferramentas de suporte à decisão multicritério, AHP e TOPSIS, com o intuito de hierarquização e seleção da alternativa mais próxima do ideal.The Phase-Out of a good, or asset, comprises its discontinuation and the end of operation, however, this milestone may not have a defined destination. Therefore, this decision-making process will go through several criteria and scenarios, confronting the dilemma of making feasible the extension of the exploration period or finding alternative scenarios for its use, based on the high cost of certain assets and the actions to be performed. Based on this context, it is important to understand if it is feasible or not the operational extension of a good? Which variables could compromise this extension? Which analysis tools can be used? Which scenarios to be consider? The purpose of the present dissertation is to develop a decision support model using a multicriteria approach to create value, in terms of maintenance planning, that will help to answer the already mentioned questions, thus allowing the evaluation of the operational extension feasibility of an aircraft fleet. The proposed model is based on three pillars: Problem Identification, Risk Analysis and Response Strategy, which allowed to identify what could compromise the continuity of operation of the fleet and to analyze several possible alternatives to the final destination, in order to select the closest alternative to the ideal one, which creates more value. The proposed model will be applied to the Alpha Jet fleet of the Portuguese Air Force, which is in the Phase-Out period and will cease to operate in January 2018, but without a defined solution for the end of the fleet. As a way of framing, it is presented the elements that influence the operational availability of the goods. It is characterized the RCM, and its importance in the aeronautical maintenance industry, as a methodology to determine the maintenance strategy based on the goods failure behaviors, through the tool FMEA. There are also presented the multicriteria decision-making support tools, AHP and TOPSIS, with the purpose of hierarchizing and selecting the alternative which is the closest to the ideal alternative.N/