10 research outputs found

    Bases for the Creation of Ontology in the Context of Archaeology

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    Interaktive Suchprozesse in komplexen Arbeitssituationen - Ein Retrieval Framework

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    In recent years a steady increase of information produced in organizations can be noticed. In order to stay competitive, companies have a growing interest in reusing existing knowledge from past projects. Furthermore, a complete picture of the available information is necessary to be able to make informed decisions. The variety and complexity of information in modern organizations often exceeds the capabilities of the currently deployed enterprise search solutions. The reasons for that are manifold and range from non-linked information from multiple software systems to missing functionality to support users during search tasks. Existing search engines often do not support the search paradigms necessary in these environments. On many occasions, users are not aware of the results they will find during the formulation of the search queries. Additionally, the aspect of knowledge building and the identification of new insights into the available data is a priority for the users. Therefore, search paradigms are useful to provide users with tools that support exploratory navigation in a data set and help them to recognize relationships between search results. The goal of this publication is the introduction of a framework that supports exploratory searches in an organizational setting. The described LFRP-framework is built on top of four pillars. 1. The multi-layer functionality allows users to formulate complex search queries referring to more than one result type. Therewith, it enables search queries that - starting from a set of relevant projects - allow selections of documents that are linked to these projects. 2. The search paradigm of faceted searching supports users in formulating search queries incrementally by offering dynamic and valid filter criteria that avoid empty result sets. 3. By combining the concept of faceted search with the capability to influence the search result order based on filter criteria, users can define in a fine-grained way which criteria values shall be weighted stronger or weaker in the search results. The interaction with the ranking is conducted transparently by the so-called user preference functions. 4. The last pillar consists of the visualization type of parallel coordinates covering two tasks in the search user interface of the LFRP-Framework. On the one hand, users formulate their search queries solely graphically in the parallel coordinates and on the other hand they obtain a visual representation of the search results and are able to discover relationships between search results and their facets. The framework is introduced formally from a query model point of view as well as a prototypical implementation. It enables users to access large linked data sets by navigation and constitutes a contribution to a comprehensive information strategy for organizations.Seit einigen Jahren ist ein stetiges Ansteigen der Menge an Informationen, die in Unternehmen erzeugt werden, festzustellen. Um als Unternehmen wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, ist es notwendig, vorhandenes Wissen wiederzuverwenden, um aus vergangenen Projektergebnissen profitieren zu können. Weiterhin ist ein vollständiges Informationsbild unabdingbar, um informierte Entscheidungen treffen zu können. Die Informationsvielfalt in modernen Unternehmen übersteigt häufig die Fähigkeiten aktuell anzutreffender unternehmensweiter Suchlösungen. Die Gründe hierfür sind vielfältig und reichen von nicht verknüpften Informationen aus verschiedenen Softwaresystemen bis hin zu fehlenden Funktionen, um den Nutzer bei der Suche zu unterstützen. Vorhandene Suchfunktionen im Unternehmen unterstützen häufig nicht die Suchparadigmen, die in diesem Umfeld notwendig sind. Vielfach ist den Suchenden bei der Formulierung ihrer Suchanfrage nicht bekannt, welche Ergebnisse sie finden werden. Stattdessen steht der Aspekt des Wissensaufbaus und der Gewinnung neuer Einsichten in den vorhandenen Daten im Vordergrund. Hierzu werden Suchparadigmen benötigt, die dem Nutzer Werkzeuge zur Verfügung stellen, die ein exploratives Navigieren im Datenbestand erlauben und ihnen bei der Erkennung von Zusammenhängen in den Suchergebnissen unterstützen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Vorstellung eines Rahmenwerks, dass explorative Suchvorhaben im Unternehmensumfeld unterstützt. Das beschriebene LFRP-Framework baut auf vier Säulen auf. 1. Die Multi-Layer Funktionalität erlaubt es Nutzern, komplexe Suchanfragen zu formulieren, die sich auf mehr als einen Ergebnistyp beziehen. Dies ermöglicht beispielsweise Suchabfragen, die - ausgehend von einer Menge von relevanten vergangenen Projekten - Selektionen auf den dazugehörigen Dokumenten erlauben. 2. Das Suchparadigma der facettierten Suche unterstützt Nutzer bei der inkrementellen Formulierung von Suchanfragen mithilfe von dynamisch angebotenen Filterkriterien und vermeidet leere Ergebnismengen durch die Bereitstellung gültiger Filterkriterien. 3. Die Erweiterung der facettierten Suche um die Möglichkeit, die Suchergebnisreihenfolge basierend auf Filterkriterien zu beeinflussen, erlaubt es Nutzern feingranular vorzugeben, welche Kriterienausprägungen im Suchergebnis stärker gewichtet werden sollen. Für den Nutzer geschieht die Beeinflussung des Rankings transparent über sogenannte Nutzerpräferenzfunktionen. 4. Die letzte Säule umfasst die Visualisierung der parallelen Koordinaten, die in der Suchoberfläche des LFRP-Frameworks zwei Aufgaben übernimmt. Zum einen formuliert der Nutzer damit die Suchanfrage ausschließlich grafisch über die Visualisierung und zum anderen erhält er eine grafische Repräsentation der Suchergebnisse und kann so leichter Beziehungen zwischen Suchergebnissen und deren Facetten erkennen. Das Framework, welches in dieser Arbeit formal aus Sicht des Anfragemodells sowie als prototypische Umsetzung betrachtet wird, ermöglicht Nutzern den navigierenden Zugriff auf große vernetze Datenbestände und stellt einen Baustein einer umfassenden Informationsstrategie für Unternehmen dar

    Improving Search Effectiveness through Query Log and Entity Mining

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    The Web is the largest repository of knowledge in the world. Everyday people contribute to make it bigger by generating new web data. Data never sleeps. Every minute someone writes a new blog post, uploads a video or comments on an article. Usually people rely on Web Search Engines for satisfying their information needs: they formulate their needs as text queries and they expect a list of highly relevant documents answering their requests. Being able to manage this massive volume of data, ensuring high quality and performance, is a challenging topic that we tackle in this thesis. In this dissertation we focus on the Web of Data: a recent approach, originated from the Semantic Web community, consisting in a collective effort to augment the existing Web with semistructured-data. We propose to manage the data explosion shifting from a retrieval model based on documents to a model enriched with entities, where an entity can describe a person, a product, a location, a company, through semi-structured information. In our work, we combine the Web of Data with an important source of knowledge: query logs, which record the interactions between the Web Search Engine and the users. Query log mining aims at extracting valuable knowledge that can be exploited to enhance users’ search experience. According to this vision, this dissertation aims at improving Web Search Engines toward the mutual use of query logs and entities. The contributions of this work are the following: we show how historical usage data can be exploited for improving performance during the snippet generation process. Secondly, we propose a query recommender system that, by combining entities with queries, leads to significant improvements to the quality of the suggestions. Furthermore, we develop a new technique for estimating the relatedness between two entities, i.e., their semantic similarity. Finally, we show that entities may be useful for automatically building explanatory statements that aim at helping the user to better understand if, and why, the suggested item can be of her interest

    Understanding people through the aggregation of their digital footprints

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 160-172).Every day, millions of people encounter strangers online. We read their medical advice, buy their products, and ask them out on dates. Yet our views of them are very limited; we see individual communication acts rather than the person(s) as a whole. This thesis contends that socially-focused machine learning and visualization of archived digital footprints can improve the capacity of social media to help form impressions of online strangers. Four original designs are presented that each examine the social fabric of a different existing online world. The designs address unique perspectives on the problem of and opportunities offered by online impression formation. The first work, Is Britney Spears Span?, examines a way of prototyping strangers on first contact by modeling their past behaviors across a social network. Landscape of Words identifies cultural and topical trends in large online publics. Personas is a data portrait that characterizes individuals by collating heterogenous textual artifacts. The final design, Defuse, navigates and visualizes virtual crowds using metrics grounded in sociology. A reflection on these experimental endeavors is also presented, including a formalization of the problem and considerations for future research. A meta-critique by a panel of domain experts completes the discussion.by Aaron Robert Zinman.Ph.D

    Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction towards E-shopping in Malaysia

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    Online shopping or e-shopping has changed the world of business and quite a few people have decided to work with these features. What their primary concerns precisely and the responses from the globalisation are the competency of incorporation while doing their businesses. E-shopping has also increased substantially in Malaysia in recent years. The rapid increase in the e-commerce industry in Malaysia has created the demand to emphasize on how to increase customer satisfaction while operating in the e-retailing environment. It is very important that customers are satisfied with the website, or else, they would not return. Therefore, a crucial fact to look into is that companies must ensure that their customers are satisfied with their purchases that are really essential from the ecommerce’s point of view. With is in mind, this study aimed at investigating customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed among students randomly selected from various public and private universities located within Klang valley area. Total 369 questionnaires were returned, out of which 341 questionnaires were found usable for further analysis. Finally, SEM was employed to test the hypotheses. This study found that customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia is to a great extent influenced by ease of use, trust, design of the website, online security and e-service quality. Finally, recommendations and future study direction is provided. Keywords: E-shopping, Customer satisfaction, Trust, Online security, E-service quality, Malaysia