193 research outputs found

    Healthcare Robotics

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    Robots have the potential to be a game changer in healthcare: improving health and well-being, filling care gaps, supporting care givers, and aiding health care workers. However, before robots are able to be widely deployed, it is crucial that both the research and industrial communities work together to establish a strong evidence-base for healthcare robotics, and surmount likely adoption barriers. This article presents a broad contextualization of robots in healthcare by identifying key stakeholders, care settings, and tasks; reviewing recent advances in healthcare robotics; and outlining major challenges and opportunities to their adoption.Comment: 8 pages, Communications of the ACM, 201

    How a Diverse Research Ecosystem Has Generated New Rehabilitation Technologies: Review of NIDILRR’s Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers

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    Over 50 million United States citizens (1 in 6 people in the US) have a developmental, acquired, or degenerative disability. The average US citizen can expect to live 20% of his or her life with a disability. Rehabilitation technologies play a major role in improving the quality of life for people with a disability, yet widespread and highly challenging needs remain. Within the US, a major effort aimed at the creation and evaluation of rehabilitation technology has been the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research. As envisioned at their conception by a panel of the National Academy of Science in 1970, these centers were intended to take a “total approach to rehabilitation”, combining medicine, engineering, and related science, to improve the quality of life of individuals with a disability. Here, we review the scope, achievements, and ongoing projects of an unbiased sample of 19 currently active or recently terminated RERCs. Specifically, for each center, we briefly explain the needs it targets, summarize key historical advances, identify emerging innovations, and consider future directions. Our assessment from this review is that the RERC program indeed involves a multidisciplinary approach, with 36 professional fields involved, although 70% of research and development staff are in engineering fields, 23% in clinical fields, and only 7% in basic science fields; significantly, 11% of the professional staff have a disability related to their research. We observe that the RERC program has substantially diversified the scope of its work since the 1970’s, addressing more types of disabilities using more technologies, and, in particular, often now focusing on information technologies. RERC work also now often views users as integrated into an interdependent society through technologies that both people with and without disabilities co-use (such as the internet, wireless communication, and architecture). In addition, RERC research has evolved to view users as able at improving outcomes through learning, exercise, and plasticity (rather than being static), which can be optimally timed. We provide examples of rehabilitation technology innovation produced by the RERCs that illustrate this increasingly diversifying scope and evolving perspective. We conclude by discussing growth opportunities and possible future directions of the RERC program

    When technology cares for people with dementia:A critical review using neuropsychological rehabilitation as a conceptual framework

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    Clinicians and researchers have become increasingly interested in the potential of technology in assisting persons with dementia (PwD). However, several issues have emerged in relation to how studies have conceptualized who the main technology user is (PwD/carer), how technology is used (as compensatory, environment modification, monitoring or retraining tool), why it is used (i.e., what impairments and/or disabilities are supported) and what variables have been considered as relevant to support engagement with technology. In this review we adopted a Neuropsychological Rehabilitation perspective to analyse 253 studies reporting on technological solutions for PwD. We analysed purposes/uses, supported impairments and disabilities and how engagement was considered. Findings showed that the most frequent purposes of technology use were compensation and monitoring, supporting orientation, sequencing complex actions and memory impairments in a wide range of activities. The few studies that addressed the issue of engagement with technology considered how the ease of use, social appropriateness, level of personalization, dynamic adaptation and carers' mediation allowed technology to adapt to PWD's and carers' preferences and performance. Conceptual and methodological tools emerged as outcomes of the analytical process, representing an important contribution to understanding the role of technologies to increase PwD's wellbeing and orient future research.University of Huddersfield, under grants URF301-01 and URF506-01

    Smart and Pervasive Healthcare

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    Smart and pervasive healthcare aims at facilitating better healthcare access, provision, and delivery by overcoming spatial and temporal barriers. It represents a shift toward understanding what patients and clinicians really need when placed within a specific context, where traditional face-to-face encounters may not be possible or sufficient. As such, technological innovation is a necessary facilitating conduit. This book is a collection of chapters written by prominent researchers and academics worldwide that provide insights into the design and adoption of new platforms in smart and pervasive healthcare. With the COVID-19 pandemic necessitating changes to the traditional model of healthcare access and its delivery around the world, this book is a timely contribution

    Volet clinique de la conception et de l’évaluation d’une technologie d’assistance à la préparation de repas conçue avec et pour des personnes ayant subi un Traumatisme CranioCérébral (TCC) grave

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    Introduction : Au Canada, 100 000 personnes sont victimes d'un traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC) annuellement. Les 16-24 ans présentent l’un des taux d’incidence les plus élevés, ce qui signifie qu’une grande partie des victimes et ces personnes vivront en moyenne 50 ans avec les séquelles physiques et cognitives du TCC. De plus, 10% des personnes qui ont subi un traumatisme crânien souffriront des séquelles d’un TCC grave leur causant d’importantes difficultés de fonctionnement, particulièrement au niveau des activités plus complexes de la vie quotidienne, comme la préparation de repas. Les technologies d’assistance à la cognition (TAC) ont démontré leur pertinence pour faciliter le fonctionnement dans leurs habitudes de vie des personnes vivant avec les séquelles d’un TCC. Toutefois, aucune TAC spécifique à la préparation de repas et à cette clientèle n’est actuellement disponible. Méthodologie : La présente thèse présente le volet clinique de la conception d’une technologie d’assistance à la préparation des repas, conception réalisée dans le cadre d’un projet interdisciplinaire joignant les sciences de la réadaptation et de l’informatique. Cette technologie d’assistance nommée COOK (Cognitive Orthosis for coOKing) a été développée avec et pour des personnes qui ont subi un TCC grave vivant en résidence spécialisée. Une approche de conception centrée sur l’utilisateur a d’ailleurs été retenue et organise le projet en trois grandes étapes : 1- l’analyse des besoins 2- le design de la TAC et 3- l’évaluation de ses effets. Une analyse des besoins a d’abord été réalisée auprès des futurs utilisateurs ainsi qu’auprès des acteurs clés afin de dresser le profil des futurs utilisateurs, d’identifier les interventions pertinentes pour optimiser leur fonctionnement et pour ensuite traduire ces interventions en exigences cliniques pour faciliter le design. La phase de design a permis de développer une technologie basée sur les données probantes en réadaptation cognitive et répondant aux besoins spécifiques des futurs utilisateurs. Ces derniers ont d’ailleurs collaboré avec l’équipe tout au long de cette phase. COOK a ensuite été implanté chez les trois participants afin d’évaluer les effets de son utilisation à court et long terme (1, 3 et 6 mois post-implantation) et d’améliorer son utilisabilité. Résultats : Grâce à l’analyse des besoins, trois profils de futurs utilisateurs ont été dressés et les meilleures pratiques en réadaptation cognitive pour répondre à leurs besoins spécifiques ont été identifiées, facilitant ainsi la conception interdisciplinaire de COOK. Avec l’aide de COOK et d’interventions cliniques complémentaires, les trois participants ont tous repris la préparation des repas de façon sécuritaire. De plus, COOK a démontré une efficacité intéressante et les participants étaient satisfaits de la technologie, sauf auprès d’un participant qui ne voyait pas l’utilité pour lui. Conclusion : Cette technologie semble donc prometteuse pour la réadaptation et le maintien à domicile de clientèles présentant des incapacités cognitives. D’autres travaux seront nécessaires afin d’adapter cette technologie à d’autres clientèles et différents milieux de vie.Introduction: In Canada, 100,000 people suffer from traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. The incidence is highest in individuals between 16-24 years of age, which means that people living with TBI will live an average of 50 years with the physical and cognitive sequelae. Of these individuals, 5% will have sustained a severe TBI, which will cause significant difficulties in their functioning, particularly in complex daily activities such as meal preparation. Assistive Technology for Cognition (ATC) has been shown to have high potential to facilitate the functioning of people with TBI. However, no ATC for meal preparation is currently available or suitable for this clientele. Methodology: As part of an interdisciplinary project, combining the disciplines of rehabilitation and computer sciences, COOK (Cognitive Orthosis for coOKing), an assistive technology to support meal preparation, was designed with and for people with severe TBI. This thesis presents the clinical aspect of the conception. For the design phase, a user-centered design methodology was chosen and organized into 3 main steps: 1- ATC needs analysis 2-design, and 3- evaluation of usability. As a result, a needs analysis was first conducted with future users and key stakeholders (3 future users, their relatives, the staff of the living environment and their healthcare professionals, and key external stakeholders). The design addressed the needs of residents with evidence-based practice guidelines in the cognitive rehabilitation field and these were translated into technological features. Future users were constantly consulted throughout the design process. Next, COOK was implemented with 3 future users in order to evaluate and improve its usability (1-, 3- and 6-months post-implementation). In addition, COOK demonstrated interesting efficiency and participants were satisfied with the technology, except for one participant who did not see how COOK could be of use for him. Results: The 3 participants with severe TBI have all resumed safe meal preparation with COOK. This technology has high potential for rehabilitation and home care for clients with cognitive impairments. Further work will be necessary to adapt this technology to other clienteles and different living environments

    Technologies to support community-dwelling persons with dementia: a position paper on issues regarding development, usability, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, deployment, and ethics

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    Background: With the expected increase in the numbers of persons with dementia, providing timely, adequate, and affordable care and support is challenging. Assistive and health technologies may be a valuable contribution in dementia care, but new challenges may emerge. Objective: The aim of our study was to review the state of the art of technologies for persons with dementia regarding issues on development, usability, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, deployment, and ethics in 3 fields of application of technologies: (1) support with managing everyday life, (2) support with participating in pleasurable and meaningful activities, and (3) support with dementia health and social care provision. The study also aimed to identify gaps in the evidence and challenges for future research. Methods: Reviews of literature and expert opinions were used in our study. Literature searches were conducted on usability, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and ethics using PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and PsycINFO databases with no time limit. Selection criteria in our selected technology fields were reviews in English for community-dwelling persons with dementia. Regarding deployment issues, searches were done in Health Technology Assessment databases Results: According to our results, persons with dementia want to be included in the development of technologies; there is little research on the usability of assistive technologies; various benefits are reported but are mainly based on low-quality studies; barriers to deployment of technologies in dementia care were identified, and ethical issues were raised by researchers but often not studied. Many challenges remain such as including the target group more often in development, performing more high-quality studies on usability and effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, creating and having access to high-quality datasets on existing technologies to enable adequate deployment of technologies in dementia care, and ensuring that ethical issues are considered an important topic for researchers to include in their evaluation of assistive technologies. Conclusions: Based on these findings, various actions are recommended for development, usability, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, deployment, and ethics of assistive and health technologies across Europe. These include avoiding replication of technology development that is unhelpful or ineffective and focusing on how technologies succeed in addressing individual needs of persons with dementia. Furthermore, it is suggested to include these recommendations in national and international calls for funding and assistive technology research programs. Finally, practitioners, policy makers, care insurers, and care providers should work together with technology enterprises and researchers to prepare strategies for the implementation of assistive technologies in different care settings. This may help future generations of persons with dementia to utilize available and affordable technologies and, ultimately, to benefit from them
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