348 research outputs found

    Symposium franco-chinois de télédétection quantitative en agronomie et environnement. Bilan et perspectives de collaboration. Rapport de mission (26 au 30 mars 2000)

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    Ce rapport présente les principaux résultats d'un Symposium en Télédétection entre des équipes de chercheurs de l'INRA, du CIRAD, de l'Université de Lille et leurs homologues chinois de l'Institute of Remote Sensing Applications (IRSA) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), et du National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC). Les perspectives d'un programme de collaboration sont présentées avec deux axes majeurs correspondant à deux niveaux d'approche, régional et local en agriculture de précision. (Résumé d'auteur


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    This paper describes the semi-automated procedure implemented for the production of Water Quality Parameters (WQP) maps obtained processing Sentinel-3 and Landsat-8 imagery in the framework of SIMILE Interreg project. The processing chain includes the use of the C2RCC processor to obtain Chl-a (Chlorophyll-a) and TSM (Total Suspended Matter) and the Barsi method to produce maps of water surface temperature. The maps were filtered to exclude anomalous values due for example to clouds, water reflection (such as glint), or mixed pixels and compared to in-situ data. The filtering included an outlier rejection performed with the 36 rule. The values singled out as local anomalies where checked with respect to possible local behaviours, such as the presence of very small gulfs and inflow/outflow streams and providing guidelines with visual examples, to support the operator. The idea of a procedure as much as possible automated and guided is to foster the WQP maps production after the end of SIMILE project

    Institute for Remote Sensing Applications annual report 1990. EUR 14260

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    Institute or Remote Sensing Applications report 1992. EUR 15407 EN

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