103 research outputs found

    Redundancy and subsumption in high-level replacement systems

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    System verification in the broadest sense deals with those semantic properties that can be decided or deduced by analyzing a syntactical description of the system. Hence, one may consider the notions of redundancy and subsumption in this context as they are known from the area of rule-based systems. A rule is redundant if it can be removed without affecting the semantics of the system; it is subsumed by another rule if each application of the former one can be replaced by an application of the latter one with the same effect. In this paper, redundancy and subsumption are carried over from rule-based systems to high-level replacement systems, which in turn generalize graph and hypergraph grammars. The main results presented in this paper are a characterization of subsumption and a sufficient condition for redundancy, which involves composite productions.Postprint (published version

    String diagram rewrite theory II: Rewriting with symmetric monoidal structure

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    Symmetric monoidal theories (SMTs) generalise algebraic theories in a way that make them suitable to express resource-sensitive systems, in which variables cannot be copied or discarded at will. In SMTs, traditional tree-like terms are replaced by string diagrams, topological entities that can be intuitively thought of as diagrams of wires and boxes. Recently, string diagrams have become increasingly popular as a graphical syntax to reason about computational models across diverse fields, including programming language semantics, circuit theory, quantum mechanics, linguistics, and control theory. In applications, it is often convenient to implement the equations appearing in SMTs as rewriting rules. This poses the challenge of extending the traditional theory of term rewriting, which has been developed for algebraic theories, to string diagrams. In this paper, we develop a mathematical theory of string diagram rewriting for SMTs. Our approach exploits the correspondence between string diagram rewriting and double pushout (DPO) rewriting of certain graphs, introduced in the first paper of this series. Such a correspondence is only sound when the SMT includes a Frobenius algebra structure. In the present work, we show how an analogous correspondence may be established for arbitrary SMTs, once an appropriate notion of DPO rewriting (which we call convex) is identified. As proof of concept, we use our approach to show termination of two SMTs of interest: Frobenius semi-algebras and bialgebras

    Formal Foundations for Information-Preserving Model Synchronization Processes Based on Triple Graph Grammars

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    Zwischen verschiedenen Artefakten, die Informationen teilen, wieder Konsistenz herzustellen, nachdem eines von ihnen geändert wurde, ist ein wichtiges Problem, das in verschiedenen Bereichen der Informatik auftaucht. Mit dieser Dissertation legen wir eine Lösung für das grundlegende Modellsynchronisationsproblem vor. Bei diesem Problem ist ein Paar solcher Artefakte (Modelle) gegeben, von denen eines geändert wurde; Aufgabe ist die Wiederherstellung der Konsistenz. Tripelgraphgrammatiken (TGGs) sind ein etablierter und geeigneter Formalismus, um dieses und verwandte Probleme anzugehen. Da sie auf der algebraischen Theorie der Graphtransformation und dem (Double-)Pushout Zugang zu Ersetzungssystemen basieren, sind sie besonders geeignet, um Lösungen zu entwickeln, deren Eigenschaften formal bewiesen werden können. Doch obwohl TGG-basierte Ansätze etabliert sind, leiden viele von ihnen unter dem Problem des Informationsverlustes. Wenn ein Modell geändert wurde, können während eines Synchronisationsprozesses Informationen verloren gehen, die nur im zweiten Modell vorliegen. Das liegt daran, dass solche Synchronisationsprozesse darauf zurückfallen Konsistenz dadurch wiederherzustellen, dass sie das geänderte Modell (bzw. große Teile von ihm) neu übersetzen. Wir schlagen einen TGG-basierten Ansatz vor, der fortgeschrittene Features von TGGs unterstützt (Attribute und negative Constraints), durchgängig formalisiert ist, implementiert und inkrementell in dem Sinne ist, dass er den Informationsverlust im Vergleich mit vorherigen Ansätzen drastisch reduziert. Bisher gibt es keinen TGG-basierten Ansatz mit vergleichbaren Eigenschaften. Zentraler Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist es, diesen Ansatz formal auszuarbeiten und seine wesentlichen Eigenschaften, nämlich Korrektheit, Vollständigkeit und Termination, zu beweisen. Die entscheidende neue Idee unseres Ansatzes ist es, Reparaturregeln anzuwenden. Dies sind spezielle Regeln, die es erlauben, Änderungen an einem Modell direkt zu propagieren anstatt auf Neuübersetzung zurückzugreifen. Um diese Reparaturregeln erstellen und anwenden zu können, entwickeln wir grundlegende Beiträge zur Theorie der algebraischen Graphtransformation. Zunächst entwickeln wir eine neue Art der sequentiellen Komposition von Regeln. Im Gegensatz zur gewöhnlichen Komposition, die zu Regeln führt, die Elemente löschen und dann wieder neu erzeugen, können wir Regeln herleiten, die solche Elemente stattdessen bewahren. Technisch gesehen findet der Synchronisationsprozess, den wir entwickeln, außerdem in der Kategorie der partiellen Tripelgraphen statt und nicht in der der normalen Tripelgraphen. Daher müssen wir sicherstellen, dass die für Double-Pushout-Ersetzungssysteme ausgearbeitete Theorie immer noch gültig ist. Dazu entwickeln wir eine (kategorientheoretische) Konstruktion neuer Kategorien aus gegebenen und zeigen, dass (i) diese Konstruktion die Axiome erhält, die nötig sind, um die Theorie für Double-Pushout-Ersetzungssysteme zu entwickeln, und (ii) partielle Tripelgraphen als eine solche Kategorie konstruiert werden können. Zusammen ermöglichen diese beiden grundsätzlichen Beiträge es uns, unsere Lösung für das grundlegende Modellsynchronisationsproblem vollständig formal auszuarbeiten und ihre zentralen Eigenschaften zu beweisen.Restoring consistency between different information-sharing artifacts after one of them has been changed is an important problem that arises in several areas of computer science. In this thesis, we provide a solution to the basic model synchronization problem. There, a pair of such artifacts (models), one of which has been changed, is given and consistency shall be restored. Triple graph grammars (TGGs) are an established and suitable formalism to address this and related problems. Being based on the algebraic theory of graph transformation and (double-)pushout rewriting, they are especially suited to develop solutions whose properties can be formally proven. Despite being established, many TGG-based solutions do not satisfactorily deal with the problem of information loss. When one model is changed, in the process of restoring consistency such solutions may lose information that is only present in the second model because the synchronization process resorts to restoring consistency by re-translating (large parts of) the updated model. We introduce a TGG-based approach that supports advanced features of TGGs (attributes and negative constraints), is comprehensively formalized, implemented, and is incremental in the sense that it drastically reduces the amount of information loss compared to former approaches. Up to now, a TGG-based approach with these characteristics is not available. The central contribution of this thesis is to formally develop that approach and to prove its essential properties, namely correctness, completeness, and termination. The crucial new idea in our approach is the use of repair rules, which are special rules that allow one to directly propagate changes from one model to the other instead of resorting to re-translation. To be able to construct and apply these repair rules, we contribute more fundamentally to the theory of algebraic graph transformation. First, we develop a new kind of sequential rule composition. Whereas the conventional composition of rules leads to rules that delete and re-create elements, we can compute rules that preserve such elements instead. Furthermore, technically the setting in which the synchronization process we develop takes place is the category of partial triple graphs and not the one of ordinary triple graphs. Hence, we have to ensure that the elaborate theory of double-pushout rewriting still applies. Therefore, we develop a (category-theoretic) construction of new categories from given ones and show that (i) this construction preserves the axioms that are necessary to develop the theory of double-pushout rewriting and (ii) partial triple graphs can be constructed as such a category. Together, those two more fundamental contributions enable us to develop our solution to the basic model synchronization problem in a fully formal manner and to prove its central properties

    A Universal Machine for Biform Theory Graphs

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    Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of semantics-aware assistant systems for mathematics: proof assistants express the semantic in logic and emphasize deduction, and computer algebra systems express the semantics in programming languages and emphasize computation. Combining the complementary strengths of both approaches while mending their complementary weaknesses has been an important goal of the mechanized mathematics community for some time. We pick up on the idea of biform theories and interpret it in the MMTt/OMDoc framework which introduced the foundations-as-theories approach, and can thus represent both logics and programming languages as theories. This yields a formal, modular framework of biform theory graphs which mixes specifications and implementations sharing the module system and typing information. We present automated knowledge management work flows that interface to existing specification/programming tools and enable an OpenMath Machine, that operationalizes biform theories, evaluating expressions by exhaustively applying the implementations of the respective operators. We evaluate the new biform framework by adding implementations to the OpenMath standard content dictionaries.Comment: Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, CICM 2013 The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com

    Matrix Graph Grammars

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    This book objective is to develop an algebraization of graph grammars. Equivalently, we study graph dynamics. From the point of view of a computer scientist, graph grammars are a natural generalization of Chomsky grammars for which a purely algebraic approach does not exist up to now. A Chomsky (or string) grammar is, roughly speaking, a precise description of a formal language (which in essence is a set of strings). On a more discrete mathematical style, it can be said that graph grammars -- Matrix Graph Grammars in particular -- study dynamics of graphs. Ideally, this algebraization would enforce our understanding of grammars in general, providing new analysis techniques and generalizations of concepts, problems and results known so far.Comment: 321 pages, 75 figures. This book has is publisehd by VDM verlag, ISBN 978-363921255

    Ontology mapping: the state of the art

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    Ontology mapping is seen as a solution provider in today's landscape of ontology research. As the number of ontologies that are made publicly available and accessible on the Web increases steadily, so does the need for applications to use them. A single ontology is no longer enough to support the tasks envisaged by a distributed environment like the Semantic Web. Multiple ontologies need to be accessed from several applications. Mapping could provide a common layer from which several ontologies could be accessed and hence could exchange information in semantically sound manners. Developing such mapping has beeb the focus of a variety of works originating from diverse communities over a number of years. In this article we comprehensively review and present these works. We also provide insights on the pragmatics of ontology mapping and elaborate on a theoretical approach for defining ontology mapping

    Formal Analysis of Functional Behaviour for Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars - Extended Version

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    Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) are a well-established concept for the specification of model transformations. In previous work we have formalized and analyzed already crucial properties of model transformations like termination, correctness and completeness, but functional behaviour - especially local confluence - is missing up to now. In order to close this gap we generate forward translation rules, which extend standard forward rules by translation attributes keeping track of the elements which have been translated already. In the first main result we show the equivalence of model transformations based on forward resp. forward translation rules. This way, an additional control structure for the forward transformation is not needed. This allows to apply critical pair analysis and corresponding tool support by the tool AGG. However, we do not need general local confluence, because confluence for source graphs not belonging to the source language is not relevant for the functional behaviour of a model transformation. For this reason we only have to analyze a weaker property, called translation confluence. This leads to our second main result, the functional behaviour of model transformations, which is applied to our running example, the model transformation from class diagrams to database models

    Weak cartesian properties of simplicial sets

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    Many special classes of simplicial sets, such as the nerves of categories or groupoids, the 2-Segal sets of Dyckerhoff and Kapranov, and the (discrete) decomposition spaces of G\'{a}lvez, Kock, and Tonks, are characterized by the property of sending certain commuting squares in the simplex category Δ\Delta to pullback squares of sets. We introduce weaker analogues of these properties called completeness conditions, which require squares in Δ\Delta to be sent to weak pullbacks of sets, defined similarly to pullback squares but without the uniqueness property of induced maps. We show that some of these completeness conditions provide a simplicial set with lifts against certain subsets of simplices first introduced in the theory of database design. We also provide reduced criteria for checking these properties using factorization results for pushouts squares in Δ\Delta, which we characterize completely, along with several other classes of squares in Δ\Delta. Examples of simplicial sets with completeness conditions include quasicategories, many of the compositories and gleaves of Flori and Fritz, and bar constructions for algebras of certain classes of monads. The latter is our motivating example.Comment: 48 pages. This work arose out of the 2019 Applied Category Theory Adjoint School. v2: Minor edits and corrections based on reviewer and editorial feedback. Formerly part of arXiv:2009.07302v

    Pictures of Processes: Automated Graph Rewriting for Monoidal Categories and Applications to Quantum Computing

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    This work is about diagrammatic languages, how they can be represented, and what they in turn can be used to represent. More specifically, it focuses on representations and applications of string diagrams. String diagrams are used to represent a collection of processes, depicted as "boxes" with multiple (typed) inputs and outputs, depicted as "wires". If we allow plugging input and output wires together, we can intuitively represent complex compositions of processes, formalised as morphisms in a monoidal category. [...] The first major contribution of this dissertation is the introduction of a discretised version of a string diagram called a string graph. String graphs form a partial adhesive category, so they can be manipulated using double-pushout graph rewriting. Furthermore, we show how string graphs modulo a rewrite system can be used to construct free symmetric traced and compact closed categories on a monoidal signature. The second contribution is in the application of graphical languages to quantum information theory. We use a mixture of diagrammatic and algebraic techniques to prove a new classification result for strongly complementary observables. [...] We also introduce a graphical language for multipartite entanglement and illustrate a simple graphical axiom that distinguishes the two maximally-entangled tripartite qubit states: GHZ and W. [...] The third contribution is a description of two software tools developed in part by the author to implement much of the theoretical content described here. The first tool is Quantomatic, a desktop application for building string graphs and graphical theories, as well as performing automated graph rewriting visually. The second is QuantoCoSy, which performs fully automated, model-driven theory creation using a procedure called conjecture synthesis.Comment: PhD Thesis. Passed examination. Minor corrections made and one theorem added at the end of Chapter 5. 182 pages, ~300 figures. See full text for unabridged abstrac