739 research outputs found

    Kimberley Women : Their Experiences of Making a Remote Locality Home

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    In previous histories of Western Australia, pre-dominantly written from a male Eurocentric viewpoint, scant attention has been drawn to the everyday lives of country women. The study described in this dissertation explores the responses of women to the challenges of relocation and settlement within a remote locality in the Kimberley region of Western Australia

    Proactive software rejuvenation solution for web enviroments on virtualized platforms

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    The availability of the Information Technologies for everything, from everywhere, at all times is a growing requirement. We use information Technologies from common and social tasks to critical tasks like managing nuclear power plants or even the International Space Station (ISS). However, the availability of IT infrastructures is still a huge challenge nowadays. In a quick look around news, we can find reports of corporate outage, affecting millions of users and impacting on the revenue and image of the companies. It is well known that, currently, computer system outages are more often due to software faults, than hardware faults. Several studies have reported that one of the causes of unplanned software outages is the software aging phenomenon. This term refers to the accumulation of errors, usually causing resource contention, during long running application executions, like web applications, which normally cause applications/systems to hang or crash. Gradual performance degradation could also accompany software aging phenomena. The software aging phenomena are often related to memory bloating/ leaks, unterminated threads, data corruption, unreleased file-locks or overruns. We can find several examples of software aging in the industry. The work presented in this thesis aims to offer a proactive and predictive software rejuvenation solution for Internet Services against software aging caused by resource exhaustion. To this end, we first present a threshold based proactive rejuvenation to avoid the consequences of software aging. This first approach has some limitations, but the most important of them it is the need to know a priori the resource or resources involved in the crash and the critical condition values. Moreover, we need some expertise to fix the threshold value to trigger the rejuvenation action. Due to these limitations, we have evaluated the use of Machine Learning to overcome the weaknesses of our first approach to obtain a proactive and predictive solution. Finally, the current and increasing tendency to use virtualization technologies to improve the resource utilization has made traditional data centers turn into virtualized data centers or platforms. We have used a Mathematical Programming approach to virtual machine allocation and migration to optimize the resources, accepting as many services as possible on the platform while at the same time, guaranteeing the availability (via our software rejuvenation proposal) of the services deployed against the software aging phenomena. The thesis is supported by an exhaustive experimental evaluation that proves the effectiveness and feasibility of our proposals for current systems

    From Persephone to Pan: D. H. Lawrence's mythopoeic vision of the integrated personality with special emphasis on the short fiction and other writings in the early nineteen twenties

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    This doctoral thesis was published in printed form in 1987. It was digitized from paper copy in 2013. Unfortunately on some pages the digitizaion process has not been complete, i.e there are some minor typographic erros on some pages.Siirretty Doriast

    Little Village May 2011

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    Kent and Jackson State: 1970-1990

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    Second edition of a special issue on the shootings at Kent State and Jackson State, issued in 1995. Originally published in 1990. Special editor Susie Erenrich

    Affinity Death Penalty Criminology And Law

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    Moderno doba i pojava interneta i društvenih mreža, to jest, novih medija, znatno djeluje na živote ljudi i načine na koje komuniciraju. U prvome dijelu ovoga rada, predstavljen je pojam novi mediji, istaknuta njihova važnost i objašnjen njihov utjecaj na život suvremenoga čovjeka. Na društvenim mrežama se jezik koristi kao sredstvo prijenosa informacije ne obazirući se na njegova pravila i standarde; važna je brzina i jednostavnost poruke. Stoga nije neuobičajeno napisati rečenicu poput ove: „ Tnx, vjv dolazim. vt “. Društvene mreže imaju značajan utjecaj na načine komuniciranja. Njihov neprestani razvoj zahtjeva i od hrvatskoga jezika da se neprestano mijenja i razvija. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter i slične platforme mijenjaju naš vokabular, povećavaju broj svakodnevnih interakcija i brzinu kojom šaljemo informaciju. Hrvatskom jeziku ponekad nedostaju nazivlja za nove pojave, stoga se koriste riječi preuzete iz engleskoga jezika, često neprilagođene hrvatskome. S druge strane, hrvatski jezikoslovci uporno rade na proširenju vokabulara pa bi se like mogao zamijeniti s izrazom sviđa mi se, umjesto OK, moglo bi se reći dogovoreno, a umjesto selfie moglo bi se reći samoslika. Bez obzira na to, korisnici hrvatskoga jezika to često zanemaruju te radije posežu za stranim nazivljem zbog jednostavnosti. Ovaj rad objašnjava promjene koje se događaju u hrvatskome jeziku te ističe dva različita stava o priljevu stranih riječi; obogaćuje li se ili osiromašuje hrvatski jezik uporabom stranih riječi, nitko ne može reći sa sigurnošću. Nadalje, rasprava se može nadovezati i na uporabu emotikona koji u internetskoj komunikaciji nadoknađuju neverbalne znakove, ali u isto vrijeme utječu na formalnost poruke. Sva navedena odstupanja jasno su vidljiva na društvenim mrežama poznatih osoba čiju komunikaciju detaljnije objašnjavam u ovome radu

    Affinity Death Penalty Criminology And Law

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    Time, Space and Dialogism in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Fiction

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    It is now something of a commonplace to discuss Robert Louis Stevenson as an innovator of romance. Genre debates at the fin-de-siècle have been well researched in relation to his fiction and, increasingly, his critical writings. Since Edwin Eiger (1966) and Robert Kiely (1964) published studies on Stevenson’s romance, the interplay between romance and realism that is evident in much of his work has been identified by Roslyn Jolly (1999), Roderick Watson (2004), Hilary J. Beattie (2004) and Michael Saler (2012) to name but a few. Rather than viewing this phenomenon through the lens of genre, which, as Anna Vaninskaya (2008) points out, can lead to unhelpful complications, it is more rewarding to understand Stevenson’s new romance aesthetic as related to his experimentation with time and space. Part of Stevenson’s approach to reviving the romance, set out in “A Gossip on Romance” and “A Humble Remonstrance”, involved adopting a serious literary perspective, rather than treating it as a lesser fictional mode. This aspiration included reinvigorating the traditional spaces of romance by investing them with a more complex temporality, creating new fictional worlds that operated as Bakhtinian chronotopes. Stevenson’s fiction invariably takes a “polychronotopic” form (following Pearce [1994]), which introduces a dialogic relationship between different methods of constructing time-space within a single text. Through this, Stevenson critiques traditional generic assumptions about the hero’s interaction with the romance world and applies a self-reflexive approach to understanding the text he is in the act of producing. This internal dialogic is often exposed in the narrative through Stevenson’s characters who behave beyond the scope of traditional “heroes”, often providing a mismatching perspective to that suggested by the worlds they inhabit over the course of their adventures. Stevenson transformed the romance for a new audience in a similar way to that which Bakhtin traces for the novel in Dostoevsky’s work

    The NASA computer science research program plan

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    A taxonomy of computer science is included, one state of the art of each of the major computer science categories is summarized. A functional breakdown of NASA programs under Aeronautics R and D, space R and T, and institutional support is also included. These areas were assessed against the computer science categories. Concurrent processing, highly reliable computing, and information management are identified

    All that faith creates, or love desires: Shelley’s poetic vision of being

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    This thesis explores the nature of creativity in the poetic vision of Percy Bysshe Shelley. "Poetic vision" is chosen for its complex connotations, which include creative imaginings, dreams and intimations of futurity. I examine questions that Shelley raises concerning perception, existence and the fabric of reality. To develop a conceptual framework that has an ontological basis, I draw on the theories of two twentieth-century non-dualist thinkers: David Bohm, who combines science, philosophy and art, and the existential thought of Martin Heidegger. I also investigate ways in which literary expression and life become interwoven and suggest that this reciprocity is explicable through a dynamically creative vision of existence. In Chapter One Shelley's reflections on the creative capacity of poetic visions to influence states of being, and his holistic apprehension of existence in On Life, provide the thesis with a conceptual paradigm which is in contradistinction to the Cartesian schism between mind and matter. A Defence of Poetry is contrasted with Peacock's The Four Ages of Poetry to show that the contention between the two writers' visions springs from questions relating to being. Shelley's declaration that the poetic impulse is central to life is examined in the light of Heidegger’s notion of the poetic as disclosing being and Bohm's quantum concepts of creativity. In Chapter Two Alastor is interpreted as a poem which raises questions about existence and I provide a counter-approach to critical positions of scepticism. Heidegger's concepts of "Being- in-the-world" and "Being-towards-death" provide the basis for an existential analysis of die Poet’s impassioned quest. A comparison between the Poet's dream of his feminine counterpart and Shelley's own vision of his ideal beloved reveals connections between artistic vision and human experience. In Chapter Three on Laon and Cythna. poetic vision is shown to operate from a metaphysical basis of thought, passion, and the human will to enact a radical transformation in consciousness. The poem's investigation of freedom is linked to Heidegger's concept of being absorbed in the "they." Chapter Four continues my extended reading of Laon and Cythna. Shelley's notion of creativity collapses the demarcations between imaginative vision and the physical world. Here his view of reality is contrasted with the psychological investigations of Jean Piaget. The poem’s vision of human empowerment is compared with Peacock's fatahsm in Ahrimanes. Chapter Five investigates challenges to Shelley's optimism. Julian and Maddalo is the major poem interpreted in a chapter v*ere the keynote is the contention between theories about the nature of reality and their validity to human life. Shelley's anxiety about communicating visions of despair is analyzed with regard to the Maniac's tragic predicament. Chapter Six interprets Prometheus Unbound as a dramatic engagement with the spiritual, imaginative, emotional and sensuous planes of being. Existence is seen to be poised on a mobile nexus of thought and emotions. Asia has a dynamic role and, through consideration of her journey with Panthea to Demogorgon, I examine Shelley's complex negotiation between free will and determinism. Spinoza's monism is discussed in relation to "Love's Philosophy. In Chapter Seven on Hellas, "Thought", "Passion", "Will", "Reason" and the "Imagination” are shown to have creative powers which determine futurity. Questions about the structure of reality are explored in the drama's dynamic interchange between the magician-like Ahasuerus and the Turkish tyrant Mahmud. Dreams are given significance as avenues of perception to realms beyond conscious experience and in relation to unfolding the future. Finally, in Chapter Eight Shelley's ideas about poetic creativity are explored through his poems to 'Jane Williams. Whilst composing these lyrics Shelley used the figure of Rousseau, in the Triumph of Life, to suggest a reciprocity between art and life. I examine the similarities between Rousseau's fictional creation of Julie in La Nouvelle Hélose and his subsequent love for Sophie d'Houdetot. Shelley's lyrics to Jane Williams communicate desire at different levels of conscious awareness, from trance-like mesmerism to overt invitation
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