7,993 research outputs found

    Аналітичні інструменти ERP-систем у моніторингу діяльності суб’єкта господарювання

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    З метою досягнення високих результатів з оптимальними прогнозованими витратами, сучасне бізнес-середовище вимагає від менеджменту ефективного прийняття управлінських рішень, що передбачає постійний моніторинг цільових показників-індикаторів, важливих для оцінювання напрямів розвитку підприємства. Об’єктом дослідження науковців є теоретичні та практичні аспекти функціонування ERP-систем. Але слід зауважити, що поза увагою залишаються рекомендації з використання ERP-систем для кінцевих користувачів, недостатньо вивчені аналітичні інструменти, які існують у цих системах, особливості їх застосування. На сьогодні на ринку програмного забезпечення для управління бізнесом активно використовуються системи комплексної автоматизації управління підприємством – ERP-системи. Такі системи дозволяють розрахувати короткотермінові (місяці) та довготермінові (роки) показники розвитку підприємства, а також порівняти прогнозні значення з фактичними. Функціональність таких ІС відповідає стандартам ERP, MRP, CRM, SCM. Запровадження ERP-системи змінює систему менеджменту та організацію роботи персоналу підприємства, що виражається у застосуванні інноваційних навичок реєстрації, опрацювання, узагальнення та аналізу даних. Виконання в ERP-системі бухгалтерами та топ-менеджерами своїх функцій передбачає застосування ними професійних суджень відповідно до завдань, які зумовлені зростанням ефективності діяльності підприємства. Вони відповідають за обрання складу показників, які повинні аналізуватись, формування стратегії досягнення цільових показників, вибір варіанта аналізу тощо. Правильність постановки цілей розвитку підприємства, обрання показників-індикаторів результатів діяльності та методики їх моніторингу має важливе значення для системи менеджменту суб’єкта господарювання, підвищує ефективність прийнятих рішень. Для оптимізації цього процесу ми пропонуємо модель цільових показників та їх моніторингу в ERP-системі, яка дозволить оптимізувати прийняття управлінських рішень, підвищить їх оперативність та ефективність. Запропонована модель цільових показників та їх моніторингу у ERP-системі є інструментом налагодження програми, зумовлює застосування управлінцями нових навичок з оцінки, моніторингу результатів діяльності та прийняття оперативних рішень з управління бізнесом, охоплює ключові категорії цілей розвитку бізнесу, залучає до оцінювання результатів діяльності та участі в процесах управління відповідальних осіб усіх підрозділів суб’єкта господарювання, що узгоджується з результатами попередніх досліджень.In order to achieve high results with optimal projected costs, the modern business environment requires of management the effective managerial decision-making, which involves continuous monitoring of goal indicators important to assess the direction of enterprise development. The object of the scientists research is theoretical and practical aspects of ERP-systems functioning, but it should be noted that recommendations on ERP application for end-users still remain out of consideration, analytical tools existing in these systems and the peculiarities of their application are not studied sufficiently. Today, the systems of complex enterprise management automation – ERP-systems are widely used in the market of software for business management. Such systems make it possible to calculate the short-term (months) and long-term (years) indicators of enterprise development, as well as compare projected values with actual ones. The functionality of such IS meets the standards of ERP, MRP, CRM, and SCM. The introduction of ERP-system changes the management system and the enterprise staff activity management proved by the application of innovative skills of registration, processing, synthesis and analysis of data. The execution of their functions by accountants and top managers in ERP-system involves the use of their professional judgments in accordance with the tasks determined by the increase of the enterprise activity efficiency. They are responsible for the selection of the indicators composition to be analyzed, the formation of strategy for goals achieving, the choice of analysis option, etc. The correctness of setting goals for enterprise development, the selection of the activity results indicators and the methodology for their monitoring is of great importance for business entity management system and increases the efficiency of decision-making. In order to optimize this process, we propose the model of goal indicators and their monitoring in ERP-system making it possible to optimize the management decision-making, increase their efficiency and productivity. The proposed model of goal indicators and their monitoring in ERP-system is the tool for program setting enabling the managers to use new skills for evaluation, monitoring the activity results and making immediate business managerial decisions, to cover the key categories of business development goals, and to engage the responsible individuals of all entity departments into evaluation of the activity results and participation of the management processes which is in conformity with the results of previous investigations

    Reinventing the regions: Victoria’s changing regional economies

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    Regional Victoria accounts for around a quarter of the State\u27s population and economic output. In March 2013 Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional and Rural Development Peter Ryan released the Reinventing the Regions report which documents the findings from a series of events held in 2011-2012 which CEDA, in collaboration with RDV, hosted. This report provides an overview of the changes taking place in five of Victoria\u27s regional economies, key policy and economic themes that emerged from discussions throughout the series of events, case studies from regional businesses and five individual event summaries. The event series provided an opportunity to engage key stakeholders including business, industry, government, communities and academia in a discussion of: The key economic drivers and prospects for growth; Challenges faced by businesses across five regions; How regional businesses are adapting to evolving economic conditions; and How they can capitalise on new opportunities. The series consisted of five events looking at the experiences of Ballarat and the Central Highlands, Hume,Geelong and Barwon South West, Loddon Mallee and the Latrobe Valley. This publication is a joint project of CEDA and Regional Development Victoria. &nbsp

    Collaborative knowledge management - A construction case study

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    Due to the new threats and challenges faced by the construction industry today, construction companies must seek new solutions in order to remain ahead of the competition. Knowledge has been identified to be a significant organisational resource, which if used effectively can provide competitive advantage. A lot of emphasis is being put on how to identify, capture and share knowledge in today's organisations. It has been argued over the years that due to the fragmented nature of the construction industry and ad-hoc nature of the construction projects, capture and reuse of valuable knowledge gathered during a construction project pose a challenge. As a result critical mistakes are repeated on projects and construction professionals have to kee

    The internet and public bureaucracies: towards balancing competing values

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    Innovation in public administration is one of the central aspects of public sector reforms. Given the procedural nature of government tasks, the adoption of the Internet and related information and communication technologies (ICT) has become critical for government organisations. The aim of this paper is to discuss the implications of the diffusion Internet led innovations in the public sector on balancing public values. Rather than diminishing their benefits, we aim at highlighting challenges and dilemmas that can emerge from ICT implementation in the public sector. The paper starts by reviewing the main trends of e-government research and show a dominant view towards managerial and private sector values embedded in the literature. To propose an alternative approach, we then draw on an empirical example from Mexico, that of the Federal Transparency and Access to Government Information Law. Using Mexico’s available statistics and secondary data, the case explores how a quicker ICT-mediated interaction between citizens and government can result in social and political dilemmas. We propose to bring into play the public value paradigm to highlight these issues. Conclusions follow

    ICT-based reforms in local government decision-making in the gram panchayats of Kerala

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    The beneficial impact of computerisation can be felt in all elements that contribute to decision-making in panchayats in the state of Kerala. However, even though computerisation is bringing about immense improvements compared to traditional administrative practices, but scope still remains for further improvement. Instead of the 'as it is' computerisation that is mostly carried out a process based approach is needed

    A new approach in Business Process Management

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    The new wave of BPM (Business Process Management) is not Business Process Reenginering, enterprise application integration, workflow management or another packaged application – it's the synthesis and extension of all these technologies and techniques into a unified whole. This unified whole becomes a new foundation upon which the enterprise is built, an enterprise more in tune with the true nature of business processes and their management. In a competitive economy, where margins continue to narrow and the pressure to respond to market shifts is greater than ever, the business rules approach is a great paradigm shift toward the process-managed enterprise and a significant enabler for reinventing ERP and the whole enterprise applications system.integration, business rules (BR), Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), information technology (IT)

    Issues with implementing ERP in the public administration

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    As governments work to transform their environments from an internal resource optimization to a process integration and external collaboration focus, integrated systems stand at the forefront of solutions that will achieve this goal. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is proven to significantly increase efficiency, improve information access, reduce total cost of ownership, and help government achieve the highest levels of accountability and constituent service. Yet implementing ERP in a manner that achieves its promises is no easy task. Public sector organizations often rationalize their ERP modernization initiatives within the context of budgetary constraints and are faced with multiple ERP providers that, on the surface, are difficult to discern. In addition, adjudicating between competing ERP solutions on their functional merit is not only difficult because of the complexity of ERP systems, but it is further complicated by the intricacy of the government acquisition process. Therefore, it is particularly important that the business value be sold at the executive and political levels of government and, to be successful, that government embeds the ERP solution within its culture and processes. What's more, the level of detailed analysis required to map functional requirements to ERP solutions is an arduous task that, even if done thoroughly, hasn't always delivered a successful implementation. In this article, we will address these issues by examining the evolution and shortcomings of ERP solutions; by defining the features and functionality needed to address government transformation; and by recommending the steps to take to position for success.government, public organizations, ERP, integrated systems