423 research outputs found

    Variations on the Reinforcement Learning performance of Blackjack

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    Blackjack or "21" is a popular card-based game of chance and skill. The objective of the game is to win by obtaining a hand total higher than the dealer's without exceeding 21. The ideal blackjack strategy will maximize financial return in the long run while avoiding gambler's ruin. The stochastic environment and inherent reward structure of blackjack presents an appealing problem to better understand reinforcement learning agents in the presence of environment variations. Here we consider a q-learning solution for optimal play and investigate the rate of learning convergence of the algorithm as a function of deck size. A blackjack simulator allowing for universal blackjack rules is also implemented to demonstrate the extent to which a card counter perfectly using the basic strategy and hi-lo system can bring the house to bankruptcy and how environment variations impact this outcome. The novelty of our work is to place this conceptual understanding of the impact of deck size in the context of learning agent convergence.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, 7 table

    Reinforcement learning strategies using Monte-Carlo to solve the blackjack problem

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    Blackjack is a classic casino game in which the player attempts to outsmart the dealer by drawing a combination of cards with face values that add up to just under or equal to 21 but are more incredible than the hand of the dealer he manages to come up with. This study considers a simplified variation of blackjack, which has a dealer and plays no active role after the first two draws. A different game regime will be modeled for everyone to ten multiples of the conventional 52-card deck. Irrespective of the number of standard decks utilized, the game is played as a randomized discrete-time process. For determining the optimum course of action in terms of policy, we teach an agent-a decision maker-to optimize across the decision space of the game, considering the procedure as a finite Markov decision chain. To choose the most effective course of action, we mainly research Monte Carlo-based reinforcement learning approaches and compare them with q-learning, dynamic programming, and temporal difference. The performance of the distinct model-free policy iteration techniques is presented in this study, framing the game as a reinforcement learning problem

    Q-learning with online trees

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    Reinforcement learning is one of the major areas of artificial intelligence that has been studied rigorously in recent years. Among numerous methodologies, Q-learning is one of the most fundamental model-free reinforcement learning algorithms, and it has inspired many researchers. Several studies have shown great results by approximating the action-value function, one of the essential elements in Q-learning, using non-linear supervised learning models such as deep neural networks. This combination has led to the surpassing humanlevel performances in complex problems such as the Atari games and Go, which have been difficult to solve with standard tabular Q-learning. However, both Q-learning and the deep neural network typically used as the function approximator require very large computational resources to train. We propose using the online random forest method as the function approximator for the action-value function to mitigate this. We grow one online random forest for each possible action in a Markov decision process (MDP) environment. Each forest approximates the corresponding action-value function for that action, and the agent chooses the action in the succeeding state according to the resulting approximated action-value functions. When the agent executes an action, an observation consisting of the state, action, reward, and the subsequent state is stored in an experience replay. Then, the observations are randomly sampled to participate in the growth of the online random forests. The terminal nodes of the trees in the random forests corresponding to each sample randomly generate tests for the decision tree splits. Among them, the test that gives the lowest residual sum of squares after splitting is selected. The trees of the online random forests grown in this way age each time they take in a sample observation. One of the trees that is older than a certain age is then selected at random and replaced by a new tree according to its out-of-bag error. In our study, forest size plays an important role. Our algorithm constitutes an adaptation of previously developed Online Random Forests to reinforcement learning. To reduce computational costs, we first grow a small-sized forest and then expand them after a certain period of episodes. We observed in our experiments that this forest size expansion showed better performances in later episodes. Furthermore, we found that our method outperformed some deep neural networks in simple MDP environments. We hope that this study will be a medium to promote research on the combination of reinforcement learning and tree-based methods

    Optimal Play of the Dice Game Pig

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    The object of the jeopardy dice game Pig is to be the first player to reach 100 points. Each player\u27s turn consists of repeatedly rolling a die. After each roll, the player is faced with two choices: roll again, or hold (decline to roll again). If the player rolls a 1, the player scores nothing and it becomes the opponent\u27s turn. If the player rolls a number other than 1, the number is added to the player\u27s turn total and the player\u27s turn continues. If the player holds, the turn total, the sum of the rolls during the turn, is added to the player\u27s score, and it becomes the opponent\u27s turn. For such a simple dice game, one might expect a simple optimal strategy, such as in Blackjack (e.g., stand on 17 under certain circumstances, etc.). As we shall see, this simple dice game yields a much more complex and intriguing optimal policy, described here for the first time. The reader should be familiar with basic concepts and notation of probability and linear algebra
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