1,279 research outputs found

    Improving Inter-service bandwidth fairness in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Includes bibliographical references.We are currently experiencing many technological advances and as a result, a lot of applications and services are developed for use in homes, offices and out in the field. In order to attract users and customers, most applications and / or services are loaded with graphics, pictures and movie clips. This unfortunately means most of these next generation services put a lot of strain on networking resources, namely bandwidth. Efficient management of bandwidth in next generation wireless network is therefore important for ensuring fairness in bandwidth allocation amongst multiple services with diverse quality of service needs. A number of algorithms have been proposed for fairness in bandwidth allocation in wireless networks, and some researchers have used game theory to model the different aspects of fairness. However, most of the existing algorithms only ensure fairness for individual requests and disregard fairness among the classes of services while some other algorithms ensure fairness for the classes of services and disregard fairness among individual requests

    RFID Modeling in Healthcare

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    Distributed Rate Allocation Policies for Multi-Homed Video Streaming over Heterogeneous Access Networks

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    We consider the problem of rate allocation among multiple simultaneous video streams sharing multiple heterogeneous access networks. We develop and evaluate an analytical framework for optimal rate allocation based on observed available bit rate (ABR) and round-trip time (RTT) over each access network and video distortion-rate (DR) characteristics. The rate allocation is formulated as a convex optimization problem that minimizes the total expected distortion of all video streams. We present a distributed approximation of its solution and compare its performance against H-infinity optimal control and two heuristic schemes based on TCP-style additive-increase-multiplicative decrease (AIMD) principles. The various rate allocation schemes are evaluated in simulations of multiple high-definition (HD) video streams sharing multiple access networks. Our results demonstrate that, in comparison with heuristic AIMD-based schemes, both media-aware allocation and H-infinity optimal control benefit from proactive congestion avoidance and reduce the average packet loss rate from 45% to below 2%. Improvement in average received video quality ranges between 1.5 to 10.7 dB in PSNR for various background traffic loads and video playout deadlines. Media-aware allocation further exploits its knowledge of the video DR characteristics to achieve a more balanced video quality among all streams.Comment: 12 pages, 22 figure

    Wireless Bandwidth Aggregation for Internet Traffic

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    This MQP proposes a new method for bandwidth aggregation, utilize-able by the typical home network owner. The methods explained herein aggregate a network of coordinating routers within local WiFi communication range to achieve increased bandwidth at the application layer, over the HTTP protocol. Our protocol guarantees content delivery and reliability, as well as non-repudiation measures that hold each participant, rather then the group of routers, accountable for the content they download

    Efficient Traffic Management in Urban Environments

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    [ES] En la actualidad, uno de los principales desafĂ­os a los que se enfrentan las grandes ĂĄreas metropolitanas es la congestiĂłn provocada por el trĂĄfico, la cual se ha convertido en un problema importante al que se enfrentan las autoridades de cada ciudad. Para abordar este problema es necesario implementar una soluciĂłn eficiente para controlar el trĂĄfico que genere beneficios para los ciudadanos, como reducir los tiempos de viaje de los vehĂ­culos y, en consecuencia, el consumo de combustible, el ruido, y la contaminaciĂłn ambiental. De hecho, al analizar adecuadamente la demanda de trĂĄfico, es posible predecir las condiciones futuras del trĂĄfico, y utilizar esa informaciĂłn para la optimizaciĂłn de las rutas tomadas por los vehĂ­culos. Este enfoque puede ser especialmente efectivo si se aplica en el contexto de los vehĂ­culos autĂłnomos, que tienen un comportamiento mĂĄs predecible, lo cual permite a los administradores de la ciudad mitigar los efectos de la congestiĂłn, como es la contaminaciĂłn, al mejorar el flujo de trĂĄfico de manera totalmente centralizada. La validaciĂłn de este enfoque generalmente requiere el uso de simulaciones que deberĂ­an ser lo mĂĄs realistas posible. Sin embargo, lograr altos grados de realismo puede ser complejo cuando los patrones de trĂĄfico reales, definidos a travĂ©s de una matriz de Origen/Destino (O-D) para los vehĂ­culos en una ciudad, son desconocidos, como ocurre la mayorĂ­a de las veces. Por lo tanto, la primera contribuciĂłn de esta tesis es desarrollar una heurĂ­stica iterativa para mejorar el modelado de la congestiĂłn de trĂĄfico; a partir de las mediciones de bucle de inducciĂłn reales hechas por el Ayuntamiento de Valencia (España), pudimos generar una matriz O-D para la simulaciĂłn de trĂĄfico que se asemeja a la distribuciĂłn de trĂĄfico real. Si fuera posible caracterizar el estado del trĂĄfico prediciendo las condiciones futuras del trĂĄfico para optimizar la ruta de los vehĂ­culos automatizados, y si se pudieran tomar estas medidas para mitigar de manera preventiva los efectos de la congestiĂłn con sus problemas relacionados, se podrĂ­a mejorar el flujo de trĂĄfico en general. Por lo tanto, la segunda contribuciĂłn de esta tesis es desarrollar una EcuaciĂłn de PredicciĂłn de TrĂĄfico para caracterizar el comportamiento en las diferentes calles de la ciudad en tĂ©rminos de tiempo de viaje con respecto al volumen de trĂĄfico, y aplicar una regresiĂłn logĂ­stica a esos datos para predecir las condiciones futuras del trĂĄfico. La tercera y Ășltima contribuciĂłn de esta tesis apunta directamente al nuevo paradigma de gestiĂłn de trĂĄfico previsto, tratĂĄndose de un servidor de rutas capaz de manejar todo el trĂĄfico en una ciudad, y equilibrar los flujos de trĂĄfico teniendo en cuenta las condiciones de congestiĂłn del trĂĄfico presentes y futuras. Por lo tanto, realizamos un estudio de simulaciĂłn con datos reales de congestiĂłn de trĂĄfico en la ciudad de Valencia (España), para demostrar cĂłmo se puede mejorar el flujo de trĂĄfico en un dĂ­a tĂ­pico mediante la soluciĂłn propuesta. Los resultados experimentales muestran que nuestra soluciĂłn, combinada con una actualizaciĂłn frecuente de las condiciones del trĂĄfico en el servidor de rutas, es capaz de lograr mejoras sustanciales en tĂ©rminos de velocidad promedio y tiempo de trayecto, ambos indicadores de un menor grado de congestiĂłn y de una mejor fluidez del trĂĄfico.[CA] En l'actualitat, un dels principals desafiaments als quals s'enfronten les grans Ă rees metropolitanes Ă©s la congestiĂł provocada pel trĂ nsit, que s'ha convertit en un problema important al qual s'enfronten les autoritats de cada ciutat. Per a abordar aquest problema Ă©s necessari implementar una soluciĂł eficient per a controlar el trĂ nsit que genere beneficis per als ciutadans, com reduir els temps de viatge dels vehicles i, en conseqĂŒĂšncia, el consum de combustible, el soroll, i la contaminaciĂł ambiental. De fet, en analitzar adequadament la demanda de trĂ nsit, Ă©s possible predir les condicions futures del trĂ nsit, i utilitzar aqueixa informaciĂł per a l'optimitzaciĂł de les rutes preses pels vehicles. Aquest enfocament pot ser especialment efectiu si s'aplica en el context dels vehicles autĂČnoms, que tenen un comportament mĂ©s predictible, i aixĂČ permet als administradors de la ciutat mitigar els efectes de la congestiĂł, com Ă©s la contaminaciĂł, en millorar el flux de trĂ nsit de manera totalment centralitzada. La validaciĂł d'aquest enfocament generalment requereix l'Ășs de simulacions que haurien de ser el mĂ©s realistes possible. No obstant aixĂČ, aconseguir alts graus de realisme pot ser complex quan els patrons de trĂ nsit reals, definits a travĂ©s d'una matriu d'Origen/DestinaciĂł (O-D) per als vehicles en una ciutat, sĂłn desconeguts, com ocorre la majoria de les vegades. Per tant, la primera contribuciĂł d'aquesta tesi Ă©s desenvolupar una heurĂ­stica iterativa per a millorar el modelatge de la congestiĂł de trĂ nsit; a partir dels mesuraments de bucle d'inducciĂł reals fetes per l'Ajuntament de ValĂšncia (Espanya), vam poder generar una matriu O-D per a la simulaciĂł de trĂ nsit que s'assembla a la distribuciĂł de trĂ nsit real. Si fĂłra possible caracteritzar l'estat del trĂ nsit predient les condicions futures del trĂ nsit per a optimitzar la ruta dels vehicles automatitzats, i si es pogueren prendre aquestes mesures per a mitigar de manera preventiva els efectes de la congestiĂł amb els seus problemes relacionats, es podria millorar el flux de trĂ nsit en general. Per tant, la segona contribuciĂł d'aquesta tesi Ă©s desenvolupar una EquaciĂł de PredicciĂł de TrĂ nsit per a caracteritzar el comportament en els diferents carrers de la ciutat en termes de temps de viatge respecte al volum de trĂ nsit, i aplicar una regressiĂł logĂ­stica a aqueixes dades per a predir les condicions futures del trĂ nsit. La tercera i Ășltima contribuciĂł d'aquesta tesi apunta directament al nou paradigma de gestiĂł de trĂ nsit previst. Es tracta d'un servidor de rutes capaç de manejar tot el trĂ nsit en una ciutat, i equilibrar els fluxos de trĂ nsit tenint en compte les condicions de congestiĂł del trĂ nsit presents i futures. Per tant, realitzem un estudi de simulaciĂł amb dades reals de congestiĂł de trĂ nsit a la ciutat de ValĂšncia (Espanya), per a demostrar com es pot millorar el flux de trĂ nsit en un dia tĂ­pic mitjançant la soluciĂł proposada. Els resultats experimentals mostren que la nostra soluciĂł, combinada amb una actualitzaciĂł freqĂŒent de les condicions del trĂ nsit en el servidor de rutes, Ă©s capaç d'aconseguir millores substancials en termes de velocitat faig una mitjana i de temps de trajecte, tots dos indicadors d'un grau menor de congestiĂł i d'una fluĂŻdesa millor del trĂ nsit.[EN] Currently, one of the main challenges that large metropolitan areas have to face is traffic congestion, which has become an important problem faced by city authorities. To address this problem, it becomes necessary to implement an efficient solution to control traffic that generates benefits for citizens, such as reducing vehicle journey times and, consequently, use of fuel, noise and environmental pollution. In fact, by properly analyzing traffic demand, it becomes possible to predict future traffic conditions, and to use that information for the optimization of the routes taken by vehicles. Such an approach becomes especially effective if applied in the context of autonomous vehicles, which have a more predictable behavior, thus enabling city management entities to mitigate the effects of traffic congestion and pollution by improving the traffic flow in a city in a fully centralized manner. Validating this approach typically requires the use of simulations, which should be as realistic as possible. However, achieving high degrees of realism can be complex when the actual traffic patterns, defined through an Origin/Destination (O-D) matrix for the vehicles in a city, are unknown, as occurs most of the times. Thus, the first contribution of this thesis is to develop an iterative heuristic for improving traffic congestion modeling; starting from real induction loop measurements made available by the City Hall of Valencia, Spain, we were able to generate an O-D matrix for traffic simulation that resembles the real traffic distribution. If it were possible to characterize the state of traffic by predicting future traffic conditions for optimizing the route of automated vehicles, and if these measures could be taken to preventively mitigate the effects of congestion with its related problems, the overall traffic flow could be improved. Thereby, the second contribution of this thesis was to develop a Traffic Prediction Equation to characterize the different streets of a city in terms of travel time with respect to the vehicle load, and applying logistic regression to those data to predict future traffic conditions. The third and last contribution of this thesis towards our envisioned traffic management paradigm was a route server capable of handling all the traffic in a city, and balancing traffic flows by accounting for present and future traffic congestion conditions. Thus, we perform a simulation study using real data of traffic congestion in the city of Valencia, Spain, to demonstrate how the traffic flow in a typical day can be improved using our proposed solution. Experimental results show that our proposed solution, combined with frequent updating of traffic conditions on the route server, is able to achieve substantial improvements in terms of average travel speeds and travel times, both indicators of lower degrees of congestion and improved traffic fluidity.Finally, I want to thank the Ecuatorian Republic through the "SecretarĂ­a de EducaciĂłn Superior, Ciencia, TecnologĂ­a e InnovaciĂłn" (SENESCYT), for granting me the scholarship to finance my studies.Zambrano MartĂ­nez, JL. (2019). Efficient Traffic Management in Urban Environments [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/129865TESI

    Mobility management across converged IP-based heterogeneous access networks

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University, 8/2/2010.In order to satisfy customer demand for a high performance “global” mobility service, network operators (ISPs, carriers, mobile operators, etc.) are facing the need to evolve to a converged “all-IP” centric heterogeneous access infrastructure. However, the integration of such heterogeneous access networks (e.g. 802.11, 802.16e, UMTS etc) brings major mobility issues. This thesis tackles issues plaguing existing mobility management solutions in converged IP-based heterogeneous networks. In order to do so, the thesis firstly proposes a cross-layer mechanism using the upcoming IEEE802.21 MIH services to make intelligent and optimized handovers. In this respect, FMIPv6 is integrated with the IEEE802.21 mechanism to provide seamless mobility during the overall handover process. The proposed solution is then applied in a simulated vehicular environment to optimize the NEMO handover process. It is shown through analysis and simulations of the signalling process that the overall expected handover (both L2 and L3) latency in FMIPv6 can be reduced by the proposed mechanism by 69%. Secondly, it is expected that the operator of a Next Generation Network will provide mobility as a service that will generate significant revenues. As a result, dynamic service bootstrapping and authorization mechanisms must be in place to efficiently deploy a mobility service (without static provisioning), which will allow only legitimate users to access the service. A GNU Linux based test-bed has been implemented to demonstrate this. The experiments presented show the handover performance of the secured FMIPv6 over the implemented test-bed compared to plain FMIPv6 and MIPv6 by providing quantitative measurements and results on the quality of experience perceived by the users of IPv6 multimedia applications. The results show the inclusion of the additional signalling of the proposed architecture for the purpose of authorization and bootstrapping (i.e. key distribution using HOKEY) has no adverse effect on the overall handover process. Also, using a formal security analysis tool, it is shown that the proposed mechanism is safe/secure from the induced security threats. Lastly, a novel IEEE802.21 assisted EAP based re-authentication scheme over a service authorization and bootstrapping framework is presented. AAA based authentication mechanisms like EAP incur signalling overheads due to large RTTs. As a result, overall handover latency also increases. Therefore, a fast re-authentication scheme is presented which utilizes IEEE802.21 MIH services to minimize the EAP authentication process delays and as a result reduce the overall handover latency. Analysis of the signalling process based on analytical results shows that the overall handover latency for mobility protocols will be approximately reduced by 70% by the proposed scheme

    Traffic Profiles and Performance Modelling of Heterogeneous Networks

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    This thesis considers the analysis and study of short and long-term traffic patterns of heterogeneous networks. A large number of traffic profiles from different locations and network environments have been determined. The result of the analysis of these patterns has led to a new parameter, namely the 'application signature'. It was found that these signatures manifest themselves in various granularities over time, and are usually unique to an application, permanent virtual circuit (PVC), user or service. The differentiation of the application signatures into different categories creates a foundation for short and long-term management of networks. The thesis therefore looks from the micro and macro perspective on traffic management, covering both aspects. The long-term traffic patterns have been used to develop a novel methodology for network planning and design. As the size and complexity of interconnected systems grow steadily, usually covering different time zones, geographical and political areas, a new methodology has been developed as part of this thesis. A part of the methodology is a new overbooking mechanism, which stands in contrast to existing overbooking methods created by companies like Bell Labs. The new overbooking provides companies with cheaper network design and higher average throughput. In addition, new requirements like risk factors have been incorporated into the methodology, which lay historically outside the design process. A large network service provider has implemented the overbooking mechanism into their network planning process, enabling practical evaluation. The other aspect of the thesis looks at short-term traffic patterns, to analyse how congestion can be controlled. Reoccurring short-term traffic patterns, the application signatures, have been used for this research to develop the "packet train model" further. Through this research a new congestion control mechanism was created to investigate how the application signatures and the "extended packet train model" could be used. To validate the results, a software simulation has been written that executes the proprietary congestion mechanism and the new mechanism for comparison. Application signatures for the TCP/IP protocols have been applied in the simulation and the results are displayed and discussed in the thesis. The findings show the effects that frame relay congestion control mechanisms have on TCP/IP, where the re-sending of segments, buffer allocation, delay and throughput are compared. The results prove that application signatures can be used effectively to enhance existing congestion control mechanisms.AT&T (UK) Ltd, Englan

    An operational research-based integrated approach for mass evacuation planning of a city

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    Large-scale disasters are constantly occurring around the world, and in many cases evacuation of regions of city is needed. ‘Operational Research/Management Science’ (OR/MS) has been widely used in emergency planning for over five decades. Warning dissemination, evacuee transportation and shelter management are three ‘Evacuation Support Functions’ (ESF) generic to many hazards. This thesis has adopted a case study approach to illustrate the importance of integrated approach of evacuation planning and particularly the role of OR/MS models. In the warning dissemination phase, uncertainty in the household’s behaviour as ‘warning informants’ has been investigated along with uncertainties in the warning system. An agentbased model (ABM) was developed for ESF-1 with households as agents and ‘warning informants’ behaviour as the agent behaviour. The model was used to study warning dissemination effectiveness under various conditions of the official channel. In the transportation phase, uncertainties in the household’s behaviour such as departure time (a function of ESF-1), means of transport and destination have been. Households could evacuate as pedestrians, using car or evacuation buses. An ABM was developed to study the evacuation performance (measured in evacuation travel time). In this thesis, a holistic approach for planning the public evacuation shelters called ‘Shelter Information Management System’ (SIMS) has been developed. A generic allocation framework of was developed to available shelter capacity to the shelter demand by considering the evacuation travel time. This was formulated using integer programming. In the sheltering phase, the uncertainty in household shelter choices (either nearest/allocated/convenient) has been studied for its impact on allocation policies using sensitivity analyses. Using analyses from the models and detailed examination of household states from ‘warning to safety’, it was found that the three ESFs though sequential in time, however have lot of interdependencies from the perspective of evacuation planning. This thesis has illustrated an OR/MS based integrated approach including and beyond single ESF preparedness. The developed approach will help in understanding the inter-linkages of the three evacuation phases and preparing a multi-agency-based evacuation planning evacuatio

    Packet Scheduling Algorithms in LTE/LTE-A cellular Networks: Multi-agent Q-learning Approach

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    Spectrum utilization is vital for mobile operators. It ensures an efficient use of spectrum bands, especially when obtaining their license is highly expensive. Long Term Evolution (LTE), and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) spectrum bands license were auctioned by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to mobile operators with hundreds of millions of dollars. In the first part of this dissertation, we study, analyze, and compare the QoS performance of QoS-aware/Channel-aware packet scheduling algorithms while using CA over LTE, and LTE-A heterogeneous cellular networks. This included a detailed study of the LTE/LTE-A cellular network and its features, and the modification of an open source LTE simulator in order to perform these QoS performance tests. In the second part of this dissertation, we aim to solve spectrum underutilization by proposing, implementing, and testing two novel multi-agent Q-learning-based packet scheduling algorithms for LTE cellular network. The Collaborative Competitive scheduling algorithm, and the Competitive Competitive scheduling algorithm. These algorithms schedule licensed users over the available radio resources and un-licensed users over spectrum holes. In conclusion, our results show that the spectrum band could be utilized by deploying efficient packet scheduling algorithms for licensed users, and can be further utilized by allowing unlicensed users to be scheduled on spectrum holes whenever they occur

    Actas da 10ÂȘ ConferĂȘncia sobre Redes de Computadores

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    Universidade do MinhoCCTCCentro AlgoritmiCisco SystemsIEEE Portugal Sectio
