17 research outputs found

    Regularising Factorised Models for Venue Recommendation using Friends and their Comments

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    Venue recommendation is an important capability of Location-Based Social Networks such as Yelp and Foursquare. Matrix Factorisation (MF) is a collaborative filtering-based approach that can effectively recommend venues that are relevant to the users' preferences, by training upon either implicit or explicit feedbacks (e.g. check-ins or venue ratings) that these users express about venues. However, MF suffers in that users may only have rated very few venues. To alleviate this problem, recent literature have leveraged additional sources of evidence, e.g. using users' social friendships to reduce the complexity of - or regularise - the MF model, or identifying similar venues based on their comments. This paper argues for a combined regularisation model, where the venues suggested for a user are influenced by friends with similar tastes (as defined by their comments). We propose a MF regularisation technique that seamlessly incorporates both social network information and textual comments, by exploiting word embeddings to estimate a semantic similarity of friends based on their explicit textual feedback, to regularise the complexity of the factorised model. Experiments on a large existing dataset demonstrate that our proposed regularisation model is promising, and can enhance the prediction accuracy of several state-of-the-art matrix factorisation-based approaches

    Deep Collaborative Filtering Approaches for Context-Aware Venue Recommendation

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    In recent years, vast amounts of user-generated data have being created on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs) such as Yelp and Foursquare. Making effective personalised venue suggestions to users based on their preferences and surrounding context is a challenging task. Context-Aware Venue Recommendation (CAVR) is an emerging topic that has gained a lot of attention from researchers, where context can be the user's current location for example. Matrix Factorisation (MF) is one of the most popular collaborative filtering-based techniques, which can be used to predict a user's rating on venues by exploiting explicit feedback (e.g. users' ratings on venues). However, such explicit feedback may not be available, particularly for inactive users, while implicit feedback is easier to obtain from LBSNs as it does not require the users to explicitly express their satisfaction with the venues. In addition, the MF-based approaches usually suffer from the sparsity problem where users/venues have very few rating, hindering the prediction accuracy. Although previous works on user-venue rating prediction have proposed to alleviate the sparsity problem by leveraging user-generated data such as social information from LBSNs, research that investigates the usefulness of Deep Neural Network algorithms (DNN) in alleviating the sparsity problem for CAVR remains untouched or partially studied

    Deep Collaborative Filtering Approaches for Context-Aware Venue Recommendation

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    In recent years, vast amounts of user-generated data have being created on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs) such as Yelp and Foursquare. Making effective personalised venue suggestions to users based on their preferences and surrounding context is a challenging task. Context-Aware Venue Recommendation (CAVR) is an emerging topic that has gained a lot of attention from researchers, where context can be the user's current location for example. Matrix Factorisation (MF) is one of the most popular collaborative filtering-based techniques, which can be used to predict a user's rating on venues by exploiting explicit feedback (e.g. users' ratings on venues). However, such explicit feedback may not be available, particularly for inactive users, while implicit feedback is easier to obtain from LBSNs as it does not require the users to explicitly express their satisfaction with the venues. In addition, the MF-based approaches usually suffer from the sparsity problem where users/venues have very few rating, hindering the prediction accuracy. Although previous works on user-venue rating prediction have proposed to alleviate the sparsity problem by leveraging user-generated data such as social information from LBSNs, research that investigates the usefulness of Deep Neural Network algorithms (DNN) in alleviating the sparsity problem for CAVR remains untouched or partially studied

    Social Regularisation in a BPR-based Venue Recommendation Systems

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    Social Regularisation in a BPR-based Venue Recommendation Systems

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    A Personalised Ranking Framework with Multiple Sampling Criteria for Venue Recommendation

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    Recommending a ranked list of interesting venues to users based on their preferences has become a key functionality in Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs) such as Yelp and Gowalla. Bayesian Personalised Ranking (BPR) is a popular pairwise recommendation technique that is used to generate the ranked list of venues of interest to a user, by leveraging the user's implicit feedback such as their check-ins as instances of positive feedback, while randomly sampling other venues as negative instances. To alleviate the sparsity that affects the usefulness of recommendations by BPR for users with few check-ins, various approaches have been proposed in the literature to incorporate additional sources of information such as the social links between users, the textual content of comments, as well as the geographical location of the venues. However, such approaches can only readily leverage one source of additional information for negative sampling. Instead, we propose a novel Personalised Ranking Framework with Multiple sampling Criteria (PRFMC) that leverages both geographical influence and social correlation to enhance the effectiveness of BPR. In particular, we apply a multi-centre Gaussian model and a power-law distribution method, to capture geographical influence and social correlation when sampling negative venues, respectively. Finally, we conduct comprehensive experiments using three large-scale datasets from the Yelp, Gowalla and Brightkite LBSNs. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of fusing both geographical influence and social correlation in our proposed PRFMC framework and its superiority in comparison to BPR-based and other similar ranking approaches. Indeed, our PRFMC approach attains a 37% improvement in MRR over a recently proposed approach that identifies negative venues only from social links

    On Cross-Domain Transfer in Venue Recommendation

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    Venue recommendation strategies are built upon Collaborative Filtering techniques that rely on Matrix Factorisation (MF), to model users’ preferences. Various cross-domain strategies have been proposed to enhance the effectiveness of MF-based models on a target domain, by transferring knowledge from a source domain. Such cross-domain recommendation strategies often require user overlap, that is common users on the different domains. However, in practice, common users across different domains may not be available. To tackle this problem, recently, several cross-domains strategies without users’ overlaps have been introduced. In this paper, we investigate the performance of state-of-the-art cross-domain recommendation that do not require overlap of users for the venue recommendation task on three large Location-based Social Networks (LBSN) datasets. Moreover, in the context of cross-domain recommendation we extend a state-of-the-art sequential-based deep learning model to boost the recommendation accuracy. Our experimental results demonstrate that state-of-the-art cross-domain recommendation does not clearly contribute to the improvements of venue recommendation systems, and, further we validate this result on the latest sequential deep learning-based venue recommendation approach. Finally, for reproduction purposes we make our implementations publicly available

    Matrix Factorisation with Word Embeddings for Rating Prediction on Location-Based Social Networks

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    With vast amounts of data being created on location-based social networks (LBSNs) such as Yelp and Foursquare, making effective personalised suggestions to users is an essential functionality. Matrix Factorisation (MF) is a collaborative filtering-based approach that is widely used to generate suggestions relevant to user’s preferences. In this paper, we address the problem of predicting the rating that users give to venues they visit. Previous works have proposed MF-based approaches that consider auxiliary information (e.g. social information and users’ comments on venues) to improve the accuracy of rating predictions. Such approaches leverage the users’ friends’ preferences, extracted from either ratings or comments, to regularise the complexity of MF-based models and to avoid over-fitting. However, social information may not be available, e.g. due to privacy concerns. To overcome this limitation, in this paper, we propose a novel MF-based approach that exploits word embeddings to effectively model users’ preferences and the characteristics of venues from the textual content of comments left by users, regardless of their relationship. Experiments conducted on a large dataset of LBSN ratings demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach compared to various state-of-the-art rating prediction approaches

    Comparison of Sentiment Analysis and User Ratings in Venue Recommendation

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    Venue recommendation aims to provide users with venues to visit, taking into account historical visits to venues. Many venue recommendation approaches make use of the provided users’ ratings to elicit the users’ preferences on the venues when making recommendations. In fact, many also consider the users’ ratings as the ground truth for assessing their recommendation performance. However, users are often reported to exhibit inconsistent rating behaviour, leading to less accurate preferences information being collected for the recommendation task. To alleviate this problem, we consider instead the use of the sentiment information collected from comments posted by the users on the venues as a surrogate to the users’ ratings. We experiment with various sentiment analysis classifiers, including the recent neural networks-based sentiment analysers, to examine the effectiveness of replacing users’ ratings with sentiment information. We integrate the sentiment information into the widely used matrix factorization and GeoSoCa multi feature-based venue recommendation models, thereby replacing the users’ ratings with the obtained sentiment scores. Our results, using three Yelp Challenge-based datasets, show that it is indeed possible to effectively replace users’ ratings with sentiment scores when state-of-the-art sentiment classifiers are used. Our findings show that the sentiment scores can provide accurate user preferences information, thereby increasing the prediction accuracy. In addition, our results suggest that a simple binary rating with ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ is a sufficient substitute of the current used multi-rating scales for venue recommendation in location-based social networks

    A Deep Recurrent Collaborative Filtering Framework for Venue Recommendation

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    Venue recommendation is an important application for Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs), such as Yelp, and has been extensively studied in recent years. Matrix Factorisation (MF) is a popular Collaborative Filtering (CF) technique that can suggest relevant venues to users based on an assumption that similar users are likely to visit similar venues. In recent years, deep neural networks have been successfully applied to tasks such as speech recognition, computer vision and natural language processing. Building upon this momentum, various approaches for recommendation have been proposed in the literature to enhance the effectiveness of MF-based approaches by exploiting neural network models such as: word embeddings to incorporate auxiliary information (e.g. textual content of comments); and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) to capture sequential properties of observed user-venue interactions. However, such approaches rely on the traditional inner product of the latent factors of users and venues to capture the concept of collaborative filtering, which may not be sufficient to capture the complex structure of user-venue interactions. In this paper, we propose a Deep Recurrent Collaborative Filtering framework (DRCF) with a pairwise ranking function that aims to capture user-venue interactions in a CF manner from sequences of observed feedback by leveraging Multi-Layer Perception and Recurrent Neural Network architectures. Our proposed framework consists of two components: namely Generalised Recurrent Matrix Factorisation (GRMF) and Multi-Level Recurrent Perceptron (MLRP) models. In particular, GRMF and MLRP learn to model complex structures of user-venue interactions using element-wise and dot products as well as the concatenation of latent factors. In addition, we propose a novel sequence-based negative sampling approach that accounts for the sequential properties of observed feedback and geographical location of venues to enhance the quality of venue suggestions, as well as alleviate the cold-start users problem. Experiments on three large checkin and rating datasets show the effectiveness of our proposed framework by outperforming various state-of-the-art approaches