6 research outputs found

    Un nouveau modèle de correspondance pour un service de messagerie électronique avancée

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    The ease of use and efficiency of the email service contributed to its widespread adoption. It became an essential service and authorizing multiples and various uses (private, professional, administrative, governmental, military ...). However, all existing systems are technically reduced to the implementation of global policies, compiling in a static way a limited set of features. These approaches prevent differentiated adaptations of the system to the uses. The rigid and monolithic nature of these policies can moreover lead to unnecessary execution of expensive treatments or to the inability to simultaneously satisfy conflicting requirements. We address this problem of the evolution of e-mail in the general context of interpersonal communication of a sender to a receiver. We identify the sender's intention of communication, as a key parameter of any interpersonal communication, insofar as it allows to finely discriminate the successful communications, between all the ones that are understood. A second parameter which is orthogonal to the first, defined as the context of the sender, is important because it allows to determine the successful aspect of an interpersonal communication. The declination of these two parameters in the electronic mail led us to define the concept of electronic correspondence. This one is a generalization of the email the implementation of which provides a sufficient condition of qualification successful exchanges via this medium. A correspondence allows taking into account for each message, the intention of communication and context of its sender. Its implementation requires in certain points of the network, the enforcement of specific policies depending of an administrative domain and which take as argument the intention of communication and the current context of the sender. A second benefit provided by this concept concerns the level of customization of messaging reaching a maximum granularity, because it can be applied in a differentiated way, to each message instance. These works led to the description of a representative architecture and the definition of three extensions to existing standards (SUBMISSION, IMF and S/MIME). Our approach has been illustrated through two main use cases, compliant with recommended specifications for administration (RGS - Référentiel Général de Sécurité) and military (MMHS - Military Message Handling System) domains.Le service de courrier électronique en raison de sa simplicité d'utilisation combinée à son efficacité, a constitué l'un des principaux vecteurs de popularisation d'Internet. Il est devenu un service incontournable dont la richesse s'exprime au travers des usages variés et multiples qu'il autorise (privé, professionnel, administratif, officiel, militaire...). Cependant, toutes les réalisations existantes se réduisent techniquement à la mise en oeuvre de politiques globales, compilant de façon statique un ensemble limité de fonctionnalités. Ces approches ne permettent pas au système de s'adapter de façon différenciée aux usages. De plus, le caractère rigide et monolithique de ces politiques peut parfois conduire à l'exécution inutile de traitements coûteux ou à l'impossibilité de satisfaire simultanément des exigences contradictoires. Nous abordons cette problématique de l'évolution de la messagerie électronique dans le cadre général de la communication interpersonnelle d'un locuteur vers un interlocuteur. Nous identifions l'intention de communication du locuteur, comme un paramètre clé de toute communication interpersonnelle, dans la mesure où il permet de discriminer finement les communications réussies, parmi toutes celles qui sont comprises. Un second paramètre orthogonal au premier, défini comme le contexte du locuteur, s'avère déterminant lorsqu'il s'agit d'aborder la réalisation concrète des communications interpersonnelles réussies. La déclinaison de ces deux paramètres dans le cadre de la messagerie électronique nous conduit à concevoir la notion de correspondance. Cette dernière constitue une généralisation du courrier électronique dont la mise en oeuvre offre une condition suffisante de qualification des échanges réussis, via ce média. Une correspondance permet de prendre en compte pour chaque message, l'intention de communication et le contexte de son émetteur. Sa mise en oeuvre impose l'application en certains points du réseau, de politiques spécifiques au domaine administratif de référence, qui prennent en argument l'intention de communication et le contexte courant de l'émetteur. Un second bénéfice apporté par ce concept concerne le niveau de personnalisation du service de messagerie qui atteint une granularité de finesse maximale, du fait qu'il peut s'appliquer de façon différenciée, à chaque occurrence de message. Ces travaux ont abouti à la description d'une architecture représentative accompagnée de la définition de trois extensions de standards existants (SUBMISSION, IMF et S/MIME). Notre approche a été illustrée à travers deux cas d'usages importants, conformes à des spécifications recommandées pour les domaines administratif (RGS- référentiel général de sécurité) et militaire (MMHS - Military Message Handling System)

    VR-LAB: A Distributed Multi-User Environment for Educational Purposes and Presentations

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    In the last three years our research was focused on a new distributed multi-user environment. Finally, all components were integrated in a system called the VR-Lab, which will be described on the following pages. The VR-Lab provides Hard- and Software for a distributed presentation system. Elements which are often used in environments called Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). In contrast to other projects the VR-Lab integrates a distributed system in a common environment of a lecture room and does not generate a virtual conference room in a computer system. Thus, allowing inexperienced persons to use the VR-LAB and benefit from the multimedia tools in their common environment. To build the VR-LAB we developed a lot of hard- and software and integrated it into a lecture room to perform distributed presentations, conferences or teaching. Additionally other software components were developed to be connected to the VR-LAB, control its components, or distribute content between VR-LAB installations. Beside standard software for video and audio transmission, we developed and integrated a distributed 3D-VRML-Browser to present three dimensional content to a distributed audience. One of the interesting features of this browser is the object oriented distributed scene graph. By coupling a high-speed rendering system with a database we could distribute objects to other participants. So the semantic properties of any geometrical or control object can be kept and used by the remote participant. Because of the high compression achieved by the transport of objects instead of triangles a lot of bandwidth could be saved. Also each participant could select a display quality appropriate to its hardware.Diese Arbeit beschreibt ein integriertes Virtual-Reality System, das VR Lab. Das System besteht aus verschiedenen Hard- und Softwarekomponenten die eine verteiltevirtuelle Multi-User Umgebung darstellen die vor allem im Bereich verteilter Präsentationen verwendet werden kann. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Systemen dieser Art, die oft im Bereich des Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) eingesetzt werden dient unser System nicht dazu eine Präsentationsumgebung im Computer nachzubilden sondern eine reele Umgebung zu schaffen in der verteilte Präsentationen durchgeführt werden können. Dies soll vor allem ungeübten Personen die Arbeit mit verteilten Umgebungen erleichtern. Dazu wurden verschiedene Hard- und Softwarekomponenten entwickelt. Darunter der verteilte 3D Browser MRT-VR, der es ermöglicht 3D Daten an verschiedenen Stellen gleichzeitig zu visualisieren. MRT-VR zeichnet sich insbesondere dadurch aus, daß die 3D Objekte nicht als Polygondaten transportiert werden, sonderen als Objekte und so deren Objekteigenschaften beibehalten werden. Dies spart nicht nur sehr viel Bandbreite bei der Übertragung sondern ermöglicht auch Darstellungen in unterschiedlichen Qualitätsstufen auf den unterschiedlichen Zielrechnern der Teilnehmer. Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung einer preiswerten imersiven 3D Umgebung um die 3D Daten in ansprechender Qualität zu visualisieren. Alle Komponenten wurden in einer gemeinsamen Umgebung, dem VR-Lab, integriert und mt Steuerungskomponenten versehen

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2003, nr 4

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    Communications Interface for Challenged Internets

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    Tässä työssä käsitellään sähköisen viestinnän sovittamista erityisvälitysverkkoihin. Tietoverkkojen kehitys on edennyt asteelle, jossa verkkoyhteyksiä on saatavilla lähes kaikkialla ja lähes kaikissa laitteissa. Verkkoyhteyksien ominaisuudet kuitenkin vaihtelevat suuresti, ja monet eivät pysty sellaisenaan toimimaan Internetin osina. Erityisvälitysverkot ovat ympäristöjä, jossa Internetin protokollat eivät enää pysty toimimaan. Työn päämääränä oli kehittää rajapinta ja sen toteuttava ohjelmistokomponentti, jolla viestintäsovelluksia voidaan sovittaa viestintään haasteellisten verkkojen yli. Sähköposti valittiin rajapinnaksi sen soveltuvuuden ja standardiaseman vuoksi. Työssä kehitettiin sulautettava, luotettava ja siirrettävä ohjelmistokomponentti, joten ohjelmiston toteutuksen suunnitteluun kiinnitettiin paljon huomiota. Ohjelmiston rakenteesta tehtiin tehokas ja suoraviivainen. Ohjelmiston kehityksen yhteydessä sen toteutusta testattiin ohjelmiston laadun ja yhteensopivuuden varmistamiseksi.In this thesis we study merging electronic communications with challenged network systems. Evolution of data networks has reached a stage where network connectivity is ubiquitous almost everywhere and on almost every device. Though the abilities of different network connections vary dramatically. Many are not able to function as parts of the Internet. Challenged networks are some of the networks where Internet protocols can not function. The purpose of this work is to develop an interface, and an implementation of that interface, that normal messaging applications can use to communicate over challenged networks. Email was chosen as the interface because of its flexibility and status as an Internet standard. As part of this work, an embeddable, reliable and portable software component was implemented, with great focus on the design of the component. The software was designed to be efficient and straightforward. During the development, the software was tested for quality and compatibility purposes

    Air Traffic Management Abbreviation Compendium

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    As in all fields of work, an unmanageable number of abbreviations are used today in aviation for terms, definitions, commands, standards and technical descriptions. This applies in general to the areas of aeronautical communication, navigation and surveillance, cockpit and air traffic control working positions, passenger and cargo transport, and all other areas of flight planning, organization and guidance. In addition, many abbreviations are used more than once or have different meanings in different languages. In order to obtain an overview of the most common abbreviations used in air traffic management, organizations like EUROCONTROL, FAA, DWD and DLR have published lists of abbreviations in the past, which have also been enclosed in this document. In addition, abbreviations from some larger international projects related to aviation have been included to provide users with a directory as complete as possible. This means that the second edition of the Air Traffic Management Abbreviation Compendium includes now around 16,500 abbreviations and acronyms from the field of aviation