296 research outputs found

    Persistent Kernels for Iterative Memory-bound GPU Applications

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    Iterative memory-bound solvers commonly occur in HPC codes. Typical GPU implementations have a loop on the host side that invokes the GPU kernel as much as time/algorithm steps there are. The termination of each kernel implicitly acts as the barrier required after advancing the solution every time step. We propose a scheme for running memory-bound iterative GPU kernels: PERsistent KernelS (PERKS). In this scheme the time loop is moved inside a persistent kernel, and device-wide barriers are used for synchronization. We then reduce the traffic to device memory by caching a subset of the output in each time step in registers and shared memory to be used as input for the following time step. PERKS can be generalized to any iterative solver: they are largely independent of the solver's implementation. We explain the design principle of PERKS and demonstrate the effectiveness of PERKS for a wide range of iterative 2D/3D stencil benchmarks (geometric mean speedup of 2.292.29x in small domains and 1.531.53x in large domains), and a Krylov subspace solver (geometric mean speedup of 4.674.67x in smaller SpMV datasets from SuiteSparse and 1.391.39x in larger SpMV datasets, for conjugate gradient)

    Astaroth: Ohjelmistokirjasto stensiililaskentaan grafiikkasuorittimilla

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    Graphics processing units (GPUs) are coprocessors, which offer higher throughput and better power efficiency than central processing units in dataparallel tasks. For this reason, graphics processors provide a good platform for high-performance computing. However, programming GPUs such that all the available performance is utilized requires in-depth knowledge of the architecture of the hardware. Additionally, the problem of high-order stencil computations on GPUs in challenging multiphysics applications has not been adequately explored in previous work. In this thesis, we address these issues by presenting a library, an efficient algorithm and a domain-specific language for solving stencil computations within a structured grid. We tested our implementation by simulating magnetohydrodynamics, which involved the computation of first, second, and cross partial derivatives using second-, fourth-, sixth-, and eight-order finite differences with single and double precision. The running time of our integration kernel was 2.8–9.1 times slower than the theoretical minimum time, which it would take to read the computational domain and write it back to device memory exactly once, without taking into account the effects of finite caches or arithmetic operations on performance. Additionally, we made a performance comparison with a CPU solver widely used for scientific computations, which we benchmarked on a total of 24 cores of two Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 processors. Our solver, benchmarked on a Tesla P100 PCIe GPU, outperformed the CPU solver by factors of 6.7 and 10.4 when using single and double precision, respectively.Grafiikkasuorittimet ovat apusuorittimia, jotka tarjoavat rinnakkain laskettavissa tehtävissä parempaa suoritus- ja energiatehokkuutta kuin keskussuorittimet. Tästä syystä grafiikkasuorittimet tarjoavat hyvän alustan suurteholaskennan tarpeisiin. Toisaalta grafiikkasuorittimen ohjelmointi siten, että kaikki tarjolla oleva suorituskyky saadaan hyödynnettyä, vaatii syvällistä asiantuntemusta ohjelmoitavan laitteiston arkkitehtuurista. Korkean asteen stensiililaskentaa haastavissa fysiikkasovelluksissa ei ole myöskään tutkittu laajalti aiemmissa julkaisuissa. Tässä työssä otamme kantaa näihin ongelmiin esittelemällä ohjelmistokirjaston, tehokkaan algoritmin, sekä tehtävään räätälöidyn ohjelmointikielen stensiililaskujen ratkaisemiseen säännöllisessä hilassa. Testasimme toteutustamme simuloimalla magnetohydrodynamiikkaa, johon kuului ensimmäisen ja toisen kertaluvun derivaattojen lisäksi ristiderivaattojen ratkaisutoisen, neljännen, kuudennen ja kahdeksannen kertaluvun differenssimenetelmällä käyttäen sekä 32- että 64-bittisiä liukulukuja. Integrointifunktiomme suoritusaika oli 2.8–9.1 kertaa hitaampi kuin teoreettinen vähimmäisajoaika, joka menisi laskennallisen alueen lukemiseen ja kirjoittamiseen apusuorittimen muistista täsmälleen kerran, ottamatta huomioon äärellisen välimuistin tai laskennan vaikutusta suoritusaikaan. Vertasimme kirjastomme suoritusaikaa laajalti tieteellisessä laskennassa käytettyyn keskussuorittimille tarkoitettuun ratkaisijaan, jonka ajoimme kokonaisuudessaan 24:llä ytimellä kahdella Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 -suorittimella. Tähän ratkaisijaan verrattuna Tesla P100 PCIe -grafiikkasuorittimella ajettu ratkaisijamme oli 6.7 ja 10.4 kertaa nopeampi 32- ja 64-bittisillä liukuluvuilla laskettaessa, tässä järjestyksessä

    From Physics Model to Results: An Optimizing Framework for Cross-Architecture Code Generation

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    Starting from a high-level problem description in terms of partial differential equations using abstract tensor notation, the Chemora framework discretizes, optimizes, and generates complete high performance codes for a wide range of compute architectures. Chemora extends the capabilities of Cactus, facilitating the usage of large-scale CPU/GPU systems in an efficient manner for complex applications, without low-level code tuning. Chemora achieves parallelism through MPI and multi-threading, combining OpenMP and CUDA. Optimizations include high-level code transformations, efficient loop traversal strategies, dynamically selected data and instruction cache usage strategies, and JIT compilation of GPU code tailored to the problem characteristics. The discretization is based on higher-order finite differences on multi-block domains. Chemora's capabilities are demonstrated by simulations of black hole collisions. This problem provides an acid test of the framework, as the Einstein equations contain hundreds of variables and thousands of terms.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Scientific Programmin

    Architecture-Aware Optimization on a 1600-core Graphics Processor

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    The graphics processing unit (GPU) continues to make significant strides as an accelerator in commodity cluster computing for high-performance computing (HPC). For example, three of the top five fastest supercomputers in the world, as ranked by the TOP500, employ GPUs as accelerators. Despite this increasing interest in GPUs, however, optimizing the performance of a GPU-accelerated compute node requires deep technical knowledge of the underlying architecture. Although significant literature exists on how to optimize GPU performance on the more mature NVIDIA CUDA architecture, the converse is true for OpenCL on the AMD GPU. Consequently, we present and evaluate architecture-aware optimizations for the AMD GPU. The most prominent optimizations include (i) explicit use of registers, (ii) use of vector types, (iii) removal of branches, and (iv) use of image memory for global data. We demonstrate the efficacy of our AMD GPU optimizations by applying each optimization in isolation as well as in concert to a large-scale, molecular modeling application called GEM. Via these AMD-specific GPU optimizations, the AMD Radeon HD 5870 GPU delivers 65% better performance than with the wellknown NVIDIA-specific optimizations