720 research outputs found

    Multifractal analyses of daily rainfall time series in Pearl River basin of China

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    The multifractal properties of daily rainfall time series at the stations in Pearl River basin of China over periods of up to 45 years are examined using the universal multifractal approach based on the multiplicative cascade model and the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA). The results from these two kinds of multifractal analyses show that the daily rainfall time series in this basin have multifractal behavior in two different time scale ranges. It is found that the empirical multifractal moment function K(q)K(q) of the daily rainfall time series can be fitted very well by the universal mulitifractal model (UMM). The estimated values of the conservation parameter HH from UMM for these daily rainfall data are close to zero indicating that they correspond to conserved fields. After removing the seasonal trend in the rainfall data, the estimated values of the exponent h(2)h(2) from MF-DFA indicate that the daily rainfall time series in Pearl River basin exhibit no long-term correlations. It is also found that K(2)K(2) and elevation series are negatively correlated. It shows a relationship between topography and rainfall variability.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted by Physica

    Combining regional rainfall frequency analysis and rainfall-runoff modelling to derive frequency distributions of peak flows in ungauged basins: a proposal for Sicily region (Italy)

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    Abstract. In the present study an attempt is made to provide a general Monte Carlo approach for deriving flood frequency curves in ungauged basins in Sicily region (Italy). The proposed procedure consists of (i) a regional frequency analysis of extreme rainfall series, combined with Huff curves-based synthetic hyetographs, for design storms and (ii) a rainfall-runoff model, based on the Time-Area technique, to generate synthetic hydrographs. Validation of the procedure is carried out on four gauged river basins in Sicily region (Italy), where synthetic peak flow frequency curves, obtained by simulating 1000 flood events, are compared with observed values. Results of the application reveal that the proposed Monte Carlo approach is suitable to reproduce with reasonable accuracy the hydrologic response of the investigated basins. Given its relative simplicity, the developed procedure can be easily extended to poorly gauged or ungauged basins

    Selection of hydrological probability distributions for extreme rainfall events in the regions of Colombia

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    Frequency analysis of extreme events is used to estimate the maximum rainfall associated with different return periods and is used in planning hydraulic structures. When carrying out this type of analysis in engineering projects, the hydrological distributions that best fit the trend of maximum 24 h rainfall data are unknown. This study collected maximum 24 h rainfall records from 362 stations distributed throughout Colombia, with the goal of guiding hydraulic planners by suggesting the probability distributions they should use before beginning their analysis. The generalized extreme value (GEV) probability distribution, using the weighted moments method, presented the best fits of frequency analysis of maximum daily precipitation for various return periods for selected rainfall stations in Colombia

    Teleconnection analysis of runoff and soil moisture over the Pearl River basin in Southern China

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    This study explores the teleconnection of two climatic patterns, namely the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), with hydrological processes over the Pearl River basin in southern China, particularly on a sub-basin-scale basis. The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model is used to simulate the daily hydrological processes over the basin for the study period 1952–2000, and then, using the simulation results, the time series of the monthly runoff and soil moisture anomalies for its ten sub-basins are aggregated. Wavelet analysis is performed to explore the variability properties of these time series at 49 timescales ranging from 2 months to 9 yr. Use of the wavelet coherence and rank correlation method reveals that the dominant variabilities of the time series of runoff and soil moisture are basically correlated with IOD. The influences of ENSO on the terrestrial hydrological processes are mainly found in the eastern sub-basins. The teleconnections between climatic patterns and hydrological variability also serve as a reference for inferences on the occurrence of extreme hydrological events (e.g., floods and droughts).published_or_final_versio

    Climate change, water risks and urban responses in the Pearl River Delta, China

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    Currently, concerns are increasing that climate change may intensify natural disasters, like droughts, floods and storms which pose risks to human society, especially at the coastal urban area. This thesis studies climate change, water shortage and flood risks as well as human response measures in the highly urbanized Pearl River Delta (PRD) area in South China. Analysis on climate change in the PRD area is based on existing datasets and model projections, with an integration of literature results. Findings indicate significant climate change in both the past and future of the area, with a trend of increasing mean temperature, fluctuating precipitation, rising sea level and increasing typhoon intensity as well as the frequency of extreme weather events. In particular, the annual mean temperature in the PRD area is likely to rise by around 3℃ and precipitation to increase slightly but with greater fluctuations by 2100, while the sea level is projected to rise with an annual rate of 0.33cm to 1cm in this century. Climate change is likely to increase rainfall variability, drought intensity and duration, and damages on water-related infrastructure by extreme weather events, which all increasingly threaten the local freshwater availability. The water supply situation is becoming more complicated along with the population growth, economic development and difficulties in response/management. Hence, ensuring sufficient freshwater availability is one of the major water management challenges for all the PRD cities. Taking Hong Kong as a case study, this thesis highlights six interrelated risks within the context of climate change, namely: drought, rainstorm/flood events, sea-level rise, water pollution, social management and policy gaps. It suggests that for a sustainable future, Hong Kong needs to invest in improving water self-sufficiency, diversify water sources and conduct aggressive public awareness to increase individual adaptation to predicted climate change impacts. Flood implications of climate change trends are pronounced in most of the cities in PRD as well. The frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate events have assumed significant change, together with continuing development in flood-prone areas, which increase both the scale and degree of urban flood risk. Further estimation was made on the flood risk in the 11 cities of PRD area from both aspects of the probability of a flood occurrence and the vulnerability of the cities. The results suggest that the exposure and sensitivity of Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Guangzhou are very high because of highly exposed populations and assets located in lowland areas. However, the potential vulnerability and risk is low due to high adaptive capacities in both hard and soft flood-control measures. A novel framework on flood responses is proposed to identify vulnerable links and response strategies in different phases of a flood event. It further suggests that the flood risks can be reduced by developing an integrated climate response strategy, releasing accurate early warning and action guidance, sharing flood related information to the public and applying the advantages of social network analysis. Further, an agent-based model is developed as an instrument to simulate the process by which individual households optimize benefits through flood response investment and damage control. The model implements a subjective response framework in which households appraise inundation scenarios according to warnings, and decide whether to invest in mitigation measures to reduce potential inundation damages. Households may have variant flood response preferences and activities but they all require investments which are consequently considered as part of the final flood losses. A case study was carried out in the Ng Tung River basin, an urbanized watershed in Northern Hong Kong. First results underline that in-time, accurate and wide-covered flood warning plays a significant role in reducing flood losses. And earlier investments in responding measures are more efficient than late activities. This dynamic agent-based modeling approach finally demonstrates its capacity to analyze the interactions between flood inundation and households responses. Overall, findings of this study help understand the level of climate change impacts and vulnerability in water domain, which are vital to gauge the cities’ risks and corresponding responses and therefore inform decisions about how best to deal with emerging climate-related water risks like drought and flood

    PMP and Climate Variability and Change: A Review

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    [EN] A state-of-the-art review on the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) as it relates to climate variability and change is presented. The review consists of an examination of the current practice and the various developments published in the literature. The focus is on relevant research where the effect of climate dynamics on the PMP are discussed, as well as statistical methods developed for estimating very large extreme precipitation including the PMP. The review includes interpretation of extreme events arising from the climate system, their physical mechanisms, and statistical properties, together with the effect of the uncertainty of several factors determining them, such as atmospheric moisture, its transport into storms and wind, and their future changes. These issues are examined as well as the underlying historical and proxy data. In addition, the procedures and guidelines established by some countries, states, and organizations for estimating the PMP are summarized. In doing so, attention was paid to whether the current guidelines and research published literature take into consideration the effects of the variability and change of climatic processes and the underlying uncertainties.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Global Water Futures Program and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC Discovery Grant RGPIN-2019-06894). The fourth author acknowledges the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Project TETISCHANGE (RTI2018-093717-B-100). The first author appreciates the continuous support from the Scott College of Engineering of Colorado State University.Salas, JD.; Anderson, ML.; Papalexiou, SM.; FrancĂ©s, F. (2020). PMP and Climate Variability and Change: A Review. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 25(12):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0002003S1162512Abbs, D. J. (1999). 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    Hydrological extremes associated with climate change are becoming an increasing concern all over the world. Frequent flooding, one of the extremes, needs to be analyzed while considering climate change to mitigate flood risk. This study forecasted streamflow and evaluated the risk of flooding in the Neuse River, North Carolina considering future climatic scenarios, and comparing them with an existing Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood insurance study (FIS) report. The cumulative distribution function transformation (CDF-t) method was adopted for bias correction to reduce the uncertainty present in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) streamflow data. To calculate 100-year and 500-year flood discharges, the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) (L-Moment) was utilized on bias-corrected multimodel ensemble data with different climate projections. The delta change method was applied for the quantification of flows, utilizing the future 100-year peak flow and FEMA 100-year peak flows. Out of all projections, shared socio-economic pathways (SSP)5-8.5 exhibited the maximum design streamflow, which was routed through a hydraulic model, the Hydrological Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS), to generate flood inundation and risk maps. The result indicates an increase in flood inundation extent compared to the existing study, depicting a higher flood hazard and risk in the future. This study highlights the importance of forecasting future flood risk and utilizing the projected climate data to obtain essential information to determine effective strategic plans for future floodplain management
