835 research outputs found

    Redundancy resolution in human-robot co-manipulation with cartesian impedance control

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    In this paper the role of redundancy in Cartesian impedance control of a robotic arm for the execution of tasks in co-manipulation with humans is considered. In particular, the problem of stability is experimentally investigated. When a human operator guides the robot through direct physical interaction, it is desirable to have a compliant behaviour at the end effector according to a decoupled impedance dynamics. In order to achieve a desired impedance behaviour, the robot’s dynamics has to be suitably reshaped by the controller. Moreover, the stability of the coupled human-robot system should be guaranteed for any value of the impedance parameters within a prescribed region. If the robot is kinematically or functionally redundant, also the redundant degrees of freedom can be used to modify the robot dynamics. Through an extensive experimental study on a 7-DOF KUKA LWR4 arm, we compare two different strategies to solve redundancy and we show that, when redundancy is exploited to ensure a decoupled apparent inertia at the end effector, the stability region in the parameter space becomes larger. Thus, better performance can be achieved by using, e.g., variable impedance control laws tuned to human intentions

    The Role of Impedance Modulation and Redundancy Resolution in Human-Robot Interaction

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    In this work, redundancy resolution and impedance modulation strategies have been employed to enhance intuitiveness and stability in physical human-robot interaction during co-manipulation tasks. An impedance strategy to control a redundant manipulator is defined in the Cartesian space. Different modulation laws for the impedance parameters are tested in combination with different strategies to solve redundancy. The stability of the coupled human-robot system is guaranteed ensuring that the impedance parameters vary in a range evaluated experimentally. Through an extensive experimental study on a 7-DOF KUKA LWR4 arm, we show that using redundancy to decouple the equivalent inertia at the end-effector enables a more flexible choice of the impedance parameters and improves the performance during manual guidance. Moreover, variable impedance is more performant with respect to constant impedance due to a favourable compromise between accuracy and execution time and the enhanced comfort perceived by humans during manual guidance

    Variable Impedance Control of Redundant Manipulators for Intuitive Human–Robot Physical Interaction

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    This paper presents an experimental study on human-robot comanipulation in the presence of kinematic redundancy. The objective of the work is to enhance the performance during human-robot physical interaction by combining Cartesian impedance modulation and redundancy resolution. Cartesian impedance control is employed to achieve a compliant behavior of the robot's end effector in response to forces exerted by the human operator. Different impedance modulation strategies, which take into account the human's behavior during the interaction, are selected with the support of a simulation study and then experimentally tested on a 7-degree-of-freedom KUKA LWR4. A comparative study to establish the most effective redundancy resolution strategy has been made by evaluating different solutions compatible with the considered task. The experiments have shown that the redundancy, when used to ensure a decoupled apparent inertia at the end effector, allows enlarging the stability region in the impedance parameters space and improving the performance. On the other hand, the variable impedance with a suitable modulation strategy for parameters' tuning outperforms the constant impedance, in the sense that it enhances the comfort perceived by humans during manual guidance and allows reaching a favorable compromise between accuracy and execution time

    Impedance control of redundant manipulators for safe human-robot collaboration

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    In this paper, the impedance control paradigm is used to design control algorithms for safe human-robot collaboration. In particular, the problem of controlling a redundant robot manipulator in task space, while guaranteeing a compliant behavior for the redundant degrees of freedom, is considered first. The proposed approach allows safe and dependable reaction of the robot during deliberate or accidental physical interaction with a human or the environment, thanks to null-space impedance control. Moreover, the case of control for co-manipulation is considered. In particular, the role of the kinematic redundancy and that of the impedance parameters modulation are investigated. The algorithms are verified through experiments on a 7R KUKA lightweight robot arm

    Cartesian impedance control of redundant manipulators for human-robot co-manipulation

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    This paper addresses the problem of controlling a robot arm executing a cooperative task with a human who guides the robot through direct physical interaction. This problem is tackled by allowing the end effector to comply according to an impedance control law defined in the Cartesian space. While, in principle, the robot's dynamics can be fully compensated and any impedance behaviour can be imposed by the control, the stability of the coupled human-robot system is not guaranteed for any value of the impedance parameters. Moreover, if the robot is kinematically or functionally redundant, the redundant degrees of freedom play an important role. The idea proposed here is to use redundancy to ensure a decoupled apparent inertia at the end effector. Through an extensive experimental study on a 7-DOF KUKA LWR4 arm, we show that inertial decoupling enables a more flexible choice of the impedance parameters and improves the performance during manual guidance

    Human-Like Impedance and Minimum Effort Control for Natural and Efficient Manipulation

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    Humans incorporate and switch between learnt neuromotor strategies while performing complex tasks. Towards this purpose, kinematic redundancy is exploited in order to achieve optimized performance. Inspired by the superior motor skills of humans, in this paper, we investigate a combined free motion and interaction controller in a certain class of robotic manipulation. In this bimodal controller, kinematic degrees of redundancy are adapted according to task-suitable dynamic costs. The proposed algorithm attributes high priority to minimum-effort controller while performing point to point free space movements. Once the robot comes in contact with the environment, the Tele-Impedance, common mode and configuration dependent stiffness (CMS-CDS) controller will replicate the human’s estimated endpoint stiffness and measured equilibrium position profiles in the slave robotic arm, in real-time. Results of the proposed controller in contact with the environment are compared with the ones derived from Tele-Impedance implemented using torque based classical Cartesian stiffness control. The minimum-effort and interaction performance achieved highlights the possibility of adopting human-like and sophisticated strategies in humanoid robots or the ones with adequate degrees of redundancy, in order to accomplish tasks in a certain class of robotic manipulatio

    Kontextsensitive Körperregulierung für redundante Roboter

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    In the past few decades the classical 6 degrees of freedom manipulators' dominance has been challenged by the rise of 7 degrees of freedom redundant robots. Similarly, with increased availability of humanoid robots in academic research, roboticists suddenly have access to highly dexterous platforms with multiple kinematic chains capable of undertaking multiple tasks simultaneously. The execution of lower-priority tasks, however, are often done in task/scenario specific fashion. Consequently, these systems are not scalable and slight changes in the application often implies re-engineering the entire control system and deployment which impedes the development process over time. This thesis introduces an alternative systematic method of addressing the secondary tasks and redundancy resolution called, context aware body regulation. Contexts consist of one or multiple tasks, however, unlike the conventional definitions, the tasks within a context are not rigidly defined and maintain some level of abstraction. For instance, following a particular trajectory constitutes a concrete task while performing a Cartesian motion with the end-effector represents an abstraction of the same task and is more appropriate for context formulation. Furthermore, contexts are often made up of multiple abstract tasks that collectively describe a reoccurring situation. Body regulation is an umbrella term for a collection of schemes for addressing the robots' redundancy when a particular context occurs. Context aware body regulation offers several advantages over traditional methods. Most notably among them are reusability, scalability and composability of contexts and body regulation schemes. These three fundamental concerns are realized theoretically by in-depth study and through mathematical analysis of contexts and regulation strategies; and are practically implemented by a component based software architecture that complements the theoretical aspects. The findings of the thesis are applicable to any redundant manipulator and humanoids, and allow them to be used in real world applications. Proposed methodology presents an alternative approach for the control of robots and offers a new perspective for future deployment of robotic solutions.Im Verlauf der letzten Jahrzehnte wich der Einfluss klassischer Roboterarme mit 6 Freiheitsgraden zunehmend denen neuer und vielfältigerer Manipulatoren mit 7 Gelenken. Ebenso stehen der Forschung mit den neuartigen Humanoiden inzwischen auch hoch-redundante Roboterplattformen mit mehreren kinematischen Ketten zur Verfügung. Diese überaus flexiblen und komplexen Roboter-Kinematiken ermöglichen generell das gleichzeitige Verfolgen mehrerer priorisierter Bewegungsaufgaben. Die Steuerung der weniger wichtigen Aufgaben erfolgt jedoch oft in anwendungsspezifischer Art und Weise, welche die Skalierung der Regelung zu generellen Kontexten verhindert. Selbst kleine Änderungen in der Anwendung bewirken oft schon, dass große Teile der Robotersteuerung überarbeitet werden müssen, was wiederum den gesamten Entwicklungsprozess behindert. Diese Dissertation stellt eine alternative, systematische Methode vor um die Redundanz neuer komplexer Robotersysteme zu bewältigen und vielfältige, priorisierte Bewegungsaufgaben parallel zu steuern: Die so genannte kontextsensitive Körperregulierung. Darin bestehen Kontexte aus einer oder mehreren Bewegungsaufgaben. Anders als in konventionellen Anwendungen sind die Aufgaben nicht fest definiert und beinhalten eine gewisse Abstraktion. Beispielsweise stellt das Folgen einer bestimmten Trajektorie eine sehr konkrete Bewegungsaufgabe dar, während die Ausführung einer Kartesischen Bewegung mit dem Endeffektor eine Abstraktion darstellt, die für die Kontextformulierung besser geeignet ist. Kontexte setzen sich oft aus mehreren solcher abstrakten Aufgaben zusammen und beschreiben kollektiv eine sich wiederholende Situation. Durch die Verwendung der kontextsensitiven Körperregulierung ergeben sich vielfältige Vorteile gegenüber traditionellen Methoden: Wiederverwendbarkeit, Skalierbarkeit, sowie Komponierbarkeit von Konzepten. Diese drei fundamentalen Eigenschaften werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit theoretisch mittels gründlicher mathematischer Analyse aufgezeigt und praktisch mittels einer auf Komponenten basierenden Softwarearchitektur realisiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation lassen sich auf beliebige redundante Manipulatoren oder humanoide Roboter anwenden und befähigen diese damit zur realen Anwendung außerhalb des Labors. Die hier vorgestellte Methode zur Regelung von Robotern stellt damit eine neue Perspektive für die zukünftige Entwicklung von robotischen Lösungen dar

    Ein hierarchisches Framework fĂĽr physikalische Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion

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    Robots are becoming more than machines performing repetitive tasks behind safety fences, and are expected to perform multiple complex tasks and work together with a human. For that purpose, modern robots are commonly built with two main characteristics: a large number of joints to increase their versatility and the capability to feel the environment through torque/force sensors. Controlling such complex robots requires the development of sophisticated frameworks capable of handling multiple tasks. Various frameworks have been proposed in the last years to deal with the redundancy caused by a large number of joints. Those hierarchical frameworks prioritize the achievement of the main task with the whole robot capability, while secondary tasks are performed as well as the remaining mobility allows it. This methodology presents considerable drawbacks in applications requiring that the robot respects constraints imposed by, e.g., safety restrictions or physical limitations. One particular case is unilateral constraints imposed by, e.g., joint or workspace limits. To implement them, task hierarchical frameworks rely on the activation of repulsive potential fields when approaching the limit. The performance of the potential field depends on the configuration and speed of the robot. Additionally, speed limitation is commonly required in collaborative scenarios, but it has been insufficiently treated for torque-controlled robots. With the aim of controlling redundant robots in collaborative scenarios, this thesis proposes a framework that handles multiple tasks under multiple constraints. The robot’s reaction to physical interaction must be intuitive and safe for humans: The robot must not impose high forces on the human or react unexpectedly to external forces. The proposed framework uses novel methods to avoid exceeding position, velocity and acceleration limits in joint and Cartesian spaces. A comparative study is carried out between different redundancy resolution solvers to contrast the diverse approaches used to solve the redundancy problem. Widely used projector-based and quadratic programming-based hierarchical solvers were experimentally analyzed when reacting to external forces. Experiments were performed using an industrial redundant collaborative robot. Results demonstrate that the proposed method to handle unilateral constraints produces a safe and expected reaction in the presence of external forces exerted by humans. The robot does not exceed the given limits, while the tasks performed are prioritized hierarchically

    Image-Based Visual-Impedance Control of a Dual-Arm Aerial Manipulator

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    Three new image-based visual-impedance control laws are proposed in this paper allowing physical interaction of a dual-arm unmanned aerial manipulator equipped with a camera and a force/torque sensor. Namely, two first-order impedance behaviours are designed based on the transpose and the inverse of the system Jacobian matrix, respectively, while a second-order impedance behaviour is carried out as well. Visual information is employed both to coordinate the camera motion in an eye- in-hand configuration with the assigned task executed by the other robot arm, and to define the elastic wrench component of the proposed hybrid impedance equations directly in the image plane
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