196 research outputs found

    Reciprocity Calibration for Massive MIMO: Proposal, Modeling and Validation

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    This paper presents a mutual coupling based calibration method for time-division-duplex massive MIMO systems, which enables downlink precoding based on uplink channel estimates. The entire calibration procedure is carried out solely at the base station (BS) side by sounding all BS antenna pairs. An Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is derived, which processes the measured channels in order to estimate calibration coefficients. The EM algorithm outperforms current state-of-the-art narrow-band calibration schemes in a mean squared error (MSE) and sum-rate capacity sense. Like its predecessors, the EM algorithm is general in the sense that it is not only suitable to calibrate a co-located massive MIMO BS, but also very suitable for calibrating multiple BSs in distributed MIMO systems. The proposed method is validated with experimental evidence obtained from a massive MIMO testbed. In addition, we address the estimated narrow-band calibration coefficients as a stochastic process across frequency, and study the subspace of this process based on measurement data. With the insights of this study, we propose an estimator which exploits the structure of the process in order to reduce the calibration error across frequency. A model for the calibration error is also proposed based on the asymptotic properties of the estimator, and is validated with measurement results.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 21/Feb/201

    AirSync: Enabling Distributed Multiuser MIMO with Full Spatial Multiplexing

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    The enormous success of advanced wireless devices is pushing the demand for higher wireless data rates. Denser spectrum reuse through the deployment of more access points per square mile has the potential to successfully meet the increasing demand for more bandwidth. In theory, the best approach to density increase is via distributed multiuser MIMO, where several access points are connected to a central server and operate as a large distributed multi-antenna access point, ensuring that all transmitted signal power serves the purpose of data transmission, rather than creating "interference." In practice, while enterprise networks offer a natural setup in which distributed MIMO might be possible, there are serious implementation difficulties, the primary one being the need to eliminate phase and timing offsets between the jointly coordinated access points. In this paper we propose AirSync, a novel scheme which provides not only time but also phase synchronization, thus enabling distributed MIMO with full spatial multiplexing gains. AirSync locks the phase of all access points using a common reference broadcasted over the air in conjunction with a Kalman filter which closely tracks the phase drift. We have implemented AirSync as a digital circuit in the FPGA of the WARP radio platform. Our experimental testbed, comprised of two access points and two clients, shows that AirSync is able to achieve phase synchronization within a few degrees, and allows the system to nearly achieve the theoretical optimal multiplexing gain. We also discuss MAC and higher layer aspects of a practical deployment. To the best of our knowledge, AirSync offers the first ever realization of the full multiuser MIMO gain, namely the ability to increase the number of wireless clients linearly with the number of jointly coordinated access points, without reducing the per client rate.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Networkin

    Low-latency Ultra Reliable 5G Communications: Finite-Blocklength Bounds and Coding Schemes

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    Future autonomous systems require wireless connectivity able to support extremely stringent requirements on both latency and reliability. In this paper, we leverage recent developments in the field of finite-blocklength information theory to illustrate how to optimally design wireless systems in the presence of such stringent constraints. Focusing on a multi-antenna Rayleigh block-fading channel, we obtain bounds on the maximum number of bits that can be transmitted within given bandwidth, latency, and reliability constraints, using an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing system similar to LTE. These bounds unveil the fundamental interplay between latency, bandwidth, rate, and reliability. Furthermore, they suggest how to optimally use the available spatial and frequency diversity. Finally, we use our bounds to benchmark the performance of an actual coding scheme involving the transmission of short packets

    Multiuser MIMO techniques with feedback

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    Kooperative Antennenanlagen haben vor kurzem einen heißen Forschungsthema geworden, da Sie deutlich höhere spektrale Effizienz als herkömmliche zellulĂ€re Systeme versprechen. Der Gewinn wird durch die Eliminierung von Inter-Zelle Störungen (ICI) durch Koordinierung der-Antenne Übertragungen erworben. Vor kurzem, verteilte Organisation Methoden vorgeschlagen. Eine der grĂ¶ĂŸten Herausforderungen fĂŒr das Dezentrale kooperative Antennensystem ist KanalschĂ€tzung fĂŒr den Downlink Kanal besonders wenn FDD verwendet wird. Alle zugehörigen Basisstationen im genossenschaftlichen Bereich mĂŒssen die vollstĂ€ndige Kanal Informationen zu Wissen, die entsprechenden precoding Gewicht Matrix zu berechnen. Diese Information ist von mobilen Stationen ĂŒbertragen werden Stationen mit Uplink Ressourcen zu stĂŒtzen. Wird als mehrere Basisstationen und mehreren mobilen Stationen in kooperativen Antennensysteme und jede Basisstation und Mobilstation beteiligt sind, können mit mehreren Antennen ausgestattet sein, die Anzahl der Kanal Parameter wieder gefĂŒttert werden erwartet, groß zu sein. In dieser Arbeit wird ein effizientes Feedback Techniken der downlink Kanal Informationen sind fĂŒr die Multi-user Multiple Input Multiple Output Fall vorgeschlagen, der insbesondere auf verteilte kooperative Antennensysteme zielt. Zuerst wird ein Unterraum-basiertes Kanalquantisierungsverfahren vorgeschlagen, das ein vorbestimmtes Codebuch verwendet. Ein iterativer Codebuchentwurfsalgorithmus wird vorgeschlagen, der zu einem lokalen optimalen Codebuch konvergiert. DarĂŒber hinaus werden Feedback-Overhead-Reduktionsverfahren entwickelt, die die zeitliche Korrelation des Kanals ausnutzen. Es wird gezeigt, dass das vorgeschlagene adaptive Codebuchverfahren in Verbindung mit einem Datenkomprimierungsschema eine Leistung nahe an dem perfekten Kanalfall erzielt, was viel weniger RĂŒckkopplungsoverhead im Vergleich zu anderen Techniken erfordert. Das auf dem Unterraum basierende Kanalquantisierungsverfahren wird erweitert, indem mehrere Antennen auf der Senderseite und/oder auf der EmpfĂ€ngerseite eingefĂŒhrt werden, und die Leistung eines Vorcodierungs- (/Decodierungs-) Schemas mit regulierter Blockdiagonalisierung (RBD) wurde untersucht. Es wird ein kosteneffizientes Decodierungsmatrixquantisierungsverfahren vorgeschlagen, dass eine komplexe Berechnung an der Mobilstation vermeiden kann, wĂ€hrend es nur eine leichte Verschlechterung zeigt. Die Arbeit wird abgeschlossen, indem die vorgeschlagenen Feedback-Methoden hinsichtlich ihrer Leistung, ihres erforderlichen Feedback-Overheads und ihrer RechenkomplexitĂ€t verglichen werden.Cooperative antenna systems have recently become a hot research topic, as they promise significantly higher spectral efficiency than conventional cellular systems. The gain is acquired by eliminating inter-cell interference (ICI) through coordination of the base antenna transmissions. Recently, distributed organization methods have been suggested. One of the main challenges of the distributed cooperative antenna system is channel estimation for the downlink channel especially when FDD is used. All of the associated base stations in the cooperative area need to know the full channel state information to calculate the corresponding precoding weight matrix. This information has to be transferred from mobile stations to base stations by using uplink resources. As several base stations and several mobile stations are involved in cooperative antenna systems and each base station and mobile station may be equipped with multiple antennas, the number of channel state parameters to be fed back is expected to be big. In this thesis, efficient feedback techniques of the downlink channel state information are proposed for the multi-user multiple-input multiple-output case, targeting distributed cooperative antenna systems in particular. First, a subspace based channel quantization method is proposed which employs a predefined codebook. An iterative codebook design algorithm is proposed which converges to a local optimum codebook. Furthermore, feedback overhead reduction methods are devised exploiting temporal correlation of the channel. It is shown that the proposed adaptive codebook method in conjunction with a data compression scheme achieves a performance close to the perfect channel case, requiring much less feedback overhead compared with other techniques. The subspace based channel quantization method is extended by introducing multiple antennas at the transmitter side and/or at the receiver side and the performance of a regularized block diagonalization (RBD) precoding(/decoding) scheme has been investigated as well as a zero-forcing (ZF) precoding scheme. A cost-efficient decoding matrix quantization method is proposed which can avoid a complex computation at the mobile station while showing only a slight degradation. The thesis is concluded by comparing the proposed feedback methods in terms of their performance, their required feedback overhead, and their computational complexity. The techniques that are developed in this thesis can be useful and applicable for 5G, which is envisioned to support the high granularity/resolution codebook and its efficient deployment schemes. Keywords: MU-MIMO, COOPA, limited feedback, CSI, CQ, feedback overhead reduction, Givens rotatio

    OTFS vs. OFDM in the Presence of Sparsity: A Fair Comparison

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    Many recent works in the literature declare that Orthogonal Time-Frequency-Space (OTFS) modulation is a promising candidate technology for high mobility communication scenarios. However, a truly fair comparison with its direct concurrent and widely used Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation has not yet been provided. In this paper, we present such a fair comparison between the two digital modulation formats in terms of achievable communication rate. In this context, we explicitly address the problem of channel estimation by considering, for each modulation, a pilot scheme and the associated channel estimation algorithm specifically adapted to sparse channels in the Doppler-delay domain, targeting the optimization of the pilot overhead to maximize the overall achievable rate. In our achievable rate analysis we consider also the presence of a guard interval or cyclic prefix. The results are supported by numerical simulations, for different time-frequency selective channels including multiple scattering components and under non-perfect channel state information resulting from the considered pilot schemes. This work does not claim to establish in a fully definitive way which is the best modulation format, since such choice depends on many other features which are outside the scope of this work (e.g., legacy, intellectual property, ease and know-how for implementation, and many other criteria). Nevertheless, we provide the foundations to properly compare multi-carrier communication systems in terms of their information theoretic achievable rate potential, within meaningful and sensible assumptions on the channel models and on the receiver complexity (both in terms of channel estimation and in terms of soft-output symbol detection)

    Multi-user MIMO wireless communications

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    Multi-user MIMO wireless communications

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    Mehrantennensysteme sind auf Grund der erhöhten Bandbreiteneffizienz und Leistung eine SchlĂŒsselkomponente von Mobilfunksystemen der Zukunft. Diese ermöglichen das gleichzeitige Senden von mehreren, rĂ€umlich getrennten Datenströmen zu verschiedenen Nutzern. Die zentrale Fragestellung in der Praxis ist, ob der ursprĂŒnglich vorausgesagte KapazitĂ€tsgewinn in realistischen Szenarios erreicht wird und welche spezifischen Gewinne durch zusĂ€tzliche Antennen und das Ausnutzen von Kanalkenntnis am Sender und EmpfĂ€nger erzielt werden, was andererseits einen Zuwachs an Overhead oder nötiger Rechenleistung bedeutet. In dieser Arbeit werden neue lineare und nicht-lineare MU-MIMO Precoding- Verfahren vorgestellt. Der verfolgte Ansatz zur Bestimmung der Precoding- Matrizen ist allgemein anwendbar und die entstandenen Algorithmen können zur Optimierung von verschiedenen Kriterien mit beliebig vielen Antennen an der Mobilstation eingesetzt werden. Das wurde durch die Berechnung der Precoding- Matrix in zwei Schritten erreicht. Im ersten Schritt wird die Überschneidung der ZeilenrĂ€ume minimiert, die durch die effektiven Kanalmatrizen verschiedener Nutzer aufgespannt werden. Basierend auf mehreren parallelen Einzelnutzer-MIMO- KanĂ€len wird im zweiten Schritt die Systemperformanz bezĂŒglich bestimmter Kriterien optimiert. Aus der gĂ€ngigen Literatur ist bereits bekannt, dass fĂŒr Nutzer mit nur einer Antenne das MMSE Kriterium beim precoding optimal aber nicht bei Nutzern mit mehreren Antennen. Deshalb werden in dieser Arbeit zwei neue Mehrnutzer MIMO Strategien vorgestellt, die vom MSE Kriterium abgeleitet sind, nĂ€mlich sukzessives MMSE und RBD. Bei der sukzessiven Verarbeitung mit einer entsprechenden Anpassung der Sendeleistungsverteilung kann die volle DiversitĂ€t des Systems ausgeschöpft werden. Die KapazitĂ€t nĂ€hert sich dabei der maximalen Summenrate des Systems an. Bei gemeinsamer Verarbeitung der MIMO KanĂ€le wird unabhĂ€ngig vom Grad der Mehrnutzerinterferenz die maximale DiversitĂ€t erreicht. Die genannten Techniken setzen entweder eine aktuelle oder eine ĂŒber einen lĂ€ngeren Zeitraum gemittelte Kanalkenntnis voraus. Aus diesem Grund mĂŒssen die Auswirkungen von Kanal-SchĂ€tzfehlern und EinflĂŒsse des Transceiver Front-Ends auf die Verfahren nĂ€her untersucht werden. FĂŒr eine weitergehende AbschĂ€tzung der Mehrantennensysteme muss die Performanz des Gesamtsystems untersucht werden, da viele EinflĂŒsse auf die rĂ€umliche Signalverarbeitung bei Betrachtung eines einzelnen Links nicht erkennbar sind. Es wurde gezeigt, dass mit MIMO Precoding Strategien ein Vielfaches der Datenrate eines Systems mit nur einer Antenne erzielt werden kann, wĂ€hrend der Overhead durch Pilotsymbole und Steuersignale nur geringfĂŒgig zunimmt.Multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems are a key component of future wireless communication systems, because of their promising improvement in terms of performance and bandwidth efficiency. An important research topic is the study of multi-user (MU) MIMO systems. Such systems have the potential to combine the high throughput achievable with MIMO processing with the benefits of space division multiple access (SDMA). The main question from a practical standpoint is whether the initially predicted capacity gains can be obtained in more realistic scenarios and what specific gains result from adding more antennas and overhead or computational power to obtain channel state information (CSI) at the transceivers. In this thesis we introduce new linear and non-linear MU MIMO processing techniques. The approach used for the design of the precoding matrix is general and the resulting algorithms can address several optimization criteria with an arbitrary number of antennas at the user terminals (UTs). This is achieved by designing the precoding matrices in two steps. In the first step we minimize the overlap of the row spaces spanned by the effective channel matrices of different users. In the next step, we optimize the system performance with respect to the specific optimization criterion assuming a set of parallel single-user MIMO channels. As it was previously reported in the literature, minimum mean-squared-error (MMSE) processing is optimum for single-antenna UTs. However, MMSE suffers from a performance loss when users are equipped with more than one antenna. The two MU MIMO processing techniques that result from the two different MSE criteria that are proposed in this thesis are successive MMSE and regularized block diagonalization. By iterating the closed form solution with appropriate power loading we are able to extract the full diversity in the system and empirically approach the maximum sum-rate capacity in case of high multi-user interference. Joint processing of MIMO channels yields maximum diversity regardless of the level of multi-user interference. As these techniques rely on the fact that there is either instantaneous or long- term CSI available at the base station to perform precoding and decoding, it was very important to investigate the influence of the transceiver front-end imperfections and channel estimation errors on their performance. For a comprehensive assessment of multi-antenna techniques, it is mandatory to consider the performance at system level, since many effects of spatial processing are not tractable at the link level. System level investigations have shown that MU MIMO precoding techniques provide several times higher data rates than single-input single-output systems with only slightly increased pilot and control overhead
